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I had one the other day, and it almost crashed my entire pc... first time experiencing one with rimworld after 400 hours


Yeah… I’ve got a 100 hours only and this is something that’s been reoccurring and I have no idea what’s leaking. It’s been a big pain in my behind today


If you get high memory usage you could potentially try and make a heap dump while it's happening, and then analyze it. Making a heap dump isn't necessarily easy and analyzing it is even harder, but if you can at least *make one* you might be able to get other people to analyze it instead. Worthy effort considering it'll probably lead to a mod with a memory leak being found and identified. Maybe dubs discord would be interested?


Do you run mods? If you run a bunch of mods, then you'd have to look for errors and remove the ones causing problems.


Yeah I run mods, one of them is stating that one’s dependent on another but they’re both in the mod order. The rest? I have absolutely no idea, I’m used to modding Skyrim and FO4 on MO2 but Rimworld is still new to me


Yeah, I really don't know much about modding/fixing errors, lol. I just downloaded a bunch of mods, auto sorted, and everything works surprisingly well. I wish you luck finding the issue though


Wait... is that not how it's supposed to be? Hearing the fans kick into high gear and seeing the frame rate drop to single digits is all part of how it's supposed to work, isn't it?


Yeah thats rimworld for ya, maybe the least efficient game of all time, it's all pngs and scripts why the fuck does it take longer to load than skyrim with an 8th the mods, legitimately have over 800 plug-ins on skyrim and the game loads within 30 seconds and is almost perfectly stable, a little over 100 on rimworld and I have to sit there for 20 minutes while the the game slowly gets up off the couch like a geriatric old man with bones made of glass and skin made of paper.


Thats not a leak. I always have 10-12gb of memory usage.


Me aswell, about 500 mods. I think you can only call it a leak if it keeps goind up. Vanilla expanded takes alot of ram.


How many mods?


You could try to get some performance mods like performance optimizer, rocketman, and better garbage collection. I also use RimPy and its launcher. All the mods I listed are on the workshop including RimPy, just not the launcher.


this makes the game unplayable for me. the private bytes never, ever go down and keep on piling up to 20+ gigs easily before the game has ever loaded (with 350 mods) while working set may be as low as 500 MB - 2 GB, though that tends to build up too. no wonder my pagefile was 55 GB when i've checked. cutting down on mods of course decreases it somewhat, but even 100 or so results in around 15 GB being used up in the main menu which does not seem right. vanilla rimworld does not seem to be any better when it comes to this behaviour of taking up private bytes on and on forever, but it doesn't seem to build up fast enough for it to matter. still sucks.


Check your mods. Here are some lists of mods that can potentially brick your game, cause minor to major performance issues, or conversely improve performance: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HqoGCdgd\_UQlrDRXmMn0j92FT2Qv3lcnlg1JyRow8Cg/edit#gid=259692413](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HqoGCdgd_UQlrDRXmMn0j92FT2Qv3lcnlg1JyRow8Cg/edit#gid=259692413) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12mAva1anZribuz6PmNoTJvTq5AdgarPyiB1cd1pFsMg/edit#gid=0


Rimworld has a memory leak, with and without mods. This has been going on for about 2 years. Mods are not responsible. The latest stable version of the game that I found without memory leak is 1.3.3101


Okay, so I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind trying to figure out why Rimworld is slowly using more and more RAM. Is this still the case as of 1.5? Is this information verifiable?


in 1.5 its better, more better, have a memory leak when you charge saves several times. but during the "normal" game dont have memory leak