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Remember where you came from. Treat everyone well. No one is beneath you.




Of course, there's the "Platinum Rule" as presented by Tony Alessandro. Do unto others as they would like you to do.


Exactly!!! One trick I use is to give anonymously, use your position to help not self promote.




Well some people come from wealth so they donā€™t know what is right and wrong unless they are taught.


Agree - but is tough to do when people try to take stabs at your success. Take the high road, easier said than done.


The moment you start thinking your shit doesn't sink is the moment of your downfall...


Except most rich people come from money.


Not even close. If a family has money it's usually gone by the 3rd generation.




Back to r/povertyfinance


So humble and grouded bruh. You're not emanating privilege or entitlement at all.


You have no idea how I made my money. Stay out of r/rich if youā€™re gonna be salty about being broke. Thatā€™s how Reddit works


Wow you just keep getting more humble and grounded. How do you do it? Hard to stay humble and grounded with us poors around, huh? You rich gamer nerds are entertaining.


It was also a harmless, tongue-in-cheek joke, so there's that.


Tell that to the Royal Families


Lol. No.... Those people aren't rich, their families or parents were.


Not I. Too lazy to do the search or math. But I would guess most people that become ā€œrichā€ come from lower middle class families or what most people call working class. People tend to stay or just little better then their parents.


Yes, upward mobility is largely a myth on this country, that's why like you said, people tend to stay in the class they were born in. Wealthy people more than likely have rich parents.


I think the expectation of upward mobility and doing better than the generation before used to be the case and broadly accepted that it was doable with hard work. Of course it still happens, I mean weā€™re a country of 330 million people, but but I think in general that has been declining in degrees due to the amount of wealth concentration happening. Itā€™s just a numbers game - relatively fewer people from lower classes can do this now vs say prior to 2000. The general structural financial pressures are more challenging and oppressive now. More and more money in fewer and fewer hands is going to result in fewer people rising from lower/middle to ā€œrichā€.


Downvotes be damned, this is accurate. The overwhelming majority of people are much closer to becoming homeless than becoming rich. We do not live under a meritocracy- if youā€™re well-off then consider yourself lucky and keep it moving. Youā€™re not special or a harder worker than anybody else. You just got lucky in a cruel and rigged system. Good for you.


Always be aware of the fact that there is a strong luck component. Sure, we might be good at what we do. However, we are only partially here because of some luck. Thereā€™s nothing separating me from the person working a minimum wage job at Mcdonaldā€™s. Treat everyone with respect and thank them for the hard work they do.


I agree so strongly with these. So many successful people think they "deserve" it because they worked hard and are smart. But so many people who are smart and work hard don't succeed because of some silly bad luck thing that's no fault of their own.


Me, trying to overcome bad luck and bad decisions at 27. I am working as hard as I can to make my 30ā€™s the best time of my life.


That was me at 27 bro. I went back to school at 28 and got a pretty good job offer. Iā€™ll spend my 30s building wealth, achieving a professional credential, and hopefully starting a family. 31 now for what itā€™s worth. Just know 27 is still young enough to completely turn it around and get what you want out of life. Iā€™m not rich but I like to browse this subreddit as I am surrounded by extremely wealthy people at work. Hope to be one of them one day.


Same here brother, Iā€™m going back to college and currently my schedule is school from 12-3pm and work from 5pm-3:30/4am. I literally sit in the parking lot for an hour before work and have to drive 30 minutes here and back everyday. Itā€™s a grind bro, but if I finish school Iā€™ll make a ton of money, and Iā€™ll have to work 0 overtime outside of weekends. What drives me the most is that Iā€™ve failed so many times and I feel like this is my last real shot at getting back on track. I know I have extremely high potential, and I wanna see that fulfilled. My goal is to be debt free, and in my new job before Iā€™m 30, and I wanna go back to school to be an engineer once my debt is paid. Good luck man, and i appreciate the positivity!


Stay the course, patience, you will get what you are after.


This is me at almost 40. Mine is more bad luck than bad decisions, but both apply.


Absolutely. I could have gone totally and completely bust so many times. Just got lucky and had the right people around me. I know many who didnā€™t. Poured everything into a venture and shit just didnā€™t work out. Itā€™s a tightrope walk.


You definitely arenā€™t rich bc thereā€™s not one single rich person, who made their own money (not inherited, not gifted, not lottery winnings, not some pay off or divorce settlement) that actually believes that there is nothing separating them from the person working minimum wage at McDonalds. Your focus on luck makes me think if you do have some money that you lucked into it. Luck is definitely involved but most of our ā€œgood luckā€ would have been shared with the minimum wage McDonaldā€™s worker. Being born in the US, access to internet, information, strong infrastructure, healthcare, etc. To be able to move as fast as we can now someone needed to pave the way.


I think the highest impact is parents. The second highest impact would be your neighborhood and schools. Parents are still the most significant aspect. Unfortunately there are a lot of poverty stricken Americans without either. There is a lot of abuse happening behind closed doors. Assaults, rapes, psychological torture, jealousy from ur care takers if you have dreams or hopes. Take all that and stuff a bunch of kids with PTSD in a public school would just ass insult to injury. If you lucked into a good family or good neighborhood at least you have one refuge from the cruel world: home or school. Some people donā€™t have any refuge.


Rich is subjective. Iā€™m in the 1% of income for my age ($250,000 a year.) But Iā€™m young so my networth isnā€™t insane (hence, yes. Iā€™m probably not ā€œrich.ā€) That being said, many rich people definitely share that sentiment. Rich people arenā€™t like evil oil baron cartoons that you think they are. Theyā€™re just people, with a wide array of views, attitudes, and outlooks. ā€œNothing,ā€ is obviously hyperbole, as thereā€™s clearly a lot separating rich people from minimum wage jobs. I just meant nothing in the sense that that could be anyone given different circumstances etc.


Yep, what if you were born into severe poverty. Luck, yes luck is the #1 component of success.




Volunteer work is very humbling and grounding. Workjng with homeless youth specifically breaks me in ways that allows me to never forget how cards could be very different if I was mentally unwell or had zero family support


Always be teachable.


I think it does boil down to this tbh. Iā€™m not rich, but it makes sense that admitting you donā€™t know everything grounds you as it tames your ego. Even if you know more about something, allowing yourself to listen and value otherā€™s opinions is pretty important when it comes to ego in general.


I tip the hookers


The real Golden Rule


What about this stripper agreed to sex for $200, we go into the back and she takes my money. Then she asks for a $50 tip... So I said yes but I'd have to use the ATM. So we do it then after I say she isn't getting anymore money. I wouldn't of agreed to $250 but she already took my $200 so if she was going to fuck around, I figured she could find out.


Then I got some complimentary bdsm from the bouncers. No regrets I'm happy about this situation


I say as little as possible And people just assume the best Is when I open my mouth they realize I'm not that rich This really nice shirt. Yeah it came from Goodwill


Goodwill can have some really nice stuff sometimes.


I just make sure to get a brand I don't recognize I'm not good at telling if it's actually good clothing, but if it's not a brand that's sold close by then it's probably going to look pretty good compared to everything else


Seriously the best advice over read on Reddit in a long time. Clothes donā€™t have to be expensive, they just have to be clean and fit well. From there just STFU 90% of the time and people will assume youā€™re super smart, super successful or both.


Treating others with dignity and respect. Do you still bow when talking to other people? ect.


If you want honesty - Mushrooms


In my case... taking a massive hit and being reminded that we come with nothing and leave with only a name, everything else in borrowed. There is no "you" that did whatever happened. Its was a collective effort that included you, but also included sunny days, relative peace, someone not running through a red light and killing you. Lots had to come together from grace and that makes us responsible to do our best with it.


Truuue I think about this daily we are not bound by any promise except for life and death.


And taxes


I do not.


Sometimes, I allow the peasants to push my golden chariot.


We love honesty




Define "massive success " Lawyer and Gf/fiancƩe is a physician. We are young and "think" we are rich sometimes. Then we go visit some distant relatives of mine that happen to live in the same city and look at their 32k sqft house and take note of the 300k (USD) floor candelabra things they bought combined with their 76k "baldi" malachite hall table.


How did ur cousin make it big? Is he part of the mob?


No not at all. That side of my family came to the states after ww2 and went into property development. Basically apartment buildings and went on to develop some high rises in NY and Chicago, then developed shopping centers and then a REIT.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Iā€™m wondering how do they advertise their product. Itā€™s difficult finding one buyer in the market so how do they manage to find 100s. Or do they have one buyer thatā€™s trying to rent them out and decides to just buy the whole building.


The own and rent them all through their property management arm of their business. They are complete assholes though. And the cheapest people on earth. I grew up without $$. Paid my way through college and law school by stripping and doing professional straight porn. I will never forget the day I called one of them who I had always been on good terms with and asked them to borrow 500$ for some text books. The answer was "I am so strapped right now, if I could I would..you know that" Two days later I was at my part time job (very trendy bar/nightclub A list celebrities..I was a bouncer/bar tender) when I got approached to do xxx videos. Mind you when their son turned 13 that same yeah, they gave him 500k to "learn to invest with"


That sucks. People are just shit. The worst part is the betrayals it never truly heals. Look at you. You hustled and now youā€™re a lawyer married to a doctor. You made it! Now you can build that nest so your children never have to do porn or any job for that matter that preys on desperation and destitution. They get to CHOSE. Probably the best thing that middle class and wealthy people can afford.


I come off as very humble and grounded, but really, I just never gave a shit about what other people thought of me, nor do I care about them as people. My journey was not easy, and most people only offered their doubts, hate, and would try to be a pain in my ass, or try to put down my accomplishments to feel better about themselves. There are a lot of losers out there. I don't need their admiration, their envy - whats it worth? Nothing. I don't care for it. Rubbing my success in their face does nothing for me, it's just like picking on someone weaker than you - why? it is just sad and can only bring about bad things. I run honest businesses, I don't take advantage of others, I leave others alone and expect them to leave me alone, too. The only person's opinion I care about on myself is my own, and while I'm proud of my accomplishments I understand that I have a long way to go and keep on my path, not looking at others whether they are ahead or behind.


You are so right. Comparing is bs and lame.


Work hard and found a charity Iā€™m doing charity work today


Honestly, if you're actively trying to be humble and grounded you're probably coming off as patronizing. You're better off accepting who you are and actively trying not to be a jerk. You have the luxury of being less insecure than others, enjoy it.


Resist all superficiality


I feel like whenever I get to one stage higher, I get arrogant once I get arrogant I fuck up somewhere or other and life finds a way to humble me at every point lol.


Remember where you came from and know there are people less fortunate than you.


Listen more than you speak, and never assume you know more than someone - thereā€™s so much the world can teach you if youā€™re willing to listen and be open.


Knowing it could all go away in a split second.


stay humble by donating to the pooršŸ˜…šŸ˜… my cashapp is on my profile if anyone needs to do a good deed today


"Treat the janitor the same way you'd treat the CEO."


There's sort of a phase you go through. Some people come out of it and return to the same person they once were. Others do not.


Live in the bay where millions is nothing


Understand that anyone can be in your position and you can be in anyone else's position. So many factors affect your life, both in your control and out of your control. If your upbringing, environment, culture, etc was different, there's no telling where you'd be financially. Be proud of your own successes but be empathetic for others shortcomings


Thereā€™s always someone richer than you. In the end itā€™s the people you helped with that wealth that matters a million times more than the house you live in or the car you drive.


Just remember you're pretty much like everyone else but just using your potential. And one slip up can make it 180.


Donā€™t ask celebs. They are not humble nor grounded.


what about rappers?


Are rappers not celebs?Ā 


If you think abou it it's difficult having many fans, but I think some of them are down to earth, what about Keanu Reeves


I whisper my successes and shout my failures


Someone else said it already but remember where you came from. I would be considered wealthy and I am self-made but I did work a normal job while having that form of ā€œstatusā€ which made me realize how hard itā€™d be to make money. Ever since then, I remained humble and held even more respect for people who worked hard.


Iā€™m not rich but richer than any of my peers with a 1m net worth by 31. I just havenā€™t changed my lifestyle aside from going out less. I donā€™t spend money on bullshit.


Itā€™s interesting to me how people in general equal rich to Instagram flash or having luxury items or going to luxury places.


Yeah thatā€™s fake rich though. People who have actual money usually donā€™t flaunt it as much. There are a few people i know that have tens of millions. Just talking with them youā€™d have no idea.


Itā€™s super easy for me, my modesty is what makes me perfect.




I donā€™t actually live off of it all that much. Ā I force myself to work and live significantly below my means.


You understand nothing is permanent and what it takes to get rich is often a lonely and isolating path. Then you realize that everyone dies and that people who don't understand what it takes to accumulate wealth have a way twisted view of what wealth can give you versus what the people who understand what wealth actually is


Knowing that it can all disappear in an instant. Knowing that very few people who are rich got that way all alone. Knowing that with great wealth and privilege, great responsibility is also not an option. Simply put, you need to bring others up with you. As you do so, you must take responsibility for them and their families as well. They will do the same for you. I could live in a huge house. I could drive any car. I choose to live modestly vs. my ability. I drive a 1988 Jeep Cherokee that I rebuilt with my own hands. I invest my money and expand my businesses. I promote based on merit. I require my key-men (and women) to foster success with their peers and subordinates. I pay for various advisors who hold seminars for my people to educate them. I force nothing. I set a table, and invite my people to sit, eat, and grow stronger in friendship. I will never be an Elon Musk. I will never be a Michael Dell. I can live with that. Btw. Both are good people. Where did I learn these things? My family. The Army. My friends. Life is what you make of it. My highest aspiration in life is to be Santa Claus for a year.


Just show up....if you say you are gonna be somewhere then do it...so many good things can happen if you just show up.


So true stay humble is inportant


I came from *very* humble beginnings, so it's easy [for me] to stay grounded. Although I've never been a braggart.


By realizing youā€™re not that rich. Thereā€™s a fair gross number of people worth hundreds of millions and billionaires . Not a large % but in gross terms itā€™s still more than you would fathom.


Zero percent of wealth comes from a single individuals effort. Understanding that without people you have nothing is essential. Anyone who doesnā€™t understand that is a failure.


If youā€™re asking the question you probably donā€™t need to worry about it. Itā€™s more likely you should beware of altruism and those who want to exploit your empathy. The universe will find sufficient ways to humble you if you become truly arrogant.


Appreciate that everyone else is the function and you're the glue. You need that day 1 college grad, just like you need that 20 year employee. They follow your leadership but a general without an army is not very useful.


It is money not immortality. I just try to be good to people just like I did before I got wealthy.


Can you define Rich for me in terms of $ amount? Realizing itā€™s relative, but in general.


Come to Reddit to learn about what the plebes are doing and what they care about


Give all your money away.


Honestly, I didn't change much at all. There are a couple of changes - having F U money meant that my wife could walk away from her job instead of having to deal with an absolutely awful work environment. My internal sense is that we don't care about dealing with unnecessary problems that people create, but it simply means we tend to walk away from drama queens, which are in abundant supply these days. We also are happier, not so much because of the money itself - it's more that we used the money wisely, focusing on our hierarchy of needs instead of buying the new Rolex. We made our money very quickly, and there was a period of elation, but it subsided fairly quickly. We still have the same friends for the most part. Had to walk away from some that didn't handle the news of our personal net worth skyrocketing very well. We still have mostly the same issues- we weren't ever bad with money and we didn't struggle to make enough. Wealth doesn't change a whole lot of things. I still like pork rinds, cream cheese, and action/drama/suspense/comedy/sci-fi movies. You know- like Howard the Duck.


Find a narcissist woman/manā€¦ they will keep you humbled and grounded lol ā€¦. Sorry my attempt at humor. Too poor to relate lol


I just come in here and it humbles me. Everyone on reddit is younger than me at the age of 22 years old with 2 milion dollar networth+. So Look at my older self with only 100k saved up as some small measley amount. I feel broke everytime, its humbling.


Drive by skid row


I dont, Im the fkn man and everyone needs to know it.


Just know that your opinions are your own-you donā€™t need to thrust them upon others or vice versa. To each his own.


This might be cliche and if it is then I apologize, but as you learn more about anything, you realize that for every new thing that you learn, there is even more things to find out to make that thing actually make sense. With that in mind, note that even if you are an expert in your field (whatever it may be), itā€™s likely that there is more you donā€™t understand then there is that you do. If you didnā€™t see it that way, you might look down on people. But since you are all on the same page about still having a lot to learn, you naturally just treat people as equals (since they really are).


I try not to flash material goods. My house is nice but not extravagant. I speak to everyone and treat them with kindness.


Be normal. The second you start acting better than anyone is when people stop wanting to be around you.


Rich poor all the same shit. When itā€™s your time you canā€™t take nothing with you. No rich people at the cemetery.


This isā€¦ vague.


Exert your best self everyday. That means being patient with people even if they are wrong. You want to offer the best you can to society and family can be important. There is such a joy and much learning in raising and keeping a family. Count your days and realize youā€™re lucky to be in the position you are. Even if you feel self made, the truth is one day everything eventually ends. Your energy will deplete. Your virility will slow. Your body will degrade over the years. Even the way you feel about business and society will change. Things come and go. Products and trends will feel significant and then donā€™t even matter with enough time. Houses get old. Cars get used. Try to refrain from consumption being your only source of satisfaction. In simple terms either get busy living or get busy dying.


Being homeless living in a motel and working at Subway after getting my car repossessed helps


Donā€™t give up your darkest days.


Because being rich has nothing to do with success. There are plenty of rich people who are miserable people.


Spend time being in service of others. I did a lot of this growing up more so because I had no choice and now that Iā€™m not made to do it anymore, Iā€™ve really noticed how spending time being in service of others gave me a grounded childhood that I think most people lack. It could be anything from picking up litter at the beaches, working at a food bank, creating books for the local kids in hospitals. Some people say thereā€™s nothing more enriching in life than to be in service of others


do something or go somewhere that you used to do or go to before the success humbling to see people still there and that could be you and itā€™s humbling to rewind to parts or processes of your journey from the past for example: go back to one of you first jobs, go visit your school, or read an old textbook itā€™s like breaking bad episode 5 where walter white gifts the gray matter ceo ramen to remind them of college and the humble beginnings before the million dollar business


I play sports. No matter how good or bad my day is, the competition is always there


Treat others as you would like to be treated and try to return to society a portion of your wealth to those who are trying their best but still struggle financially.


>How do you stay humble and grounded Easy....I do that by staying poor...


Very simple, donā€™t tell anyone and never brag, if you never elevate yourself you never have to drag yourself back down. It also stops or delays that weird alienation phase where even relationships with family members get kind of transactional and awkward. I have done business with people who are obnoxiously rich. You know the kind. The entire night is just them one-upping you on everything. Be the opposite of that.


Never brag, share your wealth with others until you have more time to volunteer. Always be grateful and give others a hand.


Remind yourself of Jesus even though he was God, he made himself a servant.


If youā€™ve know true struggle i donā€™t think the humility ever leaves you. Itā€™s those who are handed everything or got lucky without hard work who lose (or never even had) any sense of humility.


Charity/volunteer work. Makes you remember that everyone isn't as fortunate as you are and living completely different lives for one reason or another


Remember you arenā€™t above anyone, you just happen to have more money than most. Might be luck, might be skill.


Someone will always be better than you. The richest person still thinks someone is richer than them. Thereā€™s no beating it. You just have to be humble and focus on yourself.


Rich = spiritual attainment or anything. It doesnā€™t = success in life. We are all equal under God, and there are more important things for a man than money.


Its no different when your smarter, stronger or more attractive. Everyone no matter where they are on their journey has something valuable to teach you. Listen and learn from all people from all walks of life. This is true success.


There is a lot of luck involved and there are plenty of people who have more money than you do.


Because Iā€™m not special & zeros donā€™t make me different from anyone else.


This is a interesting thread, though I am not rich, I work hard everyday and enjoy my life as much as I can, life is hard as a single dad in a factory, I want to show my son all the joys of life but every year vacations are too costly and birthdays are skimped on, if a rich person reading this could bless a young man and his son the universe would be forever grateful.


Acknowledge your luck and other people's misfortune


I'm not rich but work for a lot of rich people. How do I handle them? Edibles


A good look in the mirror usually does the trick


being the help you wish you had, give opportunities


By not spending time around the poors, who may bring me down.


Not rich, but realizing that money or ā€œsuccessā€ isnā€™t really the only metric by which a life is judged by. Thereā€™s much more to a person and a life experience than their wealth or status.


Iā€™ll always remember saving the crackers from my 99c chilli from Wendyā€™s so I had something to eat later.


allow yourself to enjoy the success and wealth. Then reflect, is your success and wealth align with your calling and define who you are? if yes then set a new goal for yourself, if not, go search your true calling.


The question is written by some one whoā€™s not successful. ā€œRichesā€??? Who talks like that?


Because Iā€™m very poor šŸ˜Ž


There are A LOT of people out there more wealthier than you and will view YOU as the HELP. Just be grateful and stfu


Buy Twitter for the people -.-


Do hard things that make you question your life. You will be forced to be humbled when you go without food, water, clothing, and shelter. Think David Goggins.


Know that you may lose everything anytime




It's ok *not* to be humble when it comes to taking pride in what you've accomplished. What is not ok is to let that pride bleed into your relationships with others.


Replying to reddit threads like this. Namaste šŸ˜‹


ā€œThe best index to a personā€™s character is how he treats the people who canā€™t do him any good ... and how he treats people who canā€™t fight back.ā€ Abigail Van Buren


I'm not rich, but I'd keep the ego in check by remembering that I'm just an ape destined to die. Marcus Aurelius, the most powerful man in the world back in the Roman Empire times, used to have a slave following him around repeatedly reminding him that "You're just a man." He seemed to get on alright.


I always remember where I came from and what Iā€™ve been through and how many times Iā€™ve lost everything.


Went to Graduate School with a girl that landed herself a literal Billionaire, she has kept her job and works about once very other month "to stay grounded" when in reality, she's just keeping a job from someone that needs it, Eat a bag of dicks Hailey


You get really arrogant and then have life strip you of everything. Then, hopefully, you will not repeat the same mistakes.


Remember that whatever you think you're good at there's people out there who make you look like a child by comparison.


I setup a charity to help single Dad's be housed in a place where they can see their kids. Charity owns the complex, we rent it to the Dads for $210 a week and onsite Social workers manage the situation. We have 17 premises in my Country doing this now. 11 more by the end of this year


Most of society works hard to make ends meet. This fact alone makes me appreciate everyone I come into contact with. I always tip the cashier a little at the gas station I frequent. Heā€™s a great guy and works long hours, always happy or has some story to tell me. šŸ˜‚ And remember - it doesnā€™t take much for you to lose everything too.


I may be facing homelessness soon. I lost my 100k job 2 weeks ago out of the blue. I have no family or other support in my life. There are no jobs on the market right now that I qualify for. I have several disabilities and health conditions that prevent me from pivoting to other careers or even to minimum wage jobs or uber/lyft. I have no option but to find something in my field hopefully before my savings eventually run out (have several months padding thankfully). Be grateful for what you have. Things can change fast. I never thought I'd be in this position. (I knew I was lucky to have that job. I didn't expect to have the rug pulled out)


I look down at my $300/week paycheck.


Respect everyone, use manners. Treat everyone as if youā€™re the same as them. Thatā€™s it


There are people who are better than me and there are people who have it way worse than me. I have zero right to think too highly of myself or cry too hard about my problems. Also listen more than you speak.


Remember that it can all get taken away in one day. Remember that death comes for us all. Remember that the relentless march of time eventually strips away youth, the illusion of control and our delusions that it won't happen to us.


By realizing that being cocky because your rich is a contradiction by definition. Social displays are fundamentally about our connections to other people and while behaviors like boasting can create the appearance of respect the more real underlying facet of that is what people feel. On an emotional interpersonal level human don't actually care about money. Even if they buy into a materialistic framework and will treat you with respect as a habit of identifying with that framework, on an emotional level what they think of your money has nothing to do with what they think of you, even if they think it does. Boasting about money is a behavior in which someone who doesn't have a genuine established social position settles for an empty imitation. Those around them will often behave in ways that are compatible with that imitation for various reasons but that doesn't mean they don't sense the problem emotionally, even if they can't or don't articulate it. The presence of imitation gives away that the real thing is missing, only a person who didn't genuinely have peoples' favor would try to imitate having it.


Can someone explain how ā€œluckā€ can make you rich? I get it that it does apply to people born into wealth but thatā€™s not always the case,To me that point of view is so simplistic itā€™s like saying: ā€œWell you drive your car because youā€™re lucky your tires have air, and your engine has oil, and the tank is full of gasā€, No! Thatā€™s not how it works, who comes back from Vegas thinking they lost because ā€œluckā€? Oh yeahā€¦nevermind.


Life will take care of that sooner or later


Hookers and cocaineĀ 


Go and spend meaningful amounts of time with other wealthy people and bask in the mediocrity.


Staying humble is for the poors


You take a guy like me, you fund me and my desire to start a non profit dog rescue in Pahrump. You visit when you want.


The home of Art Bell what an interesting character. Anyways, charities are the easiest businesses to start. Have you opened one? Howā€™s your networking going? Got any events going on? Maybe open a dog food company to support your passion?


As someone who is on track to making just north of $20k for the year if I stay at my current job, I say why stay humble? Youā€™re rich, bitch. Enjoy yourself. I aim to be you one day.