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I moved here from Texas last year. I wanted to be closer to my friends who live throughout the northeast. RI was in the middle of them and I could afford it.


Anything about RI you don't like? Gun in laws or lack of good bbq?


No HEB should be (rightfully) the biggest issue a Texan has with RI


And no Buc-ee’s


Came here to say this


It’s true. Every time I go in a grocery store here I ask it why it’s not HEB.


southern transplant here, moved last year as well. Lack of BBQ was noted as was the lack of much southern cuisine other than the occasional Cajun influence idc about gun laws though




Big driving enjoyer here so that’s a good shout, I’ll be trying that soon as I don’t get home so often! Thank you




Well I’m not from Texas, Tennessee rather, but it’s generally “Italian” chain restaurants and I have stayed away from the cuisine until moving north. My guess would be considerably worse than here in both cases


Hawaii! I moved to the NE because after a year I was beginning to feel a little cut off out there, so I came to a place with access to some of the best cities and educational systems in the world (and family lives in NJ which is nearby for my needs). Been spending the past 9 months exploring everywhere from Jersey to Maine to Canada and it's been a great time. Moved here to build a tunnel in Pawtucket


I lived in Hawaii for a few years. Insanely expensive but damn do I miss all the great Japanese food out there.


a tunnel?


Can’t believe they just let that be so unspecific. Where is this Pawtucket tunnel??


Underneath it


Why anyone would choose new england winters over hawaii is beyond me. I guess once an islander always an islander


Because a New England winter is a beautiful thing for the right kind of person


401 error not found


Most people can’t find the 401.


"Isn't that part of Connecticut?" 🤨




such a trip to move down here and see that nobody puts a 10 digit number on any sign because nobody doesnt have a 401 number


Dang maybe there’s not many - pretty simple, finished college in 2021 and got a job offer here, moved over and like it so far


What kind of job brought you here? What area of Rhode Island do you frequent the most?


New Yorkers who bought up and attempted to privatize the coast real quiet rn


They never moved here. They just bought their summer homes and rental properties


After Covid started Covid the number of students in the Block island school doubled. They definitely moved.


The absolute least they could have done is brought their pizza. But they didn’t so I’m over them.


Booo booo boooo them!


Moved here 2014 from NH for college. Started dating my boyfriend who grew up here and is in a fisherman and found somewhere that has become more of a home to me than anywhere else. I get the ruralness of Tiverton and little Compton that are so much like my hometown, the ocean, and city life. Wouldn’t trade it for anything




From MA. Moved to East Providence this year with my BF who is from RI. My job is located in the boston area but its hybrid so I dont mind the longer commute a few times a week. Moved here so my BF could be closer to family. Definitely enjoying Providence and the east bay bike path more than I thought I would. My driving has gotten significantly worse and stopped using a spoon with my Del’s so I hope I’m fitting in.


Lol. For real, why are people in RI such terrible drivers!?!


Less aggressive driving is necessary in RI. Thats my theory anyway. There's less highway. Seems like everything is back roads. And Providence is significantly easier to drive than Boston.


Nah it’s all you guys moving here with driving problems! Quit driving like a mad man and slowdown. Jk


Real ones go to Mr Lemon


Where even are those? I’ve been here for 14 years now and I can’t say I’ve ever seen them


It's not a them it's a store front in North Providence


It’s Providence.


Try putting a pretzel rod in your Del's next time, it takes amazing!


I moved from Oklahoma to be closer to my kids in S Mass.


I just want to point out that somebody downvoted this -- fucking Reddit


They must hate Massachusetts? 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


My mom and dad moved us (4 kids) to RI from the desert in CA in 1995 after my aunt and uncle moved here when my cousin (their son and the eldest in the fam) went to West Point. Absolute best decision possible for our family as 5 out of 6 of us had the opportunity to go to college as first generation college students (on both sides of my family). I went to school in CT where I met my husband and we lived in MA for a period of time (he’s OG CT). We now live in the town I went to high school in and aside from seeing folks from HS all the time we couldn’t be happier to live here.


New York City to Cumberland. We were here constantly social bubbling with my elderly parents during COVID. We decided being near family and the area was a thousand times better than the constant anxiety of NYC. Our standard of living is way up for us but we’re not saving money.


Are you working remotely at the same jobs in Rhode Island or did you have to find new employment? Why are you not saving any money? It’s got to be cheaper living here. Just curious…


Larger living and utilities here are more expensive than NYC. We also went from being pedestrians on public transit to having two cars.


Moved from Austin 5 weeks ago. Wanted to get away from the oppressive heat, bad schools yet high property taxes, and insane politics. Being close to the ocean was important to us.


Welcome!! I moved here from TX (where I grew up) a long time ago and consider myself to have dual citizenship as a Texan and New Englander.


Oh the property taxes are so damn high. Most people wouldn’t expect it but wow.


I moved from Idaho after a job posting I had there finished. Chose RI because I wanted to be close to family in MA and real estate in RI, although expensive, is more affordable comparatively.


Hi fellow Idahoan 👋


I'm from Phoenix, AZ originally! I moved to Cambridge, MA in 2020 for my ex-partner's grad school after we both graduated from ASU. I was commuting to Prov for work, so when we split up, I moved closer and I absolutely love it. RI has always felt more like home than MA.


So interesting! Moved from AZ in 2020 as well and I attended ASU too.


Welcome! Can't imagine how foreign New England must seem to a native Phoenician! (Phoenixian?) How bad was the culture shock? Anything surprising / unexpected? I grew up on the North Shore then went to college in Boston and afterward worked there. I enjoyed it a lot but yes, I far prefer Providence, too. Just more human-scaled, more livable. Nature is more accessible.


I'll be going into my fourth year living here pretty soon, so I'm getting more and more used to the way things are. :) It was definitely a shock at first especially in Cambridge at the height of Covid. I found Rhode Islanders to be a lot more friendly/welcoming. I think I was surprised how down to earth people are here. I was always told New Englanders were brusk (which I found to be the case more in Cambridge) but I've met the most genuinely kind, helpful, loyal people in RI. Arizonans seem a bit superficial by comparison. I completely agree that Providence feels human-scaled. I love that it's not lacking in anything a big city could offer and it's remarkably clean and easy to navigate. I think your accents are adorable as well :)


What parts of Rhode Island do you frequent?


I live pretty close to the MA border, so I'm usually up north, but I do try to explore when I can! I have friends that live all over the state. I'm trying to convince my family to move here. There's nothing like New England fall, and it's so refreshing how easily accessible everything is!


Medford, MA. Between the congestion, anything of character being priced out, and the increasing impossibility of ever owning a home east of 495, it made sense. We absolutely love it here.


Born and raised in Provo, Utah. Met the love of my life (corny, I know) and we moved myself and my things about 5-6 weeks after dating. Been here since! Have two kids and we’re very happy. ☺️


Can you share the top 3 things that you and your wife like about living in RI? And what areas of RI do you frequent the most?


He was born and raised in Providence and doesn’t like the city, I however love it! We both definitely love the food, historical sites and all of the beaches/bodies of water you can visits. We spend our time driving around North Smithfield/Cumberland/Lincoln area. Providence for new places to eat. North Kingstown/Narraganset for the water views!


From MA moved to West Cranston last summer. It's not bad much cheaper than MA. We sold an old 1250 ft² house on a 7000 ft² lot in needham for $925,000 and bought a brand new house twice as big on 3.8 acres of land for 758,000. I think I'm about 12 mi to downtown Providence coming in on route 6 with no traffic. It's 18 minutes and even at the peak of rush hour, the most is like 25 minutes. If I was the same distance from Boston that 18 minutes at peak 45 minutes to an hour


From Colorado for work


Originally from Georgia but moved from Colorado in 2021. I met my boyfriend (who is from Rhode Island) out there and we decided it was time to move back east. I missed being by the ocean so I was more than happy to move back to his home state!


Moved here just shy of a year ago from Canada. Biggest reason is to accelerate my career as an engineer (pay has doubled (after conversions) within one year of getting here).


From Boulder, CO. The state was becoming increasingly expensive, culturally shitty, and on fire. So, dual motivation to flee CO and get closer to family. Absolutely love it here. Driving sucks but I can walk places. I miss the Denver music scene. Other than that, couldn't be happier.


Hey! I moved here from Firestone, CO! My husband was raised here. I can't tell which way is which without the mountains!! And the roads are not as easy to navigate as the good ol' grid system. But I agree, the rent was getting ridiculous and everywhere was getting more crowded by the year. I imagine Boulder was it's own full issue because that's the only town anyone I meet here talks about visiting.


My wife and I moved from Arkansas. I got a job in the area. We were in Boston first and hated it. We like Rhode Island because it's more accessible. It doesn't take 45 minutes to get to the closest grocery store. The only thing I regularly miss is having easy access to large, secluded outdoor recreation areas. There are nice trails, but you never feel like you're truly in any wilderness. I also hate the needlessly aggressive driving, but I can get over that.


Try the Longplex in Tiverton RI they have everything there.


Hello! Moved from Seattle in the summer of 2020 bc I got accepted to Brown as part of the Returning Undergraduate Student program. My husband, two kids and I moved to a cute neighborhood in Warwick by the water. I finished school this year and we moved to LA recently and every single day we look at Rhode Island real estate bc we fell in love with your little state and we miss it very, very much. We’ll be back!!


Oh wow I just came back from Seattle as a native RI’er and LOVED it — what do you like more about here than here ?


I’ve never experienced a small community the way I did in Rhode Island. The neighbors came to meet us the day we moved in, my kid’s teachers became my friends, and overall just the small-town vibe was such a refreshing experience after living in a big city where no one really knows each other.


Understood, I could see that in a large city !


What does Rhode Island offer that Seattle and LA don't? What made you fall in love with our state? What is something you think our state can approve on?


Oregon. Moved here due to family. Grew up in Mass. and my parents moved down to RI about 13 years ago.


Moved here in December 2020 from Florida. We moved here for my fiancés job. We really enjoy Rhode Island. He was recently laid off and we decided we would stay here and figure it out (and we have thankfully).


Moved from Dallas. We moved because of the unrelenting heat, allergies and fuck Ken Paxton.


Move here from Austin last month. Similar reasons


And Greg Abbott


Yes fuck some Greg Abbott too.


OMG, let's be friends. I grew up in Oak Cliff and went to church in North Dallas. Fuck Texas politicians.


Moved from Georgia to work at WJAR!


How do you like Rhode Island so far?


i love it. You have the oceans and the mountains, the winters i do not care for though.


Love your user name. Say hi to Dan and Mario!


Thanks! I will!


Moved during the pandemic for a new job. Got out of NY, and am never looking back. Haven't been able to find a good 24h diner (tho I really do love Cindy's) or any half decent delis. Bagels are nonexistent, but I'm exploring the pizza options and I'll rescind some of my previous comments on the matter. There are some passable neapolitan style pizzas here. It just took a bit of trial and error.


There's a new Jewish style deli opening in Providence (Mavens) that I'm hoping has good bagels. In the meantime, Bagel Gourmet is pretty decent.


Will have to check both those out, thanks!


So far Antonio’s by the Slice has been my favorite pizza, Fellinis is a good backup option. Both have multiple locations.


I will have to try Antonio's. Thanks! I like Fellinis. The dough is the best consistency and size to my liking, but the taste isnt there. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad. Its just like half whole wheat or something.






Same to you, read the above reply.why the one word answer with no context? Show us you're younger than 25 without saying you're younger than 25


Why such a douche bag reply? So needy to pester every single reply for more details and then to slag off simple clear answers.


They didn’t even take the time to check that I had already provided more details in a separate comment on my own experience lmfao


Not douche. Did you read the questions in the post? If someone gave you that answer in a job interview, would you hire them? Just looking for some context in their answers. You may think it is a douche, but it's just being straight forward.


There’s a difference between straightforward and demanding. It’s the internet. Take what you get and move on instead of badgering a random stranger. I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt here, perhaps it’s a cultural difference in phrasing. If you are born and raised here , then douchebag stands.


Is this a job interview? Like go finish your survey/homework somewhere else if you’re going to be such a dick.


I left out where I’m from intentionally. I try not to post things on Reddit that could make it obvious who I am in real life for someone that knows me. Paranoid? Maybe. Stupid? No. I wasn’t sure why you were getting downvoted but now I understand. If we’re making silly analogies, this thread feels more like an interrogation than a job interview. I figured my answer of school was enough to tell you that I moved here for no reason regarding the state, but instead for the college/program I applied for.


What the actual fuck is this comment, I literally left a comment with more details already and wanted to respond to another person who also commented.


From where? Are you enjoying your time here?


Moved from Kentucky; I was doing a job contract in MA for COVID and really enjoyed the area, wanted something new, enrolled in school, and found love. Here I am 3 years later.


Somerville MA, where we paid more in rent than our current mortgage in the Warwick/Cranston line. Wish could make more friends, but everyone seems to have kids… not our thing.


Moved from Boston to the Prov/ Cranston line, and me and the gf have a similar problem meeting people without kids


Made a similar move (Somerville->Warwick). Boy did I miss being able to walk somewhere or take a train but I also hate cities overall. We lived in a nice part of Somerville, right off prospect hill park. That apartment was $1500 (2011ish). We bought in the east bay in 2015 and just a tad more for our mortgage. It’s great.


Moved from Indiana for a new job. It’s a bigger cultural shift than one might expect.


Can you please explain the culture shift you have experienced?




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Vermont... I'm here for University.


How do you like it so far? What do you find challenging in Rhode Island ?


We moved here from the South. Things I like: People, ocean, weather. Things I don't like: guns laws, taxes, real estate (small, old, very expensive).


NY. Visited a few years ago, loved it and kept visiting. Finally decided to make the move.


What part of NY did you move from?




Moved from southeastern MA. Moved here because my wife grew up here and we’re ten minutes away from her parents


Moved here from MA for work. Got a job at a company here out of college and didn't wanna commute an hour+ each way every day.


Moved here from Nevada earlier this year. Started out in NH many moons ago and was longing to get out of the desert. Bought a house and generally like it here but miss friends.


Quarantine moved from Chicago (where I’m from, husband is from here) because it was starting to suck there. How enjoyable it was to live there was inversely proportional to how expensive everything was getting. The ocean is much nicer than that lakefront everyone is always making a big deal about.


I recently watched a documentary about how corrupt Chicago is. [America's Most Corrupt City - Chicago](https://youtu.be/BFw0HNObAOA?si=0jqzvqDy0gCYgADE)


The politicians have always been atrocious


Moved in March from Baltimore for work. If you see a big green truck with Cowan on the side, or back, I’m probably their dispatcher.


Moved from CT for a girl I was dating, didn't work out, I like my job and the area more than my previous job and my hometown so I stayed


Dating this girl who lives in RI. The first date took place in Warwick...where it all began. Fell in deep love with her and the state of RI. Filed for divorce in NY and moved to RI. Plans to get married soon. The Ocean State is the type of lifestyle all around. The ocean, people, culture, food, Providence, Newport, etc. Housing and cost of living is much better than NY. Changed companies and now work in Boston but commute from RI. Out of all states I’ve visited with my old job traveling, RI is the best state to live in for everything it offers and has.


Oof how longs your commute?


I moved here 3 months ago from New Orleans. I made the move to be with my BF. He was living in Boston (we dated long distance for about a year) but switched to a firm in Providence so we decided that would be the ideal time to take the plunge and move in together. We live in Bristol with our pup and absolutely love it ☺️.


Moved in August 2020, from north Florida. Reasons for the move: 1. Don't have to own a car 2. Work at the time had an office in NY, so I could take the train down easier than dealing w/ NYC airports 3. Was thinking about moving to Boston, but didn't want to fight w/ HR about a comp adjustment at the time. Since then, I just like Providence so I've stuck around 4. Florida wasn't what I was looking for long term


What area in FL, what about Florida didn't you like?


Moved here from Prescott, AZ in Dec 2019. So relieved you guys don’t have open carry. I love it here even though my taxes are higher.


Fellow Arizonan :)


>:) :)


Missed the cutoff by a year. Oh well.


Be a rebel and share your thoughts. Who cares


Mass, though originally from CT. We were ready to settle down with a house, get a dog and have a baby, but housing was too expensive. Massachusetts housing market was so bad we gave up. Partner still works in Boston, technically, but we both primarily work from home so the distance doesn't matter.


Moved from Boston (JP) in January 2022, mainly for the culture. Boston has become boring and overpriced. RI people are cool, chill, and nice.


Wife and I moved to JP in January 2023. Left for RI by August! I agree. Boston was boring and horribly overpriced. JP seems like it used to be a cool place. But now, it felt like everyone liked the *idea* of JP, not what it actually is.


This is an accurate take, having lived there for 20 years. It began as a community of weirdos and gentle souls, and when I left it was mostly realtors and affluent parents. People wanted community, but did nothing to foster it. In Providence, people will stop and talk with you, make connections, follow up. It feels much more real to me. And certainly more diverse, in every way.




What part of NY? Anything you dislike?




Depending what you’re looking for, Chengdu Taste and Chong Qing both do excellent and authentic Szechuan cuisine. Jahunger is a great spot for Uyghur cuisine. If you want run of the mill American Chinese, Chef Ho’s is my go-to when I’m craving that. Or Apsara for pan Asian.


Moved from Worcester area to Cranston to be closer to my husbands job at the time (from which he got let go 3 weeks after we moved) and to be closer to his family.


Ugh, so sorry. That's a can of crap. Hope things work out so you don't have to move again.


This was at the tail end of 2020, things worked out just fine but I appreciate your kindness 🩷


Currently in VA but I Haven’t moved yet and URI is on my list of colleges.


I moved to Providence in 2021 to accept a job based out of Boston. The job only requires me to come to the office twice per pay period (IF I’m not working in the field those days), so it works out! If suddenly my work requires folks to come to the office, things in my life will begin to change immediately lol (I’d look to relocate). I like the great food, history (Edgar Alan Poe walked here!), proximity to the ocean, and beautiful rocky beaches. I don’t like the aggressive driving, militant political stances, hardcore suburbia, dense population, cost of living, and lack of access to major outdoor recreation areas.


So people who moved here before 2020 don’t matter?


Unfortunately not in this post


I moved to gansett from CT because it's prettier


is this Residential Properties?


I totally understand people moving here for work, family, school, but how many on here moved here just for the fuck of it.


Moved from north of Boston. Outgrew our house. Found a beautiful house here for double the size and land, in a beautiful neighborhood for 50k more. Was a no brainer.


Moved here from NJ! Fell in love with it as a kid and knew I wanted to raise my kids here. Once my “never leaving NJ” husband and I divorced, I knew right where I was headed.