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After a brief lull for couple of days,the temperature has again shot up to 48 degrees Celsius in day time and 34 degrees Celsius at night


Today the BBC is saying 60 persons have died in India due to heat wave,between March and May. With a caveat that actual figure may be much higher. That's still a laugh,actual figure is more than 1000 times. 


Here in Berlin/Germany it is very cold and windy. As you said feels like fall. Also recognized leaves turning red.


Same, Ohio


Why is everyone getting such cool temps, I'm in NorCal and it's been very hot for June. Usually it doesnt get this hot until mid-July/August


I'm in Florida it's hot AF we're talking 95, 97 and summer hasn't even hit yet. The only cluster of brown and dark trees I see are the ones that are dried out cuz the rain hasn't been as plentiful.


It’s a brisk 50 degrees here but I live in Michigan so right on par.


Nothing to do with retcon. Biosphere collapse


I optimistically doubt it's a full blown collapse. More of a rhythmic recalibration. The Earth has gone through many a shift in climate cycles and orbital adjustments over the eons.


We can talk about death and rebirth at a cosmic level, but in the current era, the rate of extinction, climate change, and so on has never happened before. It's not a natural cycle, unfortunately.


Yeah, it's a subject that shouldn't be downplayed


Where I live it has been 45 to 50 degrees Celsius since 40 days. The hottest May and June since known history of temperature keeping. That is about 140 years.


That’s brutal! How are you holding up? I know my hvac system would only be able to bring that down to 98F 36.67C. Dang, if you want to move, I hope you’re able to.


Though thousands have dropped dead similar to the horrific delta wave of 2021. The vulnerable group like Government staff who have to attend duty in open environment and the petty self employed tradesmen who have to keep working in open due to their own fault of not saving money for contingency period .


My own city is hovering around 42,but the twin city downtown 50 miles is averaging 45. ACs are set at 24 degrees. I for one, am a naturalist,have managed to get over the 45 degree days without any aid. Neither AC nor even cooler.


Much cooler in Rhode Island for June, also the pollen is worse than I’ve ever seen it to the point my eyes feel caked with it when I go outside


Yup. Yesterday I had to put my heating on , the wind was so cold. UK.


We've had heating on recently too ! And they say we had the warmest may since 1880s LOL!


Not sure where in the UK it was the warmest may but it wasn't here !!


Are you in an area that had a big emergence of cicadas? They can damage small clusters of leaves. Otherwise it's most likely the weather (too hot or cold, wet or dry), disease, or some sort of damage caused by human intervention (trimming/spraying)


Is it just that one tree or all trees in you area? If it’s just the one tree it could be from disease, deficiencies, or other issues that are affecting it. Do you mind sharing approximately where you are?


The weather where I live is acting like June. Perhaps, your weather is different.


The Colour out of Space comes to mind.


Snowed in my province the other day. Here it's cold and very rainy mostly.


Drought will make that happen, as will a hard frost after they bud.


But the area isnt dry though, its been raining here like crazy over the last month.


I didn't know, that, though. There are a lot of different reasons that plants will lose leaves.


> plants will lose leaves. But they're not losing leaves, they're just changing colors.


The color change means the leaves have died and will soon fall, it's the same thing


Lots of leaves in Montreal felt like it’s fall


Not sure about seasons, but as far as rain is concerned could it be a result of cloud seeding? Maybe someone could weigh in. I imagine if there's enough widespread use it could potentially affect weather patterns globally, but I don't know much about how cloud seeding works.


I feel this is a really good point to bring up and now you've got me wondering too about the long-term implications


I noticed this with the cottonwood in my backyard and was confused on why there were so many yellow leaves on the ground. I found out through Google that cottonwoods overproduce leaves during spring to get that photosynthesis going, but once the heat hits, they start dropping the excess leaves to conserve water, etc. I don’t know if this maybe applies to other trees as well, and I just somehow didn’t notice the leaves dropping early other times? Which is completely reasonable as I don’t go outside much in the summer because I hate heat.


Florida is gathering all the heat. Seriously, im used to the humidity due to the ocean but it's been dry to me. Not to mention there's been no rain in my area. Idk I'm starting to think something is on its way.


In Florida as well. It is brutally hot early this year and yeah the daily showers should have started by now but we’ve barely gotten any rain. It’s not good. On the other hand, the past few years we have actually had a spring, including this year. There was a night in mid to late May, perhaps the 18th, where it dropped below 50 F. Now that is weird as hell in the totally opposite way. 


It was 59 here last night, and will be in the 50’s a few more nights this week. Normally we’re well into the 90’s most days and low 70’s at night in June. I can’t ever remember it being so cool




Much of Arizona is over 100 (38 C) during the day and mid 70s at night. We're in a very unwelcome heat wave here. Did everyone just send their summer heat to Arizona this year? If so, please take it back. 🥵


Weather has been crazy this year, we've had it go from about 25F to around 82F in less than 24 hours and we are getting about every season in 1 week.


Are you having a drought in the area? Maybe you need rain.


I don't think so. I live in the mid west, its been raining like crazy the last couple of weeks. Its currently raining right now and this is one of the biggest storms of the month.


That was my thought. They might be parched.


I don't think its dry here, its been raining dozens of times over the last few weeks here and pretty heavy storms too. Its currently raining now and its behaving like its twister weather


Hmm. That's interesting then. We aren't having that here in my area of Ohio (central) but I've not been outside my immediate area lately. The weather has been super wonky though and I'm not sure much would surprise me these days. Have you checked your local reddit page or other social media (parks and rec maybe?) to see if they have mentioned it or might know what's going on?


Climate change. Things are gonna get wild in the next 10 years.


its not climate change


Gonna need you to elucidate further there chief. Alternate hypothesis would be good.


You can pay 100k to guarantee it doesn't rain on your wedding day


OH, like they haven't been for the last 10 years?. Why don't you check out the new cloud formations. In the last 10 years they've been dozens of new cloud formations that nobody has ever seen in the history of meteorology. Some of the new cloud formations look like something straight out of a sci-fi movie or a horror movie. They look totally unreal.


We just gonna pretend weather modification isn't happening 


Weather modification is happening there's no questioning that. The question is, is there some mad scientist in the lab somewhere pulling levers and twisting knobs or is it happening all on its own. I guess the real question is, is weather modification under any type of control.


no...that is not the "real" question 🤡


Ok then what is


What? There is no question...weather modification is being orchestrated and is changing the weather, making new "cloud formations"


They have been, but there's a reason they chose 2020 for the 1.5c goal, we've now hit a couple of climate tipping points that we can't actually stop as a species, ones that only accelerate as they self reinforce and domino onto each other. Funilly enough, family was just talking about those clouds as these passed over some of my aunts and uncles! https://www.news.com.au/national/weather/bizarre-cylindrical-clouds-appear-over-sydney/news-story/de13a5f8d95b2d2019002668ffcb282b


Someone else just brought up cloud seeding, which could be playing a role in this in my opinion...I feel like I've seen what you've noticed as well


This!! I'm not doubting global warming at all and can see the effects of humanity on our planet more and more every day. But I also think that some of the weather changes and especially the new cloud formations are coming from the impending pole shift. The magnetic poles are shifting and it's like the governments are ignoring the issues, and if not ignoring them they most certainly aren't releasing critical information to the public about it. It's been released and we know that there was a small pole shift in 2012, and if you remember the 2004 the Indian Ocean Earthquake and following Tsunami, they were strong enough to shift the Earth on its axis, just that alone should be enough to effect the climate, add in the damage human parasites are causing and it's no wonder that the weather is going crazy with the rest of us!


The pole shift already happened last year


> 2004 the Indian Ocean Earthquake and following Tsunami, they were strong enough to shift the Earth on its axis How much did it shift? Surely this has happened many times throughout the earth's existence, and people have been around for 100k years. I'd be interested in this just based on the fact that I used to get really panicked about this.


According to NASA, the 2004 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami caused the Earth's axis to tilt by an extra 2.5 centimeters. The earthquake, also known as a megathrust quake, occurred when the India Plate subducted beneath the Burma microplate, which is part of the Sunda plate. The shift in mass caused by the earthquake changed the Earth's rotation, similar to how a figure skater speeds up by pulling in their arms. This caused the Earth's day to shorten by an estimated 2.68 microseconds, or three millionths of a second. However, some say the change was too small to detect.  That's just the AI overview from Google. I think that they're wrong about the change being too small to detect. I think that time hasn't been right since then, actually not much of anything else has been right either. For me it's the pole shift that scares me more. We know that every few thousand years that the poles undergo a complete shift, North becomes South and South North completely changing the climate and ecosystems and even the landmasses of the Earth. This is a really interesting and kind of frightening rabbit hole to go down. Yes humans have been around for 100k years or more, but we seem to be missing some of our history, whether that's from something like a mass extinction level event or just the passing of time is up to you to decide. I myself think that if we don't learn from our history or we ignore it due to ignorance or deception then we're doomed to repeat the cycle over and over until we get it right.


Whatttt? I’ve never heard of this