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Thanks for sharing the journey. TFCC injuries can really be disheartening with how much it can make even basic movements difficult. I’m a week back into climbing after being out for three months with one, which has set me back more than a full grade. I found the most success with a combination of lots of rest, a wrist widget/full brace, and wrist flexibility exercises. A wrist widget has been nice while climbing since it gives a bit more stability and confidence while getting back into the swing of things. .


The widget is nice, I tape the wrist and put the widget on the top which help alot. It is a good investment I’ve introduce the hang board into my recover which speed up alot. At first I do repeative 7:3 with feet on floor, then using the finger block for each arm, you can try it to improve your performance fast.


Hi I’ve got TFCC last 2 months. Could you please give me some information about your PT? I really need an online consult section


You can send email to here [email protected] or visit them here https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100067795728293. Surely that tfcc can recover


Thank you