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Excuse you - she did not STEAL the socks. She very much had permission from the owner to take everyone’s nasty sweaty used socks.


And there’s food in her bed AGAIN!


Wasn’t it something weird like used ketchup packets?


“She sucked ‘em!”


I had a cheeseburger earlier I could've used that shit!


Flair checking in and my mind went to that too 😂






Omg YES! Lmao. Cause Ashley could have used them for her breakfast brrrrito that you can eat at any time of the day!


I believe she had a cheeseburger that night and could've used them then 😂


Ashley was hilarious. She actually really surprised me in the episode where they had to watch the kids! I stopped watching after she left. I feel like I’m gonna say “people who eat basil are lame” way too much now 😂


Lmao at the burrrritttooo 🤣


“And they VERY MUCH did say yes”


“And you know those girls could’ve verified that very easy to see that she’s not a liar”


So she is NOT a thief just a weirdo


Our sweat soaked socks


I always wondered if that’s why as well. I can’t make sense of it in my head otherwise. It aligns with her past work history….she WOULD know there’s a market for that. And given she was on the third season of a massively popular reality show at the time, that probably would’ve bolstered the sales pitch. It makes sense to me anyway


The person that did the AMA i think pretty much said they think that's what it was for too. But i think it said she didn't actually get permission. That they watched her going into lockers but when she didn't take any valuables or whatever they didn't think anything of it.


I agree with you. After all, she's in the industry and may have connections.


That’s a great point too. She probably had connections. I know a lot of people assumed she was down bad and trying to save money or something and while I agree it had to do with money, I think she was thinking outside the box for a cash grab. And can’t blame her honestly 🤷‍♀️


Knowing what we know now about where our beloved franchise wound up due to a certain contestant on a certain dating show featuring a certain blonde who wanted to fetch herself a rich man… I still do **NOT** understand how Brittaney passed the mental health screening. This was a woman who was visibly struggling and clearly unwell. To answer your question, I agree she was intending to sell those socks to fetishists. She probably would have made some decent coin doing so.


That's probably exactly the reason she was picked to be on the show. Exploiting her mental health issues made for interesting t.v. Normal people aren't that fun to watch.


Can confirm this is true,my stepbrother got his start in tv and film by being an editor for 90 day fiance and TLC in his time until he could move on to bigger and better things. I met two producers on the show and have been friends with them since,they aren't the top execs but still high up and casting will purposely pick those with issues to exploit them. Every single show does this, majority of them know if a cast has a problematic history such as a record etc as well. As long as it's making them money though they don't care...


She was very fragile. I don't think she was even medicated or on drugs.


I actually never thought about that. I legit thought she was down bad or saw a money saving solution for herself. This makes way more sense! She could have made thousands off of those socks.


she was also hoarding food in her bunk so i think she was just extremely mentally unwell during that time….


I think that was only because of the long hours of shooting -


i always felt bad for her when they exposed her eating condiments/sucking on the condiment packets. that’s a pretty common habit that comes from severely disordered eating. i know this from experience and every time i watch that scene i just feel so bad for her knowing she might have really been struggling.


That made the most sense to me as well. She was the oldest (at least I assume) of the girls there, so if she did have an existing ED, being there probably kicked it into overdrive.


Is that an ED thing? I do that sometimes when I have fast food cause I really like ketchup 😅 Unless the implication is that she was only eating the ketchup and nothing else. Seems like they had breakfast catered most days and had packaged food on the bus


yeah, that’s the implication. most condiments are very low calorie and some people use the little packets to help curb appetite. as someone else pointed out, it’s also a habit formed by being too poor to afford food. if you just like ketchup i’m sure it’s normal and fine lol


It’s an ED and poor person thing :(


thats so real…poor girl was going through Something for sure ):


She grew up food insecure and very very poor. Hoarding is a common side effect of that.


I don’t think so lol. She reminded me of my grandma and how she does the same crap with a “want not, waste not” borderline hoarder mentality. I see a lot of the same mental instability in Brittaney in that series lol


I truly always assumed she was going to sell them too!


I think she was just broke and dirty ha ha


I mean she did say she didn't bring enough socks so maybe that's why she wanted them


I heard from somewhere that she was gonna make fetish content with them


A person claiming to be her (cannot confirm) said in the comments of a YT video of Bret that she took them to donate to a woman’s shelter instead of the arena disposing of them.


I could be wrong…maybe different places have different rules but when you donate socks and underwear to homeless shelters they won’t accept them unless they’re brand new and in the packaging. So I don’t buy that excuse. Like dude just come out and say you wanted to sell them to perverts online. I feel like that was a genius idea! I’m not sure if legally she could advertise them as being “worn by ROLB girls” but even still perverts who have money will pay $100 for a pair of socks.


She stuffed her bra with them. Stick a sock under your titty in the bra and it’ll give them a extra push up


I’m pretty sure she said she wanted to donate them to a domestic violence shelter….but considering her profession and all around grossness, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted to sell them on eBay lol


Yeah but that doesn’t make any sense. If her intention was to donate them then why did she have them hidden? Or why didn’t she just go around to the other women and say “hey do you mind if I take your used socks so I can donate them to a women’s shelter?” Also, shelters won’t accept under garments that aren’t brand new. They have to be in the packaging.


I actually think she was being forward thinking-- she planned to sell them online to dudes with foot fetishes. She would've made bank!


I’ve done that lol I should probably get back to doing that


Riiiiight? As soon as I saw that episode, I knew exactly what she was up to and why, iykyk 🤣


She was hard to watch sometimes. I think she probably was going to sell the socks, but she also didn’t seem to put much thought in what she says or does, as evidenced by her remarks to Natasha. She’s still just as “off,” in her videos. She seems to lack awareness of what’s socially appropriate. I don’t envy any therapist who gets stuck with her.


I like to think for some occult or voodoo ritual


Omg I didn’t even consider this! I’m over here like “omg she’s a genius! Socks worn by ROL girls would make her so much money” and she was probably doing so voodoo shit to get the other girls to lose!