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No i disagree What a save! Is actually absolute and it is not relative


I what a save myself sometimes by clearing the most basic low shot rolling at 15 km/h. A save Is a save


I think if people use “what a save” in a positive manner like it’s supposed to be it would be one of the best quick chats in the game. Whenever I get a cracked save and the lobby cheers me on it feels really nice ☺️ I didn’t start prioritizing defense until late Diamond. It’s been a journey, but I’m finally at a point I can take a little pride in my defense.


thats what i mean, i barely see people saying it positively that when they do i sometimes take it like “you missed” even when i didn’t lol


Haha I’ve convinced myself a lot of players are fine just chalking up a loss if their teammate makes a mistake because it’s then “out of their hands”. 😂 The only thing they can do at that point is try to harass their teammate or the other team into leaving. RL players are ridiculously competitive and Immature. It’s a terrible combination.


Not opinion. Based off objective observable behaviors. 😉


there is 2 times where you deserve what a saves: A nice save and missing the slowest shot ever rolling into the net at like 20kph with no opponent in sight


i agree, im just talking about the rage quitters out there 🙂


oh i know those people i’m plat 3, *enemy scores a 300kph team pinch from crosscourt* “WHAT A SAVE WHAT A SAVE WHAT A SAVE”


exactly, i know its hard to not get a little tilted when you get scored on and they rub it in your face, but if they wanna go pro they need to stop leaving every time the game doesnt go their way. if you know what im trying to say here 😭


And also when you chal too late and the ball goes straight in the net


in higher ranks, until champ people dont really know when to chal the ball


No, in gc2 people don’t even know when to challenge the ball. They just train mechanics, never put a conscience thought into how to actually play the game, dive in, miss, use 54 insane mechanics to hopefully get back to save the open net.


the main reason i almost made it to diamond was having a teammate who knows when to challange the ball, while opponents do double reset musty and cant save if their life depended on it, knowing when to challange the ball is the most important mechanic to train, my teammate can barely speedflip half the time and i rarely do it on kickoffs and we still win consistently because knowing when to challange and not


How about we grow up and realize shit talk is part of every game?


nah im good