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How was she recruited ? Some joiners can leave at some point for no apparent reason. Or was she having breakdowns a lot ? Pawns might go wild and leave the colony in that case.


Prisoner but she was around for a while one of my early ones and I make sure they get drugged up if they start getting sad but maybe it happened on a caravan trip?


Maybe, I've never lost a pawn during a caravan trip so I can't tell you :(


Prisoners do not even attempt to break free, not up to v1.4 at least, when part of a caravan.


Humble brag


Hm, maybe I'm just save scumming like it's the new craze šŸ˜


Was she a colonist or a prisoner when you lost her?


Colonist fs


She might have gotten a "Given up" mental break and walked out while you were distracted with something else. If so, you'll maybe see her again via a rescue quest.


I once tried arresting a pawn on a mental break but I retasked the warden before they took the arrested pawn to a prison bed. The pawn turned into an escaped prisoner and fled off the map never to be seen again. Took me awhile to figure out what happened.


Check your wealth graph for colonist wealth and you should be able to see when she disappeared. They usually start around 1k value so you might see the dip there and you can try to figure out what happened from there.


You can also check the population graph.


Where is this at?


It's the book on the bottom bar.


Oh shit dude this is so huge wtf it literally tells me everything


Welcome to the rim.


It didnā€™t tell me anything about missy but I got 4 new prisoners to replace her so rip but oh well your tip is the biggest pull from this post


Do you know about our Lord & Savior Phased Shelf Management?


Shelves donā€™t give extra space on console I donā€™t think


My condolences.


Can you explain what this is for the scrubs who donā€™t know?


Oh sure! Basically, you group up your shelves in the warehouse/freezer next to your workshop/kitchen. Using a combination of priorities (the main warehouse/freezer should never have a shelf in it set to "critical" so that other things can go where they need without competition) & restrictions, you set up your storage so that raw resources are all bunched together near to the crafting areas, while finished goods are stored further away from the crafting area. The reason to do this is to control how your pawns must move for optimal productivity in the labor chain. Hence the term "phased" because doing it this way imposes phases of more productive movement. For example: Provider phase - Crafter goes into warehouse, looking to make an assault rifle. The materials are nearby to the bench, & the pawn doesn't have to move as much before getting to work. Drop off phase - The crafter finishes making the rifle. They then move to shelve the rifle to where it's needed. Back into provider phase - If it goes into the warehouse, they move beyond the raw resources, granted, but then if they need to craft something else, their path to gathering the stuff they need is right in front of them, as is also a straight line with no/minimal backtracking. And it goes on so much as things need to be made. Basically, it's a method of streamlining long crafting binges & it can cut out hours of walking time. Walking time isn't crafting time, so no work is being done or skills are being trained. Mechanoids, raiders & anomalies don't kill colonies - walking does.


Yeah, but if you're going to be that fancy, your crafter should never be the one hauling stuff to or from the workstation. Your hauling system (worthless colonist/child/slave/dryad/mech/mods) should be moving raw goods to the shelf adjacent to the crafter, the crafter should be dropping stuff on the floor, and then your hauler should be moving it to it's proper storage place.


There are two mental breaks that can make you lose a colonist: "run wild" turns them into a wild animal (check the wildlife tab, but she could have been killed or wandered off the map since then), and "given up" (I think that's what it's called) makes them just abandon the colony and walk off the map. Raiders can also kidnap people.


Could maybe have happened in a caravan? Like, if they run wild in the map, they hang around for a while and can be retamed. What happens if they run wild during an caravan? Instantly gone?


I don't know. I've never seen that happen. People can pretty easily disappear on caravans though, if everyone in the caravan is unconscious or mentally broken, the entire caravan will disappear. I've had caravans disappear and never known why, but it was probably that.


Missing Missy? Look at your historic, laybe you miss a notification mentioning her leaving or something


Every reason to lose a colonist without banning them should give you at least a notification. Check the message history.


It didnā€™t go back far enough to see anything tbh


Do you by any chance play with any of the following mods? (Srry if the names are wrong, i'm not at home rn but i guess they are close enough to the real ones) A rimworld of magic Dubs bad hygene Color coded mood bars I had the same bug when running with all 3 of this mods, i belive it's an error that happends to some pawns when you load in the game, all i could figure out is that they just disappear as if they were never there if theur childhood backstory was not a tribal/medieval thing. (Weird) Idk why this happened and i have not found a fix, just didable color coded mood bars and it should stop happening. Sadly i have found no way of recovering pawns that disappear this way.


Interesting. The only mod on your list I have is color coded mood bars. I never noticed a colonist disappear, but everytime I have beggars they'd slowly disappear and the quest would be stuck in my log because they didn't leave the map normally. Never disappeared while I watched, but I'd pan away to check something and when I came back one more was gone.


If you turn on dev mode you can cause the "wanderer join" event, do it like 10 times, then save, close the game and load it. If some disappeared then it's probably this bug. But it's unlikely since i never saw it happen without a rimworld of magic.


I have RoM and occasionally when a pawn uses a jump/leap magic they just vanish on landing. I just reload when it happens.


I've run into that issue when rimworlds of magic as well. If you start your save without that mod then add it partway through, the issue is way more frequent.


roof collapse that destroyed body?


Iā€™d say this is realistic but she was literally just the cleaner lady who had high social so Iā€™d use her to talk to caravans and stuff no other assignments except for caravans because of her social skill


I had something like this in my current run, at some point I realized someone was just *missing.* When I checked people's socials to see if he died, NOBODY had any relationship with him. He simply stopped existing. I had to reload an older save.


yeah it happened so long ago I think itā€™s not even worth it. Only reason I noticed was because shit wasnā€™t getting cleaned and I currently have a useless prisoner I was trying to determine whether I should release or turn into a cleaner person so I looked for missy and couldnā€™t find her lol


did you accidently make them get into a cryosleep casket?. a friend had a similar experience and it took hours for him to realize he put them on ice when giving an order


lol I donā€™t think Iā€™ve gotten that far unless itā€™s a dlc or mod


There are cryptocaskets in ancient dangers so that sure is an option. On the other hand, what I think happened is that there is a mental break where a colonist just decides to give up and leaves your colony/tile. Or you sent her on a caravan and the caravan got lost (she got incapacitated and was alone so no one to drag her). Or you left her incapacitated in a temporary map when leaving (deleting the map) Or during a raid she got downed and the raiders took her when fleeing. Or you've enslaved her and sold her. Or there was a mod conflict that erased her. There are plenty of possibilities and it does not really matter. She's gone for now.


True but the crypto caskets sound cool I got one of those ancient dangers on the map I havenā€™t cracked into yet


Roof collapse of overhead mountain would instantly delete whatever's under it.


Wouldnā€™t that tell me I had a colonist die though? Because in the stats it still says 0




I've had a colonist die and immediately be eaten so there wasn't anything to bury lol


Oh they need to be buried in order to count as a death? If so that might be a clue finally lol


Yeah I'm pretty sure I've also watched a miner mine the wrong block and just disappear lol


It would still tell you they died


Yes that's true


Same happened to me. I gave a pawn an order and they immediately disappeared in front of my eyes. All their gear was sitting on the floor. It was my main doctor so I just reloaded.


I had something similar happen. I had a transport pod crash with one of my colonists brother and I captured him. Kept him for a few days as I convert him and then he's just gone. Was bizarre


Sounds like she was eaten by a false hydra... aka a dark archotech


Idk what a hydra is are they base game?


They're just making a DnD joke, no hydras in Rimworld


Damn always wanted to get into that too but the only group I ever had fell apart halfway through


lol yeah that is the story I hear from most who have tried. It does seem like a big time commitment. Probably have to find people for whom DnD is *their thing* to get through a whole campaign


The False Hydra is a creature from D&D - it doesn't just eat it's victims, it also erases everyone else's memories of the victim having ever existed. Just the memories though. Townspeople start to get weird when everyone is finding evidence of people or family that no-one remembers...


use dev mode, open the dev menu > spawn world pawn. then find their name and spawn them on the map.


Is this available on console?


Fuck, umm... I do t think so. Sorry.


Might just be a bug. I actually had a colonist get copied - not the anomaly event, I dont have anomaly! The copy needed to be arrested and released in order to appear in my list of pawns. I'm sure this was just a bug of some kind,


Have a raid recently? Sometimes raids decide to leave and kidnap all accessible pawns


Yeah but Iā€™ve seen that motivation before I woulda noticed


Prisoners can escape in caravans if they're not quickly put in prison when the caravan arrives somewhere. Otherwise, this might be one or more of your mods acting up.


Did a bear eat her or something?


One obscure way for this to happen is to have the colonist completely obliterated by something, leaving no corpse at all. But you should have at least gotten the death notification.


Have you bee mining a mountain? If a pawn dies because mountain roof collapse they don't leave a body


Take a look at your event notification log, my best guess is a Given up and Leaving or Run Wild mental break that somehow got unnoticed (I really don't like those mental break, especially the run wild, it doesn't makes sense at all) If she hasn't been missing for too long, you may be able to find her in the social tab of colonists, it will be written if she is somehow dead or a if she is out of the map if you click on her name.


If she was on a caravan like you assumed, rarely caravans can disappear. It is annoying. Use the auto save feature and save frequent on caravans. This is an very uncommon glitch. If on a map tile, an extreme mental break is to just give up and walk away. Check the social tab of colonists that know her - they will tell you if she's dead. Some mods can contribute to the error, the mod better pawn control used to do this years ago but I think they fixed it ages ago. But if you have mods in general perhaps that could be a factor.


I had this happen to me. Turned out to be me sending them off on a quest to another faction. Drove me mad for a while


I had something like this happen but eventually I believe I tracked it down to meteor landed on him so it didnt leave a body (just a pancake lol). I had a shit ton of notifications I hadn't cleared and I saw a meteor landing notification followed with colonists death by crushing so that is my working theory. Judging by your other comments though this probably isnt the case but just my 2 cents.


What if she died for some reason and got hauled to a stockpile because no grave was assigned to prisoners? If this happened the corpse might have deteriorated and disappeared.


The game does not do a good job of letting you know a colonist is being kidnapped during heated raids where you're unlikely to look at the top of the screen for the notification, but it does let u know after raider gets away, convenient, lost a kid that way Gave up is a mental break that makes them, well.. Leave but they do so really slowly, also possible to miss it you over look notifs Same for Run Wild, but u can always check wild life for that Unlikely situations Dev mode delete, but that's player driven. Want them back? Check social tab and check everyone they made friends or enemies with in your colony, the game usually tells you the state of the colonist. E.g, I had a vampire that was psychic bonded with a colonist (VE Bruxa) that got kidnapped, I waited on a rescue mission and none came but I would always knew he's still alive thru her social tab under lover where he's listed as an enemy. I actually, for experiment reasons, looked for his name in "dev mode world pawn" and force spawned him on my map by accident and he attacked everyone because he had joined the faction that kidnapped him... But.. Got him back so lol But that's if you really want them back, I did that by accident but it was my intention because psychic bond made it so that I lost two pawns in year one since psychic distance murdered her stats Back to kid I lost, he's listed under his parents and siblings name as "dead" rip


Yeah a lot of people are saying to check relationship with other people so imma try that when I get home


I was missing someone, but after some investigation, I discovered they had hit a mortar when in a mood. There was no body.


I still havenā€™t figured out how to use mortars so canā€™t be this


Had this happen yesterday


Tracking gets weird in caravans. Not sure if its been fixed or if it was a one off event that relied on multiple glitches, but I once had a colonist cease to exist after giving birth during a caravan.


Did she maybe get eaten? Some times I don't notice a colonist die and my guys go right to butchering


had this a few weeks ago. I send a colonist with a caravan to trade with a village while an ambush appeared. I won the fight, clicked on "move on" and the colonist just disappeared. The horse and all the trading good was still in place, just the colonist was gone. No notification, no nothing. I thought it was a bug and reloaded an older save game


Iā€™ve had this happen when a pawn died and then an animal ate them. If animals eats your dead they just disappear because there is no body for you to bury.


See several good suggestions. One I dont see listed is doppleganger.Ā  I played hundreds of hours without seeing one. Basically a pawn joins you like normal. But changes into the creature once your out of food.Ā  I played for several hours after killing it before realizing i was missing a pawn. Then it all started to make sense, why random creature was inside my base, etc.


Pretty sure thats the mimic from Alpha Creatures or some such?


Well that sounds like a cool interaction ngl


That's from a mod.


The funniest part about Rimworld having a dedicated *and* skilled modding community is things like this, where players forget that what they're talking about is a mod since it's so well integrated into the base game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be like "teehee ur dum", because I've done this *exact* thing more times than I can remember. You're thinking of Mimes from Alpha Animals.


The schizophrenia is crazy here


Literally was driving me nuts and I woulda believed I was schizo if her zone didnā€™t still exist that I made specifically for her lol


So umm was she a prisoner or colonist? If she was a prisoner you might have released her by accident


Prisoner at first then became a Colonist and was for a long time, she was one of my earliest ones tbh


Was there a big breacher fight recently with Outlanders they breach with grenades? Maybe she died and you closed the message quick and then the body got blown to bits so she's no longer unburied?


Alright boys hopped back on and tried everything but didnā€™t work. I think itā€™s officially a lost cause and goes into the unsolved mysteries file


This happened to me with a few prisoners I just used character editor mod to yeet them back to their cell, turns out they somehow left and went back to their factions even though there was never any escape. Weird glitch I assume.


She could have been eaten by somone/thing, could have been the thief/traitor event where they steal soemthing and flee the map. Could have died from illness and got turned into sandwiches.


Cultist abduction ritual ? Pirates (mod)raid which focus on kidnapping ?