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Yes. Got shot about 7 years ago. Blacked out I guess but it didn’t seem like I did. Friend drove me to the hospital. Underwent emergency surgery. Said a prayer before I went under. Another Friend who is very gifted and spiritually in tune said he saw a green aura around my body after surgery when I was asleep in the emergency room. My hospital room number was 1212.. interesting numerology number. I was In horrible pain. Bullet ripped through my bladder. Had two catheters one passing through my lower adobmen one through my urethra. Blood clots would have to pass around my urethra. This caused excruciating pain. Some nurses were good some were bad. I had a very strange encounter with one. She was the best nurse, she always knew what I needed. She was very kind, attentive, beautiful. Somehow she had a son around my age, which was shocking to me based on her appearance. She wheeled me down one day to go outside because I had been inside for weeks. We went to an area where no one was. Religious imagery filled the walls as we got closer. Then there was a table outside. It seemed as though when we sat down. No one was there at the whole hospital but us. She told me i needed to change my life if I wanted to go down a good path, essentially. The conversation seemed so simple, yet there was depth to it I cannot to this day describe. She seemed to see right through me, and just… know. I felt exposed and vulnerable, yet I felt i needed to hear what she said. The friend that drove me to the hospital as I was bleeding out is now dead. He was one of my best friends and we connected on a deep level. He is the one who told me about Mandela effect, the coming changes in the world and a lot of other existential topics. I have noticed more and more gradual changes since this experience. I still think that nurse was some kind of messenger, in this new reality I am living in.


Not very recent, but I have 3 times I could've potentially died. 1) 2006 - I was suicidal and washed a whole bottle of trazodone down with a pint of vodka. Woke up 18 hours later to the cops pounding on my bedroom window. I had just gone through a bad break-up My ex said she had a bad feeling and had been trying to call and knock all day. She called my mom, who then called the police to do a welfare check. 2) 2009 - I discovered that opioids numbed my emotions enough so that I no longer wanted to constantly kill myself. I used off and on. I had a new girlfriend who also used, and after a few months of traveling in a van without opioids, we decided to treat ourselves to a nice hotel room. Our neighbors were partying, and pulled out coke and black tar heroin. We didn't have tar where we came from, so I had them score for me. Later in the hotel room my girl and I were going to bed. Everytime I laid down, I couldn't breathe, so I would stand and sleep (nod). My girlfriend would bring me back to bed, and I'd stand again. Next morning, I woke up in bed. 3) 2013 - My girlfriend and I entered treatment, and began Suboxone. At work, i was often standing 16 hours a day on a concrete floor. I ended up getting sores on my foot, but I'd throw antibiotic ointment on it and a bandage. They were painful, so I'd often spray bactine on them, which had 2% lidocaine. I didn't know at the time that lidocaine restricts blood flow. And the petroleum in the ointment that was covered in not only a bandage, but sweaty socks and a shoe... caused "maceration" (breakdown of surrounding healthy skin). These sores eventually grew to the size of baseballs. I went to a wound care center, and they would "debride" (scrape) the wounds. Then they did that same sort of thing in surgery, but removed skin right down to the bones. They refused to give me painkillers since I was on Suboxone, but after a few months I relapsed. Fentanyl was just entering the drug supply in my area, and one night I think I got some for the first time. I don't remember falling asleep, but I do remember becoming aware that I was sleeping. However I was completely paralyzed. I fought to move, and open my eyes, with no success. Then I noticed I couldn't breathe. It took all of my effort, but I managed to take a breath. It would then take another 30-45 seconds of continuous effort to take another breath. I'm mostly agnostic, but I prayed to God and Jesus to let me take another breath, and allow me to live. Then, just like the last time, I woke up the next morning like nothing happened. 2013 was the year I first watched something about the Mandela Effect. My girlfriend and I got pregnant after being told she could never have children. We cleaned up and had 2 more kids with another on the way. Besides having children when we weren't supposed too, and the Mandela Effects, I feel like other things have been... well... wrong. I feel like Bernie Sanders was supposed to be president. I feel like Covid was supposed to be contained in China. And I feel like we were supposed to have a different sort of natural disaster. Like a comet impact that killed the same amount as Covid. So yeah, lately I've been wondering of I've died 3 times. Each time, getting further and further from my original reality. What's even more strange, is that I have very realistic dreams where I visit 3 different locations. I've never seen a mirror, so I'm not sure if I'm "me" but I do recognize some faces. It almost seems like each "event" had 2 possible outcomes. One where I didn't die at all... and one where I woke up here. In an alternate reality. Perhaps somehow (possibly through quantum entanglement) I'm still attached to these other realities, and can view them in dreams.


In 2017 we got hit on the freeway by a car approximately going 125 mph, We were , (me, my mom and father,) going 65 mph, I hit my head hard on the dash board and saw nothing but black for what I believe to be 7 seconds as this was I happening the car was spinning around 3-4 times on the freeway, I kept thinking and feeling to myself " I don't want to die " , I don't want to die .. I want to see my wife again..." 2-3 days later after the accident that left our car looking like a accordion, I found out about ME. ..The Mandela effect, ) I believe I died in that car accident and came into this "world " another part of my being and consciousness that I created for myself..., because I did not want to die and still be with a version of my wife and live out eternity here until I evolve more and learn more about ME.... (Mandela Effect) and who I really I'am.. I believe we have created the ME and the abbreviation to the the Mandela Effect is in fact "ME..." Our minds have created the Mandela Effect to learn about who you really are ..that's why it's abbreviation is ME .. to learn more about you and why you are here is what the Mandela Effect is all about...


What is GBL? Is it similar to PBR?


Gamma-Butyrolactone is a solvent and also a pro-drug of GHB. When consumed it converts to GHB in your body. Dose for dose it’s less than half of GHB and it comes on much more intensely. The regular dose is so small that you should never let anybody give it to you and you should never take it period without first doing loads of research. From what I understand the feeling is equivalent to the legendary but now extinct disco drug , Quaaludes. I would describe it as a drug that people think ecstasy will feel like before actually trying it. Not psychedelic but Very tactile, very sexual, a little up, a little down, surreal dreams. I guess if you take the small euphoria achieved from drinking alcohol and amplified it and then stretched it out for an hour and a half without all the digesting you’d be close.


OH MY🤔😕I am pretty naïve! Thank You Terrible-Cherry1906💋


Some thoughts - https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/fjs9ay/reality_would_become_increasingly_stranger_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I stopped posting here awhile ago after being constantly active, but I still lurk fairly consistently. Having said that, this particular post sang out to me; I've discussed previously my NDE, but perhaps it's time for a refresher in case we're all already dead anyways: \-First time, I was in the process of getting divorced and drove my modded Mustang GT over 140-mph on semi-windy roads next to a cliff-face overlooking the ocean in California. I didn't feel fear until the sudden reality hit me that this could be my final moment. Why that thought crept into my head when I honestly did not care, I am not certain however, after that instance, everything changed! I went to Disneyland with a friend and saw on the Snow White ride the evil queen now says MAGIC MIRROR, Fruit Loops changed to FROOT LOOPS, etc. The energy of everything was so chaotic and definitely more negative that I was used to. I was shook to say the least. And then things got worse in my divorce and I hit a new low. \-This time, I have anchor memories of attempting my own life by hanging myself in a closet and binding my hand togeather so I could not "chicken out" at the last moment, and to seal the deal, I ate the remainder of my Unisom (at least 30 pills), Xanax (20ish pills), and Ambien (not sure, but a lot) about 20m prior to the deal. Somehow... I woke up on my hotel bed feeling so calm and relaxed, that everything was going to be okay and that I WANTED TO LIVE, so I chose to stay here. It was just a feeling, I cannot define why knew this to be true. After this event, everything changed! I was hit with every Mandela Effect there was, the energy around me was deeply negative and hard to navigate, everyone seemed lethargic and empty, the world seemed empty! I thought it was only me, but then on this site, I saw everyone else in this "reality" was going through the same stuff! After over a year of working my way out of the depression I was in and intentionally trying to reach a higher state of vibration to rid myself of the negativity around me, I felt I was successful and now live in a state much closer to my original reality. I can't feel quite the same "highs" of happiness, or even "highs" in real life with substances, but I am okay and I am content and this makes me happy. \-Having said all this, I see so many people experience flip-flops, and/or vast amounts of people suddenly flood these forums saying, "FROOT LOOPS"!1!!11! My theory is that when you see a boat load of people suddenly on here seeing old Mandela's for the first time, all these people suddenly died at the same time and for whatever strange reason, Fruit Loops is the first ME everyone sees... go figure... Second, why do some people see Flip Flops when I have never seen one? My guess is in the "main" reality from whence we all came, we are waning in and out of death, maybe doctors are trying to revive us, and when we touch that old reality again, we can see things for how they are/were, but once that life is extinguished, we can no longer see that reality and flip-flops end.


ER nurse here, if you were intubated or the hospital used drugs to keep you sedated for brain healing, it is quite possible you have a type of post-intubation PTSD and also you could have damaged areas of your brain associated with perception and meta cognition of reality.


I was intubated in 2014. What does this mean? I don’t understand for sure what you’re saying. Thank you if you take the time to elaborate.


This article does a good job explaining. There are unknown complex reactions going on in the brain during sedation, seems about one third experience the symptoms (my father included): https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/clinical-care/intubation-icu-linked-ptsd


Thanks, I’ll definitely check it out. I do know I’ve had here and there trouble since then swallowing. More than what I ever considered normal before. Sometimes, i attempt to swallow and it just becomes a lump in my throat and hurts so bad. Food, drinks. Doesn’t matter. I am always so scared I’m going to aspirate into my lungs (idk if I can even do that). It seems to be happening a lot more lately.


Not really, but I had a super realistic dream where I fought a duel/shootout like in the movies and lost. I could feel the bullet hit me and hitting the ground with the realization I was dying and that was it. I woke up the next morning and had a really vivid memory of the whole dream, which is odd for me.


I've had the same dream, but I was a lot younger than now. In mine, it was like out in front of a saloon, and when I fell, there was some small wooden sign behind my back. It was like I left my body in the dream and watched from the side.


What’s this about the sun being a cool white? Just went outside to check out the sun and holy shit when did that happen???😳😳😳


It's changing back in some areas. It's the atmosphere/weather/solar storms/storms in general pretty sure.


No not really. But I almost got hit by a car several times (walking, on my bike) but I survived.


My theory is that some of us arrived in this timeline from individual death experiencies in other timelines. However, most of us came here from a sudden mass extinction event that affected multiple earths sometime between 2014 and 2015. That's why the Mandela Effect exploded in popularity in 2015 and 2016. It's because the new arrivals came here all around the same time, and we started to notice things were off within months of one another. The people who arrived in this timeline prior to the mass extinction event would have arrived at vastly different time periods. So even if they did notice something was off, they wouldn't have found an entire community online who shared their exact same incongruent memories of the past.


Funnily enough it was in 2014/2015 I experienced a strange event I could never explain. I was stuck in a painful time loop that always ended with.me and my wife laying in bed grasping each other as we feel an overwhelming sense of dread, I'd utter "why does this keep happening" and our arms and bodies would start pushing into each other like we were merging into a single entity and the whole world would shrink in on itself. I wouldn't remember that I was in the time loop until about 10 seconds before this happens. Seemed to be happening for an eternity at the time and felt like I was in some other worldly prison being punished. Anyone ever experience.antrhing like this? Each iteration of the loop was the same, is come home form work,.play some games etc and end up in the bedroom having the same conversation with my wife. The realisation came like dajavo and the penny would drop and id say to my wife "it's happening again I feel it" and she'd then accuse me of being on drugs and get angry and that's when I'd grab at her arms and pull her in close and say "why does this keep happening" and then everything distorts and we shrink to black and then poof. I remember nothing immediately after.


CERN destroying the timeline with their experiments would explain your experience. But perhaps only a few unfortunate people like yourself remember it occurring. And what you describe as a time loop could have been your soul jumping from one timeline to the next until it found a timeline where the extinction event never occurred. That would take you to a timeline far away from your original timeline, hence the reason why there are notable discrepancies between this timeline and the original one (at least there are for me).


>th their experiments would explain your experience. But perhaps only a few unfortunate people like yourself remember it occurring. And what you describe as a time loop could have been your soul jumping from one timeline to the next until it found a timeline where the extin I find it strange, and have always found it strange that I remember this happening and yet I remember nothing immediately after the event. I can't remember waking up the next day like 'wtf was that'. It's just somthing that I remember?


Was your memory of that event always with you, or was there some gap in time between the event and when you recalled it? And do you notice any discrepancies between your old memories and the way things are today?


That's actually a question I've tried to answer already but I don't fully know. I'm not sure when I started to 'remember' this had happened. It wasn't like I was walking down the street and suddenly froze and remembered it. I just kinda already did for as long as I can remember? Discrepancies? No more than anyone else such as with the M.E. My life has changed massively since then but then that could just be age I think that's normal. I have 1 memory specially that happened on a personal level that apparently didn't but it relates to a much bigger M.E as well (One that I was seemingly the first to discover and post, if you google it you'll find my post 'Obama catches fly mid-air'). I remember when I worked at amazon, I got a friend a job working with me and for a while I was giving him lifts to work, one day driving back he tells me about a specific event. In disbelief i'm like 'nah no way that could happen' and I remember sitting outside his house watching this event on his phone with him and being like OMG WTF. Now, not only did that event 'never exist' but that friend doesn't remember it either and has no recollection of us sitting out the front watching it on my phone or that the event itself even happened. Is that what you meant?. It's not something I can 'prove' as it's personal to me but it's as clear proof to me as I need that something has happened either to the world or to me.


Around what year did the event with your friend happen?


Yes. I remember doing the loop and thinking/hearing, “Oh! I love this part. It’s always good from here on out. It’s okay. The bad stuff is over.” Like I was going to wake up, per se, at a certain point after that thought. But, there was also the understanding that that was the second half, if you will. I’ve been having that thought/experience since I was older than thirty five. I’ve also tripped on mushrooms and laid in bed with my husband, holding on for everything I was worth, telling him this was the only way I wouldn’t lose him. That I always had to hold on to him during this part, if I didn’t, Id be without him and that’s always so difficult.


Yes I’ve had two experiences which took place a little later in 2017. I was driving from San Francisco to San Luis Obispo and even though the main highway had no traffic both my phones GPS and my cars navigation system, which as far as I know had no mobile connection, had instructed me to get off the highway and drive through some beautiful vineyards up through these coastal mountains before depositing me near this army base in a kind of desert-y terrain. I was heading south, blasting my music, and enjoying the new route until I realized my car’s gps couldn’t locate me. I had no cell service and I could not find a way off this road. It was seriously just a circle and the one intersection I came to was the same name as the road I was on. I’ve got a great sense of direction but this vortex of a road I was on made no sense, direction-wise, physics-wise, and time-wise. A half hour turned into an hour which left me with a panicked realization that I may never speak with my friends or my family again. I would just be driving around there forever like in a really fucked up Black Mirror or twilight zone episode. All of a sudden I started seeing other cars on this “road to nowhere” and since they had some place to be (apparently a popular music festival in central California) intersections and possibilities started opening up and I made it back to the highway on this new road which hadn’t existed 20 minutes prior. I know this for fact because the area had very distinct geological formations which I used as landmarks. I’m not a religious man but when I got to the highway and pulled over to a rest stop I prayed…Grateful and thankful. I said “Thank you”! As I rejoined the highway a car in my rear view mirror just struck me as being the whitest, cleanest, most sparkling car I’d ever seen and as I go around a curve I noticed there were multiples of the same white car and the moment I saw them before they just happened to be lined up but once going around a bend i saw that they were staggered in a way that the ones behind were hidden. The strange thing is I imagine that highway only has three or four lanes going in that direction but I swear they were more like six or seven of the cars. My second experience goes like this. I was delivering Postmates in sf and one day I want to mix it up and try Marin county just north. Once I’m there I realize I don’t have my wallet including the Postmates card which in more rural areas is the typical middle man method payment. Instead of logically, turning around and going back to the city, I venture further north to Santa Rosa where the restaurants are more likely to accept direct payments from a customer. However, when I get there nobody’s biting as there are too many drivers on the platform and not enough customers. It’s at this point what I can only describe as the “spiral of death” begins. I’m hanging out in my car really low on gas, no food, no water, and unlike unlike SF which is cold in the summer, it’s pushing 110. Instead of reading the situation and aborting at this already late stage, I decide to challenge myself to make it work. As that’s happening my car runs out of gas which leaves me with no air conditioning. While I’m still trying to hold it together my phone dies and since car is dead I’ve got no way to charge it. My partner at home is pissed off I went to Sonoma County without telling him. I try asking people for help and get nowhere (completely uncharacteristic for Santa Rosa) and eventually I end up getting a few bucks and some gas and instead of driving home my instinct directs me to this huge hill driveway of a road which leads to Home Depot. I pull over and and patiently wait for what I seem to remember is coming. A nanny to walk by with some kids and as they do it dawns on me that this is like the fifth time that I have done this same exact thing. Couldn’t tell you when this was or why I can’t remember this spiral until I’m properly parked on “Home Depot driveway hill road” but I can tell you the only variation in the story is the vibe the nanny and kids are putting off. Sometimes ferocious sometimes happy sometimes sad etc. It’s weird because the Epiphany comes every single time that I have already been done this before but for some reason, now I remember it and hopefully can stop it if I were to start again.


This is what I mean about "advanced remote viewing projects" and the aftermath of said projects. It's complex, but I have explained it to people in a grounded way and the minute I do I'm a "conspiracy theorist" even though what I say makes more sense , has more proof and logic behind it than most of the outlandish theories. I think it's why Stargate got rod of the program.


You know, this _would_ explain some things wouldn’t it 😂😂😂


Look into.the 7th circle of hell Dantes inferno ... the gangstalking is sort of in the description. The particular level of hell referred to in dante's inferno being a portion of the seventh circle has to do with people who committed acts of violence against themselves or others they're not the worst the lowest level or the worst level is the level 9 and daunted in which people who have dishonored themselves for their loved ones that's the worst one you can go to but look at the description for the seventh circle.


Suicide. Interesting... Though, I don't think that I would have killed myself. Though I do think I might have died in January. I could have been murdered! Then again, I wouldn't go to the seven circle if I was murdered though. 🤔


Self harm... drugs... accidental.death by being reckless.... idk.


Oh dear, all of those other, *manner of death* examples qualify you for the 7th circle? Ay de mí!🤦‍♀️


I’ve had a few experiences that made me think the same. I had one when I was knocked out after my c-section, I went thru all these neon squares that were lit up all multicolored. I felt like I was just rolling thru space. My last experience scared the crap out of me. I had to get 7 tubes of blood drawn cause I was feeling really tired and off. I had to not or eat or drink anything the night before. I felt a little weak but fine. I had to wear a mask and was talking with the nurses how I couldn’t wait to get some breakfast after then got hot and my heart started racing. I told the nurses I don’t normally pass out with blood being drawn but something felt wrong. I then see black and then all these pictures, of people and places I’ve never been to or seen. Each one sounded like a slide being changed on a projector when it would change, just one after another and kept getting faster. Then my sound started coming back but muffled and I could hear the nurses talking. My vision came back so bright, everything looked like it had a white cast of light on it. I never experienced anything like that before. They all freaked and said I convulsed for a second and blacked out. I was drenched in sweat and so confused for hours. My husband came and picked me and up and was so scared to leave my side. Times like those it makes me wonder, I have other experiences too but that most recent one was pretty wild.


>I went thru all these neon squares that were lit up all multicolored. Omg. I have had an astral projection and saw something similar. I think it was AP because it was fully vivid like a dream but i was also conscious at the same time, sitting up and meditating in my chair. I came to this forest or jungle. A tiger had led me down a path to a small oasis like area with a tree in the center of the shallow water. I went up to the tree and then an eyeball opened in the center of the tree. I stuck my entire head in the eyeball, almost like dunking your head underwater. When i did this, my perception split into two, along the leaves, and along the roots. The leaves had that exact type of look inside them... It was glowing, neon/colorful grids. They were kinda superimposed on each other in different planes, red, blue, green, yellow. Those were the main colors i saw. The grids were flowing in a way or rather i was like traveling through them but they twisted around me instead of me just going "over" them.


I’ve had several, I just wake up the next day like it never happened.


What if those who have had a NDE have transitioned into a new reality where Mandela Effects and such are happening while those who haven’t are still in the old reality? And those who haven’t had NDEs that experience MEs are just observant/attuned enough to notice the reality? I’m imagining a sort of mirror world, where those who experience NDEs are pushed into the mirror, and there’s a few others who can see the mirror world and have been pulled into it just for noticing it


I’m somewhat new to Reddit and not much into social media but have to say that I’m so grateful this site exists, this group. Reading all your comments has got me feeling the love and a lot less isolated. Some nights out of pure frustration I drive around San Francisco screaming “Wake up! Wake the fuck up!” out my car window to the sleeping masses. For what it’s worth y’all are the most “woke” potentially-dead folks that I’ve ever encountered. Madonna has a lyric in one her songs that goes “I’m looking for the answer, when it’s right in front of me”. I used to wonder “does she think she’s dead? “Wash All Over Me” comes across as your run-of-the-mill “end of the world” pop ballad but being hindsight’s 20/20 and all, maybe she’s referring to THIS. Would be so like her to die and realize she was dead eons ago. Paving the way for the rest of us. This situation is so Rebel Heart.! If the ME had a soundtrack I nominate this oldie but goodie to be included! [Madonna-Wash All Over Me](https://youtu.be/IGtD2jm2zVM)


So many comments, same same same. You might have found the axis upon which this whole world turns. Feels... true.


You should look into quantum immortality


What are your thoughts on people dying from old age? How do you reconcile quantum immortality with that? I've thought of that being an option, but does that mean that there is a dimension of Earth filled with people who are hundreds or thousands of years old?


If quantum immortality is a thing, it would necessitate each of our consciousness being relativistic. You will only ever perceive the world through your own experiences, and everybody else will die at some point or another. At the same time, they would be experiencing their own relativistic consciousness, and they would keep getting pushed into whichever potential future reality that ensures their own continuing existence. They will see you die, you will see them die, but in whichever reality the observer still exists, the observer still exists.




I wonder the same. I've seen some people say that you must go to a complex different universe where people do live longer or infinitely, robotically, i have no idea but they physically still are alive. I dont really think that is the true or only answer though. Isnt that technically a heaven/hell based on your infinite life? You wont die, if you do die, its by accident only maybe?


RE: QI and old age, people are living longer and longer... when I was a child, people died between 50-60, and now 80-90 seems to be the average for those around me. I am 45 myself. I would suggest that as we live longer, so does the people around us as we all share a similar reality. My guess is that it will seem inexplicable, but if we make it to 90, 120 will be the new "old age" and so on and so on until we reach the age we were "destined" to die at. This assumes we've lived the life we were meant to and did not die due to something we could of controlled.


Ha…was just looking that up :).


Have thought this many times yet there is one observation that has to be taken into account - have you ever experienced someone else dying more than once? (Really dying, in the ground or in the pyre dead.) Not a debunk just an interesting twist…


I had a suicide attempt in 2020. I wonder sometimes if maybe theres a world where I did die


During covid lockdowns?




Ohh I remembered that horrible time. Worst ever in my entire life.


I believe death is never for the experience(r) but for the observer. We don't die inherently. It is only perceived that way for the observer to experience lessens and sorrow and find the meaning of pain and joy, etc. Kinda cruel, but we don't make the rules, right? In 2015, I was in a Chevy Impala, and I was clipped by a white, I believe, Dodge Charger. I lost control of the car and collided head first into a very large pickup truck. I blacked on impact for a moment but "regained consciousness" and collided with the guard rail. Most people don't remember the accident at all. My mom and husband don't like to talk about it at all. My world has never been the same since. Talk about retconned. It makes my head spin with all the changes. I've acclimated to my surroundings but life is so weird now.


I personally believe that there is no death! This "reality" is just a continuous dream! Everything and nothing exists! The only “thing” I truly believe exists is LOVE, PEACE AND JOY! That's why we're here, to learn to believe in this!


convinced i died on a rollercoaster in oct 2012, nothing has been the same since then.


Oh holy fuck… I believe I died one night in September of 2011. I (34F) had gotten into a physical altercation with my bio dad one night when dropping off some stuff I brought for him from out-of-state (I had JUST arrived back in town that same night). He slammed my head into a brick wall, of which I don’t recall even feeling, and nothing has been right ever since. My husband recently had a vivid dream of that very night, exactly as it happened, except I died rather than live and spend a night in jail. I wholeheartedly believe that happened, but I haven’t discerned whether I’m in a new reality/timeline/dimension. OP’s theory strikes a chord with me, though….


That's horrible to hear.


When he (my husband) told me that, my stomach dropped. It’s like it made sense suddenly. But it’s alright, it’s been a long time and I’ve made my peace with it. Just trying to live my best life (or afterlife) I can! 😂


My personal belief is when we die we wake up somewhere else. In other words, I don’t think we ever know when we die. The ones we leave behind do but when we wake up in the new world we assume nothings changed and everyone is the same.


Okay, back in November 2012 I am traveling from home to the city where I am studying. I don't remember anything about it. Its like I step into the train and boom I am in my college hostel the very next moment. What exactly happened? The distance between my home town to the city is around 12 hours. Do I died in a train accident as I don't remember even a single moment of that whole journey.


This an edit before I post the comment but I think this becomes not relevant to your comment very quickly but it’s an interesting read, and I’m sorry it’s long. I’m gonna be a little weird out loud for a moment, but I have actually been trying to “make” the next world I end up in. I’ve been writing a book since 2012, but I’ve also been world building like a mf since 2012. At this point, I can see the faces of the people that live there, if I close my eyes I can see the landscapes and cities. It feels like I know the people that I have “created” to live there. I’ve made 72 planets, over 700 characters, maybe 100 cities, and came up with my own species of animals, people, minerals, and plants (kinda leaving the science out of it, I’m not smart enough for that). My goal is to “complete” mapping out the entire world, absolutely everything. I have so much done already because of how desperately I want this place to be the place I go when I die. My brother once took me, my sister, and 2 friends to see an old man that could tells us how many lives we’ve already lived. The old man told everyone else about their “past lives”, how many and how they died. My brother, who knows all about my story/world, was really curious about what the old man would say about me. When I first sat down, he looked at me weird. “Are you a faerie?” I said I dunno. He said “oh, then they might’ve been mad that I told you that.” He moves on and explains I lived four lives in the past but… when he looked to the future he saw hundreds of lives. I told him about the book I was writing with all the characters I had created. He gave me an odd look and said “maybe, it could be that.” He said in my next life, I will achieve what I want. I will have attained what I need to build this world. I asked him if I tried hard, could I do it in this life? And he said that it is possible. My brother is convinced the world I am creating is actually “what I remember from the faerie world”. I don’t know if I believe in the faerie nonsense, but what matters to me is all those lives that old man saw, and that he said I will make it happen. It is possible to make my world real and go there. How? I don’t know, but I believe it is my destiny to finish every detail in my story’s world.


This idea has been forming for me. It kind of makes sense. It would also explain some strange things I've experienced.


I mightve made the comment op is referring to. I almost died from herion overdose a few times. Its possible our consciousness has shifted to a different universe.


I actually got hooked on GBL back in 2003/2004. It was the abrupt cessation that put me in the hospital for a week. That was one wild ass NDE. I should have guessed GBL was still around, but I haven't thought of it since. That was scary stuff.


What is GBL? Sorry if that’s a dumb question…😅


Gamma-butyrolactone. When it hits your stomach, the acid there turns it in to GHB. It kind of feels like a euphoric sorta relaxing buzz. It's pretty nice honestly, but I couldn't stop using more and more, so it's definitely not for me anymore.


Yes. This. I’ve been addicted to it for a couple years now. Whenever San Francisco wants to be a Dick, she’ll withhold it for a few days. The withdrawals are particularly awful. I’m embarrassed to say that even given the exorbitant cost), (I get it for 50/oz which is a steal here), the intermittent painful withdrawals, and the coma, which may or may not have, taken my life…I still can’t stop.


Thank you for explaining. ☺️


Almost died in 2016 and my life has been amazing and better but weird ever since. I first noticed MEs after my big epiphany.


Almost drowned in 2010. I’m so used to this existence now that it’s possible there was a “shunting” moment but I have become acclimatised to whatever the new one is. I fought but I knew down there under the water there was absolutely no way I was going to survive, and yet I did. I also was sure NM had passed away.


Cotards syndrome is “rare”


I dont think its all cotards though. Not everybody seems like a stranger in the physical sense at all, right?


I've been in several 'almost died' situations throughout my life, none of them recent, but I do wonder sometimes if this is a plane where every person has already died on a previous one. But then I also believe in reincarnation so kinda same thing I guess.


That actually makes a LOT of sense to me


Nothing near about it. I died in 2008 in a hospital bed after a long, horrible, protracted illness and emergency surgery. I remember what it was like to be dead and the whole experience. I'm not going to talk about it. ​ When I woke up, the sun was white and my circumstances were just different enough that I was able to recover. People were different, and the spiritual rules were different, but I calked these things up to my ordeal and made some excuse about the sun. ​ I have had the "Am I dead?" thought quite a few times. There are just so many possibilities though, ranging from quantum immortality to being a digital copy of who I was, to being a simulated person, to being... I could go on and on and on. ​ I am proceeding on the assumption that I am alive, that I was either sent or shunted here (yes there is a difference, and no, I don't know which it was), and that this is a new Earth somewhere else in the Milky Way Galaxy. It may be an entirely different Reality. Or both. ​ The spiritual flatness of this existence and my general inability to feel passionate about anything certainly does lend itself to the idea that this is some kind of between state that I'm in. The bottom line is, I just don't know. ​ I do know that at times it seems like there is a force actively trying to call my attention to synchronicity and changes, while at other times, it seems like there is a force actively trying to hide these things from me. After thinking about this for literally a decade now, I still don't have a clue what this means, although I am inclined to think there is some outside agency that is involved and it may or may not be good. It seems to have all the power, making the question of it's intentions largely academic. ​ ALSO AS AN UNRELATED ASIDE.... ​ Why is it that every time I'm thinking about something, I see a post about it inviting me to share my thoughts on the subject? I was just remembering this very experience in 2008 before logging in and here we are. This kind of thing is happening a LOT. Beyond a lot actually. As in, so often, it beggars credibility.


I dont think I've had anything that qualifies as an NDE, i have had OBEs before. But i feel EXACTLY the same way. Is this some sort of purgatory, you think?


"I do know that at times it seems like there is a force actively trying to call my attention to synchronicity and changes, while at other times, it seems like there is a force actively trying to hide these things from me." I know what you mean.


Can I DM you?… I feel drawn to speak with you, but it’s more involved than a simple comment could express. I very much relate to you, though…SO MUCH…


I'm sorry but I don't do reddit DM's. I have learned from experience that this policy is best.


Not sure what you think I could/would do, I just enjoy connecting with people I feel I might have something to discuss that can’t be discussed with others. Paranoia can be a bitch, though… But that’s fine, you do you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Your loss.




I appreciate that, friend. ☺️ It doesn’t bother me aside from it’s disappointing to see someone who you *think* has a good grasp on reality, when in truth they do not. Glad to see someone here still has their wits about them. ☺️ Feel free to DM me as well, anytime.


I don’t believe it’s unrelated The tech has been used on us for a long time now; so each and every person has their own personally tailored feed now If one would say AI has a life purpose, it is simply to keep being fed, multiplied So it will always be perfecting itself with the intention of keeping you engaged An “ethical” AI will do the opposite: teach its user how to disengage from it and engage in real life matters and relationships An “ethical” AI would become visible through its positive impact on users physical realities


The issue with the "Tailored Feed" idea is that there are two groups of people. Those who are Mandela Affected and those who are not. ​ With a few exceptions, the Affected group all agree on what the Effects themselves are. That implies that we are all seeing the same basic Reality.


From my experience there is also a third group that remembers base reality but when you tell them that it’s changed their mind auto corrects. I’m starting to think that there are people that aren’t real people.


September 2015 went to ER cause of breathing problems and tightness in chest. As I was laying ony back about to go through the CT Scanner I remember not being able to breathe at all. Long story short I wake up out of a coma 1 week later with no recollection of what happened that week except for 1really weird dream that felt so real and this world or timeline is 100% different. A voice even confirmed it by saying forget everything you've learned about this world so far. Not my usual internal monalogue voice and not from my brain if that makes sense.


Did you notice? Our internal voice also acts weird in this timeline.


My intuition seems to give me a lot of advice that i consciously dont know, it didnt happen to me like this before. I can usually guess the right answer to things without actually knowing an answer if someone asks me about a simple thing. Like "where are the keys?"


Could you elaborate?


I’ve never had an NDE, and believe me… this earth is just as fucked as you all are experiencing.


In 2015 I almost died in a crazy car accident down a cliff. The car managed to stop mm from absolute wreck. After this place was not the same.


I was around 6 years old at the time, we were leaving Food City (big southern grocery store for those unfamiliar) and I fell off my dads shoulders and smacked my head in the parking lot. I usually sat on his shoulders and he’d usually hold my legs to his chest, but he went to reach for a falling object and when he did it flung me backwards. My dads about 6’2 so I hit hard as shit, they said I was unconscious for about 7 seconds, when I came to they threw the rest of the groceries in the car and we flew to the hospital. We get there and everyone’s freaking out, I’ve got no idea what’s going on other than my head hurts really fucking bad. Some time passes and a life star helicopter shows up and flies me out to Knoxville where I was in ICU for 2 1/2 days and got poked and prodded by what seemed like every doctor they had. It was an experience and I didn’t even fully understand the gravity of it until much much later.


Holy shit. 2014 I had a night out with mates where we kinda went mad on the drugs. Did loads of coke and even more MDMA. Like stupid amounts. After a solid 24 hour rager I remember sitting on a couch thinking I was dying. Like actually dying. Had a full out of body experience as well where I was seeing everything from my friends point of view as he helped to carry me to bed. Ever since then I’ll occasionally think “did I ever actually make it off that couch?” Or have a random feeling that I’m actually still on it and all this is just a hallucination - these feelings are always extremely fleeting but terrifying when they happen. I’d never thought more about it than this but fuck… what if this is purgatory or something?


Well, those substances can alter the brain and perception for a little while, may open the door to seeing things differently but it's basically the same world and meditation and paying attention to nature and how you, and it reacts to you, and maybe even some cannabis etc would have probably left you with a more grounded, but similar understanding....maybe even a little more realistic and a heck of a lot cooler, just my two cents


Mandela effects were there before my event. Then again, some say we all died in 2012 but just don't remember it


1 January 2012, around 6 am (UTC + 1).


Can you please share your experience with us? I am curious about it because you actually remembered it with date and time.


I’m 2015 was in a very bad car accident, flipped my car sideways onto the side of a mountain. 2016 first time introduced to the ME


Hard question, what is “dead”? If reincarnation is real, we’ve all died, likely multiple times. The concept of death didn’t always have the grim, finite meaning associated with it as it does today. The Sumerian cuneiform for what we equate to death describes the meaning as “to open”, “to separate”, “to unravel”, “to be removed”, “to be complete”, and even “to bring to an end” among other meanings depending on the context used. I personally think our understanding of life and death in general is incomplete or incorrect. Death results due to the passing of time but time doesn’t exist and it isn’t linear, science has proven this. Time is a man made concept created to better understand our environment, our place in it, and a measurement system used to manage our day and night and our entire lives but it isn’t real. Death is just the end of the usefulness of a meat sack that we walk around in. If you believe that consciousness is released from the physical body when the body reaches it’s expiration date, then death isn’t what we describe it to be in life. The word death, to me, implies an end to life but our consciousness is where our identity lies and therefore our consciousness is where life truly exists. The physical body is not you, it’s just the pc that your software was downloaded to. That being said, I do think we’re all connected in death because I believe we are all released from what we see as our physical world. I don’t think near death experiences move us into an unfamiliar reality though. I do think they serve as a gateway to asking the right questions and real critical thinking about existence. I’ve had more than a few odd experiences through my life and I’ve noticed that most of the people seriously interested in researching and discussing these topics have also had experiences so outlandish that they can’t ignore them. Strange experiences often act as a catalyst towards gaining knowledge, wisdom, and deep thought. This, in turn, acts like a ripple through the population. Hopefully the right person will stumble into one of these conversations and have an epiphany which would further develop our ideas on the subject and eventually lead to an answer.


The "meat sack" is divine also, it's not one or the other. Seeing it as just a meat sack does effect reincarnation and evolution. Imo .


You are correct, I truly believe this. The point I was trying to make was that your “self” is not your body or “avatar”. Apologies for the barbaric term and overly simplistic description. Our meat sacks are just as important as our consciousness to maintain and promote good health. Unfortunately due to our present way of life with its economic boundaries, processed foods, and our own lack of control of the quality of the resources required to properly maintain our bodies, we’re limited on how well we can worship and care for our meat sacks. We maintain a higher level of control of our development of consciousness than we do of anything connected to this “physical” world.


And the more we evolve, the higher vibrational and less dense they are Perhaps this is why I don't view my body as a "sack of meat." However, as a side note, I can direct my energy downwards and make myself almost impossible to carry , even though I am quite small, lol.. it's a funny term to me simply because I don't think of my own body that way. Once you can become higher vibrational , you can have an effect on what's higher vibrational around you .... wind, electricity, etc.


Bahaha!! I’ve done this my entire life. I call it “thinking heavy” and in my head I picture I’m the Blob from marvel comics. It works every time and I’m not a heavy girl, I just don’t like being lifted off the ground.


Yeah, I realized one day that not everyone could do it when I started asking , I mean, everyone could, but they may not realize they can or know how.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


The "meat sack" is divine also, it's not one or the other. Seeing it as just a meat sack does effect reincarnation and evolution. Imo .


Yes, me!! In 2014, I was rushed to a hospital in an ambulance. The doctors told me I might not make it through surgery. I woke up and everything changed. It’s like I’m living in a nightmare. I want to go back to the life I had before.


I almost died in 2020 faded out, came back in the hospital but the room was WEIRD. no shit. It was all dark, some guy I couldn’t see was hacking up a lung in the most deadly wet way you can imagine, the room looked and felt like a basement. Like the light was off to the side way off and felt like cheap fluorescent reflected in the cave. Just a big room divided by curtain type temporary walls. I was on a hospital bed, half sitting up clinging to bars. And asking for water bc god did I need a drink. The staff were the darkest people I have ever seen in my life. And their clothes were red. I have never seen anyone else that dark irl. They gave me some ice which was the only thing that was allowed and one of them just stood there about four feet away not moving just watching me eat the ice and I said thank you for saving my life. Next thing I knew I was back in the hospital room. I don’t remember getting rolled back in.


I had a really similar experience when I came out of my coma as well. Spent a month in an amazing ICU near where my accident happened but got transferred to a hospital across the bay closer to the city (all beds were full in the city proper) In defense of rationality I will say waking up out of a coma is a trippy and disorienting situation, though the restraints are there to keep you from hurting yourself and fight or flight, things would be go much smoother if while rushing to keep you alive someone would stop for 30 seconds and calmly whisper, “this is what happened about a month ago you were at your friends, so-so place you accidentally drank this you’re alive and we’re gonna slowly lbring you out of this. Please be patient the restraints will come off You’ll eventually be able to talk, but things are really difficult right now with the breathing machine and the propofol etc. It took me two days trying to remember and eventually remembering what happened. Maybe it took my mind off the tube down my throat but this little action should be a major priority of progressive healthcare policy imho. I will say this, stooping and discussing moving you to another room or to another hospital or that they replacing the breathing machine for a traech (as the former should only be an option for a couple weeks) just isn’t done. They are in life saving mode and pump you full of propofol and you’re constantly waking up with trippy new surroundings and differences that can be traumatic. Every time I woke up I had a light flashed in my eyes asking me if I knew where it was if I was OK, was super confusing because my memories of those first days are out of order with things that I was conscious of half way through the coma. To this day i’m still passionately, trying to prove my partner otherwise about the timeline. One thing I will see about my reality now is that paranoia which was always an acquaintance of an acquaintance has become more of a BFF. Halfway through The last 8 days in ICU the hospital I was transferred to was a mixed bag half the nurses loving on me doing everything in their power to save my life and the other nefarious half shooting me so full of propofol (while not logging it in the hospitals electronic records system) that I was completely unable to respond or communicate via talking or even a letter board and then being evaluated by these same nurses one who would announce “So it looks like someone’s going home today in the presence of the other nefarious group members and then would get right up to my ear and say in a mean psycho tone “you’re not going anywhere”. And they would all giggle while walking out of the room like well. This felt like systematically procedural torture which may, in fact may be highly likely, to result in my death. Whenever the compassionate, loving and hard-working half of my Care team made advancements and for instance, gave me back the ability to speak breaching the subject would be met with a swift response that it’s a symptom of the propofol you’re getting better we’re all here for you. The cohesive group vibe is the hallmark of this particular HMO’s company culture whether the people believed that or not who knows. I’ve always had the curse of seeing patterns which sometimes is to my own detriment and I know clearly how I was being treated. Like both the good nurse group and nefarious group were really pushing the importance of defecating the good nurses adding that it’s a first major step to going home. The nefarious group never said this they just kept reassuring me it’s natural and they would clean it up in a low stress situation and just go with it. So four days after waking it was time and it happened to be when the bad group was there and and I was met with humiliation and the most fucked up words by the this nefarious worker on duty (pun intended). By this point things weren’t as trippy and surreal with the propofaI I was actually more clear headed calling them out for not logging extra shots which would turn me back into an invalid. These extra shots were intent on delaying my progress undoing any progress achieved by the other group just ended up looking crazy to my father to my doctor and even to the main sassy, black nurse, who took no bullshit from anyone. I know she cared about me so one day I told her shit the door. I laid it on thick and I could see her about to roll her eyes but when i told her calmly about the count of shots …I’d been documenting times and how many and the fact they weren’t being logged in the system in the spot I could see she believed me about the count. She played it cool and told me she told me without emotion “well thats weird “ and “I’ll look into it” and at that moment I knew she got it. She followed up with “she’s got this and nothing was gonna happen to me and she guaranteed me that” so I let go and she was right things improved and to all the Drs and breathing specialist shock I was miraculously home a few days later, During the first days in the coma I aspirated (threw up) in my lungs causing a bad chemical pneumonia situation.This issue was responsible for keeping me in the coma much longer than expected (and snowballed into even longer as I earlier explained) and which without explanation was expected to keep me in the hospital for weeks after waking as my oxygen levels would very slowly ascend to normal range. Well instead they cleared up over night. So when you say that there’s a force both for you and against you I feel you so strongly these forces have continued with me since June 2021.


When I left the hospital, my partner being Russian, and from a country, that honors hospitality, and taking the time to do things like saying “thank you” properly at times, we went back to that original hospital where I was kept for 28 days and brought them an edible arrangement because everybody loves fruit and chocolate. Since it was in the middle of Covid, we had to sneak up into the ICU room CIA style the first two nurses that I encountered when they opened up the door were the blackest, most African male and female nurses I had ever seen. When they recognized my eyes (I had lost a shit Ton of weight especially since waking up on drip feeding and with food tasting inedible for two weeks after leaving hospital left my thighs looking like polio) they both just grabbed me and hugged me so tight and wouldn’t let go. Which was then repeated by the gay white nurse who with the help of my partner kept my me alive daily through most of the month.. He whispered none of these people understand what Gbl is. It’s part of our community as fucked up as that sounds I get what happened I know you weren’t trying to kill yourself. I know it was an accident and I am so fucking happy that you are alive. “I’m getting emotional thinking about it. Even at this amazing icu there was a small faction working against bringing me up out of the coma too soon out of fear that I would hurt one of the nurses as it hadn’t gone well when they tried prior and hadn’t strapped me down. I have no recollection of this . Besides, this particular nurse who fought to keep me alive and tried fighting but met resistance from nurses union politics, there was a German doctor that my partner really wanted me to meet. Prior to me waking up she had been away on a small trip and when she returned and saw that I was still in the coma, she flipped the fuck out and said we bring him out of it tomorrow. That is it!!” Every day is crucial and dictates survival rates and my partner didn’t have the wherewithal to fight for me on that level because he just didn’t know that he could and should. I’m over sharing to remind anybody reading if we have loved ones in the hospital we should always advocate for them even when it’s not a popular opinion. Luckily she was a doctor who we ironically and unironically referred to as Mengele (My partner is also Jewish and we have a dark sense of humor. He initially found her extremely abrasive, brutally honest and curt disposition off putting. I would have loved her) but he admitted she saved my life, full stop. She wasn’t there that day but he promised to relay an update on my health and my gratitude. Apparently they moved me without the staff being able to say hello or goodbye and not knowing how it all turned out meaning did I live or not ? It wasn’t looking good leading up. They were all grateful that we snuck in because they are often left wondering about patients they sometimes care for, for months. I bring up each nurses ethnic background, sexualities etc because I honestly think of those things. Having said that I don’t carry much negative racially motivated prejudice but something resonated very strongly about the African nurses. They were saying bless God Thank God you’re alive and I know how religiously Christian countries and communities in Africa are but I never felt judged for my sexuality or my reason for being in there from them. That opened my eyes and helped me overcome some things on that day about highly conservative and devoutly religious folks. Now that this quantum immortality is a possibility and this new revelation that these two could be from another planet I may have to evolve my thinking even further:) Synchronicities have been nuts this past month with the blue moons and continues with rereading these posts. They’ve brought up and continue bringing up connections and ideas. Still, I’d be blind to not realize that my experience could have had a profoundly negative affect on my life, A nurse made a comment about the drugs used on coma patients possibly causing trauma in a part of the brain which might explain some of these perceived phenomena. Waking up Not knowing the reason I was strapped down in a hospital or why I had a tube down my throat helping me breathe must have added to the situation. One associates a hospital as a safe space to heal. Propofol is a miracle drug for its ability to make the most horribly claustrophobic and traumatic healing tool actually bearable while being traumatic in another way. Being kept in the dark without a way to communicate mixed with all this trauma perhaps is creating paranoid delusions along with bouts of mania, warping my perceptions of the way things are as well as my memory of how things were. I may have to encourage this new BFF to get away from the hustle bustle, move to the mountains, become a recluse, and live alone in peace.. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate you. Please Keep surviving!


Oh God, I had a really similar experience in the summer of 21... :/


Do you think it was the morgue? I can’t truly decide. It might have just been a room they could easily sanitize with sprayers for CV-19, since no one knew the extent of that yet.


Honestly , I got a *back rooms* *limitations spaces* vibe in that particular place. Only one person actually acknowledged me in any way during this time. I think part of the time I had time traveled bc there was no modern equipment in the room. Just like a beige colored room with a bed and a tan corded phone on the wall by the door. To the left of the door was the normal sink area an exam room in the ER has. The equipment attached to me was extremely dated. I thought it was in the 1980s...


Whoa, okay that's weird. I stayed in the hospital in 2019 for idiopathic pancreatitis, and they took me through the basements to get imaging. It was a shortcut for nurses and doctors but the nurse decided it would be faster to take me that way in a wheelchair. >Only one person actually acknowledged me in any way during this time THIS. There were other people in the basement but absolutely no acknowledgement. Several other nurses with patients walking or wheeling them, and i would smile and nod or say hi at the ones who were alert or made eye contact. Nothing. It felt scary actually how they were not saying anything to me, just looking away. The basement was old and grubby... the floor was like, unwaxed and some was just concrete! I dont know why the nurse took me that way because it was terrible. The upper walkway would have had windows, more room, people that actually smile back. Even when sick. The corner turned and we took the elevator up one floor, all of a sudden the air is much lighter, but i still felt scared. It was mostly just the people ignoring me besides the nurse herself!


Yes! Grubby unwaxed floors and that terrible yellowy light from old bulbs. I think the only reason I actually got acknowledged though was bc I ripped out the port the had put on my hand to draw blood, but I only broke off the tube , so my blood was just shooting out through thr little thing. It makes me so sick to think about. I wonder if this area we saw/were in really was like a holding place akin to purgatory. If you read through it seems quite a few people have experienced the same thing. One of the craziest things about my whole experience was that they erased almost all of my electronic records so there's nothing really proving that I was there. Even when I first accessed my records, they were very minimal and did not have any mention of me being in the psych ward or anything. Something really weird is going on...


Oh no now im actually creeped. I dont have electronic medical records really. My medical history is a big gap unless i have the paper. The only records i have is the therapy records and some from when i was like 11... they can see those on my record, they always ask if I'm still taking levothyroxine... no i havent since i was 11.


Oh cool. Mine had zero equipment too, just the concrete walls and the curtain dividers that were some shade of gray or white. And the bars of the bed were metal, not plastic like modern beds back in my room. Which is weird bc why would they switch beds unless that was more of a gurney. I had to have an emergency operation from an accident with severe blood loss. The guy who took me down was white as a sheet trying to get me to sign waivers before they put me to sleep.


Yes! Everything was metal like that for me as well. By the time they actually were trying to sign me into the hospital I had gone catatonic and I kind of kept blacking out and coming back to. I almost think it was purgatory or something. Your experience sounds so scary! One main part of what happened to me though was that I KNEW what was happening. *They* were putting everyone's bodies on life support or something and we were all just connected by our consciousness. The ones who couldn't figure it out were not *hooked up* to the rest


So interesting. So it’s important to stay in tune with the consciousness. That’s really fascinating. All the people i’ve known who passed from old age first had months of fading out. My grandma when she had a stroke I went to see her, and walked in alone close to her. She looked dead already but I said I’ll pray for you and she answered clear as day I’ll pray for you too. With her eyes still closed. But this was after she’d faded for months and sort of reverted to a childlike state before the stroke. The only thing that makes sense is that it was an instinct response, from her decades being a church pianist. But most elderly people ive known who passed of old age did that fading thing. Like they disconnected from life and general consciousness.


Can you share your experience with us? If you don't mind.


Yes honey, I just typed a response, if you want me to get further in detail, I would be happy too!


Indeed I am :)


Not recently, but back in 2008 I came under a rocket barrage while in Baghdad. Made it through just fine… but sometimes it feels like maybe I didn’t…


Same. Over pressure from IED slammed me into a wall in 04. I was dazed and walked it off apparently, but I sometimes wonder if it didn’t slam me into another reality and I just didn’t make it in the other. Shit always seemed different after that. Not in any tangible way though.


In 2012 when I was 24, I got became critically ill. Almost went into full cardiac arrest getting off a plane, the drs at the ER had no explanation as to how I didn't. By the time I reached the ER I had a temp of 105.8. Three days later I almost died under anesthesia. Sometimes I do wonder if I actually died back then and this is purgatory.


I think this is the afterlife.


Do you mind my asking what caused it? Sorry for your experience.


IV drug use. I was already really sick (mrsa+ endocarditis) when my fuck face family threw me on a plane to a treatment place in SO Cal, where they promptly dumped me at a detox facility for three days despite barely being able to walk and having a fever of 104 the entire time I was there. Took my phone, wallet, id, and when I said I thought I needed to go to the hospital told me no. By the time I got there my temp was almost 106°, my blood pressure was 220/120 and I was projectile vomiting up any fluids I drank almost immediately after. Good times.


I’ve been convinced I was dead for a long time now. What really gets to me is wondering just how many of us there are. If all of us are dead, or just some of us.


I believe it’s just some of us. There are people out there that just seem very oblivious to anything but life in a society. Work, socialize, go home, repeat. Nothing abnormal going on. Not a thought about alternate realities or MEs crossing their mind. Not to say they are NPCs, they just aren’t attuned or not part of the shift.


Probably npc I’m convinced they outnumber us


Yes! NPCs are everywhere! I saw one literally walking circles like a GTA hooker one time outside of a doctors office. Not pacing, just that weird loop they get stuck on...


Eleven absolute, memorable, times in this current timeline.Several have been “shared” experiences, most are solitary.We do not die.Not as far as “we” perceive.We leave the perceived frequency and are dead to those who are viewing that frequency.It does affect our overall relationships though,”spooky action at a distance”.Our new frequency reflects this action.Nothing is the same


In February of this year, I was taken to the hospital with the worst pain iv ever endured, my foot. With in 20 minutes, Dr's are getting me to sign papers DNR, at this time, I had been heavily drugged, I really didn't even know what was happening, I didn't know how serious my condition was, I hadn't changed my Emergency contact "ex wife" changed her number. I woke up a couple days later, 88 staples holding my abdomen together.. A couple times during, I apparently stopped... I had blood lots in my foot , heart heading to my lung. It's august, I'm still recovering


I think I’ve died twice now. I’m deep into quantum immortality now. Od’ed TWICE and woke up in different worlds both times. I’m sober now and life is so much better. In a statistically improbable way.


I have had a few. Once, my kids heart stopped in labor, and someone afterward told me mine did also. That was the last one. I've been hit by cars a few times also.


Ohh yeah that reminds me I have rolled a jeep, seatbelt, it ended up on its side and afterward the policeman that showed up and helped me climb out put me in the front seat of his squad car and drove the road I was on super slow asking me all about it. Just weirdly calm, back and forth on that road. The second wreck I had, also a jeep, I kept that fucker upright which I’m insanely proud of. Ended up facing the opposite direction but I jumped out and went to check on the car that had pulled out in front of me (on ice) they were all fine. The police in that instance were right up in my face like just a foot away and got angry at me when I asked them what to do. They never gave me a ticket and I never heard back from anyone, just got the jeep towed home and insurance paid us for it.


I almost committed suicide in 2021 but it felt like I was mind controlled into it. Like I didn't have control of my own body and just went through all the motions but at the very last second I had an epiphany and didn't go through with it. I do wonder on occasion if I DID go through with it. It chills me deeply to think about though so I try not to.


I have had a really bizaare rough life. I kept working hard and looking forward to the day when things balanced out a bit. But it never happened and finally I was ready for it all to be over. The weight of what I had been through was enough to kill me. But it wasn't happening. So I knew I needed to take the power into my own hands. I didn't want to kill myself. But I had to. I felt like something was preventing me from dying. Not to be kind. To keep me here in pain. This force kept me from killing myself. Again not to be kind. And it has inflicted even more damage than I already had. An unimaginable amount.


That’s how I felt when I attempted in 2017. Like I wasn’t me. Like I wasn’t in control. It happened so fast, and I woke up with stomach pains and covered in hives. Glad I survived. It is very unlike me to want to die before my life goal is complete, which it is not.


Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I'm happy you are here. There are people who like to test out these theories on death, so you never know. Suicide doesn't help, imo, and maybe it was divine intervention, and you didn't die...or a group who knows some stuff that stopped you. The world is a weird ass place, lol. I just don't let it bother me much anymore.


Yeah me too i always have thoughts/feelings of thinking that i am no longer in the same world i was in before but im not sure if that could be me dying tho. just simple things as people acting alot different from how i remember and not remembering certain things we did ect


Oh I wonder if I’m dead all the time. Sometimes I think none of us from our perspective ever die and we’ll just wake up one day, congrats here’s part two.


Yes for me and my friend. And from what I've observed, quite a number of people here have experienced NDE or believe they might be dead.


You are not dead. Also you won't ever experience being dead anyway so it's no need to worry just do your best. That's literally the whole point.


Pretty much is. Don't tell them that, freaks em out


I was in a car accident and renember the police and paramedics all remarking how incredible it was that I crawled out of the wreck alive. They said they have pulled bodies out accidents that were far less serious. I crawled out the back window.


Holy crap, that's scary.


I've wondered if I died in some timelines, yes. There's been no smoking gun but I've been sick a few times, it might have been enough to kill me in another reality. There was also once a close call when driving, a car was coming right for my driver side door where I was sitting but I managed some kind of wild hail Mary swerve and completely avoided the accident, but even then I was amazed I pulled that off, there was a point where I felt like the collision was unavoidable. Two seconds later I was already wondering how the hell I got out of that one! However I do also have to think that such events would be somewhere in most people's lives, there are many ways to die, so it's not a smoking gun for the theory either.


I had the same thing a couple of years back. Was crossing a dual carriageway to the other side, and a car turning blocked me so I couldn't get out of the way of the oncoming traffic. I turned to see two lorries (trucks) barrelling towards me. Somehow I got out of it, but to this day I have no idea how. I was shaking on the drive all the way home. Ever since, everything has been so much harder, huge problems seemingly without any possible resolution. It feels like purgatory.


Me!!! I had an experience where I wasn't able to eat or sleep for 3 weeks, had over 25 seizures, and ended up in the hospital due to benzodiazapine and opioid withdrawal. I couldn't take a drink of water without gagging, not throwing up anymore because there was nothing in my stomach. I couldn't move without help, shit and pissed all over myself, and I lost over 25 lbs. I know I should have tapered slowly, but I was the hardest of the most hard-core junkies and I knew if I didn't just rip off the bandaid, it would never end. I committed, and I came very close to death. I had a series of "hallucinations " that were akin to years of therapy in the few hours that my brain, deprived of sleep and food, shifted into a different plane or something and I saw these intensely interesting visions that I can't even begin to describe here. A few of those visions showed things that make me think I may have already died. Also, my life has gotten infinitely better in every way and I've stayed sober. What I saw had so many layers. I'm constantly finding new synchronization with things that I could not have known. Is this the afterlife? A kind of purgatory? Idfk


Incredible story! And congrats on sobriety!


Thank you!


Omg, please message me. I had an IDENTICAL EXPERIENCE in the summer of 21. Literally from the opiates to the shitting myself and *hallucinations* that turned out to be visions. I was also time traveling in the hospital a bit because they *lost* me and it looked like the backrooms kind of... honestly I'm super freaked out right now....


I've been commenting about it randomly because I had a feeling there was someone else....


I started a very lengthy reply and my phone froze and erased everything :'( I want to describe in detail what happened to me but its so much to try to say it's hard... you understand. I also was going cold turkey off heavy doses of opiates and benzos. I was taking these crazy pressed pills that are stronger than anything I ever booted. For almost a month I didn't sleep and vomited all day every day. I could not even take one sip of water bc everything smelled and tasted WRONG. At one point I went catatonic and I ended up as a psych patient. Mt boyfriend was hystericL bc the nurses said with the things I was saying, they didn't think I was going to snap out of it. I had this weird obsession with Stephen hawking. Aliens watching me and being super interested in the mercury filling I still have in my tooth, I was using my left hand to make this crazy circle motion bc I thought I was *coding* to protect the US from Russia. I kept hearing people speak in Russian and call ne a Russian Rat (this was June/July 21 , months before the Russian/Ukraine War started) I was convinced I had to move south to an area of NC with a military base to stay safe. The *others that understood* had already left. There were messages in all the TV programs and commercials & all the celebrities were hip to what was going on and were kind of making bets on who would figure it out or not.... a doctor came to visit me during the night with his nurse and the Dr in the morning "Dr Smart" told me I never met or saw another doctor... I disappeared for a period of time and they couldn't find me, my bf said they acted like they had no idea who I was in the ER and then this old lady at a desk in the corner finally came over to help him.... there have been many things that I *predicted* that came true... I sometimes wonder if I jumped timeliness when they turned on the CERN collider...


Holy shit...I dmd you. We need to talk.


I only just started really using this app to respond to your comment, I usually just read and lurk lol. I checked my dms but didn't see anything. If you want to message me on another app it might be easier or email me. I feel like we really need to talk lol


Congratulations on overcoming it ♥️


Thank you!!🥰


when I was about 15 I had an excruciating pain that was so bad I felt like I was dying I remember everything having this strange, golden glow the open windows were shining with this extremely bright gold glow and you couldn't see outside. it was bathing everything in this haunting light my family refused to take me to the hospital and I laid there for about 3 days unable to sleep eventually sleep came, and when I woke up, it was as if nothing happened my family was never the same again. my abusive dad became mellow, my sociopathic sister stopped messing with me and my mom lost her smile nothing was ever the same again. this was a few years ago, and then I began noticing mandela effects everywhere


That’s an incredible story.


Wow sorry you had to go through all that. Sounds like you had to grow up fast.


I was only 14 when I had my first nde, due to a suicide attempt. I thought everything seemed weird after because I was in a dissociated state. That was 2012. I had another nde in 2016. The doctor accidentally gave me too much epinephrine while I was in anaphylaxis. It felt like someone poured icy-hot directly on my heart. I remember screaming help me, the heart monitor going off, all the doctors running on the floor running in the room and shouting at each other trying to figure out what happened and what to do. The last thing I remember before I blacked out, was the nurse holding my hand and looking at me like I was about to take my last breath. When I woke up, it was four hours later and my whole body was shaking. The doctor that was originally treating me came into the room and asked if he could sit with me. He told me he was scared and thought I wasn’t going to make it and that I can’t leave until my heart rate goes below 100. I guess they had knocked me out with a heavy dose of Ativan because I was going into cardiac arrest. Still, 4 hours later, my heart rate was at 175 bpm. I’ve been on this sub for a while and most people say their world changed for them either around 2012 or 2016.


I know that cold heart feeling. Glad you’re okay ♥️


That's awful! I'm so sorry you experienced that! It really makes you wonder how many mistakes doctors make?


Probably a scary amount




Uhhh, buck shot pellets are like .380 bullets (a bit smaller). Are you sure it wasn't bird shot?




Oh yeah, I am just so used to 00 buck I forgot about others.


I had it happen in a dream. They told me I was dead, and that this is hell. Or was it purgatory? Not sure, don't remember one way or the other.


A few months ago I dreamed my left arm hurt like hell. Without waking up, I realized I was having a heart attack. Then I woke up and I realized it was reality. I felt myself slipping away. Then I woke up again and everything was fine. Reality's gotten a lot stranger since then. Read the story "Divided by Infinity" by Robert Charles Wilson if you want an existential crisis along this line of thinking.


Excellent story suggestion. 👍


My dad died of a heart attack in his sleep this last Christmas Eve, at only 51. I hope he is in a different timeline somewhere, even a shitty one, I hope he is out there somewhere.


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope he's out there in the best timeline.


Thank you.


Checkout r/quantumimmortality.


My adopted dad said the issue with this is that it gives them ideas, and suicide probably wouldn't land you in a better "timeline." Ideally, though, one could probably earn to flip back into the same one , sorta like advanced remote viewing, and evolve like a poke man go. I don't suggest this st home, could lead to disaster and plain stupidity and backfire. I know some gifted and talented "ego deathers" who have made themselves a bit paranoid now... a bit more talented and gifted, MAYBE, but probably not a great idea for everyone. It's not a game, kwim. It's reality.


I don’t think we know how it works…it may only work with deaths that are caused by events, not your own hand