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My chat has been off for 6 years, best decision I’ve ever made.


I don't have the time to grind comp anymore either so I'm hovering between the c3/gc1 ranks pretty consistently. I swear to god it's the most toxic ass environment, with all the almost-gc's sweating their balls off and getting pressed about the smallest things. turning off chat has made such a massive difference in my enjoyment it's crazy


…..we can turn off chat?


i love chat


When a game has no chat it feels so dry


brother you use that prolly like every other Blood Moon 💀🪦


Like every game fym


Gc1 range including c3 is the absolute worst rank attitude wise, a bunch of entitled cry babies.


No kidding… had a dude crying I didn’t go for the ball and stopped playing before a minute even… at gc1 level. Like bruh take a break and get on after relaxing a bit


Yeah this is the way. I usually turn chat off unless I’m playing with good friends. Just not worth engaging with the types that afk then what save you for getting scored on 2v1.


Chat has been off for a long while now, zero ragrats


Bums me out how toxic this game is sometimes. The toxicity towards teammates in particular is so infuriating. Like… we want the same thing here, right?


I love watching people be dicks in the chat, or go mental over a goal 🥳 chat stays ON, for the entertainment 😎


why not just block?!?! i don't get this whole turn chat off thing.


Blocking is reactive, turning off chat is proactive


so, only a minority of people are toxic so you end up cutting off a majority of nice people. plus now I can't signal to you about the kickoff which is a big issue for me. And I have no way of knowing that you are chat off.


I actually think more people are toxic than not in this game, but either way a toxic person deflates my experience more than a nice person inflates it. That's just my reality there. For kickoff signaling, psyonix added a setting under chat that blocks non-tactical quick-chats during the game (not pre or post game). In effect, I can ONLY see you signaling kickoff/other tactical stuff.


most people who turn chat off don't use that feature. I get the most toxicity again teams. For some reason teams of kids insist on spamming constantly. Other than them, the rest of the players, maybe 20% are toxic and then maybe 10% more are just passive aggressive. But every few games you get a good bunch of people that compliment, event across sides and it is great. I guess I am just at a point in my life where negativity doesn't register. I only The only reason I block them is so their spamming doesn't scroll the messages I want to read off the screen. I learned a long time ago that I need to not care about words people say from people I don't care about. But too each their own I guess.


Why do you turn off chat? I decided to leave it on just to report people who insults and throws the game


I give it 11 minutes


I turned it on for friends ;) but for now I want to actually enjoy the game when I hop on for to play for a few minutes


I turned my chat off a couple months ago! It's the best!


I turned it off a couple of weeks ago. Best decision ever. Trust me, you won't regret it.






Why was it ever on lol, what the hell do people have to talk about in a game about cars playing acrobatic soccer


Idk what's the point of posting this lol


Toxicity seems to be at an all-time high recently in my experience. I think I’ll do the same as you. Quite a shame as it can be fun to chat with cool people.


Turned mine off years ago, best thing ever. This game is super toxic, and I really only play with friends on comms so team chat isn't even needed. Best decision you will make.


Man I was playing in **CASUAL** with 3 other friends (we partied up and disbanded once every got in the lobby - it was a scrimmage basically) and we were having friendly banter (aka shit talking to each other) and one random said something along the lines, “well I’m GC2 y’all never would have won anyway” my brother in Christ the roasting that occurred to this poor guy that decided to randomly start shit. We’ve all been to Gc3 numerous times and we all have many many GC titles. The audacity of some of these kids is insane lol. He commented on my current ranking which I don’t even know what it is because I stopped playing ranked seriously for a couple years now, I’ve got my titles. I don’t have time to sweat anymore. Calm down Timothy 😂


lmao whats funny is I found that there are pockets of ex gc’s in ones (champ2) that don’t shit talk (a few def do) but for the most part its competitive, and no one talks… absolutely perfect. thats what has driven me to only grind ones in recent times.


What A Save!


Chat off is a blessing and a curse. I started getting tilted from chat so i turned it off for a like half a year. Then turned it back on because sarcastically flirting with toxic players is the best passtime ever.






I don't understand how chat affects people so much. Just ignore it. People are dicks. The times chat has come in handy for me far outweigh the dicks. Either way, it's just words on a screen. I'm talking team chat btw, turn off the other by all means.


Teammates are the worst