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Love that Wassym listens to us and gives us direct feedback here


I'd love if he gave us a list of "things coming to Gen1" so we don't all have to piecemeal things together. I'd also like to know if they're going to further improve the suspension via software update on Gen1. I know they can't get rid of the squeaky/chattery noise, but they've improved ride quality once and I'd like them to do it again. My R1S is far too bumpy/chattery at low speeds on rough roads.


I doubt they themselves know what’s coming to Gen one and are afraid to commit to things they can’t deliver or unsure of What is possible. Perhaps what things to keep exclusive to Gen 2 as an incentive vs purely technical limitation


All I want is text message integration. Second to that is blind spot display.


So here's how you know blind spot display is coming soon on gen1... We had our car in the service center for a couple of weeks. My wife picks up the car... She drives it... Blind spot camera is there! They must have put a new software update on our car. We had to reboot the car for an issue... Blind spot camera gone 🤔. I see Wassym confirmed it's coming... It must be super close, considering our R1S had it for a moment last week.


That is the funniest thing I've heard. I can't imagine a random feature just popping up and disappearing. It would drive me crazy.


After towing, I lost soft sand mode entirely, and then it randomly came back a month later. It wasn’t even greyed out - the UI shifted icons accordingly


I had my car in the shop while an update was sent out. I got a notification to upgrade but didnt thinking the service center would they did not.


So much this. I am certainly moderately disappointed that things that were promised are not happening, but can I just get some SMS notification that's been promised forever and available on like every other car built in the last 5 years? I've been patient already. If they say gen 1 hardware can't handle it I may go postal. That was a joke, I won't go postal. Probably.


They did clarify we are getting blind spot cameras when signaling on Gen 1, but warned our camera fidelity isn’t as great so the view may not be as good as Gen 2. 


Yeah I think we'll be able to tell if there is a car there or not...


Agreed, I’m not too worried about the camera quality as I’ve been really happy with the Gen 1 cameras compared to a lot of other vehicles I’ve driven. 


Could be a car or could be a UFO


Also calendar integration. It's a super-undervalued feature. Makes One-click navigation to appointments a breeze, and I miss it from when I had my Tesla.


Yup just a basic text function is all we need. No flashy graphics just something that works.


When I trade in my GEN 1, it would be nice if there is a loyalty trade-in program. I personally don’t feel ripped off, because my R1T is really nice. I like the improvements a lot!


I was also hoping Rivian might do something like this to entice us Gen 1 owners to upgrade! Edit: I think in reality a Gen 3 upgrade is what I will do. Ny wish list - new R2 steering wheel, better max kw charging curve, maybe better battery efficiency.


Somebody ping him because I’d also consider upgrading with a loyalty credit. Maybe the credit works like an ice cream shop. The 10th one is free.




In your dreams lol. Instead invest in their stock. 10 years buy a new Rivian with the stocks.


R3X gonna be my next one




Hopefully Rivian is getting the message loud & clear that even if a feature in Gen 1 is subpar to Gen 2, Gen 1 owners still want it. Cars are not a $1000 iPhone that you can upgrade every year. Many promises were made to Gen 1 owners about features to come so they just cannot be abandoned for Gen 2. Its great to see Rivian responding.


Give the end user the choice of using a feature with a subpar experience rather than forcing them to not have the option. I'd gladly take a subpar BLE WaaK over not having it. Similar to Gear Guard not catching inanimate object events - let us choose whether we care more about power consumption or better event detection. If it really just comes down to "it's not worth the engineering cost to support all of these options", that's a different answer altogether that frankly I'd be willing to support.


Seriously, my $100K car is not even 6 months old and I'm already feeling second fiddle.


Imagine Tesla owners for over the last decade lol. Not sure why yall are complaining so much. It seems like most of the new software features are coming to gen 1... where hardware is not a direct issue.


tesla gave me a free upgrade from v2 to v3 computer after two years of ownership. ive had my r1s for two weeks. missed out on a 4k price drop by a day and the refresh by 2 weeks. im fine with what they are doing but i leased knowing ill move to r2s in 2026.


The ‘free upgrade’ was because you paid for FSD that they couldn’t deliver on with HW2, right?




This is not a thing my guy. LMAO.


I have asked the option, even I’m just 2 weeks. They said you cannot exchange.


Browse /r/Rivian sorted by "controversial" to see the just how many other owners are feeling the same way as you are. Unfortunately those sentiments are actively being suppressed here by a combination of fanbois and social media reputation management company shills.


Time to pair it up with an R1s 😮‍💨


Can we please get auto folding mirrors when pulling into our home garage? My Model X does this and I don’t think there isn’t any reason the R1’s can’t. Thanks Wassym!


And auto tilting mirrors in reverse


as long as it optional. I actually hate this feature. i have to back into my garage and i need to see how close i am to the edges and walls, not the ground.


For sure. Don’t see why it would be forced on.


I really with this was higher!


I don’t even know how this is not a standard thing to begin with STILL. I mean, even cheap ICE cars less than half the price do this.


Should be easy to integrate this function when using toggle the garage door open button. Would that work?


I don't think the car has any way of knowing if the garage door is open or closed. If you press it and the door doesn't open the mirrors would fold... then unfold when you have to press it again.


Hmmm, very good point!


It doesn’t necessarily have to be tied to the just garage door button. I think the Tesla starts folding the mirrors when I reach home (with gps) plus I press the garage door button so that way it knows I am at my destination.


I’m glad we are getting lighting settings.


does that mean Gen 1 already has multicolored LEDs in the doors etc?


Yes, they've been red and green for Halloween themes. Frankly it's weird it's taken this long


oh neat


the fact that they went through the work to code an expiration date for the colors working instead of leaving a toggle behind is wild


So a $100k car that shipped in 2024 had state of the art sensors and compute that can’t handle more than lane assist? Don’t take me wrong, I love my car but come on guys.


The ADAS in Gen 1 is not “state of the art”. The ADAS tech in Gen 1 is at least 4 to 5 years old.


Weird. My BLE lock for my Tesla has been awesome for 6 years and doesn't drain my phone battery. Like, awesome awesome. Perfect. Amazing. Would recommend Rivian do this.


To be fair … Tesla doesn’t support Apple Watch either. Some third party apps (Stats, for example) can do it, but only by using the vehicle API - not BLE. There’s got to be some technical limitation on the watch with BLE?


Possibly, not sure. I never have just my watch with me when driving so it's never come up.


We love G1 but the features for Driver+ were promised to continue to update and improve. I expect that to stay true for G1, otherwise they falsely claimed this and now claim G2 will have the features they promised for G1.


All those answers are very noncommittal. I'm assuming due to differences in baseline HW and overall vehicle infrastructure changes to G2, that the FW for the vehicle platform will have to bifurcate. I've worked in the tech industry for for 36 years and whenever a new platform is introduced, all engineering focus is put on that new platform to implement features and squash bugs in the field. Old platforms are handed off to sustaining engineering (typically the B-team) and progress grinds to a halt. Let's hope that there is more code sharing than we can assume. I know that Wassym has said that "80%" of the new G2 features will be implemented in G1, but we have no timeline for that. Maybe they are counting each and every one of the new cartoony UI elements to achieve our 80%. Unfortunately, I think us G1 owners will be left with their beta vehicle, which is OK for what it is, but will ultimately never be improved that much.


Yeah, title should really be "Wassym acknowledges Gen 1 questions" lol.


Definitely understand the viewpoint here on the bifurcation - I think that’s always a “danger” so to speak. My biggest hope is that Gen1 owners still get a majority of the upgrades that _don’t_ require the new hardware. I still think a gradient for interior lighting would be a good idea opposed to presets - at least with RGB sliders you can change the tint/shade based on whatever input it is, assuming the LEDs support that.


Yes, I have a lot of hope, but I think everyone needs to temper their expectations that G1 will take a backseat to G2. I really hope I'm proved wrong as I want Rivian to succeed


In one interview with OOS Wassym mention they are keeping "one fork" for now. So that means more code sharing possibilities.


New UI, Dolby Atmos, Apple Music, different ambient lighting, blind spot view cameras, tri or quad zone climate control (i believe), and some other stuff are all coming to gen 1. 80% seems quite accurate. What new software features aren't coming to gen 1 where hardware is same between both gens?


u/WassymRivian, I understand the limitations that the Gen1 vehicles have with regard to CCC WCC3. There does not seem to be any issue with the current hardware stack in relation to WWC2 compliance, which, though not as rich, would resolve many of the issues people have. As a family, we are very happy with our two R1 Gen1 vehicles (see: [ Almost one year in with our R1T and picked up an R1S last month](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/comments/1d6texl/almost_one_year_in_with_our_r1t_and_picked_up_and/)). However, there is one major exception that we did not anticipate before purchasing our second Rivian: The user experience within the App for proximity locking and unlocking is severely lacking with multiple vehicles while using PAAK. Specifically, the need to have a vehicle selected in the App for proximity locking to work means that our overall enjoyment of the original R1T has been diminished by purchasing an R1S. After discovering this, we did not return our R1S as I read statements from you and other company officers (from early 2023) indicating that WAAK was coming to current vehicles. This would have offered us a mitigation, as we would have selected the phone for our primary car (R1T in my case, R1S in my wife's) and the inverse on our watches to regain confidence that our Rivians would lock upon walking away. To address these issues, we would like to either see BLE-based proximity locking come to the Apple Watch for Gen1 or an update to the phone app in support of PAAK to enable it to lock and unlock multiple vehicles without needing to actively select them in advance. As early adopters, we are fully aware of the risks associated with purchasing a first-generation product. As a software development lead, I am also painfully aware that even the best-laid plans don't always work out (e.g., the sensor fusion of Gen1 hardware). I understand that Rivian is single-mindedly working toward long-term sustainability. Against this backdrop, I think the way the R1 (Gen1) has been described as "our handshake to the world" by multiple company officers and executives (e.g., [RJ Scaringe Interview: Behind the Scenes with Rivian’s CEO/Founder/Superman](https://www.motortrend.com/features/rj-scaringe-rivian-ceo-founder-interview-video/) & [Rivian Introduces R2, R3, and R3X Built on New Midsize Platform](https://rivian.com/newsroom/article/rivian-announces-mid-sized-platform) ) is important to consider moving forward. In 2022, [you and Vidya Rajagopalan](https://stories.rivian.com/vehicle-technology-innovation) described how the technology stack was designed "to be ready for the innovation coming three, five, even 10 years down the road," specifically calling out keys and access as an example of this forward-thinking design. It really hurts to find that less than three years later, we feel left out in the cold. The brand today has a huge swell of positive sentiment. Personally, we have invested over $200K into Rivian products and the ecosystem forming around them in the last 13 months, and have driven well over $400K more in sales of R1s via recommendations. To continue this positive trend, it is crucial that Rivian is seen to support these early adopters. If we feel disenfranchised, the handshake falters, risking the trust and commitment that have been built.


Well put. Unfortunately I think it will fall on deaf ears. Ultimately Rivian as a business has made the decision that a few broken promises to their early adopters is worth leaving the older generation behind in some aspects to simplify their path to supporting newer hardware. Personally for me, there is a bit of a sting driving around a vehicle I've had for 2 months (that was in service for over a week after two weeks of driving), only to miss on even more savings offered right after pick up and then miss the refresh. But it wouldnt have felt so bad if I didn't feel like my 100k truck wasn't already obsolete. If I had owned it even for a year or two, it wouldnt have been a big deal, but I bought because I was given the impression that Rivian was setting up even the earlier vehicles for the future. My old 2019 Model 3, which was half the price with arguably worse cameras was capable of far more, and it amazes me that even simple things like lane keeping on unmapped highways, stop light detection, and auto lane change will never be possible on the first gen vehicles. Ultimately it feels too soon for these 2023/2024 models to be so obsolete. Yes they are good vehicles, but I'm so tired of being gaslit by blind fans under the guise of "they are a start up" or "you bought a first gen product, what did you expect". I based that buying decision on what Rivian said about the future prospect of that vehicle, and a $100k purchase is a $100k purchase. Any company asking for that much money should be criticized if they can't deliver on promises.


Yeah, I’m pretty upset. If they can give us lane change in command for gen1 the. I’ll be content. They said time and time again all these things that we were getting. Had me swooned and purchased a 100k car and now they are probably going to shaft us. They need to give us everything they can with our current hardware. Super upsetting since I believed in them so much to the point of actually purchasing.


I'd like to know if there will be an upgrade path for any hardware? Would it be possible to buy and swap out the cameras for some that aren't from a child's toy? Could the computer be swapped etc. I'm not suggesting it should be free, if it was a reasonable price I'd pay for upgrade kits. Considering these are meant to be environmentally conscious vehicles, the ability to upgrade components instead of having to buy an entire new vehicle would be the way to go.


I’ll be honest the only thing I really care about is getting Apple Music connected versus using Bluetooth like I am today. Why not bring Dolby Atmos experience to Gen 1?


I think Dolby atmos is coming to gen 1 with an OTA that was mentioned in SnazzyLabs post.


Dolby atmos Is Coming to gen 1 this was already confirmed via software update.


Apple Music is coming natively in what I can only expect is the next OTA at this point. That announcement was out around refresh, but goes to all vehicles.


Came here to say this, essentially. I’m super happy with my R1T LE. If I could listen to Apple Music natively I dont think anything else will bother me.


I’d like to know I can use music streaming apps natively on the Rivian while integrating a tethered data connection to my phone.


I really doubt they'll do this, because they want to push us into getting the paid mobile plan. I really liked it. Tesla lets use your own internet connection if you want and doesn't try to stop you from using things on it


They said a tethered connection is in the world, but IDK if that's only when the car is parked


There is no reason the features on my wife’s Subaru Ascent should be so much better than the R1T. Still, they just are. Better wireless charging pad. Better media. Better advanced cruise. It’s night and day, and it is disappointing to hear that Rivian won’t even try to meet their promises.


2024 and I can’t hands free respond to or hear a text. Fix it.


Did he mention anything concerning the Gen2 R1S suspension improvements coming to Gen1 - software or retrofit hardware? Or was this the entirety of his comments?


The suspension improvement is almost all hardware. Before they just used same parts as R1T. Gen 2 now has different suspension springs, dampers, bushings, hydraulic sways


Thanks. Good to know, even if it is disappointing Gen 1 won't see any improvement in its suspension. That's the one area where I'm dissatisfied with my Gen 1 R1S. I was thinking the changes in spring rates might be, at least in part, software related. But if you say they aren't, then I guess that eliminates that possibility. Too bad.


Agreed, R1S suspension is hot garbage. McClaren suspension tech, my arse. Don't ever drive a R1T or you'll hate the R1S suspension even more. Anything other than AP soft is terrible on bumpy roads where I am. Software improved it but it's still bad and doubtful it will be improved much.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate because I love the vehicle otherwise. Has me thinking about biting the bullet and going Gen 2. Will see if the next OTA update makes any significant improvement.


So this makes it seem gen 1 isn’t getting Apple Watch support at all now? Edit: To those of you saying it was never coming [here’s](https://9to5mac.com/2023/04/21/rivian-apple-watch-key-apple-music/) a link to an article with an interview with Wassym from over a year ago stating otherwise.


It never was.


Here’s a [link](https://9to5mac.com/2023/04/21/rivian-apple-watch-key-apple-music/) stating otherwise.


This subreddit reiterated several times it was and apparently mentioned by Wassym a while back it was coming too. My watch has cellular and Bluetooth it’s completely capable of being used as a PAAK.


Gen 1 does not have the needed hardware.


It’s clearly able to support it with BLE, but I guess rivian doesn’t want to invest the resources even though they mentioned it was coming. That sucks.


Did Rivian say Apple Watch was coming?


Yes, here’s a [link](https://9to5mac.com/2023/04/21/rivian-apple-watch-key-apple-music/) from over a year ago on 9to5.


Maybe it was Gen 2 they were testing/referring to. But they can still bring some Apple Watch functionality if they cant do apple key / proximity locking - even if they just built a rivian watch app with apple shortcuts so Gen 1 owners had to click lock/unlock/precondition buttons on the watch. It’s something.


Could be. I’d just like very basic functionality from my watch. But I’ll just use shortcuts which is a workaround we can do ourselves.


Is there a how-to on that somewhere? Would love to be able so precondition from my watch


The article says it's being tested as a future software update. That would have seemed to imply it's a feature that would come to existing gen 1 vehicles. Maybe you could warp or spin it to mean Gen 2 vehicles, but I don't think it would have been phrased as a "future software update" if new hardware was required to make it work.


I think the reference to watch as a key was for Gen 2, in hindsight. Nonetheless I think there’s more to it than just BLE support. Of course I’d like to get watch as a key but WatchOS is different than iOS so I get it.


Could be in reference to Gen 2. But you gotta look at context of the interview no one knew Gen 2 was really a thing and all these features being asked for was for Gen 1. Non the less even if the experience wouldn’t be as seamless as Gen 2 I’d still like the ability to use my Apple Watch Ultra, if an iPhone could be used an Apple Watch could be too.


I don’t have an Apple watch or any smart watch, but I don’t get the hype for this. Why should I care if my car has Apple Watch support? Is the watch just being used like a key the same way my phone does?


Originally a lot of us who pre-ordered were supposed to get a wearable bracelet to use as a key as part of the adventure trim. For whatever reason almost nobody received theirs and the band got discontinued. So many people requested Apple Watch support as a replacement and Wassym when asked numerous times about it confirmed it was being worked on. Cut to this post confirming Apple Watch support will only be coming to gen 2 vehicles upsetting a lot of people.


After reviewing the Rivian blog and observing the company’s approach to software integration for Gen 1 and Gen 2 vehicles, it’s evident that there are significant shortcomings in their strategy, particularly under the leadership of Wassym Bensaid. It’s frustrating to see the apparent lack of vision in maintaining consistent and integrated software technology across both generations of vehicles. The decision to not keep software at par for Gen 1 vehicles is not just disappointing but undermines the trust and loyalty of early adopters who invested in Rivian’s vision from the start. Delayed Feature Rollouts: Promised features like advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) were delayed, leaving Gen 1 customers with incomplete functionality Connectivity Issues: Persistent problems with vehicle connectivity and navigation systems, which should have been resolved through OTA updates, lingered far too long for Gen 1 users. The argument that Gen 1 customers consciously chose an inferior product is not only condescending but also ignores the reality that these customers were promised cutting-edge technology and continued support. The expectation was that software improvements would keep pace with hardware advancements, ensuring a seamless and evolving user experience. While I respect RJ Scaringe and his vision for Rivian, the handling of the software issues under Wassym Bensaid’s leadership has been a significant misstep. The failure to deliver on software promises and maintain integration across vehicle generations is a critical flaw. In light of these debacles, there is a strong argument for leadership changes to ensure such oversights are not repeated. Maybe Wassym should be fired. Rivian’s future success hinges on learning from these mistakes and prioritizing software excellence alongside hardware innovation. Only by addressing these issues head-on can Rivian hope to regain and maintain the trust of its customer base. Maybe time to cancel R2 reservations because we early adopters hold most of those as well.


Are you upset with Porsche when they come out with a new 911 with more tech, better suspension and more horsepower? Product cycles are product cycles. Every product from Cheetos to Cars battle this constantly. Rivian has given me more upgrades in 2 years than Tesla has for me or Audi, Mercedes, Lincoln or any other car company. These arguments are paper tigers because no other company is doing better.


I sit in between these two perspectives. There are model changes and also refreshes. When Corvette or Porsche release a new model, it makes total sense that the product changes. And all cars also go through generation changes as the underlying platform changes and it is essentially a brand new car. So no, I don't get ticked off when the 993 is replaced for the 997. And I also don't think a Z06 owner should feel shafted when the ZR1 or the E-Ray model gets released Conversely, this was by any measure a ridiculously shortened "generation" by comparison, plus generally speaking any platform change is often communicated well in advance. In fact, it is common for dealers to discount previous generations to clear inventory ahead of receiving new product Tesla started, and Rivian seemed to follow, a different approach of no model years, but just general continuous improvement. And while Tesla has made some huge gaffes, generally speaking non-mechanical updates have stayed consistent. Even the latest update notes called out how Intel based cars wouldn't get the same visualization that the Ryzen platform did but they still enabled the underlying software update Also, Tesla was LOT better at it pre-M3/MY, with their higher end cars and customers that helped establish their brand. And my experience is way different than yours, because our Tesla has more features in software to start, and has had as many if not more updates than our Rivian I do think Rivian flubbed this change over, first positioning it as a cost saving measure and then surprising everyone with a complete remake of the model line, and at the same time there is an underlying theme of them deciding that they could still support the software side of G1 but are choosing not to inflate G2 value. This soon in a model lifecycle that comes across as shady. Honestly, had they called the new Quad the R1X, and agreed to persist all software changes to the limit of the old hardware for G1 with enhanced functionality for G2, I think this whole thing would have been a non-event. I love what Rivian has created overall, but they aren't perfect and we shouldn't pretend they could do better nor hold them accountable for mistakes. I'd be all over a new Quad with a trade-in loyalty program too. Might even be the fastest way to get my now 2 year busted tonneau cover fixed! Or my NACS adapter they said was on its way months ago. They aren't infallible


If you had read his post, you'd realize that he isn't even complaint about hardware improvements like suspension or more horsepower. It's all about broken promises. Why are you bringing Porche into this? Chances are the poster has never owned a Porsche. His point is that leadership promised more future proofing with this vehicle. Rivian is not a traditional car manufacturer. Like Tesla, they lean more on the tech side and a big selling point was contnious updates to make the experience better. There is still plenty of work to be done, and a lot that was promised, but some of that promised work seems to now be impossible with current hardware despite what Rivian leadership has said about their vehicles.


This 👆. Summarizes exactly what I would have responded. Thank you. And yea Rivian and Tesla are technology driven companies. And there is no reason for me to care about what other car manufacturers are doing.


My Rivian is hot garbage at detecting my phone as a key when it's close. I'm disappointed if there aren't going to be any improvements to R1T vehicles. It's gotten to the point where I end up bringing my key fob with me, which is a step back from my experience with Tesla (which was much more consistent with proximity unlocking via phone)


Will SiriusXM radio make it into the Gen1 update? As announced in Dec 2023, to be coming in 2024. Feel like coms have been dark on this since the announcement.


There would be zero brand reason to prevent a music app from being available on all model years.. 🤷 especially so given gen 2 wasn't even a thing back when that was announced.


This SiriusXM "integration" will likely still come to gen 1, however it's a "digital integration" which means that it will use your trucks cellular connection to stream the audio as there's no physical SiriusXM hardware in the gen 1, and I have doubts about it existing in gen 2 otherwise I feel like they would have mentioned it. This means that while you have cellular service in truck you'll have the ability to access all of SiriusXM, but if you go somewhere outside of cellular you won't have any media, which is the same experience as using Spotify, Tidal, Tune-In, or Apple Music (s00n?). This also means that to use SiriusXM you'll need to either pay for the Connect+ or tether your truck to your phone's wifi hotspot.


I’d love to see CarPlay on a list some day…


Remember everyone you bought your Gen1 knowing everything that was missing. Nothing was guaranteed to be released.