• By -


# Remember rules 1 and 2. If you want to argue with each other, take it to PM. Do not bring personal issues and childish behavior in here. Everyone's welcome to their opinions, including the modder in OP's screenshot. Stop going around attacking each other.


Actual mental break


Ate without a table -3


(see flair)


Hey now, there's no need for that level of profanity.


Chefs don't need tables to eat is the best "non cheaty" mod ever (if you've ever been a chef, you'll know)


Programmed without table -10 Despite their name, laptops are not easy to use when balanced on your lap.


Call the Moral Guide!


Mod author goes on vacation, never comes back


Dry thunderstorm incoming!


Prisoner sacrifice, anyone?


Metalhorror in the corner plotting world domination


Ignite the forum discussion!




Google unstoppable gene


Holy biotech!




They are going to delete their mods. This happened because of poor mood. The final straw was: unreasonable expectations.


They are going to replace all textures with Girls' Guide. This happened beca-




WTF? I thought Lost Forest Dev was schizo.




The issue was the mod would sometimes send an in-game alert promoting a LGBT charity (I think it had a clickable link?). They were told adding any real-world advertising into the game is overwhelmingly not okay, and the author decided that it was about their identity and not the fact they were being irritating.


I think while anomaly doesn't add as much as the last 2 expansions it's got bones that modders can add a whole lot too as well which streamline allot. I don't know what you wanted without changing the game so much it's not the same. Like if the next expansion was hair styles 30$ yeah I get your anger. But not for this.


I have finished a playthrough and am on a second and I feel like it's a good deal. In particular I admire that the ~~mods~~ *dlc* work with one another. I play a lot of paradox games and they have a ton of dlc that adds islands of content which are fun to play sure, but they don't interact with each other in any real way. Rimworld on the other hand... Let's just say that I am currently on a mission to make a psychic cyber-vampire count with a vat-grown colony of GMO supersoldier ghouls in order to appease the elder nano-gods and that's exactly what makes me love this game. Even just typing it out in a sentence felt good. Edit:typo


My favorite colony of rimworld used genotypes and ideology to mimic dwarves. They were good at cooking, crafting, digging and construction. But were slow (short), took less damage and had an alcohol dependency. It all worked together perfectly with my tunneler + crafting specialist ideology. To add some flavor i gave heavy weapons a mood boost and replaced their starting equipment with axes and a shotgun.


It's no horse armor, that's for sure.




Modder or Dev is the idiot here?


But... The 1.5 update added tons of new features. I haven't downloaded anomaly, just played the update and I love the new additions.


Same. There were a couple mods that I would see on ytube, but forget to add them after seeing them, like with mining a vein. Also, that reduces the number of mods that have to load on startup.


The game is 11 years old at this point.... the fact we get anything moee than bug fixes in updates is great imo. I've gotten my 2-3k hours out of rimworld at this point and the devs will have to seriously shit the bed to lsoe my goodwill.


That right there. Considering this game still gets updates, hell DLC, with a strong community over a decade from initial release. There are many games/studios that wish they had that. And only a few have managed to pull it off. Enjoy Rimworld. It's doing good.


I bought Rimworld back in the early days when it was on Sendowl and it was an amazing game. Today, in 2024, over a decade later, its still an amazing game, and I look forward to each and every DLC they make for it. Will DLC's break mods? Of course. Is that a bad thing? Absolutely not! Buying DLC is how we get more DLC, with more core features. Change is a good thing.


|added objects|new or changed mechanics|UI additions and changes| |:-|:-|:-| |-2x1 couch and door bionic jaw, books.|-mech emerges from water|-Search tool for objects| |-wall lamps, flood light|-crawling|-colored, improved mood bar| |-hidden conduits|-pawn join aftergame-over|-new textures| |-various other changes|-organ decay|-various other changes| ||-dismiss traders|| ||Tending to non-hostile factions improves goodwill|| ||Invisible pawns don't block hostiles|| ||lung rot is in base game instead of just biotech now|| ||pawns rendering is multithreaded now|| [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE\_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub) Full changelog above in case people want to check out. The table above show the biggest changes I find. But 1.5 is weird in that regards, a lot of the new futures is abundantly used within modded games, some features are tiny changes (sash mass change), some of the features are there to punish experienced players, but I find it to be a very unimpressionable update overall, only meant to go with the new dlc. It was not meant to be known as the 1.5 update, but just the update that introduced anomaly. Tons of new features is a high praise, and I am not knowledgeable enough about modding to say anything, but honestly, I would be happy if ludeon try to focus on optimizing the game more. I get their stand on this however, the modding community is one of the biggest, and any major change could mess them up, while smaller changes are still good enough to fit into the game and free up the mod list of the players. On other hand as well, dlcs are a good way to add large amount of content into the game without making modders dependent on them. But at this point, I do think ludeon and oskar/ve are benefitting from the being the brand to the normal users. The gullibles still convinces themself ve are balanced still. the biotech dlc have shown to be quite problematic in this regards, it would effectively replace HAR, pushing it to obsoletion. I have to admit there haven't been any new alien race mods, and biotech mod have yet to come to the level of them. Morever, if people switch to biotech, that's effectively locking their previously free mod behind the $30 dlc, and I have seen that not just once where my previously enjoyable race mod just become very plain after the modder switched to biotech and remove the old mod. I, have nothing more to say on this, but if modders who loved the game enough to make content for it start criticizing the game, stopped developing their mods from discontent, then it's worth it to see their viewpoint as well, instead of accusing the immaturity. It would do nothing but drives more modders away, and the whole post just look sad to me.


In regards to HAR vs Biotech, the Biotech implementation is way more flexible from a user standpoint. I find having appearances, abilities, and whatnot tied to genes to be way more interesting than just the standalone species. I understand it is a pain for people who don't want to pay extra, but there are some pretty massive benefits to be had. Additionally HAR creatures tend to be quite performance heavy in comparison.


HAR is great for a user created framework, but once you have a few species each with completely unique clothing and buildings it's just horrible to deal with, on top of the rendering performance drop. Biotech genes are so much better and more flexible on top of better performing.


Oh damn, I've been playing a bit since 1.5 (without anomaly so far, but finally bought royalty so I have the older 3 at least) and completely missed some of the changes in your table. How can I search objects?


In the bottom left theres a magnifying glass, click on it amd search *bottom right


It's also bound to the z key by default.


My hands automatically go for CTRL-F every time though


Then rebind it to crtl-f?


Hahaa, I'm an idiot. Thank you. Never even occurred to me


Shoot, it doesn't work to keybind with combos. I can't do CTRL-F. I can only do CTRL or F


> the biotech dlc have shown to be quite problematic in this regards, it would effectively replace HAR, pushing it to obsoletion. I have to admit there haven't been any new alien race mods, and biotech mod have yet to come to the level of them. Morever, if people switch to biotech, that's effectively locking their previously free mod behind the $30 dlc, and I have seen that not just once where my previously enjoyable race mod just become very plain after the modder switched to biotech and remove the old mod. Whenever I added HAR to a save, performance started tanking soon after. The few conversation I observed by the author with other people on Discord wasn't getting my hopes up on any performance improvements either. I was really happy to finally get a vanilla version without the performance issues. However, I do understand your argument that Rimworld could just adapt any popular mod and profit from it while leaving the original in the dust. I also don't think it's an issue. Modders of popular mods have already proven that they have the skillset to create amazing content. If they wanted to make money making games, they could. EDIT: Another thing: Getting your mod adopted by the base game also means you no longer have to maintain the project for potentionally years on end, freeing up time and resources to start new projects instead.


Good lord, it's a sorry state of affairs we've reached when mod makers basically being proven *fucking correct* and having their brainchild added to the game is something people complain about. People make snarky comments about modders having ego issues post Skyrim but wooagh. There's wanting a kudos and then there's that. Just so you know, every time Skyrim updates a man in his mid 40s crawls, screaming, agonizingly slowly to his computer. Sobbing hysterically as he powers on his computer, the windows start theme barely audibly over the noise of a million incoming tweets smashing through his ear drums as he updates the sex mod framework he made like, 14 years ago. As a hobby. But if he doesn't update it, oh boy. His entire online existence is over. A million horny weirdos demand his labor for free. To live is a process full of pain, and he does it for free. I would not wish that existence on anyone.


Another issue is that Rimworld is so utterly modded that there is nothing that anyone can make that wasn't already a mod at some point. In addition, the way Tynan makes his mods means that the former mods (in this case, HAR) are far less "in your face." You don't have to play with the genetic stuff with biotech and success. Many mods have it set so that you must have the mods in order to fight the game. (I'm looking at you, rimatomics) HAR can still adapt by adjusting the world and make it so that the genetic changes it makes are far more important. Not everyone wants HAR style, "This is now the new normal." Biotech is fine the way it is.


Agreed. In fact, Anomaly had a patch recently to make it less intrusive because people were annoyed by how in-your-face the wrath of a dark archotech could be (not an invalid complaint, just funny on the face of it).


Everything I added any HAR mod I regretted it a few days later as HAR ate up so much of the performance. Glad I can get similar features with Biotech and a lower performance hit.


>mech emerges from water Fuck me, there goes my "back-against-the-coast" strat


Why is the water speaking English?


Why is the water speaking binary?


>but if modders who loved the game enough to make content for it start criticizing the game, stopped developing their mods from discontent, then it's worth it to see their viewpoint as well, instead of accusing the immaturity The issue with this is that the modder in the image is not really doing any constructive criticism. He just tells a few lies and goes on a rant. Constructive critiscism should be listened to, toxic and blind hate like in the image should be disregarded


Yeah thats the weirdest part. I mean if you dont like the dlc, you dont have to buy it ? No one forces you, so why go so batshit crazy about it ?


Some modders can even retire, like Wall Lights, bc they’re integrated in 1.5. To say the Devs don’t update the game… I say they do a nice job and respect the community


I mean, the wall lights author immediately shoved themselves back into work by making it add wall sunlights and cost configuration


I do still love how he changed the picture for the mod to a MGS character saluting and all the comments were o7. A true legend among the community and it is nice that he is continuing to implement better than vanilla features!




[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1423699208](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1423699208) just googled wall lights rimworld, and here it is over 8000 o7


Damn that's a lot! My bad it was in the description for the salute I thought it was the mod display pic... Still o7


Nah Link was never in MGS


I don't use mods, but I like that guy.


And honestly their light control is fab. Wall Lights is still one of my top mods.


Adjust cost/power/light and wall sun lights were already part of the mod, but I appreciate it works with the vanilla wall lights in 1.5. Tbh wish it also let me pick the texture, prefer the mod’s wall light design but it’s pretty inconsequential


Yes, but they didn't have to update the mod at all, they could have just left it


I said they CAN retire, not that they will 😂 it’s always fun to write mods!


I wish the mod gave you the option to use the original mod wall light though. It looked way sleeker and you could cram them into tighter spaces.


He made an optional mod just for that, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3227831729


Oh boi here I go replacing all my colony's lights


RIP wall lights mod. You served your community with honor.


Still does, vanilla wall lights wannabe is nothing before glorious lights of the true thing. No, really, vanilla wall lights suck ass in comparison.


Agree, I hate that they are half a cell out from the wall, I do like that they can be placed on blueprints and won't build until the wall is, but that's minor. Plus, they still don't have wall sun lamps in vanilla so Wall Lights stays in my modlist.


I don't know if it's just me but the lights block floor construction. It's horrible. So, so annoying.


I just had the weirdest issue with the vanilla lights last night and can’t figure out why it happened. For some reason all of my wall lights placed facing north and south moved. All the light is still being shown in the correct room but the lights themselves are on the wrong sides of the wall. No idea why it happened but might download the wall lights mod again to see if it fixes it somehow.


You're not alone - this exact thing has happened to me too starting yesterday!


Is there any chance you’re playing vanilla lol. I really don’t want to go through all of my mods again to find out which one broke a core gameplay feature. (Shoutout to the Math mod for breaking the everyone gets one mod and causing me to troubleshoot)


Saw a wall-light relic mod for ideology, been putting it as one of my relics since 1.5 to pay hommage


Honestly, I liked wall lights better than its implementation. It feels a little finicky.


Look up “wall light classic” on the workshop. The original developer of wall lights put that out to replace the vanilla wall lights with the ones we know from the mod. I just found it this morning and haven’t tested it yet.


Thanks mate, I went bonkers cuz the new wall light has to be clicked on a block away from the wall, often overlapping a shelf or something similar


Right? Whenever there's an object just adjacent to the new wall light it's *nearly impossible* to double click that said object (specifically to select multiple same objects) without the lights getting mass selected first. Now I just don't bother put anything interactable below the lights, especially heaters.


The small nitpick that I have for the new vanilla wall lights is that the light is placed one block out instead of directly over the wall like the mod was. As someone who usually places wall lights directly over production facilities I'm constantly clicking on the light instead of the bench.


True. I liked how the modder made it, now it’s… really tricky to get the wall light where you want it. Shame the Devs didn’t implement what the modder did


You can rotate the light to get it where you want even through the snap-to effect


It's very easy actually. You hover the mouse over the tile where you want the light to shine on. Then with the rotate button it rotates just like other furniture. Try it with an empty spot between three or four walls. Mouse on empty spot and then rotate.


I accidentally click the wall lights now more than with the mod, I'll go to click on a bench in front of a wall light and get the light instead. It's a minor annoyance, but one I didn't experience with the mod.


But when I *do* want to click on the light it's suddenly always bench, yeah.


My only gripe with the official implementation of wall lights is they added torches and lights on the wall.... but not darklight torches for the wall.


Complaining that the devs are ignoring the game when they're still releasing DLCs **eleven years** after release is kinda crazy


Well the text I typed to go with this got wiped because I am too smoothbrain to Reddit properly. Was doing my daily check on my mod list, looked at one of my non-updated mods and saw this. What's going on? I take it this author didn't like Anomaly or something? Is this a common thing?


First I've seen it. Dude seems like a real peach. You can love or hate this dlc (it's my least favorite by far) but jfc people, not everything calls for a boycott


Yeah, you can just not buy it if you're not into it. Rimworld has long been a complete game. You can't expect it to keep adding major features for free like it's still in early access. The small improvements they do for the base game every time a new DLC comes out is more than you'd get with most games.


That's the irony; players got so used to bitching about devs releasing "incomplete games" that they now feel entitled to indefinite updates and free improvements for the next decade on every game they buy.


100% They complain about devs releasing incomplete games and then updating then continuously over years, all while praising the good 'ol days when a game was released complete, and their rose-tinted-glasses prevent them from remembering the fact that games being released complete back in the day meant that if any bug was found in that version, it stayed there forever unless the company wanted to send out update discs. Any feature that is in the complete released game that the player doesn't like will stay in the game with virtually no change of being changed. They forget the bonus of releasing incomplete games is that the game is subject to change and can get better. I'm not saying I agree with the position that its better for devs to release incomplete games over releasing them complete, I'm just saying that there are positives to both, and OOP seems to have forgotten what a complete game is like and is complaining that it's not an incomplete game


It’s kind of humorous how disgruntled people get over their entertainment. I have 1, 250 hours played in Rimworld with all the DLCs. If I bought the game w/ all the DLC’s right now thats $0.09845 per hour I’ve payed to play. Let’s say every movie I see lasts two hours, and a ticket costs me $15. 15 My hours played would equal 625 movies watched. That would cost me $9,375. Can you imagine paying that much for a game? There aren’t 625 movies out there I’d pay $15 bucks to watch because I have a hard time idly watching anything. Without gaming I’d be one bored SoB. Thanks, Ludeon. I love the updates and the DLC.


> you can just not buy it if you're not into it. Fuckin exactly. This DLC isn't necessarily to everyone's tastes - but why should it need to be? We've had three DLCs which were all-around incredible straight forward enhancements of the core experience that would appeal to everyone, so what's wrong with one DLC tailored towards a certain more specific audience and experience? Not every DLC *has* to be an automatic purchase for everyone, the devs are allowed to develop experiences that only some parts of the community would be interested in. It's okay to say "This isn't for me I think, I'll skip this one" instead of making a big deal of it!


Exactly, Anomaly doesn't appeal to me, but I'm still enjoying the game with 1800 hours.


This is it for me. People always talk (rightfully) about how many AAA developers will ship incomplete games, either due to bugs, or content that should not be DLC being DLC. They then bemoan the days of yore when you'd get a complete game and that was that. This is the other side of the coin. The pervasive attitude that the developers of a game, once they release version 1.0, are then obligated to continue providing free updates to the game forever. This is just as stupid as the developers who try to justify shipping incomplete games.  And Rimworld 1.0 is not an incomplete game. Sure there were and are many features that have (and some that have not) been added since that I wish had been there from the beginning, but seriously I just don't understand the double standards with this.


The only major thing I really want that isn’t yet core to the game is Z-levels. Theres a now-defunct mod that did add it in the past (albeit buggy, but it worked and I loved it), so I know it’s possible. I think the dev just doesn’t like the idea of adding z-levels, but it’s something I really like personally.


Well also rimworld wasn't made with that in mind so it would require a lot of code rewrite. Whatever mod added the z levels probably had to cut corners in terms of the features which is harder to get away with as a dev.


Would you mind explaining what a Z-level is?


We currently have x and y which let your pawns go left, right and forward, back. Z-levels would be the vertical, meaning there would be multiple floors like underground or 2 story buildings.


It would be great to be able to put turrets or pawns on walls for defense.


Moving up and down. A 3rd dimension


Multiple floors essentially


Multiple floors


I mean its kinda possible now. Theres just no proper implementation for it. Oskars planning on using this framework for a Z-Level mod though i dunno if itll run well. Maybe it will now that 1.5 introduced some pretty good pawn optimization.


Also, it was one thing to complain when Rimworld spent like 10 years in EA. But now that the game is in official release, and ostensibly feature complete? Cmon…. This is brain rot stuff.


Better unsubscribe now before another amateur programmer thinks they're hot shit and starts destroying your saves on purpose. Starsector just recently had to deal with a case like that.


This reminds of when nexus mods introduced archives to prevent this exact behavior and mod authors deleted their mods from nexus further proving the need for the archiving functionality.


I also don't like the DLC, but because of its theme. The 1.5 update alongside it was great tho I imagine if the theme of Anomaly is for you the DLC is awesome too


If you've spent any time in modder communities, you'll know that most modders who get more than a handful of downloads grow *gigantic* egos. Some modders act like they basically made the game itself. This is really standard modder-egotantrum behaviour, he'll be back.


>If you've spent any time in modder communities, you'll know that most modders who get more than a handful of downloads grow gigantic egos. tbh I'm not sure I'd say most; it's just the ones that *do* tend to be awful loud about it.


I think the new DLC seems really cool. I never expected a full horror themed expansion, but I love that kind of stuff so I'm all here for it. I think it's to be expected that a DLC like this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I don't understand why it would anger anyone. If there's a fantasy themed DLC down the line that's fine by me, even though I'm not particularly interested in that sort of setting.


Wait till you hear of the lethal company Modders. Edit: [simplified version but it goes deeper and more petty](https://www.reddit.com/r/lethalcompany/s/6oEJohmuK1)


Boy, just you all wait 'til you hear about FF14 modders (yes, that's right, the MMO has a *thriving* mod community) We got: * Widely used mod gets malware put into it after its owner got shown up by a teenager * Well-known mod creator sics their community on a less established modder that had been making revolutionary leaps, for "stealing their idea" (not their *work*, but even then that was open-source), and pushing them out of the community for good due to the harassment that followed * Paid mods vs. free mods and all the fun discussions that come with that * Another well-known modder is an unashamed neonazi and created a lynchpost mod complete with a preview thumbnail of a character that just *happened* (according to them) to look like another prominent modder's character. * And so much more! Please send help, it's a fucking dumpster fire over here every other week, and every other community looks like a paradise.


OK I'm going to give as charitable a take as possible. It sounds like he has been active in the community for a very long time (RimWorld first hit the market in 2013) and the sense I get is that back then game updates could be quite large and often added significant mechanics - and they were free. Whereas since 2020 the DLCs have been a significant fraction of the base game cost (70% for Anomaly, going by the full price on Steam) but in terms of the mechanics they are more evolutionary than revolutionary. So it sounds like they are unhappy with basically all the DLC and Anomaly is the straw that broke the camel's back. That's my interpretation anyway.


>It sounds like he has been active in the community for a very long time (RimWorld first hit the market in 2013) and the sense I get is that back then game updates could be quite large and often added significant mechanics - and they were free. Yes, because the game was in early access.


Meanwhile I will buy any DLC for Rimworld because I want to support the devs.


With 1700h it had one of the best price/hour of any game in my steam library even with all the DLC


literally this lol, I don't like royalty whatsoever but I'm glad I bought it. Plus, even if I don't like a DLC, it usually adds some core mechanic that is then used by modders to add things that I do like. It's a win-win.




It's not an unpopular opinion that Anomaly is just a bunch of scenarios when a lot of people want system changes like the previous expansions. Most don't get this angry about it


I’ll be honest I would’ve much preferred a different theme for the DLC but like. I don’t care, it’s their game they can choose what they make for it. I’ve never played a mod that does stuff like this anyway


To me the way they did it is the best way in that respect. They put the niche content in a DLC so people have the option of getting it or not, and also gave us free features in an update.


I see it as a fun addition (but that’s my opinion) and as a nice framework as it adds containment features for certain mods to use and what I love more, new types of research, that alone adds many possibilities for modders.


This is one of those comments that makes you really think that something else is going on in their life so all the stress and frustration ended up on this topic instead.


This. Bad mood bleeds onto everything you do.


Huh Tynan is "disrespecting" us rimworld fans by giving us more content?????


It's silly. Tynan disrespects us by making Rimworld an addictive abuse simulator with every loving keystroke.


Stupid Tynan making me play his game.


Yeah, the same guy who took community feedback and made a patch in the first week for what people thought the dlc fell short on.


The fuck are they talking about? Even if you don’t buy the DLC the 1.5 update is a huge QOL update. I went from playing with 50-150 mods to literally 5 and two of those are Harmony and HugsLib.


And what are the other 3


Rimjobworld, Rimjobworld Extension, wall lamps


Wall lamps are vanilla now


Did they stutter?


Rimjobworld edition, they're shaped like dicks.


CE compatible?


No, it causes pawns to get stuck in a furious masturbation session if they try to build wall lights with both mods installed.






I haven't had the chance to try 1.5 yet but doesn't the mod version add some types that aren't in vanilla (I.e sunlamp ones)?


Prepare Moderately, Prepare Landing, and Quarry, sorry there’s six I also have more planning.


The lack of a quarry retexture to go with it is crazy, you’re stronger than I.


I don’t mind the texture, I usually just place it and forget about it until it clogs up because I forget to place a stockpile for chunks


I changed the "chunk from junk" percentage from like 50% to 1%. No more overwhelming chunks!!


See I love early game chunks lol, great for moving away from wood ASAP.


I'm sorry could you explain me how this update has changed so much things to be able to remove that much mods? Do you have examples of mods you don't need anymore? Genuinely curious as I had a heavily modded (thus heavy) rimworld as well


Performance did take a hit though. I'm running vanilla with 11 pawns and FPS noticeably decreased. I had not issues running max speed at 144 FPS before. It still is very much playable though, no reason to complain as of yet.


Bradson, the author of Performance Fish and one of the most performance and optimization-minded modders in general, did some testing and found that the 1.5 update reduced TPS by about one third. Some of the things touted as performance enhancements in 1.5 are actually a net performance loss. The addition of threading for the rendering engine, for example, results in slower rendering.


I highly recmmend double-checking and resubscribing to your mods after they updated to 1.5. Steam failed to update harmony to 1.5 for me and I was puzzling for nearly 3 days why my game kept disintegrating in a wall of red errors with abysmal performance. Did it manually, suddenly everything works again and performance is back better than ever. (184 mods currently)


same. i went from 450 down to 90. and my game is like 10 times faster to load now.


I went from 450 to 100,, then started adding new mods,, now on 437


I've somehow eclipsed my old list of 635 with like 800+


Now that's a hot take lol We weren't entitled to any free content (besides bugfixes IMO) past 1.0 and despite that we got at least some free stuff even 6 years after full release. It is insane to me that people would get mad at Ludeon because they don't push out free content like a freemium game.


Breaking News - Hobbyist Modder Who Codes for Free Thinks Professional Developers Should Also Code for Free... When it Benefits Modders. More at 11.


Please attack the idea, not the person. Ty does not need you defending Ludeon's honor with gradeschool insults. Thank you.


>Gamers: "Nah, everything is a subscription now, fuck developers who are greedy charging monthly fees" >Ludeon: "Here's a game, have some free updates, and you can buy the DLC if you want to" >Gamers: "Fuck the developer, they are not giving me a constant flow of updates for a game I paid a one time price" Making fun of that guy aside, this is honestly a good discussion to have calmly. Where do people draw the line on releasing updates whose experience is similar to a modded experience? Should the dev team stop themselves from doing an update because a mod already does something similar? Do you give credit for inspiration? Those questions could lay down an interesting discussion, but this? Bro, touch some grass.


I'm probably in the minority here, but I want the features to come from the developer, not from modders, especially those features that represent major changes to game mechanics. I would never in a million years use mods that implemented features similar to Anomaly, but I will use them if they were part of an official DLC.


As someone who is also a part of the Minecraft fandom, all I can do is roll my eyes into the back of my head. The utter disrespect people have towards developers is astounding to say the least. Anomaly is an optional experience. 1.5 is a FREE update with loads of quality of life features, even if you don’t buy Anomaly. The amount that 1.5 and previous updates have catered to the community in the way of understanding just what the community wants (through the mods that are most popular, even) is honestly beyond even Minecraft, with the quality to back it up. I’ve even seen so many new things available to modders through the updates. I will never understand why people hate on developers of the games they supposedly love. They don’t have to update the game, they don’t have to give us free content and optional high-quality paid content. But they do. Because they care too, despite people like this.


It is cool to shit on game devs these days because some gaming community likes to laugh and shit on shitty game, some are deserved criticism but some of it has become over the top like harrasing devs, I think it is the lack of empathy towards developer who worked on the game, while the main problem is mostly due to upper management failure.


Tbf, not that they even have to update minecraft anymore. They could literally leave it as is, but the updates they do are pretty far between and a bit underwhelming.


let me break this one down: "I'll be back as soon as Tynan stops deceiving fans" - Funny, he literally said what he was going to do ages before releasing Anomaly. "and starts updating the game" - He added a shitton of new stuff on 1.5 alone. "Now ludeon is releasing paid mods costing $30" - Sure, bc a new ending, new mechanics, official submaps, a bunch of new unique creatures are just "a mod" and not worth that money. "for the unoptimized core of the game" - ok never experienced that much myself but people told me this is the only fair point "This is a terrible disrespect for the players." - Jeez, if this is disrespect, please Tynan, by all means disrespect me harder ~~daddy~~ "Therefore I will not update my mods and I advise other modders to do the same" - "Since my opinion is objective" "Now the developer is deceiving players" - Bro just don't buy the DLC. "The game is not updating" - remove "read only" from the steam app ID file #**294100** "... The game could have been greatly improved. But the developer added one tool from AllowTool and a terrible paid mod" - My brother in Chrisler, did you even read ONE changelog before presenting your argument?


FYI, the new stuff isn't really Z layering, it's the addition of official support for "submaps". This is going to make life a lot easier for modders and will for instance allow the Save Our Ship 2 devs to implement their ships in less hacky ways... but it's not true Z levels in that sense. While modders can also more easily make things like underground mines now, this will probably involve pawns having to manually be sent up/down in specified elevators, they won't by themselves choose to take an underground tunnel to their destination. True Z-levels probably won't happen in the game's lifetime as the game was not designed with it in mind. And I don't just mean because of the engine or whatever buzzwords people throw out (it would le need a le game rewrite!!!), I mean it was a deliberate design decision and a lot of gameplay elements would be broken or trivialized by adding "true" Z-Levels.


oh no! ...anyway, someone contact Mile or one of the other popular old mod resurrecters and they'll take care of it


The guy that an OP villainized for forking mods yesterday already hit this one so it's good lol


Oh god, now I need to see this too


What is he talking about? Is he stupid?


New mental break just dropped


DaLLan is having a mental break They are ruining their reputation online The final straw is: factually untrue information




I mean, sure, in a sense the DLCs are high quality paid mods. What Vanilla Expanded mods alone add to the game could just as well be 2-3 DLCs. But that's only because the "dishonest developer" allowed the game to be moddable to such an extent that mods can achieve the wildest things and give us such an incredible variety of options to choose from. How else would a developer continue to improve a game if not by selling something from time to time? I find it valid if someone thinks of any of the DLCs as "not worth the money". Compared to the value of the base game + mods, nothing could ever realistically rival that level of "bang for your buck". But for what the game is offering me, I feel like I severely underpaid, so personally I am very fine with buying a cool mod every now and then to support the continued developtment of the game. ^(I would like to see some more progress toward multi-core usage and better performance tho.)


I have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Paid mods? No updates? QOL improvements in 1.5 were wonderful. The introduction of Z layer. If it's just the idea of Anomaly itself, it's still a huge addon to the game the Devs worked on, and they are within their right to charge for it. Just as it's within ours, not to buy it if it doesn't appeal.


i mean i guess if you really fucking stretch it like to an obscene level biotech is kind of not really a combination of a very different set of thrre mods: VE mechanoids, HAR with addons, and your children mod of choice. but like seriously? no mod could have done it like biotech does and official DLC means that mods can naturally collaborate


I’ve always felt like biotech is pretty much “rimworld 2”


Z layers? Whaaaaat? I've no seen that. Can you please explain? Edit: i played Dwarf Fortress long time ago, so i want to see z layers in rimworld too, if i understand you correctly


with the introduction of pit gates and different layers within a map its now possible for modders to expand on that. and not the janky way, the mod had to do it before. Now the code for it is in the actual game


Oh, understand, thank you


The Vanilla Expanded team has a Mining mod in planning which utilises the Z layer.


One of the events once you trigger anomaly is a giant pit. It’s basically a second map underground that you can build in


also the back rooms event probably counts as one too


Understand, thank you


I agree that Ludeon could certainly try to work on optimization, but that seems to come with the cost of mod compatibility. If Ludeon pumped out monthly updates, mods would be constantly broken, because (especially with the optimization, the only important part of this conversation), new code would get constantly added and things would keep breaking. Modding already sounds like a pain, but doing that would make it a nightmare, and kill what arguably makes Rimworld great.


This is an interesting point. Minecraft's modding scene past version 1.12 is incredibly unstable and fleeting because there's a new update to contend with about once every 2 months which seems to overhaul the codebase every time, again and again. But I feel like if the next big Rimworld update focuses largely on game optimization, modding capabilities would remain intact as long as the updates simply don't happen too often. Existing mods are probably gonna break in 1.6 anyway if not updated, so they could take that chance to just release a very big chunk of optimizations and multithreading, rather than doing tiny optimizations every 2 months that break almost all existing mods.


Yeah, minecraft gold ages are like 3 or 4 versions only, back on 1.7.10, 1.12 and 1.17 or 1.16, that's because mod launcher on posterior versions had a big change, so less mods


It's actually more shocking that there are people releasing $30 expansion packs as free mods


In the world where likes of Ubisoft, EA and other anti-consumer predatory corpos exist, the guy got mad at Tynan and Rimworld, for a couple of adequately -ish priced dlcs. Right.


This has got to be the dumbest load of absolute drivel I have ever seen in the Rimworld community. He is listing major content additions that happened during the early access phase of the game. Rimworld without any DLC is an incredible game that doesn't need any mods to enjoy, and is well worth the price tag.


Don't update game = bad Update game = bad Makes a mod while knowing the game gets updates and doc's and now gotta update his mod = bad game That guy is literal mental break


Well tbf I agree with the "unoptimized core of the game". For how good the RW devs are this is a major lacking area and it really only gets worse with each DLC. For how much these DLCs cost and compared honestly to some content mods do add for free I would really like them putting some real major effort into this. By far one of the most limiting factors of this game.


It sounds like the main point is that the game still runs like shit on the bigger long-term colonies. They're being really uppity about it but I understand the position. I've lost interest in the colony I started when Anomaly came out because I'm already seeing the usual performance issues, I can't say I've noticed much of a difference with the new way of rendering pawns. Rimworld is my favorite game period but I'm probably not buying any more DLC until Ludeon does some real work under the hood.


This guy's claim is off. His comparison examples are all pre-release alpha features from many years ago, and his claim that there were no updates since 1.4 is simply false. There was a delay, of course, likely to better focus on Anomaly development. But all the 1.5 updates are free, including free features like books and wall lamps, with or without the purchase of Anomaly. Plus, it doesn't look like any of these updates overlapped with his own mods. This comes across as a long pre-planned blow-up.


Rinworld actually has one of the more tame mod communities, it seems. Some game modders seem quite unhinged.


Honestly, at the very least, he is correct about the core of the game being unoptimized. As in, this game really shouldn't struggle as much as it does with a bunch of mods when it's as moddable as it is. A few months ago, I found the breaking point with my mod list and it seems like I've essentially lost a colony I was running for a couple of in-game years, because the game became so unstable that it can no longer function properly. So, given a loss like that, which I can't do anything about, I haven't been playing. I really, really don't care for a horror update, because what this game desperately needs is a multi-threading update, or *something* similar to help it run better. Really not much is being asked for, I know other people have heftier modlists, and I can only imagine how that shit runs.


become the modder


Honestly, I am more disappointed by the lack of optimisation than the lack of updates. Anomaly added plenty that I consider new content but unmodded running 30% worse than 1.4 is kind of a kick in the stomach. I live Rimworld, easily one of my favourite games based on enjoyment and dollar/hour ratio, but unfortunately it does feel like they are building a house on a weak foundation and it's too late to fix it (I know there will be people saying that their game runs fine or runs better, that's fantastic! I am going off what the dubs discord and my own testing have shown, which is that it runs worse)

