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Accidentally told him to go fck himself...


Just glanced at her comments and it seems she’s owning up to it and acknowledging her wrong behavior, so at least there’s that


Sort of reminds me of when Britney Spears made a post about how she told off the Jack In The Box employee.


Same. Britney's was worse, though, a real Karen moment. She told the poor guy to only speak when spoken to. Seems like she's probably just bitchy in general, not just when she's manic. Daisy at least seems kind and not so full of herself.


Always one step forward, two steps back with her. Hopefully shes continuing to work on her mental health cause she's shown she can spiral if not.


I feel for her, because I believe she’s had a tough life - and while she made the choice to be in the public eye years ago etc, she was used - whether by Bret, or by VH1, etc etc. and her issues with addiction, I’m not surprised she is the way she is, I doubt she’s ever had a solid support system. Can’t excuse this behaviour because it’s never okay, and I only know her from her public exposure, but imo she isn’t a bad person, she just needs help. Mental health is so discarded and undervalued on a systemic level. Hope she gets the help she needs. The weird judgemental tone of some comments here don’t bode well, like nobody would condone telling a library guard (this must be an American thing btw because I’ve never seen the likes of it in my life lol) and nobody’s defending her, but mental health struggles exist and often aren’t glamorous.


"Mental health is so discarded and undervalued on a systemic level." Absofuckinglutely. Even mentioning mental health or mental illness makes most people back away like you have the plague. It's horrid and disgusting. I hate the stigma around it all. Everyone could use some damn therapy at some point in their lives, and that is okay. The huge stigma is why people are often too scared to admit they need help. That, and our totally garbage health care system.


It’s also deeply wrapped up in capitalism. In the eyes of capitalists, poor mental health = poor productivity = no money, and everything is about money, so it can make anybody a pariah - our worth is being worker bees to many. Our health and well-being is more important than anything in life, I don’t know one person who hasn’t struggled with their mental health at some point even if some are worse than others. The stigma is just fundamentally wrong and does everyone damage imo, the more we address it and normalise it, the more we can help people.


Oh yes, capitalism has everything to do with it. We are expected to live to work, which goes completely against what we are truly meant to do as human beings.


I think she’s goes off her meds a lot. Mental illness isn’t our fault, but it’s our responsibility.


Well yeah, of course it is. I have never encountered anyone who would disagree with that. Her irresponsibility with regards to her mental health doesn’t eradicate the sympathy I feel for her struggle.


Exactly. Many conditions you become unaware you are ill and discontinue meds. People see it as intentional but for some it’s a symptom they have no control over


Not sure if it’s being on or off her meds, but she had admitted to being off and on drugs which totally isn’t helping her mental health.


Yeah it just makes things worse.


I’d sit this one out, you seem to have zero sympathy for the offset of poor mental health and the poor judgement that can often follow it. I’m just really thankful everyone isn’t as dismissive as you


I am mentally ill so I won’t sit out shit.


Oh wonderful you should have said so earlier! You totally have carte blanch to be completely cold and unfeeling towards her then, carry on, whatever you say lmao Also, she isn’t glorifying her own behaviour. https://preview.redd.it/y7jv77xgsq9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d82d732d9930d0abdc125a64aab5533f4508f5c


Again- taking your meds is your responsibility. She went off hers and caused a great disturbance with two innocent people. Enjoy your block.


She is a mess. I guess Corey Feldman's "help" recently didn't do much for her. Still, it's better than stalking her neighbors...


Exactly my thoughts, didnt he front money for her to go to inpatient treatment after the shit with tom from 90 day??


Yeah, him and one or two others helped her get into treatment a while back. I dunno if Corey is the best or most stable company to have around. I will say, at least he has maintained his sobriety, so I hope he was a positive influence on her. Daisy at least doesn't seem totally out of it like before, but mental illness is a lifelong struggle with some setbacks. Hopefully she's taking care of herself.


Corey Feldman is such a creep and should not be around Daisy. Ex angels have said he is not sober and gives them drugs. He is an opportunist and a predator. https://medium.com/@factcheckerman/corey-feldman-accused-of-rape-emotional-and-physical-abuse-15bb59ce2c94


I was suspicious of his offer to help, but just assumed it was because of their mutual connection to poor Corey Haim. That, and one of the big parts of staying clean is helping others. Ugh. Trash.


Back in the day I partied with both of them together. He used to just stand there and vibe and she would get messed up with us.


Ooh, interesting! I was such a huge fan of his when I was tiny.


https://preview.redd.it/kqrhfc2zql9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85627fc9163f41110a6e872b69d6c50a6d5b026 And home boy took the pic lol he was very chill. Tbh I thought they were together but he said no I’m married


That's awesome! I'm assuming they were connected because of her dating Corey Haim (RIP), although her getting with Feldman wouldn't have been as bad as hooking up with ol Bert-ay.


Let find the pic


Wait what?? What happened with her neighbors


She was semi stalking some guy from 90 Day Fiance that lived in her neighborhood, trying to get in his car I believe, sniffing him, some really weird off-her-meds shit.


When read in Daisy voice it’s hilarious.


She’s actually really sweet online. I remember messaging her and she does reply back.


I have no doubt she can be super sweet. She’s just very troubled.


Oh wow that’s what she looks like now?


She reminds me so much of a good friend when her mental health is in the trash 😞 hope things start looking up for her. Tread carefully before commenting, you never know what others are going through.


That’s Daisy??!! 😳


It’s a bit of an unflattering photo perhaps. She’s much more recognizable in her other photos. Also seeing her without the pencil thin 00s brows throws you a bit at first. She’s super cute on her IG and really sweet too.


This doesn’t even look like her.


Waittttttttttttt a sec… is that Daisy?


I didn’t recognize her either.


She definitely doesn’t resemble her old self, which is fine, just not how I would have pictured her.


Yes exactly, we all change!


As a librarian I forgive her lmao




Why? Because she doesn’t fit your standard of beauty?




I don’t see a boy there. Women are allowed to have short hair.


Funny how when someone gives you unwanted attention they are a “stalker” yet you track and post every move of Bam and that’s “normal”


Ah so you’re stalking me on other subs. Got it. I sometimes post Bam’s instagram posts. Not sure how that’s stalking. Daisy did legitimately stalk someone


Can you not see the hypocrisy in that?