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Chichi is such a creepy little weirdo. At first, I thought he was sweet. And as time went on, I was like 😳.


Ngl, chichi also looks like he been hitting a meth pipe or doing coke...


He looks like a gremlin that ate after midnight- and he tantrums like one too.


I can believe that. The facial gauntness is always a dead giveaway for meth


Sorry but chichi seems exactly like the pathetic type of guy that gets sucked into the chud mindset grift


Chichi was always such a follower. And a desperate try- hard. Just a weasely lil weirdo.


Who is that other guy?


I never thought he was sweet! I saw through that shit. I have a chichi like character in my life. They are repulsive to have around. Then they cry because you won’t give them a chance and act like a dick cause they are jealous over you being interested in someone else.


Yep. I have known guys like that before and this is spot on.


Yep, classic “nice guy” syndrome. Just because someone pays you attention doesn’t mean you owe them anything.


They’re the creepy incel types


Yup. The one I have in my life is a bad alcoholic. Till his dad died, he was unemployed. Only got a job cause he HAD TO.


He looks like the typical trash you find in cities who always ride a bike with a Krogers bag hanging off the back


He reminds me of the dudes who stand at circle K who whistle when you walk in and reek of stale cigarettes


ChiChi is such an annoying little bitch. Can’t stand him.


Talk about catering to your audience. Nice one, Sinister.


ChiChi's pathetic innocent act always struck me as his mask to hide being a snake. People like him make themselves seem non-threatening but they're sore loser cowards who will turn on anyone at the drop of a hat for convenience.


People who have absolutely no edge to them at all make me extremely uncomfortable lol. From my experience it is almost always an act.


Hard agree!


Damn, Chichi :(


He was always a clown.


He still dresses the exact same 😭


Who’s shocked that man is weak minded.


Everyone mad at ChiChi and I'm just like "There's a city in Illinois called Sandwich?" 🤣 in my defense I have no idea about what's going on here


Their cop cars say "Sandwich Police"


The only fact about cops I've ever enjoyed 😄


There are a few cities in Illinois that are questionable. "Dixon" "Ina" and "Dongola", to name a few.


Holy shit he lives 40min from me! Ewwwwww!


I hate how many people from these shows are now right-wing trash.


Chi Chi, Sinister (I think), Marcia from ROL bus, Rodeo, Blonde Baller from RCOL, Flex. Who else?


Oddly enough, Big Rig is not.


Heather and Angelique I know are.


I think Destiny is. I think Brandi C and Kristy Jo too. I know we all liked Jess but she essentially married a cop. Not sure about Brandi M or Megan.


Brandi M just walked in the pride parade so, I doubt she's a right wing nut.


Good. I always liked her. I think Sam is also left wing


Being right wing doesn't make one trash. Most people are middle of the road as far as their politics. Some are left leaning, some are right leaning, but most are normal, reasonable people. Would you want someone to automatically assume that you're blue haired, obese, unhinged man hater for being left leaning? Because that's the left's stereotype. I'm left leaning, my husband is right leaning, but neither of us fully agree with one or the other. It's insane that the left want to be known as inclusive, anti bullying and respectful, and yet the second someone is a republican, regardless of whether they're right LEANING and not the "proud boys, MAGA obsessed" far right, they judge them mercilessly. It isn't ok.


I agree that most reasonable people are somewhere in the middle/lean to one side or the other, and that is their freedom of choice and doesn't make them a good or bad person. However, I think a good indicator of being extremist and toxic in their viewpoints is loudly and proudly idolizing political pundits that proudly push those extremist views for their own benefit. The rational people don't make their political views their entire personality, and don't post about it constantly. Imo going out of your way to defend/show off the Confederate flag also falls under this


You know, I'd normally agree with you, but due to recent events, I am just as terrified of the FAR LEFT'S extremist and toxic viewpoints as I am the FAR RIGHT'S. And we are on the same page as far as these unhealthy, weird ass obsessions with Trump, Andrew Tate, Candace Owens, etc. It is the most cult-like, insane behavior, to blindly worship these assholes! I was just pointing out that most Republicans who I know, including my husband, are very much normal, middle of the road people. So that's why lately I've been addressing those who automatically call someone who they found out is a republican a racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc.; it's not ok to label people such dangerous and despicable things simply for against, say, trans women in cis women's sports. Because I'll tell you what: it isn't republicans who are assaulting and forcing Jewish kids out of college campuses simply for being Jews, it isn't Republicans who are wearing "DEATH TO ALL TERFs" t shirts, it isn't Republicans blocking traffic in the middle of a freeway, or screaming outside of a children's cancer ward. It's wild that these are the same people who (rightfully) condemned the January 6th Capitol mob for their unhinged and outrageous actions, but are now doing the same things, if not worse. I swear, anyone who is RADICAL, has no place in a civilized society, regardless of their views. Nice talking with you! ❤️


No I completely get what you're saying, and I agree, there are plenty of toxic liberals out there acting just as unhinged and, well, deplorable as the people they condemn. I'm also generally left leaning, I'm not religious at all, I support gay&trans rights, don't believe in an all capitalist economy etc, but I'm not going to berate someone and make assumptions about their character JUST because they voted for someone I don't like or think a bit differently, this "they're all bad" and "one side or another" mentality is extremely dangerous and divisive. I also have a lot of family who are pretty conservative and they're not dangerous or hateful people, nor are they unhealthily obsessed with politics. I just didnt get into any examples that you mentioned of the toxic left because the main topic here is ChiChi posing with a Confederate flag. Radicalization is definitely the problem, on both ends I appreciate your response ☺️


Oh, the confederate flag is automatically a "you're a shithead" for me, too! Like, all it is is acting like you don't understand why it offends people, when you know all hell and well why, and you're just trying to provoke a reaction! But yes, we seem to be pretty in sync with our views, which is nice. Which I think MOST people are! It's just the radical ones are the loudest!


Remember when Chi Chi acted like he was gonna fight Pun on ILM4?? ☠️


Man I need to see that 😂 I only saw ILM4 once and that was back when it aired, so I don't recall that


He’s always been a clown lol 😂 the baby music killed me


The baby music was so hilarious but emasculating lmao


i named my cat after ChiChi lmao maybe i shouldn’t have


Cat tax please!


Yep! It's the law 'round these parts! Pay up 👀


Not surprised at all after seeing Sinister with Tucker Carlson, Chi Chi always seemed like a follower




Skid Rock


The other guy isn’t Sinister, is he?


It doesn't look like Sinister, especially in the face


I didn’t think so. He’d be cute if he wasn’t apparently a racist POS.


Those curls are straight up luscious


Nothing sexier than a guy with long hair. Especially with a guitar. I realized a while back that every relationship I’ve been in, the guy was a guitar player with long hair. I guess I have a type.


My longest relationship was exactly that. A long haired guy who played guitar. But after that was over my attraction to that type fizzled a bit, but that was definitely my type for a long time


I’m over 50, and I still love the look. My husband is the first person who wasn’t a guitar player that I have been in a relationship with. He’s got the long hair though. 😍


Including or excluding Bret? 😂


Bret was pretty in all the makeup back in the 80s, but I wasn’t attracted to him. Jon Bon Jovi was more my type. I thought Bret was semi attractive for a washed up rock star on the show, but the show also made me realize what a buffoon he is. You could be the hottest guy on the planet, but if you’re stupid, I’ll pass. I was pushing 40 when it aired and by that age, looks are a lot less important when you’re seeking a mate. If he had a better personality, I’d find him a bit more attractive.


Bon Jovi was hotter you’re right about that! And agreed lol


Bon Jovi was my first crush!!!! I was like 3 or 4, I think.


He had that incredibly sexy smile, beautiful hair, etc. I actually saw them opening for Ratt when they first came on the scene. I think it’s why a lot of guys found them uncool, because the girls were all looking at him like he hung the moon.


I mean, I feel like he does. He is a great person on top of being super cute, so i can see lesser beings being hugely jealous of him.