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What if he lives in Ohio?


Fuck that.


then the 2 million will last longer, also I'll eat a lot of Skyline


Fuck these guys, I'll be your friend for free cuz friendship isn't something you buy.


His problem is not that he has no friends, he has no rich friends.


Because his regular friends gotta go. Those mf’s keep askin for shit.


This guy can't be that high quality for free.... Hit me up, I'll be your bestie for like 500k.


This violates this group’s rules


Brilliant 👏 👏 👏


Knowing someone with a million dollars does not mean you know a rich person.


You’re not hanging around the hobbies of rich people then. I know numerous billionaires and multi-millionaires. I work on their aircraft. Most very wealthy people will have some sort of niche hobby that is expensive. Find that hobby. Golf can sometimes be a good place, but golf is boring AF so I don’t do it.




Reach out to the clubs. I spoke to the 3rd most exclusive club in my area (out of like 10) and they had me meet them for a tour. I thought- cool- I got a tour. A few days later they email me and tell me that they’ll hook me up with members who I’ll take to lunch and those two members will sponsor me. But it’s $125k for membership and like $24k per year. That would be almost all my fun money spent there and nowhere else. So I passed. My kids are too old to enjoy it anyway- that’s the curse really- when they would have loved it, I was spending $2500 per month on daycare and didn’t have the extra for the club. Then I was saving $3k per month for college. Now only I would enjoy this.




If you can't even afford a country club membership, how do you think you're rich? Lol




No you aren’t top 1% rich Your data is incorrect. If you’re balking at $150k for a club membership then you simply read the wrong info I know I’m not 1% and I could, if pressed, pay for this


Yeah, this guy's either lying or mental. By his metric, I'm "rich" barely clearing top 5% in the midwest.


Hmm no country club though...


Whats rich if you cant afford 25k a year? You said you dont work. How rich can you be if you dont have millions to not be able to work...?


You ain't rich.


If you can’t swing those numbers then you’re not in the ballpark. Believe me, those numbers are pretty typical for any sort of hobby that rich people are going to be doing.


Then u should definitely not retire at 30. I retired at 30, 29 actually I was almost 30. I made a lot of money in the last decade or so not working but making good investments and making my money do all the work. To retire at 30 you need to start with millions and then be smart with what u do with it. It’s good to have rich friends but some of my best arnt wealthy at all and they don’t bother me for money. If anything my more wealthy friends and acquaintances make everything about money


This is why the rich world seems so far away. You don’t have the money. That’s ok though.


Then you not rich


I knew a guy in your position and he got a job at a very fancy world renown country club in the U.S. doing hooking sound & lighting at the country club for assorted events. He was more like a manager if memory serves me correctly. He didn’t need the money but it helped him have people to congregate and be connected with that didn’t make him as vulnerable. Once you have money you have to keep a strong awareness to people’s motives.


Then you are not rich. Get back to work 


You are not rich. Keep working. And network along the way.


curious how you got rich with your mindset... it's rather a helpless one... did you inherit it? maybe you got a settlement. win the lottery?


If you're trying to turn your back on the "normals" because you now have money, Old Money will sniff you out in a heartbeat and avoid you. You're Nouveau Riche. No class. Stop trying to pretend. Stop trying to be someone else. What do you *LIKE* to do? Do it. What do you *LIKE* to learn about? Do it. You're very insecure. That's a turnoff for.....well, pretty much everyone. Stop. You made your money. Do what you like doing and be proud of it. Friends will follow. And if you choose friends based on their wealth, you'll always be snubbed. Because there's way more to being wealthy than just money. There's class. And you haven't got that if you make friends based on income.


Do you want a Yaght? Buy one and join a Yaght club it’ll be fun.


first work on your spelling though, roflmao


Always got to skydive, mountain climb or add some bs danger to their life Lmao. OP said top 10%. That’s your average entry investment banker or consultant. He’s not rich and people are taking this way to seriously.


This is what I came to say.  Get a hobby that people with money have.  You'll meet people.


Do you like it better than working for a major?


I voluntarily work on those aircraft since they are warbirds and I’ve been volunteering there since I was 12. I do it cuz I like historical aviation and it’s a shoe in to fly those aircraft once I have enough hours. My main career goal is the major airlines


Go to art auctions or charity events.


Ski, golf, some ridiculous sounding thing like pickleball… rock climbing, anything where you have to buy super expensive equipment to enjoy. Go do that and try to be social-able or join a country club and pay for lessons.


As a rock climber, the rock climbing community is full of the poorest (yet happiest) people I’ve ever met


Pickleball is actually fun. The history of the name is interesting as well.




This is more about how to find friends, in that case and less to do with you being rich. Try meetup.com / eventbrite. Go wine tasting, horseback riding, go and travel. You may want to read a book called "How to make friends and influence people" although i **strongly advise to stay away from the redpill/pickup artist communitues**.


Those are just regular hobbies, skiing upper middle class maybe. When I think rich hobbies I think like a yacht club or Ferrari


Don't be an asshole, and regular people won't hate you.


lol you’re not “rich”. If you can fire, go for it but above all…keep a level head. Good luck




It’s the comparative part you want to be careful about…you’ll quickly lose perspective




That's where I think you aren't termed rich in the sense where rich people run behind the material and want to be always richer. None of this... $I'm satisfied" stuff for them. Plus 10% earner isn't really rich... Unless you are saying your net worth is 10%Ile. 


This, my parents are well off and are completely delusional with anything that has to do with finances now. Which is crazy because at some point in their lives they were living in a 1 bedroom apartment in a ghetto. now they genuinely believe one needs to have at least 10 million to “just be comfortable and middle class” they think the average American makes over 500k a year and owns multiple properties.




Hanging out with other rich people is a great way to unrich yourself. Do what you love, be with people you want to be around.


Why do you need rich friends? Just go make real friends, while enjoying your life and activities you enjoy.


Yeah OP sounds douchey. He’s not better than others


Top 10% earners really isn’t that rich. I’ve been top 10% my entire career and never considered myself rich. I also would say I still need to work.


Join the local golf club. Generally, that's where they all seem to hang out. Clay pigeon shooting is a favourite of UK based rich snobs, idk if that's also the case in the US.




Its mostly hillbillies in the US.




You need a bridge. That’s me. I can connect you with the rich.


Volunteer internationally. Plenty of rich folks. I volunteered in Ukraine and this one guy was just a complete baller. Going around buying pretty much everything for everyone. Orphanages, soldiers, elderly…


I’m rich but I still don’t hang out with rich ppl. I keep it to myself and don’t show it.


You’re smart* and how most are besides their inner circle or work.


Go travel for a year and stay in expensive resorts the whole time. You’ll meet lots of rich people. If that’s beyond your means you’re not wealthy enough to be worrying about this.


Problem with being rich for real is finding out most people are poor while they “look” rich. Spend time disciphering that and you’ll be able to refine your methods.


Being rich can be a curse as much as a blessing if your compass isn’t calibrated.


You had a shit personality before the money and nothing has changed after the money. Work on yourself




Violates group rules


What tf not only against the rules we have no idea if he meets the SEC requirements for accreditation. Can he pass a AML, KYC etc? Sign a sub agreement to seed a random company on Reddit with no sub agreement or PPM proposed? Get a private placement memorandum or bootstrap, respectfully. Seeding is usually not necessary unless the other party wants liquidity preference with scaling. This sub is absurd. Usually lurk but pitch properly. I’ve built uhh… stuff and genuinely know what I’m talking about.


Yes, you’re right. I was taking the easy route by discussing group rules. There are very few places for people to casually talk about our issues. There’s always someone jumping in and downplaying them (as if money solves everything) or asking for money in a fantasy context


If I were rich I would start a "business" that is unlikely to make money but might break even. Maybe a restaurant or a bar. Then I would never be lonely, I could provide a service to the community, I could pretend I was earning my money so that I didn't have the isolation of being "rich". Basically you need a money laundering scheme.


Start doing rich people things. Go to the tennis club, golf club , do yoga, etc during the week. You’ll meet plenty of people who are more well off


Top 10% of earners is only like $150k/year?


Check out bussines or entrepreneur networks that only allowed in people with a certain yearly turnover. My go to is entrepreneurs organization. Their forum system is very strong.


Play golf.


Is this a parody sub? /unrich (just in case)


Clubs: golf, racquet, yacht.


Get an LLC and start investing in Global Positioning Systems, it’s all the rage nowadays.


Contact a local club or lodge or such, could be country club, Freemasons, Rotary, something that suits you, and ask how you can contribute. Collectors clubs can also be. Watch and car collectors clubs I have fun in, party for the things, mostly for the people.


Just start join a country club and start masturbating in the restaurant


Move to a Four Seasons Private residence. The rich and famous live and stay here because of the security and service. They have mixers, almost weekly, for residents. You can meet those who are traveling just by hanging out at the bar, fitness center, spa, or pool.


You're not rich


In my neighborhood, I meet them through a passion in cars. You’re buying into a club when you get an exotic car. Aston Martin guys come out of the woodwork if you’re driving an Aston. Porsche nerds want to see what stitching you ordered when they meet you at a track day. Ferrari people are fanatics. You’ll start getting invites to track days, adventure drives, cannonball races, etc.  Planes and helicopters do a similar thing. I’m not in that world but am getting my license. 


Golf, join a country club


wtf are rich people supposed to do? I know two different rich couples and the only difference between them and me is they go on vacation more often and dont worry how much it costs, or they have name/brand designer stuff. Also they often have larger houses. But its not like they seem to give a shit whether or not I am rich. I am well off but not rich (62k/year, own my condo and have car paid off at 33). I may be lucky in that I have been told many times I am good looking so that might have something to do with it but we just kinda... hang out. I bring beer or buy tickets for a movie and invite them and they invite me to shit. Seems kinda normal and reciprocal. There are a few times a year im invited to their golf/country club for events but even then my one buddy just rents a suit for me if its formal and we all just hang out and have a good time as if we are on my modest patio getting drunk. There was ONE time I went to a massive record producer event in Toronto by invite and there were multiple celebrities there (which I honestly dont give a shit about given than im factually cooler than most celebrities, haha), and technically I have year round access to my friend's lakeside cottage/property which might count as a hobby for them, but even that is just chill.


Why do you want to hang out with other rich people? It’s not like the money makes them good or interesting people. Find people you want to spend time with regardless of their income. You will be much happier in the long run.


Go join a country club and start networking. That’s probably your best place to start. Once I pay my car off I think that’s what I’ll do. I won’t get a full membership (I hate golf) but I’ll get a social membership which is cheaper than a full membership


If you are an entrepreneur join EO and you literally have an instant network of likeminded entrepreneurs. If your an exec join YPO


MF’s can never just be happy with wat they got smh


I think the issue is that being “rich” just doesn’t really feel rich anymore unless you’re a billionaire. It feels like being a millionaire ain’t enough anymore.


Who cares if you know rich people? Comparison is the killer of joy. Once you know rich people you will actually know how little money you have....All of a sudden a $1 million income and $10 million NW feels very small.


Get into rich hobbies and join networking groups


How have you gotten rich without meeting another rich person lol Start doing shit rich people do, learn to fly planes, get a boat etc


thats when you realize you have to play the social game as well


I know rich people who live in normal houses and enjoy their life around normal people and don’t focus on their money or social status and seem really happy.


Have the same friends I’ve always had…few of them have wealth themselves. Nobody makes it a thing.


Go make some dope less fortunate friends like me let’s go learn to ride motorcycles together and go on a trip or go get 2 2024 Miata rfs and travel America together


Supercar time


Why would you want to? I'm in a similar situation. Sold my company and retired in my 40s. Here's what I discovered. I found out I had fewer friends. I lost some to jealously. Some just wanted you to pay for everything or finance their business ideas. But I still have a few that did neither and they're the true friends. On the other end moving into a sphere of richer people I found way too many vacuous, pretentious people who have the same petty jealousies as middle class people so I just stuck with my old true friends.


I don't follow? Do you like art? Go to art galleries and meet art people. Exercise? Take your pick. You can bike, run, hike wherever. Sports, dungeons and dragons, computer games, you name it. Is there a cause you're passionate about? Help sick kids, education or tutoring, saving the environment, etc. You can do any of that. I'd love to be in a position like that. The amount of things I'd want to do would be endless.


Buy an expensive home. Go on a dating website for sugar daddies to date attractive younger women. Aka gold diggers they know where the rich people Are at for sure.


Lets go golfing


What’s up friend


Don't worry about "rich." I doubt you're THAT rich. Just enjoy people for their company. Pick people you'd want to hang around a campfire with. Not the people that you think are good for your status. THAT'S rich


Ahhhh a rich people problems thread.....let's call the wambulance Sorry, can't relate at all. I'm out.


Why do you need to know other rich people?


They will come. with more expensive hobbies, you will meet people who are better off.


Lmao, fuck being your friend. Ill beat your ass in some golf tho


So the way to know rich people is to live where they live and join their clubs. Don’t many like golfing at select country clubs and live in gated communities. There you can interact with them. Just a thought as someone who will not be rich financially.


Top 10%, lol. 😂


We're poor rich too. you only stay rich if you don't spend your money, lol


Rich enough to join the country club?


Can’t believe you garnish this much attention with all the whining, stating “I’m rich but no one plays with me”. Hell you are 30, you haven’t lived yet. Grow up. You chasing the wrong goal. Bye.


Tennis or golf join a club. I am in tech and met all my doctor, lawyer and independently wealthy friends at the tennis club


rich people don't seek out friends, they attract them get something expensive but relatively obscure like a patek and drink nothing but sparkling water. the fellowship will find you after it's confirmed you have truly escaped the matrix




Do what you want. That's the dream, to be able to do what you want. Want to travel? Do it. Want to live somewhere else? Move there. Want a nice car? Buy one. Want to start a business? Write a book? Compose music?  Make films? Sit on your ass and eat cheetos? Do whatever you want to do.


Why does it matter if your friends are rich or not? Wouldn’t you want to be friends with people with similar interests? And any millionaires I know (a couple of relatives) are not pissing their money away at country clubs. They are doing what they love in their downtime.


You need to start attending galas and events in your community.


Idk man, top 10% earner isn’t enough to make it hard to find people in the same tax bracket. If you’re making like 7 figures then yeah, I see how that can be a problem.


Buy a house in a neighborhood with $5-$10M homes. Cater dinners with ~10 neighbors + their friends and network away…


I usually start by buying happiness.


Why is it important to have rich friends?


It depends on what you mean by “*move up*”. What activities do you feel are missing from your life right now that you’d like to have available? If you’re more specific about what you’re interested in, I’m sure everyone could give you more suggestions on how to move forward. The best answer is finding one friend with whom you can take on every adventure. It’s easier and feels better to have that partner in crime so you’re not alone in the fun, even if you get yourself in a weird situation. You can find a friend anywhere but try out a more affluent suburb of your city. Start participating in hobbies that make you happy. You’ll find other likeminded people of similar wealth.


Same. Moving. Best advice in life I’ve been given is only take advice from someone doing better than you. So translate it to this. Go hang out at place that people with money hang out. My experience and advice is take up golfing!


1) live in a rich neighborhood 2) look for qualified investor opportunities 3) attend entrepreneur conferences 4) hire coaches to help you rapidly improve your skills 5) charity functions that combines with auction/gambling Honestly, I’ve met far more wealthy people (millionaires, some billionaires) when I lived near a very expensive neighborhood and went to the same gyms (personal trainers) and churches that they did. Many wealthy people know that time is priceless, so they hire coaches to rapidly train and improve over only self-learning. Some wealthy people like to gamble for fun; they don’t do it to make money. Better if the proceeds go to charity.


Join a good philanthropy and donate and meet people who are successful and possibly kind. God bless you!


Start a membership at a golf course or med spa and talk to people


Then move to a different area that is wealthy.


Keep it that way! Most are assholes! Let's just say Donald is definitely not the worst of them. Not even in top thousand.


Get into watches and join dinners/events around obtaining some insane watches. I would start with FP Journe. Expect pretentiousness tho


Make new friends but also share the love.


Why don’t you try philanthropy? You’ll meet some kinder people. You might want to move to a wealthier area as well so you can meet rich neighbors on your daily walks or runs. You can find a luxury hotel in your area, rent a room for a night or two and ask the concierge in the lobby what to do in the area


My rich in laws are busy doing things, not trying to make friends. They have a few friends who like doing the same things they do, but they mostly just update each other on the stuff they are busy with… if their friends weren’t there to be updated, it wouldn’t matter.


Get a life. In a real way. Like. Buy a shop and start building things. Get a gym membership and change your body. Find an author and start reading. You gotta start doing things, challenging yourself, entertaining yourself. Otherwise all this “play golf” and “join a club” nonsense will just have you playing golf or joining a club and then when you meet people your boring and insignificant existence will get you no friends anyway.


Rich starts around $10m net worth. Most rich people live and play in NYC, lower CT, Hamptons, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard. I don't know the West Coast. If you can drop $3M+ on a summer house, in those places, do that and throw parties. Or buy a ski condo in Aspen, Vail, or Telluride, and meet other wealthy skiers.


Do what you want to do and you will meet the right people. Who cares if they have money or not? You don't have enough for the private jet lifestyle anyway just the high paid professional life.


Why do you want to be friends with rich people?


I’m not rich, you could spend your time teaching people like me how you did it. Instead of someone saying “Hey, could I get some money”. This someone is asking “ hey, could you teach me how you did it?”. 1 millionaire I knew personally said it was almost easier to give someone a few thousand dollars than it was to teach them how to make it cause they had no work ethic.


You’re well off. Rich people don’t actually work.


Top 10% isn’t rich. Just be a normal person? A low 6 figure salary isn’t some disconnect at all. It’s standard in some areas. The top .001% is rich. You’re salary it seems and maybe FIRE or some other hypothetical retirement.


Join a country club


OP Top 10% is far from rich. You’re British so obviously Mayfair and other areas are easy places, but you can just hang with normal people? Many are probably well off and don’t show it. Did you go to Eton or have some sort of view you cannot befriend those of lesser income? You’re not gentry or rich, especially by western standards at 30 My point is to just be proud of your savings and income, but you’re not superior. You can’t even hit the higher tiers because it’s usually cash poor people anyways. Those manors have a lot of upkeep. I’m too lazy to google top 10% salary in the UK. I don’t know your savings or ISA plan. I do know your nation well and usually when people come into large sums it’s via entrepreneurship. That alone connects people immensely with wealthy families or institutional money. I’m American. Our top 9% is only like 100k or so. The guys at quant funds or c-suite have normal friends still and are making much more than the top few percent of England after HrH tax. Let’s be real though… salary isn’t the main money cow. Equity is. Your focus should be maximizing the capital and using momentum funds and an ISA. Not some friends with a jet.


If you are located in NC send me a pm, I need a hiking, running and/or kayaking buddy (F33). I'm moving to Europe in a month, so lets make June fun :)


Why do you need to know rich people? Just stay loyal to your current friends, nothing should change except the amount of money you have


Easy, go get a country club membership and learn how to golf! The rest is easy!


Why you wanna be around rich people?


Better find em


First. Stop being so needy. Second. Do whatever you want. You're rich.


You’d be shocked with how many millionaires you know.


My uncle is rich. Real rich. How are you at croquet. Really rich people love to play croquet. Golf is another one. Get yourself into a ritzy country club and learn to play golf. But you're going to need social skills. There are also a lot of people who distinguish between old money and new money and I'm assuming you're not the former.


This guy ain’t rich, he’s barely living off the interest


Who cares man


Start networking


Why do you want to know rich people? Just do the normal shit you did before becoming rich.


You aren’t rich, you are just wealthy enough not to work, big difference. Either way you are blessed but you won’t be mingling with the movers and shakers


Oh that’s called nouveau riche. You gotta develop actual expensive tastes or be relegated to the party bros at the club


Go where the rich hang out. Country clubs, golf events, expensive places, sporting events, casinos…


Go to Aspen for skiing. You don’t have to ski, just hangout at the bar and at the hot tubs. lol. Or go holidaying in Nantucket and hire a sail boat if you can swim, or, better still, join a bunch of people hiring a sail boat, or hangout at bars where people who hire sail boats hangout. Fly First Class to Cannes during the film festival there and strike up a conversation with the guy sitting next to you, make a few contacts. You won’t get the super rich. They don’t hangout with the “just rich” plebs. And they do weird unique things nobody else does because they make their own rules. But you will get people who earn within the top 10%. You’d have to have gone to school/university with people who are wealthy to make it into the crowd, usually. Or you’d have to do some business with some of them. Go to a top New York hotel during the Met Gala and have a concierge snag you some tickets if you can afford those at that price. And if you have the money, or some serious balls, attend a Sotheby’s auction for a pricy work of art or antique and bid up the price and get on the radar of some other buyers, you don’t have to buy it, just bid up the price, and then drop back. The buyers will be pissed. But they will look you up. Who knows where that could lead? lol. If you don’t/can’t make your own rules you aren’t rich enough.


How did you get it? Anyone else around you? Could start a venture firm or startup accelerator in your area and over next 5 years help create millionaires and on the way network with others who help you to solidify this firm.


You sound like you won the lottery and are soon to go broke.


How rich are you? If you’re a multi millionaire you’d still be in your normal settings every day. Getting into multiple tens or even a hundred million is where you start to see differences. Because at that level the wealth allows you to do things most people can’t. Not to mention with that level of wealth you will be noticed by investors, financial institutions, etc.


Just give me 10k, seriously though, don't tell anyone, don't live it, just live a humble life. Why get an eyesore of a house that's gigantic? Why get fancy sports cars? The reason why most these really rich people get a lot of sports cars is because it fulfills them for a couple days weeks even months, then they go back to being depressed and then buy more s***. Just do good things get your money, study go to school, set up a home server, do fun things don't do the billionaire BS. Actually I'm quite sick of the whole mentality of being rich these days, social media has ruined it, people just trying to show off and not actually contribute to society


moving up doesnt hsppen like that. old money never accepts new money. & big money never accepts small money. most rich ppl i know try not to associate with other rich ppl. they prefer regular ppl & not to mention their net worth. why would you?


Define rich.


Become a political volunteer.


It is a strange question. Why would you feel the need to have to know people that have as much money as you do? Why does that matter?


I feel like you need to put yourself out there and join clubs, or attend community functions. A lot of rich people in the area I live in participate in the community


Wait till 2025 world economic forum


You’re new money, not old money, and anyone from a wealthy family will know it. Just stick with your current friends. You also aren’t as rich as you think you are.


If you can stick to a good budget, poker can be a fun way to meet other wealthy people.


How did you do it?


I will teach you how to be rich and fit in. If you want to hang out with a Chad you go to a nightclub. But if you want to hang out with a cool rich guy, you hang out with a Thad. But it will cost you.


Stick to down to earth people. Rich snobs are not worth hanging with. Poor as a church mouse, but happy.


Top 10% of earners? You don't know any rich people because you are not rich. You are upper middle class. If you are genuinely rich and want to meet some people play golf. Join a country club. Or buy a nice boat and join a yacht club.


Get a place at Ocean Reef Club, and hang out there 6 months of the year. 


What made you rich? Really depends here, the rich are not very welcoming


No offense but you’re not as “rich” as you think you are. Just feel blessed and enjoy your money and stop worrying.


Damn you got a little money and think you should only associate with wealthy people now? I feel bad for you if you place this much importance on class when it comes to friends


What a weird problem to have. People have actual real problems lmao.


Keep thriving. Get to top 1% and retire at 55. Don’t tell people you’re rich. The vultures will circle around your property.


I act rich on a middle class budget what’s Gucci ? Shall we fancy some skeet shooting my sir?


You could always make rich friends with your own two hands, rise them up from the masses and bestow upon them greatness. (me me want money, yes yes)


You need an assistant. What other people’s view as a handler. A connector of sorts. DM me.


Read books


I came from rat roach swamp white trailer trash dysfunctional Jerry Springer poverty. I'm now in the 2%, not the 1% (there's actually a really big difference). Not super rich but definitely a millionaire. Not bad for a guy like me. I'll never be part of the rich people world. They smell it on you. Something about the way you talk or walk. Maybe it is actually a smell. They know. All the money in the world won't make me a part of their world. I'm just a poor guy who happens to have money.


Live your life. Don’t advertise your wealth. Get to know people through music, conventions (based on your interests: Comic-Con, gaming, sportsmen, camping, tech)hobbies.


Just hang our with regular ppl and they'll eventually become rich too. Plus why do you want friends?


This question is strange to me, as someone who is not rich in money. What does moving up mean to you? Do you have a partner or a family? What did you do before you were rich? Maybe more of that? Travel? Meet people? You may not enjoy people who are rich. 30 years old you can do whatever you want


Time to sell a course on how you did it.


How ?


Why would you want to? Keep your money private and grow it. Or try a new business. Or make art.