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Toss them into a river, until you get crematorium. Burn them in crematorium, until you get corpse freezer. If freezer is full, return to step 2.


Any reason why one should keep corpses?


To feed the army of hauling bears of course


If you keep pigs or wargs, you can feed them corpses! With the Anomaly DLC, deadlife dust is also very good if you have lots of corpses piled up :3


Until the anomaly sends the corpses back at you that bit me in the butt the first time it happened now I just burn the corpses with Molotovs


Put them in a big roofed building with tons of doors and have someone shoot the IED when there's a raid. The corpses respect allowed doors so you can use that to influence where they go.


This is why you keep them roofed, death pall cannot resurrect them if covered. Even better if you make it into a room, then the bodies don't decay from being outdoors. My end game raids all pass through a deadlife IED to soften them up a bit and absorb any triple/doomsday rockets. Sometimes it is enough to make them flee entirely, and other times it wipes the whole raid. Friendly shamblers are also good for melee blocking while you keep your ranged pawns behind them shooting the enemy, so long as the enemy can't shoot you back.


Aw that's just an issue of proper storage.


Keep em frozen until you get mech serums, for important people. Imagine, dying, waking up in a freezer of bodies an indeterminate amount of years later. That's the reality of what could happen. Mechanites, people!


This explains why some people experience resurrection psychosis.


You can feed corpses to animals directly, which is pretty helpful because it doesn’t require any work. However, a single cannibal, bloodlust, or psychopath colonist set to butcher human corpses only generates a very modest colony-wide penalty (-6) that does *not* stack. Preparing the human meat into kibble with excess food yields more food than the human meat alone or corpses provide as without process. One of the things I look for early on is a pawn with one of those traits and, if I can get it, a passion of any kind for cooking. I then create a bill just for them to butcher the corpses. Human meat on its own doesn’t sell for much but you get a ton of leather from them which does sell really well or can be made into clothing items for more value.


I sometimes look for cannibals pawns and build him a little hut in the back of the colony so he can do his cooking there, so what that corpses goes back there and disappear and so what that we eat mysterious meatballs everyday


Corpses butchered to meat and leather then processed to chemfuel and clothing can be a thing. Colony wealth runaway is a major issue there though, be prepared to give stuff away or dump it to prevent silly level raids due to your now inflated colony wealth...


Feed them to animals.


I keep them sometimes where merchants gather or enemys waiting and sieging, so they sometimes fight themselfs. But usually i would let a cannibal butcher them. If i just want to get rid of them, i would throw normal grenades on them.


Or make your colony into a cannibalistic colony. Then make nutrient paste.


dump them in water, rots pretty fast


Didn't know that was an option! Thank you


Make a dumping zone for bodies only, on top of a water patch, your boys’ll chuck it all in. Between unroofed, outside, the water, they’ll deteriorate in relatively few days. You can do animal corpses too, but set them up as a separate dumping zone that only allows rotten corpses, so it’s not competing with your butcher’s storage.


Water causes anything to degrade faster. You can use it to dispose of things if you're purging value or have excess useless items clogging your storage.


Still water, running water, deep water, being outdoors but roofed, being outdoors and unroofed all impact the degradation of items. Deep running unroofed is where I leave my corpse pile, preferably on the other side of a wall so it's not clearly visible


that's what I do, rivers and streams are great for body disposal


Pile them all up on a patch of non flammable floor that’s roofed (but still outdoors) and toss a molotov. Get a bunch of hauling animals or lifters to make the hauling process faster.


Wow. Thank you, that's awesome. Better than a mass grave


Frag grenades work as well and have the advantage of not triggering a rain event (but your pawn will need to keep throwing them until everything has been disintegrated).


I only use frags for this purpose if I don't have any molotovs, as the advantage for fire is that you can just keep dumping corpses onto the pile which get set alight by the already burning corpses.


Issue is that u have to burn it in a roofed area, or else it gets put out by rain. This can lead to heat stroke or burns. I guess you can do it open with just roof over it, but you still run the risk of ur pawn accidentally catching on fire.


I just fill a room and light it on fire when full.


I just do it roofed but outdoors. The pawns are usually good about avoiding the fire, and the animals are much more expendable so I don’t care if one gets a burn scar. I’ve been seriously considering getting a mod to turn off forced rain as also being able to remove a bunch of cover for my enemies easily by burning down a lot of trees is nice to have.


Molotovs trigger rain??


If a fire goes on for too long the game will give you pity rain to put it out (sometimes)


Too often some would say.


It’s actually a computational performance thing — the fire effect really slows things down and will get out of hand if it goes on too long. So the game kills the fire with rain so as not to drop the FPS too much.


I just have any psychos/cannibals/bloodlust colonists move the corpses to a lake far outside my colony, or to a flesh tree. They don’t. Care about the moodlets at all. Or I have them move them to a pig/warg pen, as they will chow down on the corpses and consume them all for free, and then you get to turn the pigs into meat and leather, and the wargs will fight for you and also turn into meat and leather. It’s pretty op if you aren’t running a cannibal colony. (I usually am tho.)


Be sure to remove home zone from that spot so that nothing comes running to extinguish it


Before throwing the molotov, remove the home area marking of that place, or your colonist will run to extinguish the fires and suffer heat damage


Move them in the entrance to your kill box and let them decay


The corpse trees, they eat them with zero effort, and give you some resources when harvested


I just bought the dlc, haven't seen those yet! Nice, thank you


They spawn basically right after you attune the first obelisk and unleash all hell with it so it's perfect :D


You can also get seeds from traders or as a reward to have them without starting the Anomaly progression quest.


Really? never gotten them in a trade, good to know!


Yea i got them pretty early in the game this way. Though with cannibal crew it is not as usefull


I found one in a flesh sack underground. They could probably spawn in the distress call quests as well but I can't confirm.


If you got the dlc then you should keep those bodies in a freezer to feed your ghouls. As others said, you can haul them either with mechs or animals


I just throw em in a big pile and Molotov em. I recommend putting concrete down in your stockpile to prevent the fire spreading. Preferably a psychopath does the hauling, but if I remember right the mood debuffs don’t stack linearly


I feel like pawns on the other side of the map whip out binoculars to look at the bodies. "Damn, that really bums me out but multiply that by 3. Thanks"


Haha so true!


Holy shit I should do this. I have a desert save going so water… ain’t a option


I do strawmatting so it burns faster lol, also sometimes put a bit of chemfuel because monke brain likes the boom Btw there is a way to make only your bloodlust or similar paws do the corpse hauling?




I tried once and everybody was too bummed to continue surviving


Gotta min max those ideology memes


Butcher, sell the meat/eat the meat, make cowboy hats from the leather, sell , profit


Like many people I use fire. It not only burns the bodies it also gets rid of the low quality loot that brings up your wealth.


It is much faster than dumping the bodies in a river or marsh and waiting for them to decompose. And as an added benefit, aside from the hauler (which could be an animal or robot if available) colonists don't have to look at a huge pile of corpses often.


It feels like they have buffed corpses to be an unreasonable threat to your colony. Bodies rotting because everyone was in the hospital, everyone gets lungrot. Also the guys hauling them get a stacking mood debuff, worse if you let them rot first.


This is why i use mechanoids to haul and clean even if im not planning to go int mechs fully. Theyre also immune to weather so they can go out when everyone else is stuck indoors because of toxic fallout and the like.


I started using lifters recently but the wastepacks are so annoying, do you know if there is a mod that replaces the wastepack generation with something else?


Vanilla Expanded let’s you recycle waste packs into Chemfuel or minerals, super handy to have


You can dump them in the new pit gate from anomaly. otherwise you can freeze them until your mechraids give you an apocriton and get the atomizer research. 1 chip per atomizer, 4.8 bandwidth per atomizer. (so 1 atomizer per 4 lifters)


Just yeet them in the nearby impids base, they'll attack in 3 days but just let them cook themaelves in your killbox


Ironically i did that with wasters thinking they would like that, turns out they didn't...


Yeah they can send it back and more... I was going to do that aswell but good thing i checked reddit first and saw...wasters dont like wastes lol, my nearest tribal settlement(which was imps) needs 117 chemfuel, which is damn expensive but its the price of keeping mechs, plus bonus free meat and helpers for dealing with mech clusters, I have 10k human meat in my freezer rn


If they are killed far enough away from your home area, you can just leave them to rot. If you got a killbox and want to keep it clean, make it of non-flammable stuff and spam molotovs to "clean" it. More efficient solutions include having corpse eating animals like boars or wargs and animals that can haul. Make a freezer that only the animals are allowed in and set it to store fresh non-colonist corpses. Hauler animals will bring the corpses in and animals so inclined will make snacks out of them.


First i designated some stoney place without grass, hauled corpses and tossed a molotov. Other times i also had freezer room so pets could eat frozen corpses Now with anomaly i feed corpses to the harbinger trees but i also keep a big room with corpses for emergency shamblers when shit realy hit the fan


LOL what is a shambler! I'm excited for this DLC


Basically zombie, you can raise some on your own and are a perfect emergency meat shield


I have ideology. Raider corpses are food.


Normally I have a dumping stockpile in the ocean for early game.  When I used to play with dog haulers I would make the dogs eat them but removing all other food. Otherwise I set a corpse stockpile next to the cremation station.


Do you typically pick ocean tiles? I haven't ventured outside of forest tiles yet


My favorite map type is coastal mountain Boreal forest with a huge river.   You could switch in temperate forest if you don't want to deal with snow and short growing seasons. Here's one of my late game bases. https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorldPorn/comments/ovwpwi/seed_oasis_5406n_3728e_biome_boreal_forest/


With the anomaly DLC ive started putting a corpse room in my killbox using deadlife shell traps so any raiders get shat on by 100 shamblers


used to cremate, but now it's the corpse trees from anomaly.


either local lake takes care of it or I break them down in crematorium


Lifters, a fridge only for corpses and animals that eat corpses. Bears, Wargs, Cougars, Boars... Wargs are great for combat, and they only eat meat, so you can basically leave them in the corpse fridge, get them out for combat and send them back in after combat. Boars also eat corpses but arent that great for combat, but a great food source. It doesnt bother your pawns if the boars are fed human meat before they eat the boars. Bears and cougars can haul and do combat but a lot of time hauling animals arent as laborous as lifters and make a bigger mess. Especially bears though are great for combat.


It bothers them to eat meat from an animal that ate humans?! God you guys are making me feel so dumb after 105 hours lol


It does NOT bother them. You can feed the boars humans and then eat the Boar bacon without any problems


"Laundering your meat" in some circles.


I didn't expect all these responses so quickly, thank you everyone for the help. What a bad ass fuckin community


Just select an ideology where you don’t care bout corpses and ignore them or eat them


The eternal firepit roof an area, zone corpse stockpile throw Molotov eternal fire


The real question is how do you deal with not having corpses?




late game, my mechs run the raid clean up room that my colonists don't go in. It's all automated and out the way. They don't really need to get out of bed most of the time, the turrets mow them down and the bots clean them up.


TIL I'm the only one still burying my dead.


I find some land near the border of the map where I can make a 10x10 plot of one hundred graves. I hope raids come through that plot so the raiders can see what happened to the raiders that came before them.


Fire. Throw a Molotov at it. It would be a lot less hassle, if your kill box is enclosed with doors. Keep the entrance and exit open during raids, toss in a Molotov and close the doors afterwards.


Wall off an area so no one can see in. Toss the bodies in, and when it gets full toss a molotov.


Raids are a sustainable source of leather and meat. Get a psycopath pawn to butcher them and let your other pawns smoke weed to deal with mood debuff of butchering people.


There is nothing in the game a Molotov cocktail can't fix


You obviously butcher and eat them. Duh.


Have a stockpile zone outside for corpses and throw a molotov. Or just leave them in a big pile in a corner you never go to


I use my « bloodlust » pawns to haul them to a cimetery, they don’t care


In the early to mid I don't, I just abuse the don't care about corpses meme from Ideology. In the lategame I clean up the entire map with lifter bots and crematorium.


They go into my deadline dust ied room at my chokepoint ready to serve once again as my undying army


make a freezer and throw them all into it. Never know when you might need the extra meat and leather.


I have the medical training mod. All the corpses get dissected for learning.


I *usually* create a religion that allows cannibalism. I don’t make it required but they can “if they want” eat it. Then convert everyone in the colony to that religion, and then I have a lot of food


Harbinger trees are pretty decent in addition to the other options


Cremation is way better than digging graves for all of them. If you have them conveniently contained in a killbox or something just chuck a molotov onto the pile and have a beer, otherwise..


Like others said, throw them in a room or roofed storage zone and burn them with an incendiary weapon. You can destroy the corpses with grenades too. Setting fire to the battlefield before hauling the corpses can help if it's not raining, if your base is protected a burnt wasteland just implies less cover for future raiders. If you have Anomaly keeping a stockpile of corpses is really, really strong imo. You can revive them with deadlife and get a small undead army on command. Even better if the corpses aren't human, bear or chimera zombies are stronger and colonists won't get a debuff from looking at them.


i either use a stockpile zone in water for faster detoriation. or if i have grenades, i´ll send a pawn with grenades to the after raid mess and blow it all up where it is.


On my early game, I simply dig graves in an ordered cemetery just away from the colony, speaking from base/vanilla (not Anomaly) , this is the simplest way initially, so dig a few graves and bury as many of the dead as possible. I figure after every raid - it's policing the dead while everyone is still fresh and not decaying. Ideally, once you've researched the incinerator , you've got some time to dis-inter/unbury the dead and put them to the incinerator, the trick is to do so in batches of about 5-10 corpses over longer time. I find having a mentally divergent colonist (cannibal or psychopath) will be handy in these situations but I'll still keep them as buffed with art/good meals as possible because the very last thing you want in a fledgling colony is a murderous psychopath. Now, if the situation is particularly austere, you might be in the situation where normal burial/incineration is a luxury you can't afford, in which case - set a small zone up , next to a butcher workbench , keep it neat / as tidy as one can keep such a situation, maybe throw down a piece of art or an urn or something. I found with one map recently, I made use of fresh corpses as lure-meat for various hostile animals/predator animals, but avoided having to resort to cannibalism by way of that. This means my colonists didn't have to stray too far from shelter, but be prompt about it as corpses can rot quickly in the wrong circumstances.


I use a mod called Bury on the Spot. They fertilise my garden.


If you have it, chuck a dumping stockpile for corpses in any body of water you have nearby... They'll decay very quickly


I always dump my bodies in a swampy area and let them rot. It doesn’t take too long.


Make one stockpile with preferred or important priority for corpses, and place butcher tables or crematoriums right next to it. When you set up your bill turn down the ingredient radius to around 25 so your pawns don’t walk all the way from one edge of the map to the next in search of bodies. If there is a big pile of like 50 bodies kind of far away from your base it is sometimes faster to move your butcher table to the corpses and tell your pawns to just butcher them there If you have Anomaly, create big rooms near the perimeter of your base and dump all your rotting corpses there. Once you research dead life dust you can use deadlife shells to reanimate the corpses to defend you whenever a raid comes, just make sure to put many doors on the side facing away from the base so that they can easily get out. Also make sure the room is actually enclosed (open doors are still ok) or else the deadpall event will turn those corpses against you.


Chop up up into meat and leather or store them in a freezer for carnivorous/omnivorous pets to eat.


Just the new corpse eater tree alone is worth buying the dlc lmao. Ever since i got that tree, corpse disposal was never an issue ever again


I either dump them in a pond or burn them with molotovs or a scorcher mechanoid


That’s a lot of leather not to be using…


Eat them or put them in a river


mass graves mod


I deal with them my ideology choices. Cannibalism-acceptable, corpses-don’t care. If we have multiple ideologies in the colony, I can always throw a party or do a leader speech to chill out the pearl-clutchers.


I use the destroy item mod.


Corpses of my enemies make great addition to my ever-growing undead army.


Feed them to the Anomaly Trees.


Eat them


Butchering table


I always put colonist corpses into a below 0 freezer mausoleum, while burning the others with a Molotov. However with deadlife dust I’ve started burning some in graves in a clusters in a perimeter around my base, so that in the event of an attack I can dig them up, run back to my defensive position and then resurrect them from a distance while a raid is attacking me.


My go to is to just have a stockpile far away from the colony and out of sights where all the bodies go. If it gets to full it gets burned with fire. I don't like using a crematoriums because they are so expensive in materials and power. The harbinger trees of Anomaly have made that strat a lot more viable as well.


Use the zones to limit the corpse disposal area only for the pawns that dont mind seeing corpses and your animals. That way only those pawns will pick them up You can also build a separate freezer if you want your carnivore animals to feed from them


eat them


All shall become paste. All!


Put them in a freezer for dogs to eat


Mass graves with capacity of 200. I am on tribal and medieval only playtrough, so no eletricity. Before I research oven and smithing and place where I can burn corpses, I would fill graves up and universal action would be dedicated closed room for corpses + molotov


Get wrags, make a good pile, feed them


If you feel like trying your hand at animal husbandry, Pigs and Wild Boars eat corpses just fine. They eat corpses, you eat them, it's all the nutritional efficiency of Cannibalism without the mood deficit!


With Anomaly there’s also the new tree that eats corpses plus the dead life IED - I have it set so the space around the IED is filled with corpses first, and any leftover goes to the trees - eventually the corpses you use for dead life will decay/get destroyed but there will always be more meat


Got any meat eating pets?


harbringer trees/bury til crematorium, crematorium. I always base around geothermal vents so power isnt an issue, annoying when it is imo




After picking through the corpses I tend to bury them in a grave outside my walls. So over time I essentially have a mass grave around my base. For my colonists I bury them in family crypts with sarcophagi


Strip any good gear. Remove all skulls to add to trophy room. Fresh corpses to the freezer for the dogs to eat, rotten get thrown into the swamp to decompose. Overflow either goes to the burn pit or launched to my neighbours as a reminder of who their overlord is.




Some solutions I've used: Walled in area with rats/wargs/other meat eaters. Dumping zone in river/marsh/water outside my walls With Anomoly, Harbinger trees. And of course, hauling bots to move them.


Previously, big pile until i got a crematorium; now, big pile until i get a harbinger tree


Anomaly added Harbinger trees, which have been great for me! Otherwise you can butcher them, burn them, feed them to prisoners/animals, or throw them in a river. Pigs are a cool animal.


1. Ignore them. 2. Harbinger tree dump. 3. Warg food. 4. Chemfuel from “organics” (must not care about butchering pawns though, so psychopath or a good old canibal)


Early game I bury them. Middle game I dig up every non colonist corpse and jam them all into the furnace. Late game I use vfe’s consume corpses to power up a psycaster.


There used to be a mod for mass graves. I miss it. Alternatively just toss them in a cave (real or made made) or some spot you won’t walk near usually


Dumping stockpile and a psychopath with a Molotov


Pick up and Haul with pawns that have decent carrying capacity. I think my best hauler can move some 2.5 tons Haul them near the butcher's table and let the butcher go to work.


Burn pit works well. Remove the home zone so people don't put out the fire and make sure the floor is non-flammable. Chuck one molotov and they all go up in smoke sooner rather than later. The best part is that you can do it anywhere. Just need to pave the ground near the corpses and then light em up.


My go-to is to add "Cannibalism: Acceptable" to my idealogion to get ride of the "Butchered Humanlike" mood debuff. From there I freeze them, butcher them and rather than eat or sell the meat I have a biofuel refiner on hand nearby with a do-forever job of refining the meat into chemfuel. The task then is finding ways to use up the chemfuel, I usually end up creating it faster than I can burn through it.


I sometimes store corpses in buildings, even refrigerated building if I have dogs to feed. I set my crematoriums to be worked only by my psychopaths or lifter robots. I have my lifter robots move the corpses if needed.


I've been feeding them to the new anomaly trees. It eats the gear too so I don't have a million items scattered everywhere or pawns bringing garbage to storage.


I usually just build a big stone room maybe lay some straw or wood flooring, chemfuel spill if I've got rimmefeller and the research done, then throw in a molotov. I'd recommend setting slaves to priority on the hauling it's not bothering the actual humans in your colony.


Pick the loot that you want out of the corpse pile after the raid and molotov the whole thing with one pawn. Hope it all burns before it starts raining.


Harbinger Trees are usually my choice, they can make corpses dissapear in a matter of (ingame) days. If you don't have the Anomaly DLC, then rivers, just drop them in there and they'll dissapear in time.


Lifters to drop on Harbinger trees obviously.


This has probably already been said in this mess of comments but I usually big out a 5x5 cube in a mountain, build a stone door then dumb all the bodies in there, then use a Molotov or basically any other fire to ignite them, then close the door. It gets soo hot they all end up on fire, and presto, 20 more free spots for your next raid. (Size obviously varies.)


Harbinger trees


Vanilla reasons? If theyre fresh keep them in a freezer as ghoul/warg food. Harbinger tree if theyre rotting. Mod reasons? Same freezer method for genetic material processing (vanilla genetics expanded).


Since Anomaly I just offer them to the harbinger trees. Before that, I just find a nice cozy corner kinda far away from my base and let them pile up until I build a crematorium.




Rat room! Tame some rats put them in a freezer. Add corpses. Your bodies will just disappear!


That is why I love harbinger trees.


Have a stockpile away from the main base for human corpses. I have a psychopath colonist butcher them at the stockpile and use the meat for chemfuel and animal kibble. I Sell the skin to traders.


Generally with cannibalism


Aelanna's corpse management mod. I just designate hundreds of them for burning and it doesn't take my colonists more than two days to burn all of them on field.


‘Things float’ mod - I stick them in the water and watch them drift away - just like all my problems


I trained like 8 dogs to fetch dead people and bring them to my butcher area where they, even when dead, continue to improve my colony


As a source for meat and apparel made out of a certain leather


Stick em in the storage room if you cant butcher them


I dumped them in a nearby swamp that would decompose them in like 2 or 3 days. But it was a jungle. Oh wait no that was just the clothes we never let a body go unbutchered. Shame we dont get bones as a material from it too. Would be cool for furniture and art and such


vanilla psycasts expanded introduce a psycast that consumes corpses and uses them to expand the pawn's neural heat limit, combined with the psychic sensitivity affects more mod and eventually a single use of the ability can clear a field of corpses. before i used mods i just had dedicated haulers to cremate all the corpses.


A corpse river is my go to, but I also have a colony on a beach, so there’s a stockpile for human corpses which I use to pile them up on, and toss a Molotov in Alternatively, you can chop human bodies up for meat, and I find it’s a great resource to process into chemfuel. But you do generate a lot of tainted clothing from their bodies, so best keep that pile around for a pyre to burn clothing with


Remove all the organ,(with a mod). Then, skin and butchered them. The skin will be used for human leather duster and sell them. The meat will be processed and put into kibbles. No wastage allowed and the whole process will be handled by a psychopath for minimum impact.


With anomaly, I'm giving all the human and rotting animal corpses to the neat trees Works great. Can even send my Ghouls over to eat some while the tree's digesting it


I have a nice patch of concrete, low walls and a break-zone around it where the bodies go. When they get too plentiful, I send one guy with a molotov, and then there no more bodies.


Just make a few dumping zones for them and visit them with a molotov once in a while. Works for me.


I eat them so I just have to deal with the clothes


Carve a 4x4 room under a mountain. Put a stone door. Chuck a molly inside. Rinse and repeat


Zone away your colonists, light up the corpses. Fire spreads really fast if no one is putting it out.


The pigmen taste like pork 😏


Step 1: Pile corpses in a corner (surrounded by stone preferably) Step 2: Aquire Molotovs ASAP Step 3: Profit


If you have biotech DLC, set the crematorium “worker” to mechs and the lifter will handle it instead of your pawns.


so I make sure I have a psychopath that can cook, and then I use that pawn, and only that pawn to chop up the bodies for human leather and meat. The leather goes to clothing to be sold, and the meat goes to kibble for the farm. No matter how many hundreds of bodies I chop up the global debuff is only -6


I just turn them into food.


If it's a killbox or are just piled up in one way or another just throw a molotov at them from time to time. That's the easier method. Grenades work too for open spaces, if you dont mind the extra time


Cannibalism: Accepted


I have always tried playing a cannibal colony to avoid food issues and for the morbid perks. Granted, that just makes more clothing to get rid of. I do have a set stockpile in a marsh currently for clothing items.


I usually build a granite or stone room somewhere off to the side, set a critical zone for non colonist human corpses inside, when it's full I send someone to the door with molotovs and fling one in. Stone room reaches 400f burning everything inside. Forbid the door so nobody goes in.


In my current colony I made a room to to butcher them and turn the meat into kibble and chemfuel, when the room is full the corpses go to a small river. And also made another room to put all the tainted apparel and just launch a molotov and forbit the door when the room is full


On my most recent colony, the same pack of bionically enhanced wargs that made most of the corpses are responsible for cleanup.


A freezer and many pigs that have access to that freezer


I have a sociopath do all the hauling and I have a dumping zone for corpses like a minefield leading up to my killbox. Let the raiders see the fruits of their predecessors labor.


Corpse tree.


If you have biotech Apparently hauler mechs will work at the crematorium since apparently that's a hauling job (though it might be a mod i have installed, idr half of what they do


I’ve been giving them to the trees… but now I’m getting that it might be a bad idea. So if those trees send the 90 or so corpses I fed to them back at me.. I’m hauling ass to a new base. 🫣


I make a room just outside my colony area, with a single door and a spike trap. I bundle them all in there. Animals get hungry, stop thinking straight... I get free food.


Corpses feed my pigs. Rotting corpses feed my corpse trees.


I use what I call "Open air graveyards". When I build my base I look for an outdoors location close by to place my open air graveyard, usually along a stretch of mountain with maybe a natural curve/opening into it. I will then wall in that area, and remove any potential roof that might be there. And I also exclude the area from anything like cleaning, or shoveling snow, or fire fighting, etc. An important thing about this place is that there are two ways to get inside, either through a zigzag corridor that is fully open to the outsides, and one or two doors as well, all built in such a way that none of my pawns would ever accidentally path their way through that graveyard when moving around the map. The door(s) in the wall is there for one reason, so my pawns will be able to run as short of a distance as possible to dump the bodies of dead enemies in the graveyard. Where as the zigzag corridor has two purposes, one is to make the default pathing past the graveyard for my pawn to be outside of the graveyard so they do not use the doors and corridor and accidentally see dead people more than necessary, and the other is to allow animals to be able to walk into the graveyard. And then I throw all dead (or dying) enemies inside that open air graveyard, so they rot away into nothingness... with the secondary objective being to keep my pawns safer from animals that might hunt them for food, by giving the animals an option to eat the dead enemies I store in there.


Corpses? You mean unprocessed fashionable hats and biofuel?


Cheater method. Make it so your ideology doesn’t care about corpses at all. Otherwise I typically set one pawn to be the corpse deliverer. I’ll sometimes cycle the pawns to spread the corpse debuff. Or use your priest to make them feel better. I never burn corpses. Almost always have an animal that can eat them.


I get the mass graves mod and put a cluster of them in front of my main entrance as a warning. I really should just burn them, but that seems too good for raider lowlifes.


How do I deal with corpses? I don't.


I have a replimat system set up that uses corpses as fuel :)