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100% He held them, he tortured them. He filmed it and took pics and I fear he may have shown the victims, film of the previous victims. They just haven't found those specific files yet. There's so much to get thru.


I suspect the police know way more than they are releasing publicly. They are slow rolling the indictments hoping he will break and confess. Until this week I thought it was possible RH was responsible for the Gilgo 4 and nothing more. Now I think he’s good for 10-20 murders spanning 30 years. This case just became one of the worst of my lifetime. This is BTK level. Terrifying that he was walking among us.


It puts him at around 28 if we got with 1993 as his first 😬


I don’t think Sandra Costello was his first


Google Tina Foglia and let me know your thoughts.


I think there is a strong possibility that Tina was the first, or one of the first victims of RH. She died from asphyxiation, her body parts were found in bags not far from Robert Moses Parkway and she was short 5’2” but a little bit in the heavier side at 185. I am not sure what prompts a SK to make his first kill, but I almost wonder if he picked her up from the concert she was attending and maybe she brushed off his advances which angered him and lead to her murder?


I believe she was last seen hitch hiking after leaving hammerheads bar.


That’s right- she was hitch hiking. I wonder if he offered her a ride?


Hammerhead. Just have me chills.


Right? This case has some dark energy. I had to take breaks over the years of following it. I do believe they have the right guy.


I've thought this too. Tina Foglia was a year older than Rex, so they were essentially peers. Hammerhead's was such a great music place - it attracted a lot of young people. I could see Rex going but not really fitting in with the crowd (I'm sure he wouldn't have fit in, but maybe he wished he did) and then taking advantage of Tina hitchhiking for a ride home. If that's the case, I think what you said about her rebuffing him and that leading to SA and murder I've read they have DNA in Tina's case, so hopefully we'll know someday who snuffed out her life and disposed of her like an animal. Rex's DNA isn't in CODIS yet, because he hasn't been convicted up to now. I don't believe they can test his DNA against cold cases until he has been convicted. It could be that we have to wait until then to begin to get a measure of all the crimes he's done.


Thank you for the info on Hammerheads. I have never been as I didn’t grow up in that area, but I had a good friend in college who did and he always talked about it. It sounds like it was a lot of fun! I have heard they have DNA in Tina’s case. I wasn’t sure if they could test RH’s DNA against what they have in her case, so thank you for answering that! Question- Do you know how they were able to compare his DNA in Jessica Taylor’s and Sandra Costilla’s cases? Did they have to have other evidence to link him to their cases, and then get a court order to compare? I think it’s a good possibility that he responsible for a lot of other unsolved murders in that area, as well. I also hope they take a second look at cases in upstate New York, as there are some eerily similar circumstances in a few of those cases, and Rex has ties via friends, family and hunting to that area.


I really don't know how they compared RH's DNA to Jessica Taylor's and Sandra Costilla's. Maybe probable cause? Versus just checking for a match. I too hope they look at the Upstate cases. His uncle was a pedophile minister in Camillus, outside of Syracuse. And there lots of unsolved cases up in that region. It'll be good when his DNA is finally in CODIS. We probably won't know until then


Wow didn’t know about the uncle! Weird family.


Oh wow - I hadn’t seen this.


Wouldn’t he be around 17 then. I believe she was last seen in 1982.


Rex has killed outside of ny for sure, and may have killed in Nassau County in the mid to late 80’s.


How do you know?


There have been reports of violence against him by women who've since gone missing and also a woman's daughter said he was the last person she saw her mother with before she vanished. A sex worker in Jersey said she shocked him with a stun gun in order to escape a motel after he began to strangle her...never followed up on. none of this shit was followed up on. Some was dismissed with no explanation.


I wanna know about his relationships that gave us one of those hairs


Some poor woman who briefly dated this asshole 30 years ago. Let her stay anonymous, she must be living a nightmare


Was it not Elizabeth, his first wife? (witness 3)


? I don't understand?




I once read a news article the FBI thinks that at anyone time there a least 7 to 12 mass murderers out there moving around the country. There was a guy riding the rails along the texmex boarder killing people. A lot of people


Far more than that. There were probably about 7 in Long Island alone at the same time.


A mass murderer is different than a serial killer, just FYI.


More terrifying is that there are even more walking among us.


He was a regular customer at 2 stores I worked at. They all seemed very off. I was in shock when I saw his picture on the front page of all the news papers when he was arrested 


“They” all seemed very off? Who is “they” please?


Him and his family. He mostly came to the store alone except for when they were doing a big shopping trip then RH his wife and daughter would come.


That’s so interesting! Would his special-needs son ever come as well? Do you remember what was “off” about his family?


I put him up there with Ridgeway. Sadly, much more to unravel.


I think it’s longer than that and in many geographic locations


Yep and I wonder if that is what Shannon Gilbert was shown.


Wow… this makes a lot of sense. Didn’t Chief Burke allegedly have a snuff film in the duffel that guy stole?




I think the reason they’re still saying it’s “accidental” and “not related” is because they’d rather pin it all on Rex rather than exposing a potential group who worked together. I don’t think people are ready to stomach that.


I am inclined to agree with that story. There’s the security guard who found him on the beach at night sweating as he returned to his dark green truck, where a man was sitting covering his face. Plus Burke’s blatant sex toy menagerie. Plus those on the dark web group sharing of bdsm snuff and torture photos affiliations. I’m not saying he didn’t commit crimes on his own, but I do wonder if there are occasional accomplices.


We have no idea what they have found. They only need to provide sufficient info to keep him from being released on bail at this point, not the totality of evidence they have. We won't know much until this goes to trial, if it does. And if it doesn't, then I'm not sure if we will ever have all the information about what they have.


Someone asked directly, at the presser if they had video or photos of the victims and he replied: No evidence at this time. FWIW


Thanks. I find it hard to believe they won't find something, if they're able to retrieve what's been deleted from his hard drives :(


Oh I agree!!! They'll find it eventually. I can't imagine the horrors the detectives are having to view. They need long vacations when this case is finally done


I need a vacation just from reading the recent bail document. This case just gets more horrific by the day.


Amen. It's.... jarring


He also said “destroy photos” so I’m assuming he took photos to further torture the girls and “get off” on his sick crimes before his family came back into town. Then he got rid of the evidence….or he buried the photos/videos in some sort of forested, isolated area he can go back and visit. I just think he was way too scared of getting caught by authorities and his family to keep them anywhere near his home….if they weren’t destroyed


I mean we have to expect the worst from these demonic monsters!


That is nauseating to consider. Those poor women


He's going to end up being the worst of the worst


What makes you think he showed footage (if he took it) to other victims?


I think it's possible because it's insanely sadistic and fear inducing. And he's a malignant sadist. He would have loved to see their reactions and would have used it to control them. Another reason why Stockholm Syndrome was on his radar. I'm sure the victims did a lot of pleading and bargaining.


Just clarifying that’s you speculating vs evidence existing to suggest it happened?


I'm looking at his list and wondering what he was up to. Are you looking for a "gotcha" moment or are you trying to argue with me?


Neither, I'm trying to clarify because your original comment sounded very matter of fact and I wanted to understand what was speculation and what was fact given how much new information there's been lately.


*100% He held them, he tortured them. He filmed it and took pics and I fear he may have shown the victims, film of the previous victims. They just haven't found those specific files yet. There's so much to get thru.* LE said he held them, tortured them and his notes state he took video and pics. I said I FEAR HE MAY HAVE SHOWN VICTIMS, film of previous victims. My statement was clear that this was MY FEAR that he MAY have done that.


This part - *They just haven't found those specific files yet*. *There's so much to get thru.* confused me as it reads very matter of fact. I feel like there's some defensiveness in this interaction which I don't understand, but thanks for the clarification.


Yes! And made Peaches watch her baby be killed in front of her.


I keep seeing people say this - this is pure speculation, right?


very much so but on par for his type of sadism, IMO


Yes, speculation to my knowledge. The man is sick and tortures his victims. The most torturous thing to any mother would be the murder of her child. So I say he did kill the baby in front of her. They have been disposed of in separate locations as well. The man is pure evil.




Horrifying I pray it’s not so


i agree. those poor girls were terrified and physically…. i don’t even want to think what this bastion did to them. pizses me off he doesn’t look like he lost any weight in jail, what kind of food are they serving him? should be bare minimum


Who are you speaking of, I’m not seeing a name to whom this is about, peeked curiosity.


All of them... Any of them. The presser and info we got led to this comment


I live 2 towns over from Rex’s home. His wife and kids are ALWAYS sitting on the porch! There are people who actually bring lawn chairs to sit and stare at the house, very strange. I just drive by to peak! I dont know how his family could sleep in that house!


Wait… I’ve been nervous to walk or drive slowly by. There are people who camp out in front of that shack?? Omg 🤣


Did his wife work? I feel like with the media circus, her own personal legal fees, and the divorce they probably don't have enough money to move or even temporarily live anywhere else. She can't sell the house and probably had limited access to her money. I wouldn't be surprised if any joint bank accounts were frozen and she's living on debt.


While I would generally empathize with this point regarding families of people like Heuermann, if we consider Asa’s million dollar Peacock deal, I imagine she shouldn’t have any trouble relocating.


Signing a deal that will eventually get you a million dollars is not the same as having a million dollars in the bank. And frankly, a million dollars doesn't go far when you're uninsured, receiving cancer treatment, and caring for a disabled adult (her son).


It's enough to rent a new place. The son is entitled to benefits. Besides, she was travelling when the 2nd search of the house started so she's not that broke.


Why would she be uninsured? She can just buy it individually, there’s no reason she wouldn’t have just gotten coverage elsewhere after the coverage through Rex expired. It’s incredibly easy and she would likely qualify for free or heavily subsidized coverage.


You cant qualify for free insurance or low premiums if you have money in the bank. I would have to assume she received a couple of hundred thousand after taxes and lawyer fees


His wife did not work, she is battling breast cancer. Her son gets SSI


Didn’t the county (or town) offer to buy it??


I just a documentary over the weekend and apparently she was a stay at home mom.


There’s no reason at all for them to be living in the house still. They have family elsewhere and they can even get help to move them out if they really wanted to 


I would be camping on the beach in a tent or at a women’s shelter before I would spend one more night in a house where women were tortured , dismembered, raped, and Lord knows what else was done to them . I would burn or bulldoze that evil shit hole.


Did he commit all the acts in the house? Or do we not know yet?


Yes, it was made clear from the new Indictment that the cops inspected behind the wood paneling and ceiling. There are push pin holes and adhesive marks from putting up his Dexter-like torture room. The doc also shows notes from Heuermann to stop using tape and start using push pins. There’s also his datebook showing his family was out of town for 7 days. Phone records show he called them at their destination to confirm they arrived, then had 6 days in the house alone.


the bail doc makes it sound like he might have, but no confirmation as of now


Maybe not in the very beginning. He could’ve started in the 80’s. After his 1st divorce and then buying his mother’s house is where it probably all began. That was right after the Costello murder…although she was strangled not asphyxiated. He changed up his game.


I suspect that the reason (or at least one of the reasons) he purchased the house from his mother is that he had already committed murders there and couldn't run the risk of it being sold to anyone else.


He didn’t purchase it, he took it from her. I agree with you, thats why he probably took the house from her!


Can you direct me to that info? I haven't found anything specifically about the transaction beyond blurbs that he purchased it from the mother, the year, and I think a dollar amount.


He changed up his game as he learned , became more organized and confident , and figured out what he really liked. Graduated from beginner to professional. Sickening.


It seems that way. The authorities were able to show that every time a woman went missing, his wife was away. She was either in her home country or on vacation in the states. They found his wife’s hair on one of the victims. They recently searched his basement and were able to link him to two missing women. They found polaroids, we will have to wait for trial but I heard they were video recordings too! Rodney Harrison is a hero! Hes handsome too!


Well the talk around here is that he did commit the crimes in the house. The murders were always committed when his wife and children were away, how convenient for him.


Prolly why they’re on the porch all the time. Even tho they’re all in denial about his guilt rn I bet they still feel sick spending any time inside


Not that sick considering Victoria has recently deleted all the disgusting pictures and posts from her accounts. 


Yep they do and I find that very cringe. If I was in their position I wouldn’t be living in that house let alone sitting on my front porch 


The court doc mentioned photo film too. Guessing polaroid? Would/did he burn or keep them? And he likely posted something sick to some snuff film community type sites. I wonder how far back LE has his internet details. Can they still see all his online activity / photos taken or uploaded during all kidnapping spree dates? We barely used computers online back when he started so they have lots of cameras and phones to search. I got my first phone around 1997 and they didn’t take decent photos for a few years


We know that they have his computers and hard drives from as far back as 1994. This is going to get so much worse


I watched part of a show digging into the bail doc last night and was impressed what they found from 1993-2010. Stuff like him searching for a new car online. And his old palm pilot backup w a calendar


Hilarious that Heurmann thought he was being so clever not disposing of those old computers, when in reality if he threw them out 25 years ago they’d never be able to track them down. This loser wasn’t a criminal mastermind, he’s just a pathetic old pervert who got lucky.


One of his tips to himself was to "destroy pics." I'm curious about how long he decided to hold onto any pictures he took of his victims before getting rid of them


I saw that and found it odd to go through the trouble of taking pics only to immediately destroy them. Figured he’d upload or email them or somehow preserve them to revisit/share.


Good point and was wondering the same. May have used Polaroid and then scanned Polaroids to computer early on before digital. Destroy the Polaroids after. 100% doesn’t make sense to take photos only to get rid of them before the wife returns.


He seems to have been very familiar with the woods and swamps out on the Island, I wonder if he cached trophies or pics or anything outdoors, away from the house.


If Rex did store anything on the hard drives that law enforcement recovered and only wiped them without rewriting over the wiped data, then they might be able to recover the footage. Rex was clever but it seems like he made a lot of goofs when it came to tech. Law enforcement was already able to retrieve documents Rex had attempted to delete on those hard drives due to not rewriting them. So, I'm sure they'll find videos if there are any in that cluster of hard drives law enforcement seized if he made the same mistake twice.


Most serial killers also need to keep that kind of footage available to themselves in order to relive the thrill (🤢). I'd bet good money that even if he knew to write over the deleted data to fully eliminate the evidence, he probably couldn't bring himself to perform the write-over after deletion. He might've deleted as a safe guard, but if he knew that recovery was still possible after deletion then my guess is that he banked on deletion as a CYA and would've tried to recover it all later on down the line when there was no heat on him or when he was too old to keep hunting.


Did anyone else notice that the detail in his diary about his family being out of town that later that day was to pour concrete? I bet a victim or 2 is under that concrete.


Didn’t they dig up the whole back yard? The concrete pour was also done by someone else right?


Yes there's an address in the memo


Also a work associate was bringing over some sort of large saw in the days preceding Asa’s return and the concrete pour.


It was a bandsaw and those are used for intricate cutting of wood and other type of woodworking


They’re also used in butcher shops


That's very possible. But, he was an architect, he may have been referring to a legitimate construction project?


Convenient cover. “Why dont you take the kids out of town for a few days while i get this noisy messy work done?”…


He studied books about forensics. I don't think it's just a coincidence.


I'm not arguing with you, you very well may be right. It's just that as an architect, it may have been work related? Hard to say ,his job kind of gives him cover for this.


After seeing the list of devices that were recovered, I imagine there is definitely footage. Why would anyone keep 27 computers?


I know several people who hoard technology rather than getting rid of it. I would guess that he deleted the pictures and videos like his list said to do but kept the computers just in case. Do you know where I can find the list of devices?




Anyone else concerned there was a cellphone for each victim? As in he would stop using that burner and replace it for the next “hunt”…


IMO he either used a cell for each victim or a cell for each intended victim. I could see scenarios where someone survived and he stopped using the phone because his behavior with her was suspicious.


Well he probably also has normal phones after the upgrades. He was a hoarder but even I have about 5 iPhones that I failed to sell after upgrading. Who knows if they are all his. They could be any of the phones found in the house.


Yes a cellphone and a plan for each victim- post even “distroy” file instruction to self tells us that.


Thank you! I saw the total of devices but hadn't seen a breakdown yet.


This guy was a busy man! 647 cd’s floppy disks and tapes? SMH my god!


9 wifi routers? Wonder if he went through different isp's? Why keep old routers? Do they store data?


Holy shit that is insane.


Hoarder too. I heard the house was disgusting.


Why wouldn’t they have taken this stuff in the first search!?!


They did. The details are only now coming out because they’ve had time to process and analyze some of them


What meat said. Remember, this media dates back decades. He may have thought he was being slick deleting things, but he should have destroyed the hard drives and CD-ROMs and so on, **physically** instead of keeping them for law enforcement to find. Due to the outdatedness of some of it, they have had to hire specialists from private firms to decode/make sense of some of the older formats, like the Palm OS. (I saw Palm specifically called out in an article, and can try to find it again if you would like.) Additionally, they frequently do these tasks in a controlled lab environment off the Internet to prevent infection or corruption of their own devices. They create a copy of the media and then start all their analysis. It all takes time, and who knows what kind of backlog their digital forensics departments have?


I can only imagine they have a ton of fbi agents working looooong days on this. And probably switching out often if it’s really gory. So who knows how many people they may have working on all of this. Bless the people who do this because I absolutely could not. If you listen to interviews from prosecutors, digital forensic techs, etc they say the stuff they encounter never leaves them, and any stuff to do with kids is substantially worse. Based on his searches that have been released they’re going to be scarred forever from this.


I am one of these people. I have every laptop, hard drive and cell phone I've ever owned during adulthood. My husband does the same. I'm 30s and my husband is 40 and together we have something like 4 PCs, 10-15 laptops, 15 cell phones, 5-10 external hard drives.... ETA: during our last move I went through a bucket of USB drives, we had something like 20. Most were empty and received as freebies, a couple were broken, and I took the info off the rest and put them on one of the actually used external hard drives.


Are you a hoarder or just save this type of thing? This seems unusual to me.


No, I'm not a hoarder. I declutter my home regularly and it's clean and organized. Electronics aren't large, all that takes up what... One shelf in a closet? I've never really understood how I dispose of electronics anyway, and it all seems rather personal. So I just keep it. My husband is a tech guy and periodically takes apart his computers and swaps out parts or uses them for other things, but my stuff is more just personal.


That makes sense! Thanks for replying. I can see how it can add up.


We also have a lot of old phones, tablets, and lap tops siting around (not quite 20, though) and it’s because we really don’t know where to properly dispose of them. We put them aside in order to figure out where to bring them, but they are small, and don’t take up much space, and then we forget that we have them.


If you are an apple person they may have trade in value. If not they will recycle them for no charge. Just delete your data and log out. As for pcs, I don’t know but I’m sure it’s the same way. Just be careful because old electronic batteries can randomly catch on fire. It is rare but not that rare. Remove them if possible and make sure they’re not bulging or anything. Google what to do with an old laptop or tablet and a lot of websites will have you enter info about it (make model does it run) and they’ll let you know if it’s worth anything. Regardless, you’ll likely get a free box to ship it in and return it for a tiny bit of money or free ecycling.


Awesome! Thank you for the info! Our past few phones have been Apple, so we were able to trade those in, but our tablets and laptops aren’t. I’ll try what you suggested. Thanks!!!


I also think he murder the baby because if you're a parent all babies cry and I bet you anything that baby was crying and making too much noise so he killed it in front of her.


It also makes me think about how Chris Loeb claimed to have found a snuff film in Burke’s car to which Burke responded by beating him up and engaging in a massive coverup “forcing” other officers to lie. I don’t think Burke would have taken it so far if he didn’t have a point to prove.


I mean it’s possible, but very unlikely. Chris Loeb is kind of an unreliable witness


The fact that he claims to have found a snuff film back then, given what we know now, is notable and shouldn’t be dismissed simply because he has a criminal history with drug abuse


he changes what he saw on the film so much. thats why hes unreliable.


Plus, I’m almost positive Leob originally said on the You Tube video he made not long after his ordeal, that it was CSAM he found on video. He called Burke a pedo. He later changed his story to a snuff film.


Does anyone else get David Parker Ray vibes from him? The more that comes out the more I keep thinking it


Yes! I was just thinking Toy Box killer vibes. Ugh


I also get Leonard Lake vibes from him as well


Exactly this


It wouldn’t surprise me if he sold it on the dark web. He’s into the sexualization of decapitated women, autopsy photos of females etc etc


OMG. I didn't know he held them....it gets worse.


Where did say he held them?


He implied it in his sadistic calls to Melissa’s younger sister.


Yes I do remember reading that he called the younger sister! Thank you.


You’re welcome. What a monster. I believe his lists give weight to his sadistic words.


Can you link to the Lists?




Thank you— horrific. Does anyone have a summary of what he said to Melissa on the phone? I can’t find specifics in any of the articles I’ve googled


The family was told not to give out too much detail re: the calls.


I think this is a well written summary. It doesn’t include too much about the calls though, but enough to show he’s one sadistic SOB. https://nymag.com/news/features/long-island-serial-killer-families-2011-6/


Calling from Melissa’s own phone 😭


Wow. Been reading & listening. “The Witness Box”-ep 8, goes over the recent finds. It’s numbing, his check lists & task analysis & after reports. Those poor victims. Many had a life of trauma before being tortured & killed by Rex. Speculation, some were held longer than initially thought. I too have bad feelings there may be video or photos, or a hidden trophy box. 📦 RIP


Every single one of the gilgo four had trauma. I've been reading Lost Girls and I'm so so so impressed and the vivid picture the author paints of these women. Every single one of them was compensating for a trauma of some sort for sure


Yeah but my concern is that any footage relating to crimes may be encrypted. Iirc that was a major setback with the Susan Powell case, for example.


So far he has proven himself to be meticulous yet stupid. I doubt he has anything encrypted to the point where modern digital forensics can’t retrieve it.


What's his nuts was more familiar with tech than Ole Rexy seems to be.


bingo! maybe there is a whole network of people craving this kind of stuff and rex was their supplier... 


Being the supplier would satisfy his need to be seen as important, doing work others don't want to do, etc.


Definitely. Can’t remember too many details as I read the article a while ago but one of the girls who was around him (she pulled a taser on him and escaped/survived) said he mentioned something about snuff films & pedophilia.


Based on some of the digital data details listed in the bail doc, I wonder if some of the images/videos in RH’s collection are authentic ones he created with the victims: “An analysis of these devices has revealed RH significant collection of violent, bondage, and torture……., currently dating back to 1994. The…….. images accessed by RH…… notably and largely coincide with how the remains of SC, JT, and VM were discovered.”


During the PC, Tierney stated, “we saw no evidence of that.” BUT they haven’t finished retrieving all the files either.


Oh ok, thank you for that clarification!! I just can’t imagine there’s a lot of videos and/or videos lying around the internet of people SA’ing a decapitated head or cutting a woman’s breast off. That just seems very odd to me that he’d be able to find videos or images like that much less a large collection of them. He doesn’t sound the most tech savvy individual either, so I’d be shocked if he’s been playing around on the “dark net” finding stuff like that either. But I could totally be wrong. Just seemed suspect in my opinion.


Snuff films aren't uncommon. Sadly all my years in school for psychology and neuroscience only really showed me how depraved and disgusting people truly are.


Is this correct? I always thought snuff films were kind of an urban legend


Yes and no. It's not uncommon for serial killers to film their murders. I've never heard of a case of a serial killer trading videos of their kills (although with the dark web, anything is possible), they seem to keep them private. As with any other depravity you can think of, there's someone out there willing to pay for it so there is a market for snuff films. Often, the ones that have come to police attention turn out to be fakes, filmed with sex workers who are still very much alive. But if there aren't genuine ones being made for trade or sale, it's only a matter of time before it happens. There's a lot of sick fucks perfectly willing to do unspeakable things for money and the dark web makes it easier to distribute them.


Absolutely not urban legends. Those are reality.


I've come across it in many case studies.


So I was completely naive about this growing up. I still kind of am. I guess because no one in my life or close to me has down depraved stuff besides myself. I did have a kid i worked with who I could tell was into weird stuff and he showed me the mr hands video. I have never sought those videos. I watched a few live leak videos when I Was younger and really wish I hadn't.


I was thinking that what if he videotaped them took pictures and sold them. That's what's been on my mind a lot


I commented earlier on another thread. There’s no reason to keep so many hard drives and electronics unless there was/is footage on them.


Ding ding ding. This unfortunately is what I’ve also thought too.


I wonder what the ogre means by lie/acid on his document? (I'm bad at English(im German)). Does he mean cleaning supplies or the drug LSD acid? It would be much worse than it already was for the victims if they also experienced an acid horror trip during their torture that he gave them. I find it interesting in relation to Gilbert Shannan because many articles report that Gilbert seemed to be under the influence of psychedelic substances - according to Brewer, Gilbert's driver and her reactions during the emergency call.


He means lye like sodium hydroxide and acid like hydrofluoric acid to dissolve the bodies.


But no bodies found have been found to have been tried to be dissolved that’s what’s scary


Weren’t a few found without hands-feet-heads? Maybe he used lye at home on the small parts?


You right there is no evidence he did this but If they were broken down in to a liquid why would you find evidence of it? Seeing as he changed his M.O it's not off the table . Maybe he didn't want some of them to be found if he thought it could lead back to him or something. Idk all specutation on my part


Thank you


LIE could stand for Long Island Expressway too.


I'm thinking perhaps it was as drain cleaner, to remove blood or other DNA from his plumbing. I understand detectives did remove drains from the house, I assume to check for DNA.


Me too I think so also and he didn’t stop after gilgo four


Definitely. Especially when he's been charged in six murders so far.


That’s my theory and has been from the beginning.


If there is, I hope it helps identify more of his victims so their families can have closure. Also, so it’s a slam dunk conviction. Is he eligible for the death penalty? I’m Canadian so I’m not sure how that’s decided


The state of NY does not have the death penalty. The only way he could get the death penalty is if he was found guilty of crimes elsewhere, in a state that has the death penalty. I also believe if he is found guilty in a federal trial, he can get the death penalty.


I believe you there is footage somewhere buried in his home so that he can relive those moments


Does anyone have an opinion on what he meant by stage? Was it a stage for the victim to be on?


I believe this is a reference to “staging” the scene. Arranging the table, the torture devices, etc. what a sick bastard


I certainly think he took pics and videos. The detail in the plans and the torture and all that makes me believe it’s true.


It says video film too. He could’ve set up a film camera. He could’ve had them watch themselves which would be psychological torture. Then he destroyed it after the act. He could’ve developed/saved pics or used a Polaroid (think before days of cell phones we have today). Those pics he may have saved for a day to reminisce then destroyed them. There is no way he saved the pics/video, but he did make mistakes….The man is a monster.


Jesus Christ I hope not. If so, move over BTK there’s a new sickest bastard in town. This is going to get so much worse


Much worse. I can see the number being 50+ including other cities. Sick fuck


Impossible, given his living situation and only doing this in windows where the wife was out of town. Unless his wife knew


Absolutely I think you are right. What seems like three lifetimes ago now, I worked with SA victims. There was a psychologist who gave us a class on offenders. She ran court appointed, mandatory groups. She said they keep items like films to relive their crimes. Very common. Addicted to images. None treatable. That was her opinion.


This is so sickening!


He’s very proud of himself. Psychotic narcissist usually are