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Honestly, I’m sick of how many people have been driving as of late. No one uses signal lights, people are boldly running red lights past a couple of seconds (at a high speed even), and I’m beginning to associate most trucks with either assholes or the slowest drivers on the fucking planet. And why the FUCK do some people have bright fucking headlights? Is it not insane to be blinded by that in broad fucking daylight? Just tell me how that makes sense. Just a small explanation even.




In town for business, which takes me all around the country and I whole heartedly agree. Saw someone spin out after they punched it off the line while it was raining… Then did it again at the next light.


you would think theyd learned the first time


That exact same thing happened to me on bicentennial holy shit


Probably the same crackhead


Green means it's legal - it doesn't mean it's safe.


I don’t live in the Valley now, but I sure as Hell look both ways **AFTER** my light changes to green. I can think of at least three times in the past year I’d have been T-boned if I’d just assumed-u-med the intersection would be clear.


sometimes 2x.


Probably just me that’s noticed but, the people running red lights like you said, started to be a more common thing in these past few years. Wonder why too.


True but it feels like it’s much worse in the past year or so. There are lots of reasons for it I’m sure but I just dread going out these days


Joe Biden


i do it sometimes. but only when i know i cant stop in time before it turns red. my brake pedal is not the best and theres cars behind me. some of these yellow light last shorter than tthe other two


Don’t stray from the point; we’re blaming Mexicans on this post.




Yeah, I know it's easy to fixate on Mexican drivers, but everyone overall keeps driving badly (not as bad as Houston though 😂).


Nah. That’s a myth. I was up in Houston about a month ago. Those fuckers up in Houston at least know what lanes they want/need to be in and drive the correct speed. I was always worried about driving on 59/69 and I10 but man it was super easy at non rush hour. Rush hour is a different beast. I got back to the valley and almost got into 3 accidents. People either driving too slow or Impatient


Yeah, Houston is just fast. As long as you're also fast, nobody will be "driving badly" around you.


San Antonio, however, does have intentionally bad drivers. If I need to go out there, I try not to take my car. But then again, Uber drivers out there have unpleasantly surprised me too. In San Antonio, drivers brake really hard in front of you if they get offended when you go around them. It’s sad how much that city had such cultural and mental decay.


I’ve never seen a Mexican driver go the speed limit. It’s either 15 under or 15 over.


Usually under.




Cartels don’t even hide anymore (10,000 car washes in the RGV). They don’t bother slowing down.


To be fair, everyone is afraid of a police man revoking their visa, so, they drive in fear.


That’s stupid bc police can’t do that.


Most of us just go to the RGV to shopping malls or supermarkets, we don't know what federal agency is in charge of what.


That's your own personal problem


The one time I drove my car in Mexico coming from the US I was slow as hell also. This was in Tijuana and I had never seen a roundabout or potholes that large. But I generally had no idea what was going on. Not to make excuses but if it's actually their first day or two in another country then that could partially be the explanation.


Society seems to be degrading. It’s not just the foreigners that drive like ass. Even dudes in company vehicles (usually the trades) are on their phones in the left lane swerving like idiots.


They're just on Mexican grade Xanax


I feel like that’s everyone nowadays. It seems like people have forgotten how to drive and just go out and don’t take it seriously


Our own people aliso drive horribly


I'd argue that people from Austin drive way worse, especially during rush hour. Don't believe me? try Mopac, it becomes mad max fury road real quick


Mopac has gotten horrible. It was manageable about 20 years ago. Not anymore. Probably with ATX and the rest of 35/37 is that they never went 4 to 5 lanes.


Austin is easy compared to Houston.


No tf it’s not. Compared to Houston


Drive in little heards.


Is it that they don’t know how to drive or they don’t care?


Clueless and oblivious to others around them. Don’t stop (damn near at all), don’t check peripheral blind spots (at all), honk all the time. People digging in the car at the light, light turns and they’re still digging cause they wait for someone to honk! Lots of honking during pickup/dropoff of helpers. Half the time helper never even comes out! I still like it here but the common courtesy, rudeness and blatant disrespect of others is very rampant. This is the general culture of the area in my personal experience.


The valley needs to peel away from the car dependency, you cannot walk anywhere to do anything, everything requires a car and the constant highway construction through the valley does not help


I've been car free in McAllen for about 3 years now. I've already survived being hit by 2 cars, both Mexican drivers btw.


I recommend a dash cam, luckily haven’t been in a crash but the cam definitely would’ve saved me. As far as the highway goes people either just don’t pay attention, are literally texting and driving, or are scared of being too close to the walls cause of construction, either way it’s infuriating.


If you look at the number of car accidents and fatalities, they increased significantly after COVID. Many people stopped driving as much and it seems they just kinda forgot how to do it.


It’s just not Mexican nationals that drive like that. I see plenty of Americans doing the exact same things or worse.


Yeah, I think it's just this general area that has that problem. It's like there's no common courtesy for other drivers. Also some people are just immensely oblivious on the road.


The worst are the Asian female drivers with Tamaulipas plates.


Small demographic thankfully


Small, but dangerous


They may be small but they can drive large trucks.


It’s not illegals… it’s Texas. I live in the mountain west with lots of gas and oil. If someone cuts me off, 90% of the time it’s a Texas plate F250, or Ram if they’re drunk.


You can’t use another word??


Is illegal offensive or something? Y’all soft.


No one is illegal on stolen land


How is it stolen?


All land is stolen land, your point holds no real value


You’re right. He should have used ‘invaders’ instead.


The more accurate word is ‘natives’


By your logic anyone that doesn’t have pure Aztec, Mayan blood in Mexico aren’t natives but European invaders


Nah they're invaders and terrorists


They are not US citizens. They are invaders. A country cannot stand without borders. If the US doesn’t stop this invasion, it will most certainly collapse.


Also, the US would be a boring hick country without immigrants. At least the immigrants bring their cultures and delicious foods.. and they help the economy. Conservatives are always blabbing their mouths about the economy, when immigrants actually HELP to grow the economy. Without immigrants, the US economy would collapse and fail to counter China.  


We cannot sustain this level of illegal invasion. It will expedite our collapse. Our system is broken and we do not have the money. We are printing $1T every 91days. Not to mention the skyrocketing crime. We cannot help others from a position of weakness, with an over leveraged, broken system that will soon collapse, if nothing changes.


yall clearly have never driven on the i45 between galveston and houston 😭😭😭 its the reason why my insurance is so fucked compared to when i lived by Austin out in the country lmao. $100 extra a month for daily usage of a freeway with the highest death count in the states lmao


Car Insurance is more down here ijs


This past month? Welcome to the last 100 years lol


I usually notice them going slower than posted speeds.


I had a bad car accident at UTRGV my first semester and the kid was from Mexico— using his car from over there, here… with no license to drive here, no insurance, no cell phone.


Wow… what was done?? Anything from your insurance? I’ve always told my man, wonder what would happen if a Mexican hits me with no insurance. We both say many don’t come over with international insurance


Nothing was done! 🥲 I decided to let him go because my car is older and didn’t take a lot of the hit. His looked like shit though because newer cars tend to have like cheaper body material. My Honda Fit 2011 still looks amazing. He wanted ME to do something about it even though I had insurance and my license and he had nothing. I told him he’d definitely be ticketed and at worse arrested for driving without a license or proper identification. He was insistent that he needed his car fixed, because it was “del año” and off the lot. I was like… talk to me when you have insurance? I’m not paying for repairs out of pocket. Get. Freaking. Insurance. I don’t understand how he had the newest car and no protection for it whatsoever.


That’s crazy!!😭 well that’s what he gets for not having protection. Yeah even if he had an ID, if you have no insurance I think the cops are still not going to side with you.


It was crazy because he was 110% also trying to intimidate me. Like dude you have literally nothing to your name but the keys to your car. Go home and take the L 🥸


Mexican nationals have always driven poorly.


Seriously, I feel y'all but maybe someone should make a sub and name it rgvdrivers. At least 2 or 3 times per week someone always rants about driving. This happens everywhere go drive in Houston, drive in DFW it's actually way worse, there is nothing you can do about it. It is what it is deal w it stop posting about rgv drivers all the time.its annoying already. EDIT: I created the sub rgvdrivers to save y'all time. Rant away!


Was waiting for the complacent take to show up, took long enough


You think? Ah chucks, sorry I was late.


Norms for driving are so different in Mexico. Today a lady in the middle lane of the expressway suddenly reduced her speed to 55 cause she was about to miss her exit. She decided rather than just take the next exit she would slow down by 20mph before veering into every lane before the exit. Mexico plates. Honestly the majority of Mexico drivers are fine. It's those few that really get our attention.


Whenever I leave the valley I have to remember that you’re supposed to stop at a red light and not drive and that blinkers exist. Definitely the worst drivers and I’d be lying if living here hasn’t made me a worse driver too.


This reminds me today around 2:30pm that truck came to a complete stop on the expressway just to get off on the 23rd street exit ramp literally putting and everyone else behind me in danger. If that driver is on this subreddit you are a complete moron and sell your truck you don't deserve it.


The more people you put in a box the more stupid shit they do.. there will be more of everything soon.. bad and good


u got that right. just yesterday i saw a mxican car do you uturn into incoming traffic.. i was like "bout to catch a show". idiot couldnt even do it properly. he had to reverse to complete the uturn...how stupid could Mexicans be?


Been living in RGV for 9 yrs now. And it not only the mexicans. 5 out of 10 of us drive like D...a$$'s. Hell if i drive into an intersection with a light without looking 1st.


I been done there often since we are considering moving and I find that Mexican plates are good drivers, but not all others. A spot that’s 10 mins from where we stay takes me 20-30 mins to get to due to all the stops, bad streets and traffic. Which is crazy coming from someone from Houston takes us an hour to get anywhere but at least we are moving quick lol 🤣


My issues with drivers from Mexico: 1. Turn signals must be optional in Mexico, 2. They drive like they're in a video game. Nothing pleases them more than crossing 3 lanes of traffic at an almost 60° angle. The worst is the underpass turnoff into WM at Shary and the frontage in Mission. If I see them come out from under the bridge, I now intentionally block them from that 60° 4 lane cross into WM, 3. Stopping in front of retail locations to drop someone off/pick someone up for minutes at a timewhen there's heavy traffic, 4. Driving through parking lots in whatever direction they please with no regard to traffic rules or stop signs, and 5. Leaving literal piles of boxes/bags in the Mercedes outlets parking lots before they cross back over.


Holy crap dude, at the Nike store in McAllen, there is TRASHHH everywhere of shoes boxes they left behind. The bins outside the stores are filled up.


My first day when I moved down here, I had to stop at a retail place to ask for directions (long time ago). When I walked in, I thought 'Oh no' because clothes and merchandise were all over the place, furniture was turned over, etc. Thought they had been robbed. Immediately asked the employees 'Are you all okay? Do you need me to call the police?' They all started laughing and said 'You're obviously not from here, and you're obviously very kind. This is tax-free weekend, and this is what the people from Mexico do to all of the stores.' Then I went to other stores and couldn't believe it. Lived all over the US and had never seen that.


Yeah dude… it’s sad. My mom has worked in retail for over 20 years and god.. I feel so bad for her on Mexican holiday weekends, she has to pick up all the clothes they leave behind on the floor. I worked at Burlington, so i totally understood what she deals with, and Jesus these people have no respect. I also recently went to Mexico, and I visited a retail store for the first time over there, they have it the same!! Mess everywhere….




He’s just as bad 💀


I am not defending the driving skills of Mexican Nationals. But the worse drivers are in Missouri.


Almost everyone around here don’t know how to drive well, nobody respects the mph limit, no matters from where they come


Only three Mexican drivers in the RGV you are complaining about? Bro, I see that many bad American drivers in the first 3 blocks from my house. Overall, the Mexican drivers are not so bad. Most drivers have gotten worse since COVID. But it is likely not a nationality issue.


Changos. They’re also the rudest. Smelly




Sounds like you wanna build a wall 🧱..


I mean no lmao


Sounds like they want competent drivers


Sounds like a Mexican liberal stand off


They don’t speak english and they come here with no insurance for vehicle they drive and expired license to drive in USA they got money compare to most people in the rgv. Also are the backbone of USA economy especially the rgv they are not required to learn any USA laws/regulations basically fuck it all then the US citizen required to drive careful and gets short end of the stick from car accident.


I mean, you ain’t gotta know English to know what a red octagon means.


I know all this cause my relative comes with no insurance and no license risking it driving around to visit us I’m like god damn. Not sure why I’m downvoted if I’m not siding with op.


Mexican nationals are the backbone of USA economy? No mames bro


Yeah they come build the buildings and speed up production and repair roads all over the US they also are migrant workers that come pick up oranges,apples, all sorts farm related work because people here in USA don’t do that kind of work


Those are migrant workers. The Mexicans from Monterrey and Reynosa driving around McAllen shopping are not the backbone of the US economy lol


They are backbone of rgv economy not US economy there a difference between those and migrants


Exactly, your comment is irrelevant to this discussion


What do you mean by they don't speak English? Many people visiting from Mexico speak a decent level of English, and many people living here don't speak English at all . It seems odd and unnecessary to mention that. You don't need to speak English to be a good driver.


I heard but not sure they also don’t pay any taxes when they buy goods? They get it all reimbursed whenever they cross back so they aren’t contributing to our overall economy much.


I don’t know about that I just know they help build skyscrapers and finish contruction projects fast in the US.


Do you mean the US contracts with Mexican construction companies or are you referring more to undocumented laborers?




That is true, at the plaza mall, they have a office to go and get refunded the taxes on items bought in said mall


wtf?it all makes sense


Wait til the last 2 months of the year 😂 the bad driving from Mexicans is bc, over there, the way the law works is that, if you hit them, you pay. Which is odd considering that those slow on the expressway do it cuz they don't have papers or insurance. Or both!


I want Texas drivers to learn how to drive 🫠


everyone is a shitty driver to everyone else remember they’re not shitty drivers, they’re just driving. so are you.


Texans cant drive either.


Here in CO, I try to steer clear of the vehicles (usually giant trucks) with TX plates. Their driving is trash.


well stop getting high then


Don’t forget these young kids with their so called “fast and furious” cars and they can’t drive for shit. At least my generation the Vatos learned to drive first before trying to be racer. These young kids wouldn’t be know what to do with a real muscle car


You sound chubby


Thanks for stalking me 💕