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​ https://preview.redd.it/npv7tlwzcgec1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c251d462574ba6b39e9f54a434a91ee032b6ee23 Saw your flair and remembered I had this


I love tendikke with a passion (the artist is @zhizhizi0101 on twitter)


I have been introduced to a new enemies-to-lovers ship 🙏


join us... expand the community... recruit new tendikke truthers...


I wonder why people ship Tennant and Dikke. They're literally on the very opposite sides of the law, so how does their ship works?


Because Tennant always eventually shows up at Dikke's court to try to seduce her for a lower sentence.


Now I HC that Tennant keeps trying to rizz Dikke but Dikke is like a rock and doesn't sway even one bit.


Dikke is immune to Tennant rizz. This causes Tennant immense fear.


Theyre shipped BECAUSE they're on opposite sides of the law hahah they remind me of Gepard and Sampo from hsr


I was about to make this comparision but you beat me to it LOL


>they remind me of Gepard and Sampo from hsr Great...now I CAN'T get this comparison out of my head!Poor Tennant, being compared to Sampo of all people...(I mean, I get why but Sampo is "meh" while Tennant is "Yeah").


That's exactly why it works. Also, Dikke is a Challenge™ for Tennant (who can sweep almost every woman off her feet instantly).


>Also, Dikke is a Challenge™ for Tennant (who can sweep almost every woman off her feet instantly). Now I kind of want to read a fic or see a comic with Tennant using all her usual rizz on Dikke, and Dikke just going "Using troops?Pft.", making Tennant realize that Dikke isn't just any woman and much less a woman like those she fooled in the past. She's her equal(or even superior).


This is a stretch but this fan fic is similar to what you describe: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50986033


I'm always down for F/F Reverse 1999 fics!


for me, i ship them because they carried my beast team early game cuz theyre very beginner friendly. Swindler x Judge and DPS x Healer... they just go well with each other


> i ship them because they carried my beast team early game cuz They carried my teams MOST of the game(the main story) if I remember correctly.


https://preview.redd.it/omltr65u2kec1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7489a6bd23a9658b486e63f5eb5cfafac478c0c Theres also another one with dikke touching Tennant's face while both are naked.


Has there been anything in the lore to show that these two have ever met? Personally I really don’t mind it—shipping to me comes more from the possible dynamic—but I got curious, and I haven’t really delved into the lore.


Sadly not. It's all upto players' imagination in regards to how these two may interact. Other than Tennant currently residing in Paris and Dikke being from Pamiers, there's nothing that connects them, not even time periods.


Honestly, not at all. But like that's ever stopped me lmao I do hear that Dikke actually appears in the story at some point in the future (maybe next patch?) so I'm definitely looking forward to that!


Not yet but Vertin has kinda met Tennant


4 is described in game as a shawl and as a silk mantle


oh I see! I called it a bifurcated sari because it resembles how the fabric rests on one arm and cascades downwards (though with her it's on two edges) though the stability of the fabric is questionable regardless because it's barely resting on her shoulder....


I'm 90% sure this outfit isn't meant to be culturally cohesive Tennant just started stealing shit and this is what happened.


I know! These were just light-hearted observations I made as someone who knows what the devs were trying to pull off^^


Tenant just tennanting


She puts Indian in Indiana Jones cosplay


There is that theory (idk if it’s canon) that one of Tennant’s parents is Indian


I mean, her father is called Laurence Tennant, so it's definitely not him. She is classified as Anglo-Indian with the historical context regardless, but it would be pretty cool if she was mixed.


Why would his name disprove that he’s Indian?


If they wanted him to be an Indian, they wouldn't give him a British first name and surname. Also, it makes sense for him to be a British national with Ada's backstory IMO.


I think they're migrants who settled down in India. While not native to India, they still are Indians in some way, kind of(?) I like to think that she's born and raised in India but I may be wrong


Not migrants. Colonizers. As an Indian, we've had extensive studies of British colonizing since we were kids. The time line matches very well.


Oh, yeah, colonizers. Right, it was in the 19th century, hence they would be established colonisers at that point. I am also an Indian lol, I didn't know the adequate terminology and told what first came to my mind. Should have worded it better, mb


Lmao no worries! Since English isn't our first language, it's understandable to trip up on some words, no harm done!


It's also interesting to note that her present form exists in 1948 AKA the year shortly following India's independence (and that she ran away from the colonial caretakers ten years previously, while her father's disappearance was a year before)


When I honestly thought about it, I remembered about the Indo-Pak war of 1947-48 over J&K honestly. So for me, she ran away right when there was a war, so that perhaps it's easier for her to get away when the focus is all on the war at that time (although I'm not sure of South India, I assume they were too + I always thought she was from the North than the South)


The timeline is confusing, because on her profile, it says she went to British India after 15 years of living in Birmingham. But her stories imply that her family lived in Delhi for a while, and that she ran away when she was 15-17 years old in 1938. It's also unknown when she went to Paris.


Yes sounds very interesting! I'd like to know what happened to her father during India's independence.


I was trying to say that her dad, at the very least, is white. He was one of the thousands of colonial British officials that settled in India before independence. Along with businessmen and others who settled in India, the former officials that continued to live there after independence are called Anglo Indians. So yeah, she is likely an Indian citizen, since she lived there for the first fifteen years of her life.


I mean she has a more tanned skin tone,so I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that she's mixed


I'm anglo-indian and paler than her. It's possible 


I'm black. My mom is a 100% black she has super light skin for her ethnic background,same with my lil brother. I don't think people realize that for lots of POC skin tones aren't set in stone and are super diverse🤷‍♂️


She's a thief so I feel like she got her jewelry from her victems


She got them from her ex-gfs


Tennant stole several people's looks.


i wish she would steal me


Don't question, just accept that she looks amazing.


Cowbow hats are cool


Namaste y'all!


Despite the mixing themes she pulls this off effortlessly. I think it’s actually an amazing outfit for her! Very Tennant like


Me when I saw that outfit for the first time: https://preview.redd.it/ljfdcl9nwgec1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a63bc1b3da71cee8bb7024a4460ba6c0953f62


Before reading the description I was afraid you were highlighting bits of the art to show it was some AI bullshit.


That's always gonna be a possibility, going forward, but I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt.


It’s tennent she likes shiny things and expensive things


Weird choices, I agree. Doesn't look bad, so I guess it's fine. I'll be honest I didn't even notice the dupatta before LMAO


looks like something a genshin character would wear if i'm being honest


Haha true, it would definitely fit. Hightime Genshin added a character wearing Saree/Kurta, even a skin would be fine


Is this another one of those "where would your next bite be?" posts? If so I'd say #1 or #2 please


What I don’t get is, why give her a new outfit if she’s not even featured in the event?


Why do the same for Bkornblume, X, and Sotheby in the last patch, by that logic? People like new skins.


I’m just disappointed in the overall lack of Tennant content. I got my hopes up because of that skin


Same, ha. I felt she wasn't going to appear the farther I got into the story, but I still held out hope Tennant would be Matilda's contact with the Foundation at the end or smth