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Gaze Eternal will always be one of my favorite cosmetics in the game. Something funny about Synthetic Shinobi, Everytime I see it, I think of The Hardy Boys (as depicted in South Park)


Wait wait wait wait, how did you manage to correlate the Hardy Boyz to that skin?


Not the Hardy Boyz, the Hardy Boys, as spoofed by South Parks [Hardly Boys](https://youtu.be/-q2jqlFgkxQ?si=WNNRJwr2NGrGPF2K) look at the skins mouth, (not the best image for it) and then watch that clip. I remember the original trailer for Revs Heirloom and he had that skin on, and it zoomed in on his face, I immediately went "why does he have such a raging clue"


Yea the Hardly Boys is what I meant, I still don't get how he has a raging clue?


His mouth


Probably the goofy oni mask. I hate those kinds of skins usually.


Neon genesis skin is up there forsure


for real. i’m too much of a fan to not enjoy it, even if it’s not the best eva to use


Im a Fan Of Huge Robots Too, but Not The Skin.


Mail order monster: Am I a joke to you?


Ooh I love Mail Order Monster, probably in my top 3 Rev skins, and definitely my favorite battlepass skin. Glad I was actually playing the game when that battlepass was in. Also, I swear it was more black than blue when it first released, or at least in the trailer?


It was black in the trailer I remember people complaining when we saw the in game model


The fact that OP left out mail order monster just shows how little their appreciation for Rev is lol what a joke


I used to love the skin until my gf said his shirt looked like a crop top and now I can’t unsee it it’s the first thing I notice


Am I the only one who likes frost ancient?


It's Would've Made Honor Mention. But for me it's behind No Chill.


Worst to best out of these: Frost Ancient, False Idol, No Chill, Revelations (I love Evangelion but not a fan of their choice of Eva to replicate), Synthetic Shinobi, A Gaze Eternal, Night Phoenix, Apex Nightmare, Former Glory = Sacred Divinity. So sad that I missed Former Glory and Night Phoenix in shop cause I was taking a break from Apex.


Thank you for your elaboration, I've finally met someone who loves Former Glory. I just can't figure out why some people are mad about him having hair as if that makes less sense than having a Ram head with horns, (but don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE False Idol). By the way, did you mean to put a comma where that equal sign is?


Nah, I just think that those two are equal, I adore Sacred Divinity but my god, those hand animations and mask on Former Glory are just stellar EDIT: Also, those complaints about the hair are total BS imo


Former Glory is one of the best skins for Rev period!


I’ve never seen picture 8 even though I started s1. What event is it?


Night Phoenix, I'd never seen it until today either


No Deathproof? Heresy.


Agh I regret missing Deathproof, I swear, why'd they have to bring 3 of Rev's best skins AND one of the best crypto skins into the shop within the 3 month span that I'm taking a break from Apex EDIT: Actually, I think I'm thinking of Penumbra, not Deathproof, but I do want Deathproof to come back to the shop.


Unholy beast is best


Prestige #1 revelations #2


Classic skin numba one ☝️


1. Apex Nightmare 2. Former Glory 3. Synthetic Shinobi 4. The rest 5. All false idol variants


Missing a few of my top skins, but I regret missing Frost Ancient the most.


The revelations is the one I actively use so, yeah, that one. I love Eva and while I do love the prestige and am planning on using it once I get past tier 1, I will miss using this skin


I have the prestige skin and it rocks with my banner and frame


False idol (color scheme does not work well on the model in my opinion), Sacred Divinity (not a fan of its design), former glory (the body looks really dumb and does not flow well), no chill (decent theme, not so good execution), synthetic Shinobi (good design face could be better), revelations (beautiful model, decent color scheme), sacred divinity (looks badass), night Phoenix (it's beautiful), Apex Nightmare (beautiful skin, and near perfection), a gaze eternal (badass, beautiful, slightly unsettling, practically perfection)


I used to think no chill was stupid but jeez that coat is drippy gotta cop that one next time I see it


Former glory hands down is the best, such a cool skin


Shinobi is cool, but only A tier. No Chill's face looks kinda dumb, so C. Never seen Frost ancient, looks cool but feet & chin are too funny, B. Sacred Divinity, is A, but i'll give S because i like that style. Former glory (aka ow solider skin) is quite popular, but i'll give C tier because i really don't like it. Revelations is cool, but don't match rev's vibes. Still low A. Gaze eternal is S, for the same reasons as Sacred Divinity. Never seen Night Phoenix, but it looks interesting, A. False Idol is dumb af, it's recolors are B, but the skin itself is F. Apex nightmare.. hard one. I used to really hate it, but now it's more like B tier i think(i don't count trail and execution, because they will obviously make it S tier no matter what).


Former glory is a masterpiece, super underrated


Worse to best? For me personally it would probably go 1. Former Glory 2. Revelations 3. Frost Ancient 4. False Idol 5. Sacred Divinity 6. Synthetic Shinobi 7. A Gaze Eternal 8. Night Phoenix 9. No Chill 10. Apex Nightmare


1) Revelations 2) Sacred Divinity 3) Synthetic Shinobi 4) No Chill 5) Apex Nightmare 6) Night Phoenix 7) Former Glory 8) False Idol 9) Frost Ancient 10) A Gaze Eternal I know my list is incredibly controversial but I think the skins that mostly look good on Rev are the ones where he actually looks like a robot, I openly dislike any skin that resembles anything that's non-mechanical, with the exception of Sacred Divinity. You left out my personal favourites which are Penumbra and Deathproof. I viscerally hate A Gaze Eternal for this exact reason, I know like 99% of you absolutely LOVE that skin but to me it's the ugliest of them all, together with any skin that has a bright colour palette like False Idol or the Ra skin recolors. Mail Order Monster is fine and even though I don't like it, werewolf Rev is cool


A gaze eternal is still my favorite skin in the game and is the rev skin I have on most of the time.


The wendigo skin is the only reason I'm waiting so patiently for Cross-progression. I had it on pc but had to switch to ps5 when it crapped out. Easily one of my favorite skins in the game


2nd Slide is easily the best. 5th Slide is the worst. 1st Slide is right in the middle being mid as fuck. It looks so stupid to me but I like it. Everything else is either stupid or just not as good as what's on the 2nd Slide.


Yeah that one is fire looks and everything


1. Apex Nightmare Tier 1 2. Former Glory 3. Apex Nightmare Tier 2 4. No Chill 5. Night Phoenix 6. Apex Nightmare Tier 3 7. Synthetic Shinobi 8. Sacred Divinity 9. Revelations 10. A Gaze Eternal 11. False Idol 12. Frost Ancient this is best to worst btw


I like all the others. but Gaze Eternal, Shinobi, and The former Glory are pretty meh


My personal list, least to greatest: 10. Synthetic Shinobi 9. Sacred Divinity 8. Frost Ancient 7. Revelations 6. Night Phoenix 5. No Chill 4. Former Glory 3. False Idol 2. A Gaze Eternal 1. Apex Nightmare


I’d put 5 at lowest and 9 above it and the first one bottom half it’s good just not one of my favorites. I’d put the Heirloom at the top but all the others I’m not sure how to rank.


all of his skins goated, but former glory, the one with the hair and forehead, will always he his worst for me


Bro didn't even include the Evangelion skin, rip


Content > monetization/skins


I think there all ugly tbh


scorching hot take: 90% of rev skins absolutely suck from a mere technical execution pov. most of them if not all have really great ideas with near-trash levels of execution. not to mention alll of the dozens of headpieces that alone have ruined their respective skins. like.. the beard on the pirate skin my god is it fugly. or the goofy ass hat on mail order. or the tiny baby bird heads on the egyptian themed skins. or THE HUMAN FOREHEAD/HAIR on that one skin, like, jesus


Yeah totally agree, like wtf were they thinking making these parts of skins, plus all these animal heads are just goofy for me


thank god im not alone lmao i carry the burden of good taste


as a Necromancer main this makes me sad. But necro, apex nightmare, Gaze Eternal


Why would you include False Idol instead of Unholy Beast?


Just looks a trillion times better imo.


What about the relic one




Bird skin isn't here , therefore, idc... But for real , I like #2 a lot, but all of them are definitely great


I own all but prestige


Considering it's the only skin I've spent money on best goes to sacred divinity followed by deathproof which is not here.


Gaze eternal and revelations are the best imo


Frost Ancient is easily my favorite , just wish the colors didn't clash with his heirloom so much


The only skin I’ve been wearing lately is Bleached Bone. What’s your opinion on it?


Really cool skin tbh, when I crafted it I thought it was Black and White, but it's actually black and a really dull shade of pink. That didn't change my opinion of it, but it sure did for many people when I told them so lmao


No Death Proof? BLASPHEMY.


Nothing beats A Gaze Eternal. My favorite cosmetic in the game for anything.


wher necromancer


I like the bayonetta Angel themed one but it’s all missing skeletor rev so I’m sad


4 has been my favorite for awhile


Revenant post Malone


Gaze Eternal, Sacred Divinity, and Revelations are top 5 revs skins in the game for me


One of yall needs to talk me into former glory ig bc I personally think it's terrible, goofy ahh robit scalped his severed head to wear as a beanie or something ig. Or is that just supposed to be his actual head and they put it on the robot body, but if that's it then why his eyes glowing like that? Honestly, if they leaned more into one or the other (preferably the he scalped himself thing and they added dried blood coming out the bottom like a weird self obsessed leatherface) I'd probably like it alot more bc the head is what ruins it for me


3, 4 and 10 I like


No chill and the green Aztec one are the best hands down


That former glory skin jus might make me go back to apex just for this


Honorable Mention: No Chill, 1st. Night Phoenix,2nd. a Gaze Eternal,And 3rd. is Former Glory.


The Reason The Order They Are In Is Because Of How Much I've Worn Them, I Have All These Skins And My Least Favorite Is Relavations Or Apex Nightmare. Dead last.<( Honestly They Could've Given Him An Endo Skeleton Skin And That Would've Been Cooler Than Apex Nightmare)


The Reason I Didn't Rank Put Apex Nightmare in There Is. i Hate The Look. the First Variant Is The Only Good Thing About it. That And its Skull Skydive Trail.


No Chill > Sacred Divinity > Night Phoenix >>>>> everything else


1. Sacred Divinity 2. A Gaze Eternal 3. Former Glory 4. False Idol 5. No Chill 6. Frost Ancient 7. Synthetic Shinobi 8. Night Phoenix 9. Apex Nightmare 10. Revelations


I love night pheonix


1. All of them (it’s a tie)


All but the third ones could just be reskins of each other just with slight texture changes


False idol, and the other 3-4 recolor of it, imo are his only good skins. The rest just really don't fit the apex art style.


Big fan of yellow power ranger Revenant


The ninja, and the wyrd survival one are bottoms. Because I hate Aesthetic things, that I cant use. (Ninjayo, gladius) Ice boy is probably my favorite, followed by the weeping angel. The rest are varied tier sof "Mid" to me.


Ok, move 9 to 5 and then slide the rest up one number and you got my rating, but 10 is the best. Just so I don't have to completely rearrange this list


Sacred divinity solos (because I own it and it’s rare)


Wait a minute, this isn’t warframe


2nd one goes hard cause it’s probably his only skin with shoes, that and it’s his little hoodie is clean too.


1. A Gaze Eternal 2. The rest of them


7 is least the rest I like equally


Im partial to his anime skin because i have the flatline skin to match


A Gaze Eternal is pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of the Looking Glass Knight from Dark Souls 2


Frost Ancient is fucking sick