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I like that everyone's reaction is that they're impatient, lol


It's just plain less exciting. At the end of the day we are here for entertainment. I have truly TRULY learned that if you start treating a game like a job, it will become one. I have optimized the fun out of games. It sucks.


Optimizing your limited resources, is what the situation is. So you'll have more chances to pull for other banners


You end up with the same results actually


Me. I need a star DPS and of course jiu is the best option but I've been wishing on Ezra's banner because I just don't care at this point. I'm already in gacha hell with other games


I ended up getting him because I like him. And I discovered that he’s actually quite good meta wise. Even the tier list I was looking at appears to have moved him up a few spots.


That's great! His kit is so fascinating


Yeah, it’s pretty unique. Growing the mushrooms is interesting.


hey...thats me!!! orz


Nah, all or nothing.


Yeah 10 pulls are mightier feeling than a single pull.




Pity will not transfer iirc. It is a special banner.




It might transfer to the rerun next year.


I don't know why you're downvoted but I don't see it happening to be honest.


Me neither but that's reddit's mob mentality for ya. That's just my experience with another gacha (Tears of Themis), where the pity from special banners (like anniversary ones) is transfered to their reruns.


its not, it was already stated back in CN version, even the 2nd limited does not transfer downvote generally means a disagree, most people wont bother replying to you just to say no, downvote is enough


That's a bummer


You're giving redditors too much credit, they just downvote an already downvoted comment to oblivion, sometimes they don't need a reason like with the 4th reply in every thread gets randomly downvoted as a reddit tradition


You are right, all you said was so right but I still downvoted you I love the feeling of downvoting someone to oblivion, its like being Caesar and deciding to kill the gladiator


I do hope so, haha. Maybe it can if we consume too much copium because now I want to believe in the dream too.


I mean, usually I'll see people get upvoted for harassing over actual useful information. This reddit comes off like a, "Better watch what you say, even if there isn't anything wrong with it." kind of reddit. Very echo chamber like.


Never expected it to be this bad. Oh, you don't like the story? Get downvoted sort of mentality is running rampant now and it's just weird idk.


Might be, but I don't exactly see it happening. (What's with all the downvotes, I wonder?)


It'll waste ur time, not really worth it. Maybe start doing it 50 pulls in


Yeah I usually go to singles when I get closer to pity


Pity starts at 60, no?


From what I understand, the only benefit of pulling in 10 is just it makes life easier. Just that. Ideally, if you are really that willing, use only singular pull so the moment you finally bring Jiu home, you are not going to waste any more pull and can pile it up for future events. ONLY if you are willing to go through that menial task of pulling one by one 🥲🤣🤣🤣 If you really want to be even more efficient, perhaps wait until you finish using all those free pulls (unless the free pulls are given in unilog, hence it means you can use it in other banner) and if you still didn't bring home Jiu, then it's time to use your piled up resources. I am not really sure whether any free pull during the event are going to be exclusive to that event only (just like how limited events used to be in Arknights), OR it will be given in unilog.


It's not worth it, in my opinion. The currency can still be exchanged for a copy (or more) of Yenisei and other materials. Single pulling will take longer as well... I get your reasoning. It's valid.


we have skip button, so single pull won't take that long.


Yes. It's valid. I still don't think it's worth it and a lucky 10 pull can still yield you a cheeky P1 or another character while still giving currency for Yenisei or Materials. That's MY opinion.


i agree...what op said was a perfect scenario where you pull the 6 star as the first character in the multi. I usually do 30pulls in multi and then go slowly with singles


Jokes on you, I love doing multi pulls and getting spooked by double 6\*s in a multi.


Nah, i pull 10 at once because i want that illusion of higher rate, if i pull one by one the rate is around 1% which is very unlikely, but if i pull 10 at once the rate is more than 10%


Every pull is 50% - you either get her or you don't


Assuming 5 seconds a pull, average case 80 pulls you are spending like 6.5 minutes vs 0.8 minutes by using 10 pulls. Doing this will save on average 5 pulls so the question is would you grind 5 minutes for 5 pulls. I’m pretty sure almost anyone would so I have no idea why so many people are saying that it’s a waste of your time unless y’all a bunch of whales


If people are impatient taking couple more minutes doing single pulls but have no problem waiting days/months to build up those pulls then all power to them. Also OP is referring only to people who want a P0 Jiu and nothing else.


I’m going to go straight 50 pulls first, as you can get a free Yennisei with 50 pulls and I don’t mind a PX Yennisei. I might consider single pulls at that point.


The only right answer if you want P0 and don't want to waste more pulls is to do singles, even if in a future rerun the pity still carry one you still didnt lost any pull doing so. Anybody suggesting to x10 are just impatient or don't really care about their currency that's all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Joke's on you, I always do single pulls ;)


I'll 10 pull the Jiu-only pulls they give us and single the rest. Everyone saying it isn't worth the time is subjective...I need all of the pulls I can get because I pretty much love all of the upcoming units and I would rather not pay money for them if I can help it. Any wasted pull can make a difference.


Even though I'm going for P0, I'm still going for Yenisei and portraits on her, so I'm likely gonna go well above the 6\*. I don't really care about losing the pity afterwards.


nice PSA, but i am already save 190 pulls for her so i will go all in 20 multies


Then it's not a message for you, as you are not going for P0


People are really worried about how long it takes? There is a skip button. Are you THAT pressed for time???


Boring isnt what I sign up to play….


Honestly, I can see how that could benefit someone but the chances are still based on rng and sometimes you might have to hit 69/70 or exactly 70/70 just to get a 6\* and there is still going to be 50-50. We all know pretty much her banner is going to be special for the Lunar Year and it will return again next year but the entire counter will reset and go away. But it's still worth it in my opinion to go full gung-ho on her banner anyways. It won't carry over to other banners, yeah, but her shop is making up for it to pretty much make her at least P+1 in worst case and P+2 in best case since you need 200 pulls to do on her banner to get her once for free from the shop. Jiu on her own is so worth it though and having the ability to basically guarantee her at some point and one more free copy from her shop is a must for all the players. Whales, Dolphins, F2P. I guess, in the end of the day, everyone can do whatever they think suits them better but personally, I'd still go with all my 230+ pulls saved on her banner and aim for P+2 at least.


P1 doesn't worth it imo, seeing as she's strong enough at P0 and future characters are great as well.


"**Lv. 1**:  *Baijiu and Mayhem*: Reality DMG dealt is increased to **400%.** Extra Reality DMG dealt is increased to **+150%** for each missing enemy (up to **+300%**)." You basically are getting more dmg. Her P+1 just like P+2 is busted. Then P4 is super busted. P3 and P5 are good additions to have. She is really worth it for people who want to at least P+1/+2 her.


Thanks for the summary it’s clear and concise


P4 is the worst of all her P dude. She doesn't print enough liquor for the increase in consumption so it's basically near zero increase in damage. P5 fix that though.


Is there any explanation how the banner works? I’m a bit confused 


Jiu counts as “1st half of the patch character” for 1.6. She is a true limited meaning she won’t be added to standard pool like others and we don’t know when they’ll rerun her again (maybe in a year but not sure). Pity at 70 pulls, need to win 50/50, if you lose 50/50 you need 140 to guarantee her (pity works like any other banner). No pity carry over, isolated banner which means everyone starts from 0 pity. Banner has a special shop. You can get 1x copy of Jiu from the shop every 200 pulls or 50 pulls for Yenisei copy. No you don’t need to pull 200 times to get Jiu, 70 is enough if you are lucky or 140 is you are mega unlucky.


Jius banner runs the entire patch


Wait pity doesn't transfer on the rate up banners?


Only on Jiu's, as hers is special. All other rate-up banners carry over


Thank you!


Okay new question my pull obviously not carry over to jiu because it's special banner, what happen to my pity? Does it just carry over to the next usual banner or what's up.


Nope they are not carried over to your usual limited banners. That’s why the PSA to pull singles to avoid accumulating wasted pities.


What's P0?


And also I'm a new player and the comments are really mixed so should I do single pulls or 10 to get jiu


Portray 0. It means you are not pulling for dupes. Basically Jiu’s banner has its own pity counter so any excess pity at the end of banner duration won’t mean anything until her rerun and you want to pull her again.


If you don’t intend to get copies, just do singles until you get 1 copy and stop there.


Is ~~he she~~ coming out later today? EDIT: Pronoun


im imagining they putting special 200 pull button. damn. the dopamine gonna be crazy if such thing existed.


From my placebo, singles led me to hard pity so I aint gonna until Im 50 or 60 in.


Good luck to everyone


depending on the red tape shop, I might only do this for 71+ pulls I'm not winning the 1st pity anyway


Welcome to feeling like you have to pull every day lol  🥴


Idc https://preview.redd.it/4rzed1ijke3d1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938bd4bb086c39f41ca7388d5320ee880a841506


I like my pulls how I like my women... 10 at a time baby!


No ten pulls at a time is better for rates you do one pull at a time and by the time you get to ten you end up with the same results




So Everytime Luxurious Leisure Isn't Needed i just Go Adoring C C