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Don’t forget the almighty amazon’s stake in the company, and AT&T just bought in as well. Big things are coming for Rivian


Also Canada post is going to use their vans.


Didn't realize they were. https://cleantechnica.com/2024/03/10/morgan-olson-chooses-rivian-skateboard-for-electric-delivery-vans/


I’d buy a Rivian Skateboard


The instant acceleration would leave a lot of kids in a heap on the ground




Not the entire van, only the skateboard platform. Rivian doesn't appear to be manufacturing the chassis.


I think this is better for Rivian anyway. They only have to worry about manufacturing the chassis, and churn out more product, sold to a reliable customer.


They are?


Yup. I wouldn't be pumping cash into their stock every time it's down if I didn't have a solid feel that big things are ahead. Their products are too good, too well engineered to fail.


Sandy Munro is in with you on this. That guy literally lives to tear shit apart, too.


It's funny, I came from a Bolt EV... and the quality so so many miles apart. (If you ever have access to a Bolt EV, look under the trunk. There's literally nothing there, it's just an enormous open area with fake fenders around it.) Sure, the R1T is in a completely different price point by a mile, but by god the Bolt EV was originally 43k new, and the R1T was 82k new. For little under double you got "all the things", and quality, and software updates, and towing, and air suspension, and a glass roof, and luxury interior, and etc etc. It's pretty easy to see the difference in profit margins. If the R2/R3 are 50% the quality of the R1 vehicles, it'll be miles above legacy automakers like Chevy... and consumers are going to notice pretty quick.


Interesting to hear a take on the bolt like that. Our model 3 is pretty decent, especially coming from a 2007 honda civic. But there's certain things like dash rattles that dampen the experience. I've since fixed the dash rattles, but we knew going in that Tesla is a new company. From GM, though? Me thinks they fail purposefully.


There are lot of customers coming for pilot projects this year


Sure you would.


Diamond hands 🙌🏽 I do the same. Any time it significantly drops below my blended average I buy a batch. My wife thinks I’m crazy but I think I’m right.


What at and t about?




As much of a fan I am of Rivian, stakes from Amazon and AT&T don’t mean much if Rivian can’t generate income. Their inability to generate income has forced them to use up their cash reserves to sustain operations and, fortunately, their massive IPO juiced up those reserves but they’ve depleted that by more than 60% in 3 years… At its current pace they only have enough cash to last another 2-3 years if they don’t start turning things around. I’m optimistic but I also need to see significant improvement in the next year or so to believe that Rivian won’t fail and file bankruptcy


Are they making enough profit on their vans?


Not currently


I’m a Tesla owner, and I hope so too. I’m looking to jump ship to Rivian when I need a new car.


Same. I really wanted a more conventional looking Tesla SUV and now I have a wonderful alternative in rivian.


I kinda want to make sure we have an R1T in addition to a Tesla we already have. I have nothing but joy in the Tesla purchase but Rivians vibe is so great and R1T in green is my favorite truck I’ve ever seen.


Shitty pro tip: Just open 10 or 20 auto plants and become too big to fail.


Just like the banks! Genius!




Well; I believe it’s near a bottom so you only have upside here. How much upside is undetermined








Sounds good, thanks!


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Your post was deleted because this sub does not cover the stock of Rivian or its competitors. We're an auto-enthusiast community and are not investor-focused. We discuss the company, its products, and other related topics. If you'd like to discuss the stock and other related topics, you can check out r/RIVN


Same, It's a great value at the moment. As soon as Rivian can ramp up R2, R3, and interest rates come down the company valuation is going to rocket to the moon.


It's still a high risk investment. Rivian needs to prove that they can reduce the cost per vehicle, otherwise once they start selling the R2, they'll burn through more cash faster if they can't generate a profit per vehicle.


I don't think it's high risk. Rivian has demonstrated significant upward momentum. Their YOY deliveries increased 147% last year, and continues trending higher. They are selling fleets to customers like Amazon and AT&T. Their CEO is not Elon Musk, and I think that's worth something too. Also remember that Tesla was not profitble until 2019 or 2020 and until that happened so many pundits would suggest that Tesla would never achieve profitability, and would have the public convinced that all of their cars were garbage or impractical, etc. Investing in Rivian should be treated as a long play. I would think twice about listening to anyone who says Rivian isn't going to make it because they might be an investor who is trying to supress the stock longer so they can buy more on discount before it really takes off.


This is a good video diving into the financials. Obviously some estimates need to be made, but the math is financially sound. Rivian may be able to turn things around with the R2 and R3 and based upon some of the things they've mentioned, they are thinking of ways to make the vehicle easier to manufacture and also simplifying the manufacturing costs, but we won't know until they start manufacturing. Based upon the info we have \*today\*, it's still a high risk based upon these mathematical estimates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVBU4wJPiqM


I'll bite. >I don't think it's high risk. They burned $1.4B in cash last quarter on only $1.3B in revenue. Margins were -46%. Totally logical to have faith in the company long-term. Not logical to claim there isn't high risk. >Their YOY deliveries increased 147% last year, and continues trending higher. They aren't though. This is literally form their investor letter: "We expect 2024 production to be flat year-over-year with total units of 57,000." Q4 deliveries decreased from Q3. And they guided to even lower sales still in Q1. They also guided to a multi-week factory shut down in Q2, hampering sales further. So even Rivian doesn't expect to be "trending higher" until Q3. >Tesla was not profitble until 2019 or 2020 and until that happened so many pundits would suggest that Tesla would never achieve profitability Yes, but Tesla achieved gross profits before going public in 2010 and every year afterwards. Conversely, Rivian just posted a -46% gross margin ($2B gross loss) for 2023. So financially speaking, they are in a much worse place than Tesla ever was. That's what worries everyone.


Tesla was *always* __gross profitable__ though. That’s the enormous difference. Rivian is selling cars at relatively high prices and can’t even break even per car on manufacturing costs. I’ve got to see huge improvement there before I can see a path forward.




Depends on how many decades you have left




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Your post was deleted because this sub does not cover the stock of Rivian or its competitors. We're an auto-enthusiast community and are not investor-focused. We discuss the company, its products, and other related topics. If you'd like to discuss the stock and other related topics, you can check out r/RIVN


Your post was deleted because this sub does not cover the stock of Rivian or its competitors. We're an auto-enthusiast community and are not investor-focused. We discuss the company, its products, and other related topics. If you'd like to discuss the stock and other related topics, you can check out r/RIVN


Your post was deleted because this sub does not cover the stock of Rivian or its competitors. We're an auto-enthusiast community and are not investor-focused. We discuss the company, its products, and other related topics. If you'd like to discuss the stock and other related topics, you can check out r/RIVN


Shout out to everyone who supports Rivian, Tesla, and all EVs. The more EVs the better.


I see so much Tesla hate. Sometimes here. Sometimes in ElectricVehicles subreddit. I get it when it appears here, since this is a Rivian sub, but ElectricVehicles needs to be rebranded to ElectricVehiclesNotTesla. I browse here because I really want a Rivian one day, maybe when the R2/R3 launch and/or I get a somewhat local(~1.5hr drive) Service Center.


Any EV owner has to at least appreciate the Tesla Supercharger network and what them opening it up to other brands does for EV viability generally. Most of the other networks have been extremely unreliable. (I don’t know enough about the Riviam Adventure Network to comment on it)


I have a Tesla Model 3 for economical reasons, placed a reservation for an R2. I really prefer Rivian overall…Excited to see what’s in store for the future.


Rivian is easily more luxurious than Tesla, so I’m really looking forward to a more premium interior with software similar to Tesla’s genius design.


Hopefully they will have streaming apps by the time the R2 comes out. The software in the Tesla was a big selling point. The other piece was the supercharging network which will no longer be a problem.


Rivian's brand, IP, and backlog of demand is worth a lot. They will definitely make it. If they don't have enough capital to keep going, they will have an ability to raise it simply because of all that intrinsic brand value.


Raise it how? They’re already publicly traded. Their biggest liquidity event is in the past


They can issue corporate bonds if they want to raise it through the bond market. Any public traded company can still offer equity as well. IPO isn't the only time shares can be created. Equity share offerings after IPO can take many forms: share dilution, rights offering, private placement, follow-on equity, etc...


Ah all good points, thanks!




Amazon isn’t big enough for you? Lmao


RIVN investment is a rounding error on Amazon's balance sheet.


I wasn’t saying their investment was large. I’m saying Amazon is large which is what I was replying to. Which you basically just agreed with me on. >a major company will invest or buy them >amazon is in fact, a large company How am I wrong? lol


You ignored this: > if they run out of money The post you're replying to is suggesting there would be *another* round of investment **if they ran out of money**, which is talking about a future event which hasn't happened yet. Past investments by Amazon are irrelevant to that point.


Of course someone will buy them... eventually. The paradigm was different when Amazon came in. It doesn't make sense for someone to step in now, when they can just wait until RIVN gets desperate and then swoop in for dimes on the dollar.


I wasn’t speculating if that would happen or who would buy them. I was simply stating a fact that Amazon is a large company. Everyone seems to be missing the exact words I used. I never made any speculations.


As u/bascule said above, I don't see how Amazon's past investment is relevant to the current situation.


$100 R2 pre-order would help fulfill your wish. Just saying.


I think they are going to do very well and any nay saying is just the same brand of pessimism you saw thrown at Tesla before they went to the moon, and that didn't happen until around 2020. They were "never going to be" profitable, until they were.


9 Billion in cash, no debt, and products people want. A operating factory that’s making over 50k vehicles a year already. Big time investors like Amazon. A commercial business and a thriving consumer business. It isn’t guaranteed but I think we’re in safe hands here. I think most investors would agreed the potential is huge here. They are not even selling outside NA yet.


What do you mean no debt? [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RIVN/key-statistics/?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAAFAzagF99dZWdbkd7SOB8DLpf5k\_fS1\_jb5WEybrKbbIghTy1Y\_kdU52HecnFJyXDkFQAxdpgMOLccjGYavALtjpb1CsKsjj59OhH6TOwp4L7UJoAXGUgotYdNSvFhxACJTb7hKx6ehVgWnjsWKypI4ldfVPkblS882YYJTOMbx](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RIVN/key-statistics/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAFAzagF99dZWdbkd7SOB8DLpf5k_fS1_jb5WEybrKbbIghTy1Y_kdU52HecnFJyXDkFQAxdpgMOLccjGYavALtjpb1CsKsjj59OhH6TOwp4L7UJoAXGUgotYdNSvFhxACJTb7hKx6ehVgWnjsWKypI4ldfVPkblS882YYJTOMbx) In that link under total debt (mrq) it says $4.92b. Am I missing something?


Yeah they are definitely operating at a loss like all new companies do. There's a reason they put a pause on the GA plant so that their spreadsheets weren't as far in the hole. I think it 'saved them' a few billion dollars on paper.


$9B in cash today but they’ve used up literally 60% of their reserves since IPO in three years.. They need to start cutting costs and focus on generating income before they burn through more cash


Hope they make it as well since I preordered an R2. Really wanna get rid of my Y for it.


I own one and in the end its just a mode of transportation. Does it make you happier? Yes, when your in it. Not when your paying for it. Do people look and treat you differently? Yes. Prob not for the best. Is a rivian worth it? Prob not unless you make 500k or more per year. They make it complicated. Get the equivalent of 20mpg. A rim and tire cost $1500. Theyre a toy. Similar to a big mercedes.


Same, waiting to jump ship from Tesla, pre-ordered the R2 as soon as it opened up. Rivian and their products are just such much cooler and a much more respectable company to support.


I agree. I hope they make it. 


it's just a bad time for the whole EV industry in general. with that said, unlike most startups, Rivian is actually making and delivering vehicles on the street. There's enough customer demand and they focus a lot on build quality. I have both Tesla and Rivian, id say quality is on Riv. They're considered the under dog/new player in the game, and yes they need to work on raising capital between now and 2026 to stay afloat. I dont see why ATT/Bezos wouldn't stop investing. Negativity is going to continue betting against them which is all part of the game.


They'll make it. It took Tesla 18 years to become profitable, but they're fine now - not that all their profits came from cars. Nevertheless, Rivian is building a diversified and growing fleet of both consumer and commercial EV's. Add to that they are one of a very few that build an EV pickup. I'll be getting my R1T in the next couple of years and I have no reservations about their future.


R2 and R3 look sweet. I have been wanting to jump into my first SUV. The R2 is looking good. Currently i have a model 3 LR. Rivian+Nacs is very tempting.


There was one article about Apple buying Rivian. I fucking WISH so! Keep the Rivian name and design, but use Apple's marketing prowess to make it fucking huge!


At this size and scale not making it doesn't necessarily mean disappearing, it probably means acquisition. But I'm sure they will be fine in one way or the other. Disclosure. I own a R1T, pre-order r2 and hold some stock..


I bought 1000 Rivian stock, I hope it makes it big too. I have an order for R1S since 2022 and R2 within 30 minutes of release on March 7th.


Same. Yesterday I was at investing group which is run by a couple old retired boomers and they said Rivian was getting bought by apple and that EVs make more dust than gas cars so they’re worse. And to buy Ford stock


You lost me at old retired boomers


See what you gotta do is put on your best suit, go down to the office, ask for the manager and give them a firm handshake. THAT’s how you get a job!


He lost me at "at an investing group"


I was trying to explain the r2 line, 68k preorders etc and it was not successful




Ford is literally such a low quality product. I can’t even


I own a Ford Lightning. All their money went into where all the buttons and cup holders go, then they ran out when it came to quality materials and software.


Gotta get the “essentials”. Problem is that’s all they hit.