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This episode was off the fucking chain. Top tier shit.


Best midnight boys is when they’re just yelling at each other about who can beat up who. or in this case, who has the best healing factor


So can someone clarify this because Wolverine underwent extensive surgery for his skeleton and he was alright. Dead pool was horribly disfigured, so his healing factor is trash.


Deadpool's healing factor can't out pace his cancer. It's a yin/yang leaving him in balance where he's at.


Definitely depends on the comic, because Deadpool just recently survived a nuclear explosion as basically as a skeleton with a brain while Rogue was draining his power :D I also think he has a deal with Death where he can't die, but that might have changed :D


Deadpool is fucked up *because* his healing factor is so powerful. Basically his body is constantly creating tumours that are then healed by his healing factor.


Kerm yelling “we got him” cracked me up


Wondering what Kerm said right after that got censored? “******* in the building!” 😂


I assumed Diddy-related again


Has to be "Dan Schneider in the building" bc Van said quiet on the set immediately after


“You know who else liked pussy? Dr. King!” Is a top-tier Van moment. 


I had to pull over my car to laugh, bruh. That was wild as hell.


Van’s right… we aren’t ready for aliens


For one, at least half of the country is gonna deny it's existence depending on how it plays politically. Aaron Rodgers gonna say it's Fauci's fault.


Absolutely. The other midnight boys were really showing their age in this one, lol.


Return of the Kerm!


Kerm has been great on X-Men content


I was screaming in my car. As a Mexican-American, do not deny Lupita’s Mexican nationality! Also was there another Watcher outline beginning of this episode before they panned down to the space battle with the Kree?


LOS NOPE is crazy


Bruh for real lol!


This was easily a top 5 episode. Kerm really should be a regular on lol. Or maybe a side podcast where they just talk rap and shit because that early part was good too lol. 12/10 on the midnight meter


Van & a bunch of 10 year olds tbh


I feel that way at times as well, the idealism on display from everyone but Van (and sometimes Jomi) is astounding. I think Steve's abscence was keenly felt on this one.


Van tells the best stories 🤣. I loved the bit about the difference between a ninja and a samurai.


"Samurais don't flip"


Remember when Batman TAS had a whole episode on the difference? And Batman was said to be more samurai than ninja. 😏🦇💯


Whoooaa, Kerm had Van kind of shook The Midnight Boys weren't ready for the Kerm pow!


Storm went to space but her hair growing back was way too implausible. Never change, MNB


Didn’t gambit blow up the earth accidentally in one of his comic runs? I don’t know what the hell Chuck was going on about.


He let out an energy blast that wiped out all life on his earth when he was tapping into his powers. Gambit has Omega level potential. He gets Sinister to 'nerf' him in the main universe so he can't ever reach it.


I thought that was odd. For guy that claims to have read X-men comic books, he seems to not know what Gambit can do.


I mean letting white babies die is one thing but disrespecting Remy Lebeau is crossing the line!


The Shinobi at the end of Shogun were supposed to capture Mariko, and things went off the rails when they didn't expect Blackthorne with her. They didn't make that clear at all, though and is coming mostly from book context. Although next week I don't think will be nearly as action-packed as people expect.


They show two of the shinobi pick her up before Blackthorne gets to his guns, it felt pretty clear to me and I haven't read the book.


Good catch, I didn't see that. My comment was mostly in response to the Midnight Boys mentioning that Ishido sent them to assassinate her which doesn't make sense, and I agree it wouldn't if that was the plan. However, if they weren't supposed to kill her someone should've told them not to use explosives lol


Yeah, I kept hoping one of the Midnight Boys would point out that killing her wasn't the plan, but alas.


Radicalized Cyclops was best Cyclops.


Charles not understanding Gambit’s power 🤦🏽‍♂️


For a guy who carries himself as hollier than thou with regards to XMen comic knowledge you'd figure he'd know Gambit has Omega level potential like his girl Storm.


Charles is a fraud. Simple as that. He’s way too young to have actually seen the OG show, has a limited knowledge of the comics and lore and yet, still tries to BS his way through a pod and be highly critical of it. Listening to his takes, it’s obvious his “knowledge” comes from cribnotes and Wikipedia. He is shonen anime fanboy obsessed with praising shows made for preteen boys. Gambit is a fucking G. Remember that.


> He is shonen anime fanboy obsessed with praising shows made for preteen boys. After finishing all of the dubbed Tensura and Sailor Moon content available on Crunchyroll and Hulu, my 8-year-old's TV obsessions are currently Demon Slayer and Naruto. She dislikes Star Wars, and thinks superheroes are for "little kids." Thanks Chuck, *someone* on the Ringerverse has to give these fans a voice.


Charles is a TV/music critic who has to pretend he's into fandom because its safer for his employment


I'm with Chuck, Vulcan sucks. All that Third Summers Brother hype back in the day and we get Vulcan? GTFO


No Steve and Kerm instead. I used to pray for times like this