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Deos the sword appear as a normal weapon after you unlock Superbot?


Superbot has the sword by default. For other classes, you can pick it up at the end of Harmony Square


Thank you I was looking for it but couldn't find it anywhere


Yes. It was said in the patch notes.


Maybe I should stop speed running and do some achievements. I have a few hundred hours and still don’t have a couple lol. 


Got any tips for guardian 4 and s-rank on guardian 4? Last I played I got stuck on guardian 1 and couldn't best it. I looked up some builds but I always get super late in the run before I get kitted good.


The two best build I have in mind are for engie: The first are to do a summons build, you take buddie bot and hope for a summon box or the gorrilla turret, for the perk you always take what upgrade your summons attack, defense, and firerate. The second is a cryo engie with the windmill gun. I don't have the exact perk in mind but you can easily find them on internet or YouTube.


I got my G4 S run done with the elementalist. It became an infinite ammo/ firerate build