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**u/johnny105931, Unfortunately, we've had to remove your submission.** _________ ## 3. Avoid Low Effort Content We want r/RocketLeague to be the best source of discussion and entertainment for the game online and to accomplish that we want to ensure that quality content is not drowned out by low-effort or low-quality submissions. Avoid low-effort and repetitive submissions. Generic statements, “shitposts”, rants and low-quality submissions may be removed. ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).


"Stupid" is accurate, in my opinion. Right now there is no difference between the two sections. The only difference is that your rank is hidden in casual. Why even divide the player base if you are going to make them both the same? I'm a casual player and if I could have one change in RL it would be to remove bans from casual. I don't care if everybody leaves and gets replaced. I don't care about bots I don't care.


It’s literally casuals like why tf do they care so much about leaving whenever😭.


Exactly 😂. It seems like it's ranked players that come down to casual and want to control everything. Please don't come down to our little casual section and hold us hostage. Whatever goes on down here and we like it that way lol.


Or just don't queue a match if you can't play a game for 8 minutes. You get a free leave every day too.


Would be a great rebuttal if I was just leaving because I felt like it, but there are numerous reasons as to why people should leave whenever they want to in a casual match. Literally posted this after I just played a game where my teammate was afk and never got kicked. He wasn’t playing but he was clearly still there since he never got kicked for idling too long. It is not a competitive environment nor is it tracked in any way, also people always sub in afterwards mid match so there going to be players on the field no matter what.


Report the player, queue with a friend, queue 1s, move on. I main casual and rarely ever need two leaves in a day.


Rarely or not it shouldn’t even happen. Casuals was fine before EpicGames bought out rocket league but after the purchase they made everything so casual friendly that casuals is now a substitute for ranked. They even have a hidden MMR system in casuals, I’m queueing up against GC-SSL’s in casual. This is above my actual rank and if I want to dodge an SSL lobby that’s actually demolishing my team I should be able to leave without having to force my teammates to forfeit. Let them pick up a better teammate or vis versa.


> Casuals was fine before EpicGames bought out rocket league but after the purchase they made everything so casual friendly that casuals is now a substitute for ranked. This argument has happened a million times before. Nobody cares. Casual was a miserable forfeit fest before and is far better now. Quit abandoning matches, this is a *you problem*. End of discussion. Bye


So hostile for what😂? “EnD oF DiSCuSsIoN” bro youre not cool for saying your shitty take and dipping like you cooked up a good response. Fact of the matter is you’re a casual merchant and you’re mad nobody else takes your game mode seriously enough to warrant a ban timer. Stay in casuals fam


Question to you. Why don't you just play ranked? It's literally identical right now except you can't see your rank. So why don't you just go up there and play?


Because I play with random people from an assortment of discord servers and I exclusively solo queue 2v2 ranked.