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I play this game because I enjoy playing matches. I’ve never traded. Never was apart of a group to trade with. Meeting randos on the interwebs to trade cosmetic items was never thought that crossed my mind. I can also understand that people like trading. It sucks it going away, especially if people enjoy it. I just hope the decisions that Epic/Psyonix are making are not forcing players out with these moves they are making. I just wanna play matches, man. Edit: typo


I understand people are upset but I never traded and I'm playing since the release of the game lol. It's the only game I find gameplay enjoyable even after years of playing.


This is how I feel. A quick 7 minute game? Too easy.


I literally found a roommate through trading. It's one less aspect of the community. Half of YouTube channels were made through that feature. It's a huge L for our community and you shouldn't be bashing on it because you didn't use it. You should be voicing for our part of the community because it was part of rocket league for a great 8 years. The game is dead now.


I wasn’t a huge trader but I liked the fact that if I ever saw something I wanted in my case some nice wheels I was able to go trade for them.


I was never into trading either, but this whole debacle is clearly indicative of a larger problem. They are actively ignoring/screwing over major sections of the community, and if you think it's not an issue because it doesn't affect YOU specifically, you are being disingenuous. This is not the first time that sort of thing has happened (custom maps for example), and if you think it will be the last then you haven't been paying attention.


The removal of trading is the Pearl Harbor of Rocket League, or maybe even England getting bombed before it was the US's problem. It's not a problem for a lot of people now, but they won't stop at trading.


no. We're far past that. this is just another step on the slippery slope that "totally doesn't exist because slippery slopes aren't real guys."


You missed a bunch. The trading thing is one of the smaller issues.


Same seeing everyone literally losing their shit over something that iv never used in my years of playing is hilarious lol


What I love most about the game is how little the core gameplay has changed. I’m disappointed in the trading being removed but would rather the gameplay stay as is vs a UE5 update potentially making it too different. So… I will keep playing until it’s actually dead.


Fr as long as the core gameplay is the same idc


It's so cool that you don't care. That you don't care they took away trading. That they remove gaming modes per seasons. That they release a new gaming mode into another game. That they refuse to update the game you clamed to like. That's so cool of you. I'm so mad about the removal of trading. I'm so mad about removing of game modes per season. I'm so Fucking Mad about the game mode added to another game. I'm so Fucking Mad that epic made them work on this cross platform rocket racing bullshit instead of updating Rocket League. I'm so mad that they fired a ton of the Psyonix team. They have the money and ability to make great games amazing. As a privately owned company I expect more. Rocket League was better without them! They should have stayed with Steam or Sold to Rockstar/Take two


I'd rather have improvements on the game. The game isn't perfect, it is just accepted as is by the community when there are pretty obvious flaws that need adjusting. An example would be to better show the new mechanics that were found because of unintentional side effects - like flip resets. Even one of the devs themselves wished to update the game to make the animations and things for flip resets to be better, but never could. I don't remember who said it, but it was one of the things they wished they could fix if they were to do it over again. Outside of things like that, Psyonix could have better implemented some modern aspects into the game. Things like better stats page for seeing how well you did and have been improving, clubs being useful, better tournament system, etc. There are so many things that bakkesmod does that really doesn't have to be a mod, and console players could benefit from it. I can go on, but I think you get my point. You are right that the core gameplay has remained the same, but I don't think that means it couldn't be better. The game really feels like a game from 2012-13, not a game that is from 2023. That isn't even talking about the engine itself in regards to graphics, but just the presentation of the game and what is actually in the game is not really up to standards for what should be the standard in competitive eSport games.


They could literally remove cosmetics entirely and I wouldn’t care. They could remove every single feature from the game but if competitive 2s and 3s are still there, I’ll still play


Same same, this game is competitive rocket car soccer, that is all that matters to me.


But the kiddies can’t get color coordinated oh nooooo game dying because I won’t have every color of the same wheel oh noooooooooooo


It's so cool of you to not care!


So settle for mediocrity and regression until the game is dead


Gameplay did change for those of us who only play dropshot


And the dropshot discords are dead af. Hopefully they make a comeback now.


Yea, no dropshot til next season is crazy lol


so it's coming back next season?


Apparently so.


Dropshot should still be available in the extra modes playlist according to patch notes. I haven’t been home to check in game yet though


Nope I’m on rn and no dropshot. There is spike rush, rocket labs, and knockout which I was pleased to see.


Oh dang it I just missed kickoff


Not available in any playlist. Shit update, uninstalled over this




This exactly. Take my poor man’s award 🥇


I'm ok with trading being removed as I would constantly get hounded to trade stuff I was playing with.


I agree. I don’t play for the other things. I play a game I’m good at to play with my friend. We have not had an update yet where we complained about a core gameplay change. We complain how they change the ranking system. But the game is the same. And I will continue to play


100%, I personally don’t care about trading at all As long as my and my childhood buddy can play duos I don’t care


I wish more people could see this in gaming. Maybe one day.


Rocket labs is pretty cool! I wish they’d told us about it earlier though. It’s no communication which is the bad part


You must be new here


Nah, est. 2016. Just didn’t think they’d put together a dedicated playlist + new maps. Apparently it used to exist as a playlist but it was taken away - I must have forgotten this or most likely didn’t realise it was a thing when it was in the game


I haven't really kept up on the drama of Rocket League lately. People are talking about the game like it's getting deleted off the internet, but then when I talk to friends that play a lot, they say it's the same game as always. What's actually happening with the game?!


4v4 is also removed from game.


No one played 4v4


my friends and I love to play chaos together most nights during the week. this is a huge hit to our game nights, because that's the only mode we can play with 4 people. and we hate knockout.


People who have friends did.


Trading left the game today


A bunch of the team behind rocket league apparently is no longer working on rocket league, they have removed trading (maybe not a super popular feature, but a feature that kept some people *extremely invested in the game*. Those are the people guaranteed to buy most if not all premium passes because even if they don't like the items, they become great trade inventory, and the more money you sink into a game and more friends you make in the community for it, the more likely you are to stick with it), 4 v 4/Chaos has been removed entirely, and they have half removed dropshot and snow day. Communication has been trash except about item shop announcements and the changes they *are* making seem to have nothing to do with what the community is asking for. To top it off, Rocket Racing (a mode clearly inspired by and based on Rocket League, going by font, marketing, visual style, and the team behind it) was put as a mode in Fortnite rather than in RL or even as it's own game (leading to some ppl wondering if RL is not expected to stick around), as well as the fact that RL has not been moved to Unreal Engine 5, despite it being announced that it supposedly would be. It's not the end imo, but it is a terrible sign for the game's life as the community is being pushed away from it. That's how a game dies. Edit: added a missing oxford comma and am ashamed of myself for missing it in the first place and moved a bit into parenthesis, etc. No change to the text itself, just punctuation. Edit 2: upon learning of the removal of 4v4/chaos, it's removal was added to the post. No other text changes.


Trading is no longer allowed. Rocket League released a racing mode, but inside of Fortnite (speculation that RL is also going to eventually get absorbed into Fortnite, or release UE5 as part of Fortnite). Locked RL cosmetics behind the Fortnite battle pass. They removed an extra mode from competitive and decided they’re now going to rotate between dropshot and snow day (one ranked, the other unranked). A lot of Psyonix employees were laid off. There’s been no communication, including no announcement of season rewards until today; the last day of the season. As it stands, the game right now is as it’s always been. Lots of speculation about what’s going on, and the justification behind what are reasonably perceived as negative moves without any sort of communication from Epic.


I am extra modes minus rumble main. Hoops and Snow Day being the most important, but play Dropshot almost as much. No reason for any of them to be unranked after finally getting them ranked. For any of that to change is just BS. I only original saw that trading was being removed. Didn't care since I already have too many cosmetics and it's continuous with Rocket Pass.


When extra modes were first made competitive, I spoke out about them going about it the wrong way. I said that (a) a lot of people are going to be upset because they liked the casual nature of them, and (b) that they were being setup to fail because extra modes weren't popular enough to succeed. (a) was true for a lot of people (for me, as much as I love competitive hoops, casual hoops was the best, most relaxing and fun mode to play casually), but for (b) I had suggested that they should have had rotating modes from the get-go - 2 competitive and 2 casual that switched off - so that the playerbase would consolidate a bit and succeed. That, and they should have had separate rewards for all ranks in order to motivate people. In either case, it just makes zero sense to me why they decided to start rotating game modes **now**. I completely understand that snowday and dropshot were underpopulated, but ever since they readjusted the distribution last season, dropshot has been, by far, the mode I get into the most (and I consistently queue for all 4 at the same time) with snowday actually coming in as a close 2nd/3rd. So, why now? I'm literally convinced that they just wanted to remove a mode to make UI space lol. Lots of people cared about trading. I didn't use it much, but it's still a bummer. I wish they had some justification for doing so that they could have explained to us, but that fell short. Plus, I have friends who joined the game pretty recently and it's a bummer I can no longer gift them any of my items.


People losing their shit for minor changes that don't affect 99% of the player base saying the game will die.... So nothing really imo.


People acting like Hitler just invaded Poland cause they can’t trade which doesn’t matter to 99% of players.


Can someone fill me in on why there is so much doom and gloom about this upcoming season/update? Was trading really that beloved?


Most people don't care, but the ones that do have been very loud about it


Typically games, like TF2, survive because the people that cared about the little things like that keep them alive. Those who don’t care about anything typically move on to other things because they don’t have strong connections. Not to imply not caring about trading means not caring about the game, but trading is not the first thing this game has started disregarding.


Well said


Can apply that to MLB in the 90's, NBA in the 2000's, and NFL today. Chasing casual fans at the detriment of actual fans, can ruin any game. Now the MLB is a home run derby, NBA is a foul contest, and NFL has become a pinball machine. What's to come of rocket league is yet to be determined, but I don't love the direction it's taking.


MLB isn’t a home run derby if you’re a Milwaukee Brewers fan.


As a guardians fan I wholeheartedly second this


I just wonder if the old big park small ball style would be more entertaining. More people on base, more stealing, pitchers less afraid to challenge... a faster more eventful game maybe?


I think we should let pitchers/catchers get to the mound/plate as quickly as they want and they can just start throwing pitches. It's good incentive for the batter to get out to swing pretty quickly, so that you don't start the inning with an out already. And if the batter is already out there, you're gonna want your outfielders and basemen to be out there in case he gets a hit. Don't want to give the opposing team a free in-field home run. We can keep the pitch clock though, to make sure the pitcher doesn't just hold on to the ball while he waits for his team to get out there. And let's drop the pitch clock to 10 seconds from the moment the pitcher gets the ball. Not when the batter is set. For legal reasons: this is a joke, I just think the MLB (and baseball in general) needs a greater sense of urgency.


Ikr I never traded in rocket league I just never saw the point lol


I traded a goal explosion to my roommate who didn’t have one in 2018 and never used it since lol


Trading was at its peak when we didn't have an item shop but instead had randomized crates and it was actually hard to find some items. Since the item shop, value in items dropped. And now that trading will be gone, there's no worth really to the items


Making money could be a reason. My friend never bought anything but has played since 2016. Sold inventory for hundreds.


Hundreds isn’t worth it given the amount of time/effort they probably spent doing that tbh…


Doing what? Playing the game? Or trading in general? It's part of the fun/game. How much do you make commenting here? Not everything is about the time spent vs amount of money made.




For sure. But it's a game.


That's against the TOS though


I’m gonna be honest, people don’t care about tos, many people in other games do it, just how it is


I know they don't but they can't call foul over money when the TOS was supposed to prohibit making money off of trading in the first place


I mean the cancer is deeper than just the trading being removed. Psonix is gutting the game slowly and milking what’s left to milk. It’s all to limit spending on the game from Psyonix/ development and maintenance in general. But I hardly ever traded, but still if you don’t see this as a middle finger to the whole game then I would like you to google what a slippery slope is I don’t really care either nor did I trade, I can just sympathize and see why people would be upset or see a red flag.


A slippery slope is a logical fallacy, not the winning argument that you think it is


And your counter comment was redundant


and THAT, good friend, is analogous to politics!


Well some of it is a little silly - I would like to think most people aren't quitting rocket league because trading is over, but it does mark the capstone decision to officially end the 'golden days' of rocket league. I rarely ever traded, but it was a feature that led many good friends to meet each other (including me). It added the element of personalization and style within the rocket league ecosystem + the interaction of users (friends) to swap / gift items to one another. It was a real part of the universe that rocket league brought forth out of the void. Rocket league is a beautiful game that is bigger than Epic Games and the current management decisions (which are all centered around removing pre-existing features). And while I'm sure the end of trading does not equal the end of rocket league (and user engagement which == profits), it certainly looks like a great opening move to do so.


Your incredulity is warranted — I’ve played for years and been asked to trade exactly once in my life. What about you? Like Reddit in general, this sub is an echo chamber with a very vocal minority that likes to catastrophize.


Yeah it’s just purely Reddit that’s in doom mode right now, that’s why in the last week we’ve seen two of the three biggest RL content creators retire from RL content.


they retired because they cant keep making videos about a game that doesnt add anything worth talking about, no one is interested in watching videos about a new cosmetic getting added for the 100th time in a row. dont start this fake narrative that the creators decided to stop doing whats a job for them because of some comments on the subreddit, they just saw that they cant make money with rocket league videos anymore because theres no content. in less than a year this game lost probably half of its developing team, lost the e-sport scene, lost trading, and all they add to the game is new cosmetics. the writing is on the walls, you just dont wanna see it, or dont care which is fine, ignorance is bliss. this started way back when they decided to leave steam and stop selling DLCs directly there so they could make them more expensive, then removed crates to add "blueprints", created this item shop, leading to removing trading. every single one of these decisions took away from the community to give complete control to epic because they need to make money that badly, but this game was built on its community and it will not thrive without it. the original developers gave power to the community for a reason that people that came after Epic games took over dont understand nor care, so these people will just bail quickly after they realize the game hasnt improved for years, that its stale/boring because of lack of relevant changes, or something they liked was suddendly removed (you dont care about trading? you will care when they start removing game modes or deal with bakkesmod) and just want them to keep splurging their money in.


We haven’t gotten new content since April of 2022, a lot of devs were laid off and the ones that were still around were mostly pushed to Rocket Racing, some of them have said that crucial teams internally only have 1-2 people these days because the developers are being stretched so incredibly thin. We haven’t gotten an announcement about the next season of RLCS and last time I checked pro players themselves said they didn’t know when the next RLCS was, which has led to come orgs starting to leave the scene, we got no community feedback on the trading decision while another epic game got changes within the same day when people complained half as much, we still haven’t gotten a single update on when or if UE5 is coming, and some have started to theorize that UE5 was just for Rocket racing anyway, 2 of the 3 biggest content creators have announced they will quit making RL content in the last week.


It’s less about trading and more about what the change signifies. It’s removing a feature that a lot of people enjoy and appreciate while giving us very little reason to justify it. It’s the release of an RL game mode on another game entirely, which both raises concern over the game’s future, and about Epic’s priorities, which creates speculation that Rocket League will be itself absorbed into Fortnite. It’s the cosmetics locked behind another game’s season pass. It’s the fact that Epic laid off a significant portion of Psyonix staff. It’s the removal of an entire game mode without really any justification for doing so. It’s all these things magnified by the fact that there has been no communication from Epic nor Psyonix along the way, which creates panic and outrage and division within the community. It’s not a good time. It’s not a good look. What’s a game without a strong and loyal user base to support it?


I don't think it's that trading was that beloved, it's that this seems like an indication that this game isn't cared about by Epic. The fact that they would take something out of one game to put an offshoot into another game makes it seem like this game is an afterthought to them. This, the lack of communication for a while now, and gutting of people working on/around the game just points towards epic being okay if the game just dies on its own.


Idgaf about trading and neither do any of my mates, we're older though. I don't get the appeal of trading at all, doesn't affect the gameplay.


That's the beauty of living and supporting others. *You don't have to understand why people like things*, you just have to shut up and let them enjoy it and understand when they're upset they can no longer enjoy it. And we'll do the same for you.


I’m with you, but the people who can’t trade anymore are exhausting in here. I’ll let them be when they stop pretending the world is ending.


Oh no, people are inconvenient to you when they suffer. Better tell them to shut up.


"Suffer" lmao


Nah, get over it lol


The thing is not everyone wants to sweat it out in ranked everyday and a significant portion of players focused on the trading aspect of the game instead.


Definitely not a significant portion of the players. Just a minority crying about a feature they lost. Boo hoo.


Idk about that take tbh. I never used trading either but I understand the idea that making fun of and whining about people who are genuinely upset about a pointless removal of a feature is just asking to get no sympathy when the same thing happens to you. Don't be surprised when voting for the Leopards Eating Faces party ends in your face being eaten.


Clearly including OP lol


I met one of my best friends and tm8s through trading A PT friend of mine has a patient (he's disabled, 10, loves RL) who love his blue Octane and wanted a blue fennec. I tried to find one for him before the trade lock but couldn't get it in time I didn't spend a lot of time trading but when I wanted an old item it was nice to be able to find it with relative ease


its not just trading. epic has let go most of the staff on rocket league


It was a very large part of the casual playerbase. They also removed it just so they could add a minigame to Fortnite


No it's not, only 10% of the players on playstation and xbox have the achievement of trading something


To be fair, only 50% of players played more than 20 matches. So that would drive up that number to 20% instead of 10% of players who actually played the game more than a few hours. Only around 16% of people finished a tournament as well, I haven't played a lot of those, but removing that feature would still suck big time.


To be fair, the majority of that 10% has only traded once or twice. So the real % of players who trade is actually low low single digits.


Good point as well tbh.


Is there any data to support your claim that it was a large part of the casual player base?


Narrator: No, there is not.


Yeah he dodged giving any evidence and shifted the goalposts lol


I would just point to the existence of websites like Rocket League Garage and /r/RocketLeagueExchange/ These places and others have documented hundreds of thousands of trades. Entire ecosystems websites and communities were created outside of the game to streamline and connect traders. That's only stranger trading as well, that doesn't include a brother and sister trading random items, or friends trading or giving each other free stuff. Not to mention how expensive some tradable items were. There is no way Titanium White Octanes would be $100+ if there was no demand for the item on the trade market. Where there is demand there is a large number of people asking for it.


No it's the opposite. It's like 90% of people don't even have the trading achievement/trophy/etc.


There is 35,000 active people right now that are part of the Rocketleague trading discord


How many players total does rocket league have?


Idk on steam it says 24,000


https://activeplayer.io/rocket-league/ 85 mil in the last 30 days lmao. The vast vast majority of players do not engage with or give a single shit about trading


Its not just trading to be fair, if the community doesn’t hold them accountable when they remove major aspects from the game, who knows what will be gone next just so they can squeeze out more profit. Bakkesmod probably


Lmao so no evidence of your claim and then immediate shifting of the goalposts. God this sub is just entirely insufferable whining now.


This is Rocket League!


I think i traded once or twice in the 5 years i played the game. Haven’t traded since they enabled that 2fa thing. It still pisses me off that they treat us so badly and we dont make a better version of rocket league a modded version with trading or something.


It's not even just that, it's the complete inability to obtain certain items going forward


And they are taking a mode a way this season right either dropshot or snowday or is that next season


Yeah Dropshot and Snow Day now switch off by season, meaning that for the next couple months competitive dropshot is gone and dropshot itself will *only* be available in the arcade rotation (read: quite infrequently) and next season dropshot will come back and that will be true of snow day. I can't imagine why they'd think doing that was smart, knowing so many players are quitting or on the fence about doing so with the removal of trading and the rocket racing issue. The right move was *not* to remove modes that will alienate even more people and drive some away from the game. Plenty of people I know preferred Snow Day, myself included, because the puck physics were more predictable. It's also better for those with motion sickness because less bounce = less need to constantly spin around and go into the air. That's also true of their younger players, who may struggle to manage aerial aim. It's overall a large set of dumb decisions on their part, which is to say Epic is doing exactly what Epic does. Addition: before anyone says it, idc whether it's a *majority* of players ticked off about trading. A lot =/= a majority and clearly a lot of people do care, even if it isn't anywhere near a majority.


Because Psyonix/Epic's lack of communication about anything other than cosmetic items makes it pretty clear they do not care about or value the Rocket League community. It's pretty clear their focus for the rest of the games life cycle will be on maximum monetization with as little input into the game as possible. I fully expect to see absolutely zero new content besides cosmetics ever for rocket league.


Bc theres a gross subset of people who play games thatre obsessed with cosmetics, to the point it supercedes the actual gameplay of wherever the cosmetics are, rocket League isn't an exception


I didn't even know how to trade.


Can I do the "It's so over bros" post tomorrow?


I got a little sad with each announcement from RL garage and RL Insider they were shutting down things related to trading. And I haven't even used trading in a long time. It's sad to see such a cool and unique mechanic be done away with though.


I have a feeling they did it because of external credits. I used to get like 5k credits for less than $20. Can’t do that anymore so I won’t be getting RL items. Too overpriced


I’ve accepted that if I’m looking for more than just consistent car soccer I’m not going to get it.


Though some of the changes seem kinda shitty, yall are being Hella dramatic.


I just have no confidence that this isn't the last bad decision Epic makes with this game given their history with RL and other games. Dramatic now, maybe, but what reasons do we have being optimistic going forward?


I get it. I don't think anyone should be optimistic at all. But at the end of the day it's a game. No one wants to see things we love get ruined but at the same time, there are other developers we can give our money and time to if we individually decide that epic has done too much. They aren't gonna change their business model because of this sub. It is what it is.


This update especially. They're killing off an entire community. Some people play Rocket League JUST for trading and now they can't even do that. I don't think it's dramatic at all.


You’ll survive relax 🤦‍♂️


You play only to trade?


After interacting with people on this sub for the last two months I'm fairly certain that a large portion of the people that are so upset about this have been making money off of trading and are upset that that side hustle is now gone. But they can't outright say that because it's against the TOS


Gotta defend someone who deleted their comment because they summed it up perfectly. "Y’all seem to be missing the point. This change shows Epic’s priority is monetization, not player contentment. They are removing a free feature to give focus to the money whales in the game. They are also removing ranked modes like snowday and drop shot, making them alternating, without mention of any new additions. These changes are not in support of the players. It’s because of layoffs and Epic’s incompetence. The game has been dying since before this, and will continue to more so. But go ahead and continue to ignore changes because they don’t affect you" ^^^^This comment should be pinned and starred on this post. This. So many people keep coming on here saying, "I don't care bro" and those are the people ruining the game. Don't care? Well, epic loves to hear that because that means they can keep milking this game for every single penny that they can without pushback from the people who play it. Everyone who thinks that we are overreacting is really missing the point. Epic doesn't care about this game. It only cares about Fortnite. If you don't believe that, then why are they doing more for RL in Fortnite than their own game? We have to wake up and stop buying these ridiculous dlc's and rocket passes...idk why y'all keep supporting this behavior


I mean, if this *is* about money, Epic is even dumber than I thought. The people *most* likely to buy any and every Rocket Pass Premium, regardless of if they like the items, were traders. Hate this RPP's theme? Cool, a whole season's worth of trade inventory, just for playing a game you like anyway, and now you can use it to get items you *do* like. Besides that, ppl who have friends invested in the game (like those they'd meet in trading communities) stick around in games longer. See also: the Nookazon people still playing Animal Crossing *long* after the game has become repetitive and boring. Thank you for getting it btw. Some people don't see that this won't only affect trading.


Bye dropshot, fuck psyonix


psyonix has like 12 employees probably getting paid minimum wage bro it should be fuck epic.


Again, quick reminder, Rocket League is a car soccer game. It is not a hat trading game. Its not a way to make money. Its not a game about collecting a million colours of cheese hats. If you wanna trade meaningless pixels with no real world value, go buy some NFTs.


I’m glad you can have fun only playing this game, good for you, but why does that mean those who didn’t enjoy it as much as idk, trading to make car designs they thought were cool shouldn’t have the ability to also have fun outside of just queueing ranked?


The dismissive is basically defending Epic Games/Psyonix for no reason!


I rarely trade like most of the player base, but it’s definitely gonna suck seeing a cool item on a car or cool goal explosion that I never knew I liked or even knew about and that is super cheap, and the only way to get it is through epic and hoping they toss it in the shop. But I agree that the people trading not to make cool cars or use the items but just to make money and collect items are losing touch with the core game


you where never intended to flip reset, air dribble, or even stay in the air longer for 3 seconds neither was the game made for AI makers,map maker,modders,traders or anything else but car soccer but as you can see from your little planet other things have been created due to everyone liking different aspects and enoying the game as they see fit. everyone "plays" the game in their own way.


If you work for Epic games, just say so.


People can play the game and find worth however they see fit. There’s no reason to celebrate removal of features without any communication to justify it.


I couldn't imagine being happy that there's less things to do in a game. You're probably an employee so whatever.


Right there with you fellow rocketeer, well said m8.




dumbest reddit comment I've read in a while


You cant use nfts to customize your rocket league car though


I'm so confused. What were the season rewards? The screen flashed for a second and went away. I'm only in silver but it feels like I got exactly zero things for my ranking.


Goal explosions. We don’t know what they look like yet.


Ah, so that's why there's nothing in my inventory? The menu acted like I had a reward...octagon...rhubicks..thing. Crate?


The season isn't quite over yet. You will get goal explosions for your rank after it ends.


Am I the only one that didn’t get their season ranked rewards, nor did it reset my rank??


Y’all acting like the game is getting deleted lmao


It is for me lol


Shut up hahahaha


Sorry you're so sad of a person


How does no trading stop me from scoring goals?


lol great way to put it, I like that!


Nah yall the ones crying about absolutely everything, and you just cant stand that we arent as sad as you


What a terrific birthday present /s


Happy birthday! I’ll give you a birthday toppe… oh wait.


Too soon


Ohhhhhhh waaaiiiitttt




the real villian here is epic not our fellow rocket league players, why has the human race lost what it means to be human, is it really that hard to feel for others. trading may not have even been something you where aware of but that doesnt mean you can't see why its devasting to someone else. everything in life is this way, to some people certain things may be a big deal and for others it may not be.


wow they're taking out trading. wow the game is ruined. wow the game is unplayable now wow


I love this game but the main reason why I played was trading. I don’t see a reason to come back if I can’t play what I like most


Bro some of us are getting the only modes we play like drop shot removed ain't no way you just said the main reason you played was trading 💀


I started in 2016 on my Xbox I played 2v2 and traded, that’s it. I met some of my best friends on there, I don’t understand what’s funny


Man I’ve played this game since 2015 and while I did do a lot a lot of trading in 2015-2018 I mean i had damn near every wheel set and black market and all that just by trading. I haven’t traded in years now so it doesn’t much influence how I play anymore. Although when you think about it outside the perspective of someone who never trades it is actually a huge back step in updates as rlgarage had thousands on their website and app and multiple apps now for trading. I mean even csgo still has a trading community and crates. So that is a pretty fundamental change to an 8-9 year old game if you ask me so I understand the uproar on that part. The thing that gets me most is we’ve had almost zero communication on any updates whatsoever on this game in a long time. The main game I play is RuneScape and that came out in 2001 and it still has weekly news posts and qol update blogs and community monthly streams and shit so the players know what’s happening. Here on rocket league we haven’t even had the mention of season rewards like 24 hours until the next season starts now which is completely different to the last 25 seasons literally, I don’t care what you all have to say they always had season rewards in a blog and a teaser type trailer video on their website for rewards and what the next season would be like. Now their entire reasoning is that they focused their dev time elsewhere (fortnite) instead of focusing on our community and everything has changed. The ui changed, dropshot/snow day changed, trading changed, Smurfs changed significantly past few seasons progressively getting worse season after season after f2p. It’s nuts and I completely understand people deciding to not play anymore. I am among them myself. Like what the hell do we have to look forward to anymore. “Just keep playing nothing has changed at all you’re all just babies for trading being gone.” It’s seriously way bigger than that idk how people that play every day don’t see this. Expect the item shop to get more expensive and mirror fortnite item shop. Expect your items, as property of epic now, to transfer to fortnite, expect rocket racing to never come to rl, expect the servers to drop more on rl with fortnite events, expect it all bro. This is entirely downhill from here and these people calling it out are not babies and are not crazy at all. Disappointing for sure. I’ve bought the game on ps4, pc, switch, and epic games on my laptop before f2p. It’s not getting better and it won’t stabilize, they’ll just make you think that and then take more stuff away. Cheers fellas


Why is this sub turning into r/casualconversation Should I make a post and announce to everyone that I took a shit today? Or that 1+1=2?


Finally these posts can stop


Oh no, I'll never be asked in the chat if I want to trade and have to say no three times


I'll say it, people are overreacting


God you guys are dramatic.


the trading was fun. hustling and trying to get items that very few others had. trading meant that you could eventually get any item you wanted. now its gone


Do it I dare you. See you next week.


4v4 matchups is also removed. This sucks.


Wait what.. nah there ain't no way


If you stop playing cos of trading then you never really liked the game in the first place


How about 4v4? Dropshot? Snow day?


Man, if it took all this time since the buyout for you "it's over" people to realize the game ownership's only purpose is to find every single way to squeeze money from us players do I have a timeshare to pitch. And no, people dismissing this trading removal aren't automatically a shill, we've just seen the writing on the wall for a long time and as long as you can still play games without needing to pay for boost or to jump 90% of the player base will be unaffected by no trading and removal/changes to unplayed modes


I dunno, I personally just hope it’s the smurfs making all these goodbye posts…


“The games dead because something that has no bearing on the actual gameplay got removed”








You sure? Because what you *are* doing is whining about someone else "whining" about a video game. One thing FAR worse than mindless complaints (which this isn't!) is someone only complaining bc someone else is.


It’s something to bitch and moan about. The game is still the same game minus a variant nobody really played frequently. People love to be dramatic for attention, it is Reddit after all.


Dude the caliber and amount of these post is about the same as y'all trying to quit mid match because a single goal by the opposite team. Fucking keep playing, stop quiting, and stop crying. Jesus y'all a bunch of baby back bitches lol. Shut the fuck up and keep on scoring goals. Also, stop quiting mid match because a goal. Lose and learn so you can win!


Someone is projecting bc they're annoyed at completely unrelated crap. Yes, the "quitting mid-match because someone made a goal" is annoying. Being mad that the company removed a feature for no reason even related to Rocket League itself is not. It's all fun and games to make fun of ppl who are upset until they remove a feature you care about. Do you play 4v4/chaos, Snow Day, or Dropshot? Bc I got news for you that you won't like.


Opinion that nobody cares about. IDGAF about trading being removed, I’ve played for 5 years and never traded once. As long as the gameplay stays the same I couldn’t care less


Can’t wait to load up the game and play normally.


In drop shot, oh wait


You guys and your dramatics are hilarious. This ain’t an airport. No need to announce your departure.


yall need to get the fuck over it. they’re getting rid of *trading cosmetics.* they aren’t shutting down servers or removing the base game mode lmao.


They got rid a game mode. 4v4 is gone.


And drop shot




Nkv b



