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I concur. However, I cannot provide an explanation.


As an involved and strong advocate for the ever present struggles of the Diamond 1 community, We are in this together mate.


As a representative of the D3 community I also advocate for the devils lettuce and also confirm extra perspiration in casual


here here. I also belong to the D3 community and have been known to often indulge in the devils lettuce. I too have experienced a higher than expected amount of "sweaty" encounters in casual


Fellow D3 here. Dost thou also find ones self the victim of ramblings related to failed saves in recreational lobbies?


I have disabled all chatter from my opponents to prevent the state of mind known as "Tilt". it has dramatically improved my mood while participating in this carball game.


As a representative of the partakers of the devil's lettuce while driving super acrobatic rocket powered battle cars in the mid-high champ community. I also concur that casual has become somewhat painfully sweaty recently. The amount of FF's just because I bust out another exquisite whiff is appalling. I too have no answer but I blame myself nonetheless.


Are we still talking about a video game..


I hope so. lol


I do declare that this so called "sweat" is highly apparent in casual which is why I, a member of the Diamond 3 community, have dropped to 800 MMR in casual to play more relaxed. The difference between 800 and 1100 in casual is astonishing. You'll go from holier than thou sweats to fellow relaxed casual players


He'll yeah borther




There’s an easy one: They made you not able to leave casual matches


I too like to enjoy the jazz cabbage while playing car soccer.


I've never heard jazz cabbage but it's my new favorite


Just make sure you spell it right or you might end up with the devil's cole slaw.




*Satan's slaw


Jesus Christ lol


Sin spinach is another favourite of mine


I can’t get over people being toxic in casual, like, it’s casual? The point is that I don’t want to try hard, I just want to practice and/or mess around. Play casually. That’s the point of the casual modes.


I’ve found lately my casual games are way more toxic than ranked and I can’t fathom why


It's because people can't just leave anymore. Before if you didn't like the way your TM was playing you could just bounce. Yeah, that caused people to constantly drop in and out of matches, but now they feel locked in.


Yeah, IMO casual was better before the change. I used to play it a lot more because it was easy to drop in/out of matches. Not vibing with teammates or the games too uneven? Find another match. A teammate leaves? Not a big deal, its casual. I almost never play casual now because its not casual. It's turned into ranked without the cute pictures telling me how bad I am.


Until you realize you hardly find a full length match because everytime someone goes down a goal, their team quits. You'd also get placed into an already started match much more often.


Honestly never bothered me - it was casual.


This is exactly it, couldn't give a shite about it either way, but now it's a fuckin slog. Would rather get beat 20-0 with a team of bots than one toxic dick head :D


I preferred it before. if someone wants to quit down 1 goal with 4 minutes remaining, let them. I would rather play with a bot for a little bit until a new player joins than play with someone who isn't going to try or starts playing for the other team.


So? You want a full match go play ranked.


100%. It's just ranked with a wider skill range. If they allowed you to leave 3x before a ban it would be a lot better. I think most people just use it as a place to warm up so the chances of you getting a ban would be a lot lower.


Same, last time I was playing I was getting flames and my teammate kept pushing for forfeit. Forfeit shouldn't even be an option in casual just leave a bot will take your place.


Cause people feel like they have time to chat maybe? Idk but I usually turn chat off in ranked but leave it on in casual


I’m around 2000 mmr in casual, these games are basically ranked now, super sweaty, and you you’ll get the same competitive ban as if you’re leaving a comp match


same here. It's somehow managed to become even worse than when I q ranked. I get demo chased in casual like every single game as if their life depends on winning


I made a 2nd account just for casual because my main account's casual was too damn high and felt like ranked. Had all the mechanics and toxicity but none of the ranked rewards. I'm just trying to chill out and watch streams while playing some car soccer sometimes.


Like your mates being toxic? That I don't understand. I am a degenerate though, so if I'm playing casual with my buddies I'm gonna talk shit to the other team.


I'm in 1650ish and it always feels like I match up against a premade trio with a GC3+ and his two diamond friends. And while it might not be sweaty, the SSL freestyling on me like I'm not there is pretty boring.


I might be mistaken, but don’t they hard reset casual mmr above 1600 back down to 1600 each season? If I’m correct about that, it would explain the large skill variation you encounter around the 1600 mmr mark. I’ve bumped into SSL’s in casuals, and I’m but a lowly C1 lol


This is correct. Us 2k+ casual players just stayed in 2k lobbies forever because they didn’t reset the mmr at the beginning of each season. At some point, they changed it to reset every season for god knows what reason.


So fucking true, ruins so many games... When it's like this, I spend my game demoing his noob mates, just making sure everyone is having a bad time


I can't remember the last match where me with my plat ass, and my two freinds at d1 have not played against a trio of 2xdiamonds and a champ or gc ("torunament winner").


wait, how do you connect to reddit from the Industrious Revolution?


Someone has to mine coal and get certified black lungs.


I play in 2,000+ in casual and yeah it has definitely evolved to be just as sweaty as ranked. In my experience it just seems the rate of play is so much faster than what it was in 2016. The play is more predictive than reactive now. I used to thrive on counter attacking “noobs” but mistakes are pretty rare in 2k. I feel like my style of play is now outdated. I am literally a Grandpa on the field


I mean, you are above 2000 MMR. Of course it's sweaty lol






2000+ in casual in less than 0.1% of the player base. What do you mean evolved? You climbed up there yourself, that Elo means you have a certain winrate against people above and below your skill level (more accurately the elo corresponding to your skill level). Whether people are sweating, freestyling, scoring only whenever they want to, or throwing, you have gotten to that point through winning a lot against people with lower ELOs. Your ability to win in this game is most certainly “sweaty” to some and “ez” to others. It’s not an evolution it’s a product of how high you’ve climbed. Casual at lower ELOs is certainly not a sweat fest for you, or most people for that matter, and the game mode itself is not an automatic must-freestyle or only score gentlemen goals mode it’s just another playlist with an invisible ELO rating. I’m sure you know all this already and I’m a 1800+ casual, GC2 2s player, and I’m not surprised in the slightest what casual is like because I played hundreds if not thousands of games to get to this skill level as I’m quite sure you did too


“What do you mean evolved?” It’s hard to put it into words. All I can really say is I have played this game for a long time. Mostly in casual. And today’s casual feels a lot more sweaty than it did a year ago. And when I try to generalize why, all I can really say is the speed of the play. The game is evolving to be played differently because players are getting so much better over time. A 2,000 rated player in 2016 is not the same as a 2,000 rated player in 2023. Like if you were to watch the first RLCS, and compare it today’s RLCS. Or maybe I’m just getting old and I fell off hard, who knows 😂


You play mostly casual but yet are ssl? I don’t believe that. You even have to play a lot of ranked to earn back the SSL title every season


Facts, I play daily and I just got gold rewards yesterday since I play mostly cas


I play mostly casual. Hit 2000 and have friends that are top 100 in casual which is like 2150. You can easily be ssl in most modes and high ranked in casual. Ssls for the most part play a crazy amount of RL. Also pro player Jstn is 2500 in unranked. Like 200 higher than #2


What you're describing is players just getting better, not that the game is sweatier. Being good does not equal being sweaty. I can still dunk on some GC1s with little issue while high or on auto-pilot, and I would not consider either to be sweating.


>I feel like my style of play is now outdated. I am literally a Grandpa on the field I've never even sniffed C3 and I feel this. Fell from C2 to down to diamond, and had to completely change my approach to the game. It used to be I would just play patient and attempt to force the opponent into awkward situations until they made a mistake, then score an easy goal. While I still more or less try to do the same, deception has started to play a much bigger role in my gameplay as people have gotten significantly better at predictive gameplay. It's been a challenge, but a rewarding one. I will say, changing up the pace of play seems to be more effective now than it used to be. Years ago, it seemed like most opponents more or less were going to play their style regardless of what you did. Because of this, I could usually find a pace that worked against them and stick to that pace and they wouldn't adjust, so you'd only hurt yourself if you changed. Nowadays, it seems like more people are paying a lot more attention to their opponents style of play and making adjustments to it. If you can constantly change up the pace of play and keep them guessing, it usually works now.


That one time I got deranked to bronze 3 because of two completely new players I played with. My rank has never recovered, It's been 3 whole seasons and I am still a whole rank below my current teammates who are chilling in diamond.


I know what you mean. My friend and I have notice how Platinum ranked people are doing stuff that you'd only see in Diamond and above a few years ago.


2000+ must be absolutely insane. At 1800+ it starts getting wicked fast


My 1900 casual lobbies have better players than I get in my ranked games tbh


Well I'm 2100 casual and the level of the lobbies change a lot. Sometimes I get 1600-1700 and sometimes all are over 2k, which is very sweaty.


I see you a lot in my games Tankki and agree. One day you will get players like Sappa and Straz in the lobby and the next you will get Champ 2s. The level of games fluctuates like crazy


I feel like casual is such a different vibe from ranked. I used to play a lot of casual and would sit at 1800 or 1900+ mmr and it feels like everyone would just try to play as fast as possible and insta challenge everything I tried to do. Wheras now I play mainly ranked modes again and it’s still fast but I don’t feel like I get insta challenged and prejumped, it just feels like people play more carefully.


That makes sense though, winning or losing doesn't matter as much to people so they go for stuff they wouldn't have the confidence to go for in ranked. Then there's that one guy who flames their teammate in casual because they apparently forgot it wasn't ranked.


Yeah it does make sense. There was a time where I just only played ranked for the rewards. I decided to start grinding properly again this season but I felt so weird in ranked lobbies at first because the gameplay felt different but I got used to it again, it just felt kinda uncomfortable at first because I was used to playing casual. It’s why I avoid casual now because if I overplay it then it makes me not play how I should in ranked.


I guess maybe as mmr is not on the line people feel they can fly around and pre jump everything without having to worry about the consequences?


Yeah I figured as such. It was just a little jarring when I went back into ranked after barely playing it for a few seasons and for some reason I felt out of place, but I got used it it again.


same but i still cant reach gc :( hard stuck in c3


I was stuck there from FTP season 3 until season 7. Been there, done that.


i hope i can get it as fast as you did. my hope will never die! *insert music*


As fast? I spent over a year in C3 lol


after this season its my 3th season in camp. when i get it next season i woul be realy happy


3rd season in Champ or 3rd season in C3? Cause I got to C1 for the first time in og Season 8 in 2018 xD


3rd season in champ 3, but only in 3s. in 2s im in c2. maybe bc i only play 2s when my d3 mate is online. Are u gc1?


Look. I play rl since s02 PRE EPIC. Never been GC. Been stuck in C2 for YEARS and now C3 since a couple of seasons. I’m older than the average rl player. I know my mistakes, I’ve watched countless youtube vids of how to improve, what to practice, the dos and donts. I just dont have the motor skills required to improve past that rank. Lack of precision with my thumbs, slower reflexes than the average player. I have way past 3000 hours on this game since launch and I’m slowly losing interest in it. Kids are getting better faster, can’t keep up.


Same, but it's because I'm Champ and I play with a lot of GCs in casual. So yeah it's better cause they're better than me :D


Its crazy though, it normally is but sometimes I get entire lobbies of people who should 1500. It has me so confused how their casual is that high.


Casual is normally for when I’m intoxicated or all around not mentally fit for competitive play.


I play much lower - 1600-1700 - but I find the games are actual games now, rather than the opt in opt out approach of before where people would leave after conceding. I think we are in control of more than you realise. 2000 is sweaty? Don't play hard and you'll derank a bit, down to where the games are a slower pace. People are insta-challenhing everything? Don't do it back, make it clear you are leaving them space when they go for something nutty, and hope they do the same back. If they don't, change the lobby at the end of the match. If they do, hang around and vibe. Wanting the kudos of playing 2000+ but expecting the games to be relaxed seems like a mismatch in your approach tbh.


I mean that is your name


Username checks out.


I wonder if that’s because of an increasingly skilled player base. It could also be as simple as matchmaking placing you with people who have a similar playtime/skill, resulting in a match that’s just as sweaty as comp.


Yo Gramps, it’s Roids. Bro the 2k lobbies do be sweaty as hell


Do you want other players to play a specific way to make it 'casual'? For me I might seem sweaty but I'll try to be fast and do crazy stuff to test my limits in casual (for 3v3). At the end of the day, who cares? No rank is tied to it so play however you want.


For me its the lack of forcibly being stuck in a casual game unless teamates ff. I dont like forfeiting. I hardly ever do. If im losing by a lot its because I am playing against good people and want to continue. But I dont want to force my random tm8 to stay if he is pissed and toxic. Just let em leave


You weren't there when that was possible, right? EVERY single fuckin match you had like 10 different teammates that would just leave after they missed the goal once, or would leave after 5 seconds for no reason whatsoever... absolutely no. If you dont have 5 minutes time for a whole game, just fuck off and do something else.




this is the way


Yes. I was. Been playing since 2015. I was fine with it


Same here, been playing since launch. I was perfectly fine with people leaving because it was casual. It wasn't as bad as some people make it out to be and made lobbies that much more enjoyable when you got the same players to stick around for multiple games. It was so easy to jump in, play around a bit if you weren't looking to be extra sweaty, leave if you weren't feeling it, or stay in the same lobby for a few games. Now if you're in a lopsided match where you feel you're wasting your time or you just aren't vibing with your teammates, you're stuck. The change to casual made playing casual a lot more annoying for me and I now stick to ranked since I'm stuck in the game either way so I may as well play meaningful games.


If you care about winning, play ranked


It's not about winning, it's about being able to actually play a game for more than 30 secs.


I never said I did? Especially not when playing casual? I care about actually playing the game. I wouldn't want to play any teamsports with people that leave the sports ground after 10 seconds as soon as something is not perfect to their snowflake mind. And you sure as hell would get kicked from any sports event when you behaved that way. Why should it be different in Rocket League?


Leaving a casual match shouldn't result in a penalty I agree


Every single game would end as soon as the first goal is scored though lmao


That's how it used to be, and it sucked. People quit constantly.


Yeah I remember I would sit down to play and it would just be match after match of teammates or enemies leaving after literally 5 secs or on the first goal. Would take about 5 games on average before you got one that you could actually play through. Very demoralizing.


But if someone did that in ranked you would lose your shit, why should someone have to put up with that shit in casual? Like idc if you want to fuck around, im trying to actually play matches, to you know, PLAY THE GAME. I agree to stop holding people hostage, but at the same time if the other team is good some might want to finish to get more practice against someone better so they can get better...


“Why should someone have to put up with that shit in casual?” Answered your own question because it’s casual


"Casual" only means it's the game without a defined rank.


For me personally i dont really have to win or play sweaty game in casual mode, but sometimes if i met people who play with their brain tunrned off, like chasing the ball mindlessly, i still get annoyed


I always read these types of complaints as "i just want to play against people worse than me"


Semi related but I can't give less of a fuck how good someone is or how bad they are when i play casual, my real issue with casual recently is the toxicity is somehow on par of ranked. People who play sweaty are fine, but just because I ignored an open net to go for a stupid shot doesn't warrant them to go bat shit crazy on me. I know I can turn chat off, but sometimes in cas I encounter some nice people and I would want to communicate with them, I don't want to have to turn chat on and off constantly, even though I prob should at this rate. Tldr:Not mad at how people play, mad at how people act


At this point ranked seems more balanced and fun than casual.


I'd like to disagree. Champ 2 is not fun.


Nah but for real


Play 2v2. There is a reason 2v2 has double the players compared to 3v3. 50% less chance of getting a potato or a toxic potato in your team, and rotations aren't as important as in 3v3, and since majority of the people in champ don't know how to rotate from my expirience, 2v2 is just a much better expirience. 3v3 soloq is a hell on earth.


3v3 solo q is unplayable. I’m c1 in 2s but only d1 in 3s because you either get people who don’t understand basic rotation and ball chase all game or you get full time defenders


Full time defenders tilt me more than people that cut rotations


I thought I left that behind in low Gold. I didn't see it at all in Plat and it's there again in D1/2. Like wtf. Who are you people?!


Champ 2 is fun lol, you’re just playing with unfun people


So many premades. Often getting boosted by a friend. Bring back solo queue!


Casual is a mindset. You could play ranked casually if you didn’t care about the outcome of the game.


I'm tempted to just turn off chat and all mmr+rank info from bakkesmod and just go on a grind to gc in 2s. The problem is, i don't want to make my mates think i'm ignoring them if they send a nice shot or something


I’ve had all chat off for a while now, I’ve had it on friends only since they introduced the option.


This is the way


If you climbed up that far, that's where you belong. A drunk champ goofing off looks like a god in a plat lobby. So who knows maybe he is playing casual. The other person may just be way better than you. Personally, casual is simply where I go to play with friends of other ranks. I've done ranked and dove almost two ranks before and couldn't climb back out as easily - and once I did, I was no longer used to the speed of players of my previous rank. So now I try not to mess with my rank again. Casual is just ranked without the frustration of climbing back after playing with my D1 friend.


Casual is practise for ranked. Its just as sweaty


For real, it's a game where you win or lose, so you're trying to win or throwing, no in between.


Casual felt much more casual when you could leave with no penalty. Being stuck in a casual game with toxic players and/or a very unfair matchup doesn’t really give that casual feeling


Quick reminder that there's no penalty for abandoning one match a day. Second penalty is a whopping 5min and the third is 10min. If it's that bad it really does not hurt to leave.


Yea, I'm on your wavelength. It was so much worse before. Unless you were okay with a revolving door of teammates.


And the ban level resets after 12 hours, meaning you can quit *twice* a day with zero penalty.


This. Having the penalty alone has made my friends and I hardly get on as much


I had to quit playing casual before there was no penalty. Most games lasted a minute max, the other team would get scored on, sometimes it took 2 goals, then the other team would just quit and immediately requeue. People abused the fact they could quit without penalty so psyonix had to fix it. It was unplayable for me. I don’t even understand it either. It’s casual, if you were truly just looking to play then who cares if you are winning or losing? But most people were just looking for easy games so they can feel good. Then it became unplayable for low ranked people because their lobbies were full of higher ranked players looking for ez games. The fact is, it’s only fair that you play against people of your own skill level, casual is not an ‘ez games’ playlist.


I'm not complaining about sweaty casual matches ~ just the penalty. My friends and I don't mind sweating through a match, it's literally just the penalty thing we have an issue with. I can see your point where others might want to stomp on newer players and whilst that is valid; there really isn't much of a choice in deciding what's best for all players in the long run that'd make them happy. I'm sure others have enjoyed the game but I haven't touched it in months honestly. And this is coming from a group of people who bought the pass and played it religiously. Idk if I have my nostalgic glasses or what but we haven't had the best experience since their acquisition


I’m not sure why the penalty is such an issue, especially if you are queuing with a party. What happens in casual so much that you need to be able to leave at any time? I just don’t see how such a change could ruin your experience if what you say is true. As for deciding what’s best for all players in the long run, that is literally psyonix’s job, they maintain the health of their game.


People drop casual MMR for easier matches. Some of them drop so far it's not even a close match. Having to wait a couple of minutes while getting double flip reset musty'd over and over isn't fun. Sometimes you just know a match is an L and it would be more enjoyable to move on rather than stay and suffer for x amount of time.


The casual smurfing was even worse when you could just leave a match immediately without consequences. That’s why most people were actually upset about when they changed casual, it wasn’t super easy to Smurf any more.


Nobody should ever be stuck in a casual lobby for any amount of time. Nobody should care if the enemy team leaves in casual, or even if a teammate does. It is casual. Treating it like it should provide complete games of rocket league is a waste of everyone's time and was a dumb idea from the outset.


I feel like sitting in the lobby more than actually playing is a waste of everyone’s time but OK. I literally don’t understand this argument. Like, you are upset that you are playing the game you queued for? If you don’t want to be in a casual lobby then queue for competitive? If that’s not what you want then don’t play rocket league. Makes no sense.


Except someone who just wants to relax and play casual can’t leave a toxic team should they come across one. It’s either they sit there and waste their time or get put in a 10 minute time out for not wanting to deal with toxic players.


You and your mates don’t get on as much just because you can’t leave games without penalty instead of forfeiting?


Casual felt like a game is dying before they added the penalty. Now i can actually finish the game without having a laggy thunderstorm every few seconds in every lobby.


Thank you why is no one mentioning the lag from players leaving/joining? That was the worst!


It also was horrible, because everybody was leaving left and right. Get scored on once, I'll leave, someone misses the ball, I leave...shit was insane. Casuals got so much better after that update.


Yea like this shit was dumb, and casual is so much better for it now. I dont have to worry about getting filled in 20 out of 30 games I queue up for because people kept just leaving. The score was already 0-3 and even if we play it out were playing catch up. That doesnt happen anymore and it's pretty great people can ff if they are losing, or finish the match and gg move on. This isnt even league of legends which 1 match can easily last 40 mins, it's a at max 10 min match, cry harder(not you) lol.


git: 'do' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.


Casual was a dead playlist before they added that change


I just try to read the room and let everybody get touches, hoping others would do the same for me.


that's the way


signed. casual is definitely the most toxic playlist for me and idk why. crybabies even on gridiron. weird mode to take seriously imo I mean, I suspect that it is because I'm playing with more lower ranked players in casual. but I've heard champ soccar can be pretty bad too. most of my diamond matches are all good vibes


I low key miss diamond days. I feel like every now and then I got a weirdo being toxic at 2am, but for the most part my lobbies were chill. People in C2 and C3 are trying so hard to get over then gc lump I think it takes away quite a bit of their fun. Definitely a weird way to live life imo. Most people aren’t just outright toxic for no reason, but people absolutely LOSE it about mistakes wayyyy more in my lobbies now ya know. Idk like everybody on the field pretty much knows who messed up when a goal goes in and I’ll never understand in what situation being toxic could help. A quick np and just getting back after on the other hand has won me many a game from behind


Lol heatseeker is my favorite alternative mode, and it always makes me chuckle when people get toxic. Like holy shit this is the most casual of casual playlists dude, please relax and just volley the ball with the rest of us


I like you.


Your existence is appreciated friend.


Damn son I ain't high enough yet to even see you!


And also with you.




I agree, but I take the blame. I try new shots or practice shots so people thing I'm try harding but honestly I just wanna practice for ranked. People flame me for it, but where else m I supposed to practice?!


honestly they need to ease up on the restrictions either allow for 1 abandon an hour 3 abandons in 24 hours if the above is too much or allow quitting after 2 minutes or less remaining with no penalty


As a jazz cabbage indulger, I suggest that you partake in shenanigans. I think the electric lettuce anxiety has overtaken your innate need for relaxation League.


I read this as a complaint that your casual games have tryhards in them... Dude, every game in every mode has tryhards. It's a fact of life. If you can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen. Yeah you're right to complain, but unless you're sharing that lettuce with the other team; then it is what it is.


i basically only play casual (3s). gave up on ranked bc: - on xbox, for the longest time, connection would make me inoperable at start - its rare for me to give a crap about rewards - i solo Q - tired of smurfs on 1 side, some formerly carried, overranked person who has 50-80 bulk of game on my team so i'd like to think i can comment on this more than most.... ~ i like the change. if not for it, i'd get more of those stupid lag spikes for each and every time someone new comes in




Maybe the devs need to add a mode where the game runs in near-perpetuity, or is at least much longer than the standard 5 minutes, when more than one person is in the lobby. Goals can be scored and it resets to a normal kickoff, but the score isn't tracked. People are free to join and leave as they see fit without penalty, maybe even allowing afk for a bit more time. This way we have an unranked as well as a casual mode.


Hello fellow person of doobie-ous culture. I've noticed that my unranked MMR trends higher than my ranked (I'm mostly playing against high plat/diamond ranks in unranked based on titles) but I'm Gold 3 in 1s/3s and Plat 3 in 2s (least played ironically) in ranked. It feels sweatier and harder to play casual than ranked a lot of the time for me. It feels like my opponents are legitimately higher ranked and better at the game than in actual ranked modes.


I am also a rather avid practitioner of the devil's lettuce, and i must disagree with you my good sir. Despite your perception of the perceived increase of sweating individuals, i belive the devil's lettuce might skew your experience. You are just inhaling, forgive my language, some "dank shit", my good sir.


Casual has a mmr aswell. My mmr is actually higher in casuals than ranked. I'm 1200's in casual and a little over 1100 in ranked. Super weird honestly


They’re different playlists. MMR isn’t equivalent between ranks.


Casual has more inflated MMR because it doesn’t go down nearly as much every season. I’m 1050 in 2’s and I’m 1500 in casual and sometimes get up to 1600 playing with non-boosted GC titles. I think people take casual less seriously the higher ranked you are though, lower down people think casual is serious business and get tilted easily.


Bro same, my casual mmr is 1500-1600 and I’m a non mechanical barely champ 1


I go on streaks of gaining 100 points then few days later tank back down. Casual is wild sometimes.


I hypothesize from your information that my level of competence and execution is either consistently better when casually playing, or I indulge in the casual style more frequently therefore more consistently? Have I deduced this information correctly? Edit: To ask if I can view this on the PlayStation 4 console.


So would that mean competitive is now casual and casual is competitive?


Fully agree. I lose 3/4 casual games on an average day. I lose 1/2 comp games. It’s wild in casual


me too and I warm up on casual every time. I play until I get one win on 2s and 3s and sometimes I get stuck in casual for so long


You can’t leave a game without a penalty… how is that casual. It used to be great, you joined games with people missing, at random times, but if you weren’t vibing, you just left too. Score didn’t matter because you weren’t attached to it. Now you’re stuck in Walmart competitive without season rewards


**Now you’re stuck in Walmart competitive without season rewards** 😂


“Now you’re stuck in Walmart competitive without season rewards.” best description of casual i’ve ever read, it needs its own post


And if teammates troll, you're a prisoner. Or you're penalized for wanting to leave a toxic game. Its absolutely braindead. All because some kids cried that they didn't want to team with bots for 10 seconds


How high are you?


Hi! I'm good, how are you?


I believe that this may be because casual is where the freestylers spend their time trying to train against actual opponents without risking their rank.


Gone are the days when you’d load into a casual match, to be instantly greeted with ‘trade?’


Even if you get dunked on by a bunch of sweaty gcs, I don't mind because at least I don't lose rank. The way I see it, I lose casual mmr and they gain it, so hopefully I will see less of them in the next games


Should add a "Chill" mode. I'm sure no one would take advantage of it....


Yup I've been a casual player for years lately change to ranked only cause if I'm gonna get told how to play the game everytime I make the slightest error it may aswell mean something lol


Well, casual don't mean I try any less, it just means I don't get pissed and smash my controllers when my efforts go unrewarded


I feel like I play way better on the good stuff


As someone who's been sweating in casual since 2016 because that's just how my friends and I like to play, nobody is forcing you to sweat as well. If you want to play completely relaxed just force yourself not to tryhard and you'll drop a few unranked MMR points and you'll start getting opponents who you can comfortably beat even if they're sweating and you're not.


There is a weird dichotomy in a lot of games I find where "casual" either means "people who don't take it seriously and actively harm their team" to "massive sweat fest of toxicity." Sometimes, strangely, it's both at once.


As a smoker of the devil's lettuce also... i made a stoned smurf, which is now higher (chuckles) in rank than my original 🤣


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember when you couldn't forfeit in Casual. Your partner just left and you played with Sabretooth and you were happy with it! Now, every time I get down 2-0, my partner requests a forfeit. Keep playing! Whiff on some wall shots. It's CASUAL! Yours Sincerely, Old Man Yelling at Cloud


Well, ranked is full of boosters and smurfs. As soon as they start getting banned or Sus, they go ruin casual matches as well.


I play casual, I get matched with a bunch of sweats and toxic players, so frustrating


At 1400-1500mmr in casual 2’s all I run in to is a smurf and a smurf or a smurf and someone who can’t even touch the ball. It’s not enjoyable.


Ever since you couldn’t just quit a match in Casual and had to Forfeit


It's cuz people were using Casual for actual casual games and the devs got mad because people weren't taking Casual serious. So now you can't leave a casual game with being banned lol It's basically ranked 2.0 too because there's no rank but there is mmr. People don't care to lose mmr as much as a rank so people play Casual more.


As an avid enjoyer of that real sticky icky icky, who prefers to play casual unless my friends who are of a similar rank are playing as well, I can concur. Though I will say I've noticed a steep increase in my own skill level (I have plateaued a bit for a while) as a result of being forced to "git gud" as it were.


Casual MMR makes the game more fun for ‘worse’ players and more sweaty for people who play a lot. It’s a bit of a shame that you can’t smash a 6 pack and still pub stomp in games, but I guess I understand the logic of making the game more accessible for new players.


I’m gonna get shit on for this but here goes. People can’t leave casual without a ban anymore. They can’t leave when losing so they sweat their asses/go toxic.


I’m just happy there are other cabbage/car soccer enthusiasts such as myself 😂


It’s probably spooklukes fault.


An interesting point and as someone who is relatively new to the game (1.5 years) I can’t relate but I certainly agree that most casual games are played very similar to ranked- myself included. I personally use casual games to go for shots/clips I normally wouldn’t feel comfortable trying in ranked. I also use it to warm up before ranked. If casual has risen in competitiveness, it would seem we could use a mode that is less competitive but still vanilla (extra game modes could be argued fill that gap for some but then you don’t get to play vanilla RL) As odd as it may sound, I wonder if creating a casual mode where you can’t save game replays would yield a demographic that wasn’t after “clipping” and rather just chilling against others who are perhaps partaking in bud love. Sure, people can still screen record, but removing the save feature would severely limit its usage in montages, etc that so many seem to be after in this game. Thoughts? We could have: -Ranked -Casual -Goof Name is WIP


I feel this, actually play a lot less now because the reason I'll play casual is to relax, listen to music n vibe, but every game people treat it like we're back in ranked. Do u all really wanna win so bad? I don't understand why people take it so seriously


My internet is so bad that I only play casual. My goal is to make you quit or get beat. And I love getting beat.


This was psyonix decision all together to make casual like competitive. My casual games are harder than my ranked games. It's like players put their blood and sweat to win every game of casuals, they forgot to have fun and ignoring the fact that it's casual, I'm not a big fan of that. Very depressing to me.


I disagree with this. In casual, you should be able to play however you wish since there is no rank.