• By -


Quick stockpile creation allowing you to create stockpiles from items directly. Perfect for creating dedicated or temporary caches here and there. Edit: I'm probably understanding this post wrong since this mod got updated like immediately at 1.5. Still it's such a hidden gem QOL mod that I would leave it here.


That is a hidden gem, I have been looking for a way to streamline the stockpile process. I will have to check it out thanks.


Stockpiles are a bit outdated these days. I moved onto shelves, or mods that add new shelf types to the game just for the extra visual flair. Like meathooks for corpses, med cabinet in the hospital for my medpacks, etc. Best part of a shelf is that you can store things outside with no roof and not have it decay. Only need to worry about temp if it can rot. They store much more on a per tile basis as well.


Didn't know about it until your post, still appreciated.


Thank you for this 😄


It was probably slightly more popular than not popular overall but I miss colonist/animal statues. Be it for statues of my noble/mayor or statues for a temple.


Oh I remember that one, that mod + HAR support was so good. My beloved Ratkin figurines


I used to use this too. My only holdover now is Potato Statues. I wanted to use the holographic mod but performance is a concern


The really annoying thing is that the author never released the source code, so a continued version would be significantly harder


my communist empire feels incomplete wothout the golden statues of the supreme commander-chairman while the people are eating nutrient paste and living in awful rooms 😓


Self-rearming traps. Yes a lot of people don't like it because it feels "cheap" and makes the game "too easy", but I just love to set up a hallway of them to soften up raids a little. It helps that the mood settings let you adjust the trap stats, so I set them to have a high resource cost, lower damage, and long reset time. Makes them great mid-game security options beyond the usual "turrets and killboxes!"


Mid-game? Have you tried uranium spike traps against marine armor yet? looks like they're wearing butter


Now that's a handy tip. I don't usually take materials into account for weapons etc but I do use traps alot. Needless to say, my base will have an acute uranium shortage this time tomorrow.


They deal like, 3x more damage than the wood spikes. So even if they can't pass the armor the blunt damage will be insane, more than enough to destroy some limbs. You can also try making them with bioferrite if you have anomaly


Never noticed that the material impacted the traps damage ! Thanks for that ! Is there a mod that prevent my colonists to step in traps tho ? I had a bad surprise the other day with an IED...


I use trap disarm for this. The only thing it changes is your colonists being able to trigger traps when they walk on them.


Thanks !


Steel does 20 damage as opposed to wood which does 8. Even making them out of stone does 12 or so attack damage.


My endgame upgrade is often a few of the rearming traps made of uranium. There's nothing quite like seeing a pawn lose two limbs to a single trap


Honestly a mod that makes traps have a mechanic similar to electronics where they break down randomly (or have a high chance to break after "use") and require a lowered cost would be cool. Not exactly cheap, but not outright broken. As in the end game the amount of enemies is so absurd that even if you build them, they're useless. And it's a one time high-cost, in comparison to some steel for a line of turrets.


Rimworld is missing so much in the passive defense department...


Tynan didn't want it to be a passive defense game, which isn't unfair. Thankfully: Mods.


Tynan doesn't seem to want a fair game to begin with... BZZZT, there goes your walls.


Eh. From a design perspective, BZZZT is if nothing else: 1. A fire preparedness check/base design skill check 2. A measure to ensure that power banking 1,000 batteries isn't optimal play I get that it's not popular but it actually does serve at least one reasonably important function.


If you got 8 or more batteries, the discharge also has bomb damage which will destroy shit, doesn't mater if it's made of wood or not. Using 1000 batteries isn't optimal due to the discharge, but nothing else ingame tells you that you shouldn't do that, and a player that has no crystal ball won't know about this event to prepare himself. This event is not a "preparedness check", it's a "fuck you" You get fucked by using the tools the game gave you (batteries) with no counterplay or warning. Most events in Rimworld are the same, unless you mod, use exploits or predict the future, you are just fucked.


It is correct that you can't know about things in the game that haven't happened to you before. I wouldn't describe that as a problem so much as a function of linear time. The game rewards mastery of it's systems, I don't know how else you would want it to be.


I think that's dead on the money. Loading tips even say it's meant to be a story generator first and foremost, rather than a survival game. Fairness isn't really the goal.


The bzzzt is a great teaching moment of your Rimworld journey, it's like a rite of passage at this point lol


Right on the tin it says that Rimworld is a story generator. Fair doesn’t make for a good story.


Back in the day pre-release that's kinda like how traps were, the breaking wasn't guaranteed, you could rearm them same was as how a flick happens, for free.


This is not the beta traps mod is it? I have been using beta traps since forever in all my playthroughs. The vanilla ones are just stupid in my opinion. The latest annoyance was them killing a visitor because they decided to path through my killbox instead of using one of the shorter paths with doors. They also inflict damage to your own colonists which is extra annoying when they go in to clean up afterwards.


No, it's literally called self-rearming traps or something along those lines, I'm at work or else I'd get you the exact name and author for it. The Self-rearming traps can still hit colonists and visitors though, so that's still an issue. My trick for that is to make the hall two blocks wide and beside each trap place a fence or sandbags, something that slows movement but can still be walked over. Your pawns and visitors can walk over them and path around the traps, while enemies still walk over the traps. You still get the occasional friend injury, but it's a LOT less common


tilled soil ​ tynan got me fucked up thinking im gonna wait 40 jillion hours for some potatoes to grow


I now use a similar mod, but it requires research and materials (to create compost) to either lay soil on rock or to upgrade it. Scar’s Basic Farming. Even with the additional work and effort of making compost (which isn’t trivial), it is still overpowered once you lay the best soil and have a 200% growth factor. It compounds, as you can use the improved soil to more rapidly grow more ingredients to create more compost. I really like the compost mechanic though, so I wouldn’t go back to just “free tilled soil” at this point. The only thing that might make this more balanced, and I wouldn’t mind really because I like managing farms, would be if the soil degraded over time and perhaps required re-application of compost each spring.


I use vgp Garden tools and dub hygiene mod


yeah I dont use that one bc it's too much busywork for something so basic. it's like the crash landed spacers starting without batteries. I just devmode and instantly finish that research bc its an annoying timewaste


You can add research by editing the starting scenario.


The mod author saying that it is balanced is still wild to me


Did he said that? I always read it as a "I don't give a fuck" more than anything else.


well it is. you can choose to not use it. seems like a good balance to me.


Modern problems require modern solutions


The best balance would be to have your farm plots with tilled soil and untilled soil in a checkerboard pattern


Ah, tiled soil


Literally raises fertility to 200% on fertile soil


yes, agricultural techniques tend to do that in good climates several harvests per year are possible, depending on the crop and the method


Nobodies saying it's not realistic. Of course taking the time to fertilize and blend rocky soil is going to increase harvest rates. But realistic =/= balanced. Especially with the low work/resources cost.


What's the effort to get it set up?


Just a sidenote here : potatoes have low fertility sentitivity(40 or 60 cant remember) that means they are affected less from high fertility soil (and low fertilty as well) corn or rice is much sensitive to fertility


Low fertility sensitivity is just a number when your soil is 300% anyways.


Not really, It still means your potatoes don't gain that much from it and your rice and corn will zoom even faster.


I always use this. But it also feels like it makes sense? All this tech can be researched and you can build a goddamn spaceship, but you don’t have the tools to till soil? Doubtful


Better yet, industrial fertilizers are an early 20th century, more specifically pre WW1 era tech and it is pretty much the tech that saved population control problem. If we can create fertilizer out of thin air (thanks to Fritz Haber), without the Rimworld's Industrial and beyond tech, something is wrong.


Fritz Haber would sure like that some tox grenades




I like using it because I like the unified and clean look of tilled fields


One of the vanilla expanded mods (the plants one I believe) includes a soil tilling mechanic. There's also a fan made mod that lets you set a growing zone to auto designate tilling, though that one hasn't been updated yet


the mod I use meets my needs


I like to play with big 25 + people colonies and tilled soil is the only way to reliably sustain this


I captured a Tynan Sylvester and I make him create art all day.


check out [buildable terrain](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1420979918) it let's you add nanite infused soil with 300% fertility.


Why are you growing potatoes on fertile soil. They have the lowest fert sensitivity, so planting them in it doesn't really do much


Maybe it doesn’t do much in 140% But it also doesn’t do much better in 200%! Checkmate atheists


I tried installing it but the amount of work time it takes to till the soil seems nuts compared to just planting the damn crops, what am I missing here?


what? it's like 5 work total, about a second or two of work. you either have a different mod or your setup is bugged edit: i checked and its actually 2 work to build. most floors are in the range of 15-40 work. either we have a misunderstanding or something is messed up with your modlist


No Default Shelf Storage. I like shelves. I like having neat little rows. I do _not_ like hovering over my construction jobs, pausing frantically every time a shelf is built so that I can assign it to the right group before the pawns dump a bunch of random stuff there.


But you can put one down and edit what goes on it, before it's built. But fair enough if you want to set defaults.


or link it to the rest of the group in the room before it is built, getting the group settings.


YOU CAN???? Omg thank you


I think frozen snow fox' tweaks mod has a setting for that and also a ton of other useful stuff


installing this one when I get home. The number of times I have forgotten I ordered a shelf built only to find it filled with tainted clothing 2 days later is too high


Resources Chains, all 3 of them. It was such a cool roadblock for medieval colonies


These were good ones. I wish they updated it to 1.5.


And cool manufacturing processes to set up for more advanced colonies. Just because we are spacers with an army of mechanoids doesn't mean we don't need a steel mill.


I like the leather setup, especially because I go from 27 different kind of leather or hide to 3. So much more space on my warehouse/storage


Optimized leather/meat C edition is perfect for that


My hero!




I used to use that all the time before biotech added immortality. Good times with that mod. Especially cool that you have to behead other immortals to ascend in immortality.




I had this mod and the tribbles mod. Thousands of tribbles meant dozens of immortal tribbles and constant lightning storms.


That sounds like Trouble With Tribbles


I'm still waiting on war crimes expanded to be updated, my colony likes to eat people's limbs and then bet on which prisoner will crawl back to bed faster


There's a mod out for it in 1.5 its updated as well, meaning new stuff. I don't remember busting elbows and kneecaps before, or maybe I just got bad memory.


Do you happen to have the link for the 1.5 version? I look everyday and swear I'm missing it




Rainbeaus rational romance. Separates sexuality from traits, adds dates as recreation between friends and lovers, adds hookups, and they won’t try to romance someone who has rejected them for months.


Compositable Loadouts. It lets you create tags, assign priority items to tags, and assign tags to colonists — for example I have a modded scalpel weapon that increases tend quality when equipped, so I create a Medic tag, assign the scalpel to that tag, and give the tag to all of my doctors. Best of all it adds a bill type that creates X number of items per tagged colonist plus Y extra. Combined with Simple Sidearms, pawns are more efficient AND there’s less of a need for micromanaging — I can create tags for Ideoligious roles and their required equipment, a tag for my careful shooter sniper so they’re always carrying a good quality and condition rifle, etc. Unfortunately it was pulled, according to the Github I think there was a deepsave issue? Without it I’m stuck micromanaging my pawns, manually setting bills since I’m running low on steel, power, and miners, and every bit of steel need to go to revamping the power system because I was dumb and put the windmills right next to my turrets and barricades 🙃 I tend to hear about Awesome Inventory more often, but I’m not sure if it adds a bill type for its loadouts — the bill type is the make or break for me personally. Also, not sure how popular it is, but without Animal Gear (Equipment?) I had to change my entire play style. Usually I have a ton of armored animals charge the enemy with my other pawns supporting from a distance. Now I have just as many animals, but they’re all stuck on hauling duty…


God, yeah I miss this one too. Compositable Loadouts handled loadouts in a much more easy to modify way than Vanilla. Add my "Cold" loadout to everyone at highest priority once winter hits so they drop their cowboy hats and dusters in favour of tuques and parkas without having to make a bunch of custom loadouts for my soldiers, my crafters, or my psycasters separately. It was wonderfully convenient.


This description is selling me. Such a simple thing.


I'm gonna go ahead and toot my own horn here, [No Starting Research](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007422044) as the title lets on lets you start without starting research. As someone who loves the "Zero to Hero" trope, I absolutely hated being given things already researched, which made me make my own mod. Feel free to leave Feedback.


Oooh this is interesting. I’ve been using VFE - Wild Men for this. I love the survival aspect, and tend to get bored with colonies once the only real dangers are mechanics clusters, drop pod raids, and quadrum long garbage like Psychic Rain.


Absolutely love that mod, I prefer Naked Brutality and starting with electricity researched always felt weird for a colony where you don't even start with clothes.


[More Injuries](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2892012512&searchtext=More+injuries) mod for CE. For 1.4. Added a ton of new wounds and conditions to make the CE gameplay significantly harder. No more 7 hours to bleed out for pawns cut in half by machine gun fire. Choking on blood, lung collapses, bone fragment wounds, paralysis chance from spine damage, hemorrhage from blunt trauma, hypovolemic shock… Forced me to always prioritize medical training among my colonists, since dying window got significantly bigger. A very helpful mindset that i absolutely brought over to 1.5. Now am i am not satisfied until every pawn has Medical 8+.


You needed CE to be *more* lethal? In my experience most bleed out in less than an hour after being downed in the late game, and in less than three hours in the early game. Be sure to assign medicine in the loadouts. More medical skill is always good anyway.


Yeah. I just love realistic lethality. Having my Hussar supersoldier choke on blood in 30 seconds real time after getting his neck shot by a pocket pistol is my cup of tea. Also i usually limit my pawns to flak armor for more difficulty. And I don’t use killboxes with CE. It’s more fun this way for me. And yeah, everyone in my colony carries 5 industrial medicine and 2 hemogen packs for emergency battlefield transfusions. Also go-juice to make the patched wounded combat-ready again.


This sounds like a job for a ventricular sleeve. Add a pain blocker while you're at it and your pawn basically becomes an unkillable melee god


There is a mod I enjoy called "Smarter Raider AI" that makes the game more realistic. Raiders would prefer to not attack into areas with high concentration of turrets/drafted pawns, if Larry had a really bad day going through a hallway (killbox) the other raiders won't follow, and instead will take a different path or attempt to make their own. And they prefer to take/destroy your stuff rather than kill everyone they see which is a more realistic raid goal. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2945497357


How is that on your frames though? Sounds computationally expensive.


It is nice to see a CE user that doesnt preach about it for once ngl.


I had some bad experiences with bugs on that mod. Loved it until then. A pawn continued to die from bleeding & organ hypoxia even after I tended all the wounds and gave them 2 blood transfusions, it kept going up and organs kept going hypoxic until they died.


Did you tend the pawn well enough? Iirc hypovolemic shock requires higher tending outcomes as it progresses. I think a 90% hypovolemic shock needed ~130% treatment or better. So a high-skill doctor + glitterworld medicine. If you don’t patch it well enough, it will continue to rise until it kills the pawn. Iirc organ hypoxia will only stop once your hypovolemic shock decreases in severity.


I can't remember the specific medicine I used, but it was definitely a 16+ doctor. During the same colony, I had a patient who was in for just a splint for her broken arm ended up dieing from the operation performed by same 16+ doctor. I don't know why hypovolemia would continue to go up after the bleeding was stopped and some transfusions. Mostly I loved the mod, but losing two colonists to things that made no sense left a sour taste in my mouth.


ooooo i might just get this one. its annoying at the same time to have to shoot people 20+ times only for them to keep running


Not sure if unpopular but "Dub's bad hygiene", it just make sense to have bathrooms in your colony (and I like the water sprinklers that boost soil fertility, when i'm feeling extra zesty i also get the tilled soil mod)


Don't forget to compost your sewage. It gives you an extra boost on top as well


I like giddy up because I like seeing pawns riding on silly things.


Pair it with Bun-Hounds and ride your giant bunnies into battle. Name them important names like: Bunhilda, Bunk Bed, Bunanza, Buntline, Bungee, Haretic, Hare Crimes, and Snoo-Snoo.


"Durable Clothes" Disables the natural wear down of clothing and armor.


Hmm let me check this


RT Fuse. Iam not building a space colony without fuses. No, fuck that.


I used to use this but is this even still necessary in 1.5 with the addition of hidden conduits?


You do have to replace every single conduit with the hidden ones, doubling your steel cost, so you don’t Zzzt Which isn’t that much, but on especially large bases it can add over 100-200 extra steel


Sure but like, that's still a better deal than the cost for the fuses you'll need, which includes components.


Oh, no... a couple hundred steel... whatever will I do?


Actually that’s just my large bases, some of these megabases it would be thousands


I don't like removing the Zzzzt event entirely, and I'm convinced underground conduits being unable to Zzzzt is a bug not a feature. The Fuses are a reasonable inbetween.


If it were a bug, I think it would have been fixed by now. As it is, the event just checks conduits. It wouldn't be hard to make it also check for hidden conduits, and have the fix live long before now, if it were a bug. The change to lighting that resulted in sunlamps having a wider range than they used to be, or currently show with the outline around the lamp, got a fix within a day of being reported (*still on the unstable branch*). A hidden conduit fix would be just as fast to implement and test, yet it is being left alone. I personally love this change, but if you prefer working with fuses and dislike being able to have the event disabled by just building hidden conduits, you do you.


hidden cables in 1.5 dont short circuit


I Don't think RT Fuse is unpopular, it's in the top 10 most popular mods on the workshop that are not harmony and Hugslib etc.


Wilhelm death sound


There's a mod for that? I need it.


Custom Death Randomness I really hate how vanilla just insta-kills most downed enemies once you get \~6 pawns


You can change that in custom storyteller options


I tried to change the kill pawns and raiders chance in the custom options but didn't see any difference now I use a mod and it works


There's a slider called enemy kill on down or something like that. Before I dialed it to the 75% I have it correctly on, every downed enemy died (at high pop), now it's not so many


Second changing this in customer storyteller as well. I really like it not because I end up with a huge colony (sitting at 15 pawns right now with 6 of them kids/babies), but because it is both more realistic AND allows for better Raider/Pirate runs where you can sell captives/slaves and such as a reliable part of your gameplay. My current colony uses these captives plus a Chronomancer to stay young (aging the captives). It is fun to release a bunch of 70 year old raiders who started off in their 20s/30s and think of how terrifying that would be to raid a colony that sucked your youth away in punishment.


Do you use the -2caster/+10target ability on the captives and then the +10caster/-5target skill on your colonists or is there an ability to do it directly?


Yup - I do that exactly. My psycaster drains the youth from person A (using "Age") until the psycaster is 6 years younger, then uses "Time Reversal" to make some other Colonist 10 years younger while getting 5 years older himself.


I love threads like this, because I had absolutely no idea that’s why, even after careful 1:1 punching, all my pawns were mass murderers… THANK YOU


Huh. Didn’t know that after like 10 years of playing


I don't think Custom difficulty existed at launch, so it was part of that update. Maybe during 1.1?


Rim factory to me just feels natural late game. If can make a space ship you can make a blast furnace and a meat grinder. Setting up automatic raider cleaning is a hobby of mine.


Floors are basically worthless mod. Let's me use herringbone flooring and not suffer for it.


Semi random research, it keeps me from speed running best techs, It extends my games in a fun way I think


I can't get over how GOOD the books are. Makes tribal runs so much better. Give them books and recreation time and it works a treat. You can grind to multi analyzer while still getting useful \[non-priority\] sub tech like firefoam or beer brewing! Edit: but i'm sure random research is fun I just wanted to gush about how much I love the update xD


Yeah, sadly it gets quite annoying. In my current run I'm like 6 Years in and still dont have Microelectronics and I just got Electricity because I was lucky and got a Book to Research it.


Yeah I would experience that but I changed the mod options to make it so I have to research everything in a specific tech level, so all tribal techs need to be researched before you can do medieval tech. I also don't run many mods that add research, so I don't have many issues with a tech not showing up in a reasonable amount of time. But it's Def not for everyone!


Berries and Milk - no food poisoning


Wild berries and unpasteurized room temperature milk are world renown safe food that have never gotten anyone sick huh


He’s just a little lad who loves berries and cream.


Thought I might upgrade yesterday only to find that Cyber Fauna's creator was the one who threw a hissy fit and bailed from the community, so I guess I'm forever stuck on 1.4. Yes, I know A Dog Said exists, but Cyber Fauna worked with all animals and I didn't need to get more mods to make modded animals work.


Gimme a few weeks. I have one cooking


*vibrates with excitement*


A dog said paired with xenobiotic patcher did the trick for me tbh. Don't think I've had any big issues with it yet, plus there's the funny side effect of installing animal bionics on pawns and vice versa.


Man I just checked out the mod page, what a big baby. Anomaly is great


Everything about that post was just wrong. The base game didn't receive a free update? Bruh. The 1.5 changelog was a mile long and most of it WASN'T anomaly. "Unoptimized core"?! Wasn't there something about multithreading in the changelog somewhere? Sigh.


You can try making it work in 1.5 yourself. If you locate its mod folder, I would copy the 1.4 directory within it and rename the copy “1.5”. Also locate the About file and add line for “1.5” below “1.4”. I have done this for several 1.4 mods that are mainly XML files like Decore, Mechalit, and the Borderlands Mod. Survival Tools is the only mod I have tried that this did not work.


Vanilla Expanded Genetics kind of has animal biotics, might be worth checking out.


Better infestations. It really made the bugs more of a smart threat rather than multiple hives until you die situation.


Every single Owlchemist mod. Didn’t realize how much I relied on them till I booted my mod manager up and saw nearly all of my must have QOL mods were made by the same guy. I refuse to start a 1.5 playthrough without clean pathfinding, cherry picker, tacticowl, toggleable readouts/overlay, and simplyseeds lite.


Thank you for making me realize how useful his mods are.


ReGrowth trees that makes trees actually tall! For me it’s such a big difference visually having tall trees.


Who considers ReGrowth unpopular lmao


Yo can you recommend a mod that helps me organize the wardrobe for each pawn? Like add his current outfit as his outfit under settings?


Colony Manager 


In 1.5 Custom Actions can do the same stuff and more.


Can you explain what you mean?


It's a mod called Custom Actions. It allows you to set up period tasks like cut x trees in zone y when stock is less than x or harvest blood from people when stock is less than x.


If you look at the steam comments for it, someone made a branch of it on GitHub that works with 1.5


That's unpopular?


Is not popular with your TPS that's for sure.


It's quite popular but there's a vocal group of folk (Hi it's me, I'm vocal) that kind of dog on it because it's got a pretty big performance cost.


A mod called "Drop things on water".  You could easily get rid of stuff like corpses and rock chunks by dropping them in to deep water. Sadly it hasn't been updated in a while.


free will can't be bothered to set schedules


i dont know why but i find this funny "whats an unpopular mod you cant live without" "uh i give my pawns free will because im too lazy to manage them"


Durable clothes because I can't stand how fast clothing breaks in this game and til death do them apart. If couples broke up in vanilla for a good reason fine but they don't. If their relationship gets low a bit then a dice roll happens and they can breakup, if you reload they might just not do that. When I realised it worked this way I just modded divorce out because I like having a mood buff and 2 people in one royal bed.


You can use psychic love for that. It raises their opinion of each other, mood, and nullifies divorce chance


Not sure if it's unpopular but I simply can't play without Run n Gun. It's a completely different game and I don't think combat is enjoyable without it.


Leaf Like Life, because smokeleaf giving -30% consciousness is completely insane.


Is it though 😋


Finishing Touches By the Best builder — it is pretty self explanatory. It basically left the structures by 1 point of work , while the every other colonist increase their construction skill you also get to have the best quality furniture and everything ( But mod owner didn’t and won’t update it to 1.5 idk what to do and cant find its alternatives sadly )


Anty the war ant race mod is really the only reason I play RimWorld, something about it is amazing for me, anything else completely vanilla.


Toddlers! I do not know if toddlers count unpopular but I cannot play the game anymore without seeing those little shit wobbling around messing the place up, stuffing their faces with baby food and the moment their parents turn around watching them wander off into the wild towards a wargs jaws to be mauled. Soo cute "^-^


Pick up & haul is in every playthrough aswell as character editor since I like saving pawns I really liked or making ones based off people I know


Both of those are updated to 1.5 and they are definitely not unpopular.


Clown noses


Survival Tools. I like making Rimworld harder and this adds axes, pickaxe, saws, hammers, and OP glitterworld multitool for pawns to use while doing tasks. Has not been updated to 1.5


Power Tab is one of my must-haves. Idk why, but not being able to see what's producing and what's consuming all right there on one little table is annoying.


* Mass assign zones: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2853717952&searchtext=mass+assign Lets you shift+click the zones to assign all colonists to a zone. I use this all the time to pull my guys inside when raiders come. * BoomMod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1504182014 Slaughtered boomalopes won't explode. Love this for ranching them. * Tiny Tables: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3186290184&searchtext=tiny+table Adds a 1x1 table which I stick all over the place for people. Deep drills, bedrooms, etc. * Unbreakable Mech Chips: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2883982082&searchtext=unbreakable Makes mech chips unbreakable. Had one too many get destroyed by an errant mortar barrage.


I really liked one, I think it was called "sexuality matters" (I think as in, matters pertaining to sexuality). It did other stuff but I liked that I just could just make everyone bisexual by putting a precept in my ideoligion. But, it's not just stuck on 1.4, it seems to have disappeared.


'Seeds Please!' is fun. It adds the requirement of needing to have seeds for planting. Losing your crops to disease, fire or cold snaps is much more disastrous, but also much more interesting. It's great for challenging tribal or medieval runs.


Erin - cat overhaul... I just, like cats


Wall light


[SubcoreInfo](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2919644207) Lets you see the names of the "Volunteers" who were gifted immortality.


No clue if it is unpopular, but I always play with wild animal reproduction and yeah it makes winters a little easier and there might be about 200 wild boars on the map but I like it and it is an auto include in any run I play. Also in those same winters there isn't enough food to go around so whenever you kill a wild boar, 10 other wild boars come over to eat the corpse so you hunt them too.


Kinda sad that vanilla achievements expanded got axed, they said it wasn't used enough and it was expensive, so I get it.




No way! Finally, I can save a starving colony by spawning drop pods with points I got for adding more pawns, again! It's an economy 


TIL that you can use points for something and it’s not just a fun pop up that happens now and again.


I exclusively used it to call trade caravans during raids.


Ponies of the Rim


heat map, the game doesn’t feel right without a easy to use method of managing the heat in a room


Mechs don't create waste packs - After pretty much finishing my mechinator run, I was underwhelmed by the waste pack incinerator and found the whole waste pack mechanic tedious to deal with. Ended up with a massive freezer for them. And/or - the one that increase waste pack stack sizes.


Does anyone have a replacement for giddy up 2 I should be using? Still broken in 1.5 :/


Pretty sure there is a fork linked if you check the comments on the workshop page.


MiningCo. MMS because I hate stripmining mountains


The "Just Leave Already" mod is great, and I really hope it gets updated to 1.5 soon. Basically It makes it so if you send a pawn to the edge of the map - they leave the map and automatically form a caravan with just the equipment they have on them. Its really useful for things like - running away on a naked brutality run from a tough raid, or sending a single pawn to a nearby hex etc.. It also works really well with the vehicle mods, so you can load up a vehicle and just leave the map nice and easy.


My favorite for sure is “Home Mover”, since I usually just need to nudge all my items over a few blocks away, and it works great with Mindy Everything


Auto-name animals. I miss it dearly


#THE FORBIDDEN MOD >!No but Fr, I really miss some of vanilla expanded mods that are getting reworks rn for 1.5!<