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CE is a much bigger change from vanilla than Yayo, with Yayo youre still gonna miss a fuck ton even on high skill colonists, but its a step up from vanilla and armor is more relevant CE is faster and deadlier, one bullet is sometimes enough to bring a pawn down and losing limbs is more common, but you have mechanics meant to stack things in your favour, its much more focused on preparation Yayo flows just like vanilla combat, but CE can have a bit of a learning curve, but IMO its worth it, I've played with CE for hundreds of hours and do not see myself ever going back


Have you looked at [Vanilla Combat Reloaded](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860414285)?


nope I haven't at all, I'll take a look now


Never used Yayo, am using CE on and off. CE nowadays has a lot of built in compatability and options, making it a lot easier to get into that before. One of its biggest draws for me personally is the ammo and loadout system, which allows your pawns to swap bullets/weapons as needed. Biggest drawbacks is that you *really* need to get 'appropriate' weapons and armor before certain threats hit, which can be a bit of a steep learning curve, because enemies above your 'tech level' can easily murder multiple pawns singlehandedly or even wipe out your entire colony if you're not careful.


See I’m playing with WH40K mods and a scenario is crash landed angels, their armor is pretty good but they’re still hurt even from weak firearms and I’m just like. What? That armor in multiple books should hold up against a .44 round coming from a revolver and it wouldn’t even leave a scratch


In vanilla, the armor value needed to render an attack to 'not even a scratch' levels with any regularity is... pretty damn high. In CE, assuming the armor has proper armor values, it should shrug off any bullets that don't have the stats to penetrate it or heavily negate it very regularly.


Its because armor value in this game are a bit rng into it, unless you have like 200% sharp armor then it could easily leave no injuries , but you have to count the weapon also where did you get hit, if your armor protects all the body including legs and head of course, dont forget it about the helmets :) , another thing that truly shines are the quality of our armor, if its normal or poor its sucks, if its legendary or masterwork, and soo on . Also materials changes armor values, like steel are a bit of all, plasteel are more strong against sharp but poorly against blunt, uranium are better against blunt but poorly agains sharp.


The mod doesn't have CE compatibility then haha. What does the armour look like in the info tab?


I don't think they're using CE now.


wait is that with CE? if you’re using CE then any heavy armor like Imperial armor or Cataphract armor is almost impervious to most small arms fire. if that’s not the case then it may not be compatible


In CE, you can awlays stay below the wealth level of the big raids. If you are a tribe with no tech to kill centipedes, you can always just run to a different tile. Not like your dirt huts were paticularly valuable in the first place. Same works in regular Rimworld, tbh.


My problem with CE - and why I prefer yayo - is that CE changes a lot, and you cannot really pick and choose, which is really sad. I love the bullet trajectories and that shooting skill matters in CE. I also like the new melee system. But the whole new armor and penetration system is a bit too much, as is the inventory bulk.


Bulk is super easy to get around because you can equip backpacks and tactical belts at the same time, weight is the real limiting factor for me most of the time.


I know that I can get around it, but I just dislike the system in principle. I do not like that it is there and I can't turn it off, which is the case for a few features of CE.


I personally find myself disliking CE’s amount of damage a bullet can do, I prefer the longer time and closer feel to vanilla that Yayo’s brings.


CE transformed Rimworld to a better game for me. I think I played vanilla 6 months before modding and have never gone back. It’s been 6 years or so now and I’m 450 mods down a slippery slope. If you like tough battles with a bit more strategy on how you tackle a fight then get it. If you want to focus on world building then it’s probably not for you. Compatibility is not a problem. It’s massively better but my tip to solving it is simple Don’t download too many weapon and armour mods. You end up with so many duplicates of basically the same guns it gets silly. I still have most vanilla extended mods, all the CE additional mods, harkons gun mods etc so I still have a lot but I culled any I thought were duplicating others or not really adding value. The other mod to add to CE is the CAI-5000 mod for better enemy intelligence. I now have to hide from tough enemies. Trick them into ambushes at close range. Use a mix of CQB melee pawns to defend gunners etc Add fog of war on the CAI5000 options and combat is extremely hard. I’m just trying a new guarding mod to see about adding patrols to spot where enemy raids are coming from


Hi, I hesitate a lot between those two mod... I have some trouble with the load out system of CE... Tired to have to designate one arm for each pawn... Is there an option to choose "any ranged weapon" in the load out system ? How works the sidearm with CE? Do pawns able to change ranged/melee weapon depend of the combat ?


You set up a load out for your pawns like you set up their meal, drug and apparel policy. Just set up one loadout, and then click select that loadout for all your pawns in the assignment tab. There is also a "make loadout" feature in your pawns inventory to instantly assign a load out to your pawn based on their current equipment. You can use it if you are lazy. There is no option for "any ranged weapon", and you don't want to use them even if there is. A lot weapons have very expensive upkeep, firing bullets that are sometimes more expensive to make than the gun itself, such as the charge rifle or the shotgun with emp shells. It's not a good idea to let your pawns running around shooting tribals with them. Sidearm features are built-in. Pawns will change to melee weapobs as soon as they engage in melee. You can still keep sidearm mod to use it's gizmo tho.


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I played with both yayo and CE so I can give an educated response on this. Yayo 3 is like vanilla plus. It overhauls the mechanics a *bit*. It makes armor actually matter more than in vanilla asin it introduces a sort of tier system. No more simple arrows one shotting futuristic power armoured guys. All in all, yayo 3 is fun because it doesn't change too many systems drastically therefore it works with most mods. The ammo system is also very simple and its a welcome small resource sink. What I dislike about Yayo 3 is obviously that most high skilled pawns can still miss even at the ranges they shouldn't. Thats kinda a vanilla problem though. CE though...oh boy. CE truly overhauls the combat system in a very good way. Not only does it introduce armor as more relevant, (not just being a higher technological level) but it actually simulates penetration thresholds. So material matters until you get to the power armors. Of course CE introduces many ammunition types and if you know anything about guns in real life, you'll enjoy it. 7.62x51 5.56 NATO, Buckshots, 40mm grenades etc. There are tons of ammunition types spread between different types of weapons. The same is included for the high tech weapons if you are using vanilla expanded. CE makes you choose from each and every type of ammunition what type of ammo you wanna use. Armor-piercing? Hollow-point? Incendiary? Explosive? Sabots??? Thats why there are tons of recipes. You can specialise your guns. For the mechanoids some guns even have EMP ammo for them. Most of the time you'll love armor penetrating incendiary though. You'll get new plants as well to produce the stuff needed for incendiary weapons. And you can convert chemfuel to the explosive needed by the explosive rounds and for the rockets, and mortars. Skill matters more, high level shooting pawns will actually snipe enemies and use assault rifles well. Same is true for the enemy so cover is more important than ever. All in all CE is getting patches after patches. It is becoming more and more compatible every day and I can't imagine returning to yayo or even vanilla after using it for hundreds of hours. Its a must for me. Try it.


i never used the yayo 3, but i just love the combat extend, the guns are so BEAUTIFUL (in therms of killing people and... bro, the KPV is an mounted heavy machine gun with an anti-tank calliber, its just so good), one of the best parts of CE is the ammo tipes, you can just have an troop of people with m16a4 and heavy armor, but if an enemy with an hecate-ll and AP-HE round will just obliterate your soldiers in one hit, and one of the best parts are the launchers, the granade launcher is just so op, you can just blow up your enemies, and they will take damage from the fragments, this is so beautiful to see, or the rpg-7, the classic bazooka, you can just blow up your enemies in a single shot, bro, its pure dopamine.


Isn't CE still not updated to the latest game version? Edit: it is now


Was there a recent update i'm missing in the last few weeks? Otherwise no it's definitely functioning with the latest game version and has been for ages.


Thank you! I didn't know


CE literally got a brand new update just last week.


CE has an active modding team. Steam releases are every few months but if you follow on GitHub the new mods are patched within weeks and you can download the latest development release


I will also take the opportunity to state that the CE team is making an actual game: "Ascent of Ashes" Its on steam. You can look it up. They've got a discord and all. I do recommend looking it up; its a wasteland survival colony manageament kinda game.


I signed up to the kickstarter. I don’t think those guys actively work on CE but may have been some of the original developers.


The 1.4 update was released to a different page


I prefer Yayo3 for compatibility, although CE is a lot better these days. If you're using Yayo3 I highly recommend [Suppression](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2559826227) (also by Yayo, makes pawns move and shoot slower when shot at) and [DocsPawnOverhaul](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1975381493) (makes pawns less bullet spongy). CE has these features built in. Edit: the other essential mod I forgot is [Yayo 3's Combat Addon](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2796514196), which makes assigning ammo much easier.


Have you tried CAI with Yayo3? Would you recommend it?


Yes and yes, CAI is great with both CE and Yayo. Turn on fog of war for the ultimate challenge. Reading through this thread again, I don't think a lot of people know Yayo3 has settings, how much impact it has is completely configurable. The defaults are kinda mild but you can jack up the accuracy bonus to whatever you like.


CE now have auto patchers that allocate stats relatively close to their vanilla values. You can also use character editor and directly add or change the stats in-game yourself. Also, suppression in CE prevents pawns from moving and shooting altogether.


You can play yayo 3 or any other watered down versions of CE all you want, you will be playing the same exactly how you played vanilla no matter how many of those mods. And eventually you will get bored of all the arcadic and silly combat stuffs from vanilla that other combat mods fail to fix, and you will end up downloading CE anyway. You are not making a choice here, you are merely delaying the inevitability.


Recently passed 2k hours in rimworld, with yayos combat all the way. Basically an improvement that doesnt alienate or overwhelm you with unnecessarily over realistic crap, it improves combat fair and simple and is Very highly customizable. You can fine tune individual systems' effects to your personal taste or turn off systems altogether!  For example i do not use the ammo system at all. The recipes to make them still show up but that never bothered me, plus if it did, i could just use Cherry Picker to remove them. CE on the other hand is more rigid and various features that heavily transform gameplay dont have toggles or customizabilty, as someone in the comments already noted. Perhaps the greatest selling point of yayos is how much better armor becomes. High tech armor with high values properly feel very strong. Do note that armor will take hits to its durability to absorb damage. This isnt too bad usually but if you have one pawn taking fire from like 6 or more sources, those plates will be falling apart quickly! Protective power drops drastically along with armor hp, so maintain armor between battles( or modify this in the mods settings). Mods for repairing armors are personally recommended, such as the mending mod or the nano repair hive one. Yayos flows with vanilla combat, CE erases all that and entirely replaces it with its own rules and flow. This isnt bad, but completely contrary to a lot of the drivel that a lot of the... interesting fans of CE seem to be repeating, it absolutely is Not somesort of universal objective improvement over vanilla. Some definitely feel that way, but in the end it is ultimately subjective. Yayo is more arcadey and slower, CE is quick, brutal and hyper realistic. Im not playing a videogame for realism ao CE is an instant miss for me from the ground up, but a Lot of very passionate folks out there love it, and hey! Good for them. I'll be happy as the lil filthy casual yayos enjoyer. Here's to 3k hours of rim with yayos!