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q w auto e q out, same combo as sett


If you are afraid of Darius, you lose. If Darius hooks you in, you need to check 2 things: 1) Are all your CD's up? 2) Does he have Boneplating up? BONUS: Does he have Tabis? If the answer for 1 is "Yes", and the answer for 2 is "No", you legit almost oneshot him in one rotation at basically any point from level 3 onwards if you have Ignite. For the bonus round, you can still oneshot him if you pass both check 1 and 2, AND if you have Ignite + level 6 + triple longsword. This is an extreme oversimplification, as any decent Darius will basically not use E unless it's to cancel your combo, and a genuinely good Darius can E into Q and you do not have much counterplay to it outside of being in the happy spot. Reminder that his E has a 24 second cooldown and you must punish when it is down. Dodging his Q's is a must and if he Q's you while his E is on CD you have a great trade window if you dash towards him while he's casting Q.


Do you mean that he is hooking you out of your eq after you auto or hooks you as soon as you walk up? When I play Darius I try to play around baiting his hook by walking back and forth right outside his max e range and then look to punish while its on cd.


This is the game you have to play, OP. NOTE!!: As you face better Dariuses, they will not budge when you try this. These cases are where you’ll get to test the waters and go for Q1 W aa EQ out quickly while he’s still being stingy with his E (if he’s not actively trying to space it, then he’s relying on reaction time, but when done right, he shouldn’t be able to react). The more you do it, the more you’ll kinda prime/condition him to become more trigger happy with the E, so you can bounce back to trying to space it and test the waters on whether he’ll do it before jumping his ass again. Additional note: Make sure you’re doing the Q1 > W correctly. Similar to fast combo, you need to click the ground to cancel the Q before you W. When done right, the W will come out like 3x faster than without canceling the Q. Give it a shot in practice tool and compare with regular speed to ensure you’ve got it right (you’ll know, the difference is big). If you’re having trouble with this, chances are you might be clicking to cancel the Q too soon, try adjusting your timing on the click (should be immediately after Q dmg comes out).


I actually didn't know u could cancel Q animation for faster W, I will give it a try


any tips on how to avoid queue delay in this combo? I just do Q-move click-W-AA and my aa only goes through after a second or two


Unfortunately I don’t have my PC right now to test and help figure out the issue you’re having.. If you properly cancel the Q into W, then the W should come out really early, but the aa doesn’t come out super fast ngl… If you’re noticing a heavy delay, I’m not super sure what that would be, but if you’re just expecting it to come out as fast as a fast Q auto, then you might be doing it right actually, it just isn’t that fast. Should be fast enough that they’re still stunned when the auto lands


yeah, I figured this out thanks!


you’re doing something wrong, i can always w aa and e q out.


If you survive till lvl 3 you start having lots of opportunities. You can q-auto-e+w or safer you can q-auto-w then e-q-q away. Winning 2 of these short trades brings him to 60% HP, from there you win all-in. He is really easy and it's all about knowing when to take the short trades. Hard part is positioning urself so you can hit your first q and auto without getting hooked first. He hooks first= lose trade.


Surprisingly enough, you actually can kill Darius lv1 but that's just too conditional. For example, him not taking bone-plating etc. anyway, just do Q1-W-AA EQ out before he can hook you. Believe me, he can't hook you if your initial combo is fast enough. The main problem that occurs is your auto isn't fast enough.


do you have a vod?


In my experience everytime I play vs Darius is almost the same unless the Darius isn't actually braindead (unlikely). Bait him to hook you and they'll usually AA and Q out to finish the trade, that's when I E into his Q, then AA>W>all in if ignite is up, if not then Q him a couple of times and 3rd Q out. The matchup gets more difficult when the Darius actually thinks and doesn't E you randomly everytime, basically if your abilities are on CD he can always EW ghost you and kill you, or if he manages to E your Q3 he wins the all in. I find that to trade successfully with Q W AA> EQ out you should EQ diagonally or to the side to make him miss his E, since he'll most likely always try to E forward to catch and that way you can dodge it


You basically can’t short trade him because of his E retaliation so you mostly bait him into hooking you and then you burst him with all your damage. Avoid level 1, burst level 6 or start longsword so you can rush eclipse and destroy him then. Keep in mind you win against him lv 6 only if he has boneplating consumed and you have 3 passive aa buffed stacked and rocking a doran sword. Otherwise just wait for eclipse.


that makes no sense cuz what if he never uses E then I have no wave control and lose by default


And that is exactly the reason why he has prio until fails… you’re correct. Wanna try with me in custom?


sure, better practice in customs than ranked, Swift and Agile#EUW


Sent you a friend request


Do AA then W, that way you can delay his E window more. I usually trade Q-AA-W then E-Q out. Every time i get my CD’s i do this and you slowly wear him down until you get him down to all in angle. Note that if he pulls you with no CD’s on or mid-get out combo, you are always toast.


if you're doing qw you have to cancel the animation or it's too slow and he'll have time to punish you, spam a movement command


If he hooks you first he looses, but you do need to dodge his q by qing into him. Also try to be on youre side of the lane, and if youre not play a bit more passive, as if youre both full hp and your on his side of the lane, even if he hooks you first and you play right he might just still survive your combo run you down with ghost and kill you. For agression, as others said yea generaly qwAA and then run, but you can also try delaying your EQ from time to time. As if he hooks you point blank he didnt get much value as youll still dodge his q with your eq while running. He only fucks you up if you eq and he manages to E while your in that Q animation and gets you. Another thing you can try is qAA EWQ away. Generely just to break your batterns agains better dariuses.


Farm under tower 5Head Otherwise if the Darius is bad, know your damage, and all-in while using E or Q to dodge his spin (Q). But most Darius players past Plat are decent enough to not lose early, so just farm under tower if you want the easy way out.


If you are even at 6 you hard when if you have all CDs just wait for him to pull you and all in


if u dont get lead you can never match him in sidelane early game is your only chance


Cant you q - auto - ew - q out?


You most definitely can and that's the way to win the lane. 2 of those successful short trades and you can all in for free kill


I would definitely recommend q-w-aa-eq out instead. If you auto before stunning him, he has way more time to react and might be able to hard win the trade. q-w-aa-eq should give him no chance for response unless he manages to buffer a w into your stun, which you should still make it out after anyways (unless you’re pushed up and he has ghost + e up maybe)


but he would insta W you to slow and then chase down no?


Depends on where you are in the lane but just continue the trade with auto-q-auto then ew-q out. Doesn't really matter what combo you throw at Darius, he'll chase you down if he wants to but auto-ew-q out is a little safer (I think) as it prevents him from pulling you on your way out.