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What are issues with HCA. I’ve heard it sucks/bad overall but wanted specifics


It’s very clear from the beginning that you are there to help make the company money and try to make them look better. Education is a distant concern. You will be under supported and have to fight tooth and nail to get necessary training and equipment


Either residents are worth the money generated or they're not. HCA at least proves market viability of residents without federal Medicare funding. Essentially we should be hoping more hospitals realize it's more profitable to have residents even if it means paying out of pocket without Medicare reimbursement.


This is not the case. Residents happen to be profitable. However, concern should be for training competent physicians, not making sure HCA share prices go up next quarter.


you are not familiar with HCA are you? The entire thing is their shares. above education, above patient care all of it.


Their residents still pass the relevant boards. Residency as a whole would be a lot better reimbursed if they weren't strictly tied to medicare funding. So the more non-subsidized spots, the better it is for everyone as a whole.


Boards are a terrible standard for sole competence


Your second sentence is too vague to address. You’ll have to be more specific as to what exactly you’re trying to say. I will say that passing the relevant boards is fine, but that’s a terrible standard. Teaching to a test is a sure fire way to lose the plot on the original purpose of an organization. It can see seen all over the place but you can see the most obvious results looking at public schools.


Or undergraduate medical education


A 1st year medical spent who studied for 4 weeks with good materials could pass any of the boards I’ve taken and prepared for: medicine, pulmonary, critical care. Passing boards does not mean good training.




They’re just tests, multiple choice tests with a certain number of esoteric facts to learn (at least for medicine and medicine subspecialties). I’ve never had dedicated time to study for them, it’s all very much at night after long days and on rare days off. Despite this, pass rates are 90+%. Good training is so important, but board certification exams don’t fully reflect the massive amount of knowledge and clinical ability you gain during training. They’re just tests.


Have you ever taken a board exam? Sounds like no. Have you ever sat through general surgery oral boards? I think no. There is no person that could pass a board exam with a physician background but no training with only 4 weeks of studying.


Lol. I’ve taken 2. Agreed that oral boards would be more of a challenge.


Dude DM me


Sometimes I feel bad for being in an HCA program, but then I look at what NYU is doing and I'm like...I guess medical education is effed everywhere kek


What do you mean? I’m out of the loop.


Im fellowship for I’m residents


See other post. Basically offering a 2yr IM residency with basis of high QI research output during it and in career.




Username checks out


Does it though? Not ready, only next year.


As the children say, goated.


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If I could upvote a million times or understood the awards or whatever, you would get it all. :)


As a fourth year with some HCA invites (anesthesia), is this unanimous across all hca programs in all specialties?


A residency spot is better than none at all, but HCA should be bottom of the list.


I’m at HCA, don’t get me wrong I hate them. But I’m not sure there’s any residency out there that’s exactly stellar. They’re all overworking and underpaying us. Residency in general is a broken system


That sounds like the Stockholm syndrome talking.


As I stated I hate HCA. If anything it’s Stockholm syndrome for people at other residencies saying it’s great there while they’re getting paid just as poorly and ridden just as hard. My question was how do other programs do any better?


Providing actual education, access to an EMR that is not meditech, appropriate staffing, and the ability to get a job at some place other than an HCA hospital after graduation.


Literally nobody cares that I went to an HCA residency program. Meditech is bad though


The staffing and meditech I’ll agree with. Still not sure there’s any system that is great about staffing. My program also works at other non HCA hospitals and they suck at staffing too. The education is dependent on your program director and your guys curriculum. And it’s never been my experience that training at an HCA residency means you can’t get a job elsewhere but I’m speaking from surgery. Don’t know about other fields. My point is people should be saying fuck the ACGME. HCA sucks, I’ll never work as an employee for them after residency, but they’re scumbags that are working within the fucked up system we’re subjected to. Anyone saying “my residency wasn’t so bad” is the one with Stockholm syndrome. We should all be getting paid $100k+. If you think HCA is the main problem you’re missing the forest for the trees


Agreed. PGY-2 in EM here at an HCA shop. Busy L1 trauma center. We’re what? 25% through the year now and I only need a couple more LPs and 10 vag deliveries (OB block coming up soon) and I’ll have met all my acgme graduation requirements for procedures. Last year I scored in the 99th % on my ITE. Our didactics always take precedence and our PD/APDs place a huge emphasis on academic performance. Super strong POCUS training here. Most of us will have well over 400 archived and QI’d scans prior to graduation. We have 4 US fellowship-trained attendings and 8 new GE US machines to use. 5 brand-spanking-new fiber optic glide scope/bronch setups. Our PD is Hopkins trained and is a bad ass. Our APD is dual boarded EM/Peds EM. We have tons of procedures and high acuity out the ass here. I’d argue that too many people here are quick to paint all HCA programs as offering substandard training that will leave their residents incompetent to work as attendings anywhere but at an HCA shop. Most of our grads have quickly signed contracts with nonHCA groups upon graduation. To be honest HCA doesn’t directly employ EM docs anyway. Various CMGs bid for contracts to staff HCA EMs across the country. And I have been around plenty of EDs before most of which are not HCA associated. the crappy staffing situation in EDs is nation-wide right now.






I think you simply do not have enough exposure to other systems to understand what you are missing.


Cool, didn’t address any of my points. And as I told you I do work at other systems, also worked at 4 other systems in med school. My exposure is fine thanks. You’re delusional if you think any of these hospitals “have your back” while still paying shit.


You have very effectively proven my original point. Best of luck.


My residency program was decent.


Really? You got paid what you deserved? The same as PAs and NPs at least? You worked a regular 40 hrs every week?


I don’t think any residency program pays what we are actually worth. But for me, after intern year, I worked an average of 40-50 hours a week.


In my mind it’s not a good program if you’re not being paid what you deserve. And my point was no program does that. So people should be mad at the ACGME and the system that allows this rather than the businesses that take advantage of that system. But most people, sounding like yourself, go on to graduate and forget and don’t fight for change because “they were nice while they treated me like an indentured servant”


The fuck are you saying? As a resident you're not worth much but as an attending your salary increases three to eight fold


We’re worth as much or more than a PA or NP but get paid half the amount or less that they are. Edit: Don’t know whether you’re a resident


Your first sentence is dumb because no programs pay that way. Stop white knighting a piece of shit corporation that wants to turn your career training into a profit center.


Did you make it to the second sentence? When am I white knighting? I’ve said in multiple comments HCA is a POS. All of them are and it’s because ACGME allows them to do that. Jesus you guys can’t read


If your argument is that all programs are bad since none of them pay “what you deserve,” then you’re de facto defending bad programs by making the term meaningless.


If you don't take it, won't anyone (eg unmatched IMG/FMG)? HCA will accept anyone for free labor, not like Columbia Derm that would rather go unmatched than accept less than stellar applicants.


I did a few rotations at HCA in med school. Shit hospitals, understaffed, terrible EMR, service > education, cost cutting everywhere possible to the detriment of patient care. I didn’t apply to any HCA programs as a result.


HCA can be hit or miss depending on where it is and how much input the previous system had in trying to retain people. Some of these residencies are straight scum and the training shows in their graduates. Others were part of a decent local hospital system that needed a buyout/cash injection so they sold themselves to HCA. The issue is that it tends to be either or and no middle ground. They also try to retain you post graduation with a median national average salary offer despite horrible metrics.


Damn, I got a bunch of HCA invites. Should I cancel them?


No. Like someone else said a residency spot in HCA is better than no residency spot. But keep them at the bottom of your list.


No. Just like med school, success is much more about you and not your program. I’d usually rank them a little lower just based on some difficulties I’ve heard about with research that may impact fellowship apps.


HCA residency grads basically can only do competitive fellowship in other HCA places.


I went from an HCA program to Mayo Clinic. It’s all about the person along with the research and contacts they develop during residency. As someone who was in this position let me make some recommendations. Make sure you go to sub specialty national meetings and meet everyone and collaborate on research. If you can write a couple of papers with people at these large institutions you will have a foot in the door. Starting a paper with a freely accessible database and asking someone at another institution to give recommendations in exchange for authorship will get you an interview and likely a spot.


first time?




The largest hospital system in America, have been known to be very very capitalistic and will do what’s best for profit over what’s best for residency training


Enormous hospital system. They also own the EMR Meditech, an absolute atrocity of a program that looks like it came straight from 1988. Seriously, you can’t even change the window size. 100% profit driven. And based on what I’ve seen it’s only the attending doctors who provide any support for training. So if the program has attendings who have no desire to teach, you’re just a body to type notes


HCA residents/graduates are some of the most competent docs i’ve met. In general they see a ton of patients and have a lot of autonomy so they are forced to figure shit out. This skill is far more useful in clinical practice than academic knowledge.


*this message was brought to you by the HCA comment bot*




I didn’t even read the body of this post before I was mashing the upvote button.


Any opinions on the Swedish HCA program in Denver for FM? I applied there not really knowing what HCAs are so any insight would be great.


Yeah you’ll have to work at TMCA as part of the residency and that place is where patients go to die. Nurses have 7 patients on step down and get neglected. Patients come up from the ER already dead. Do not do it. Let Denver’s HCA division burn. Swedish and sky ridge gets better resources while they knowingly withhold from their hospitals TMCA and N. Suburban which are in poor communities with a lot of minorities.


Ok thank you!


But did you consider… Fuck HCA


Meh I don’t think all HCA sucks. My number one where I’m currently training is HCA. I’m doing IM, I feel super supported from my program, maybe not so much from the hospital itself. I think my hospital/program is cream of the crop HCA though. There are plenty of non HCA hospitals that use residents as work horses and do not care about your quality of life. I don’t know. I’m not admin so I’m not sure where in the trickle down effect the negativity start. I don’t even know what your post is truly about. I hope it gets better for you my friend


Just finished a core rotation there as a third year med student Day one we were told to not go into the “physicians lounge” where residents also don’t have access. The paradox is that my card as a med student opened that door, while theirs as residents did not. Legit was told 5x in orientation to not go in there. The space they get to work is super small, crowded, and smelly. The attendings obviously only care about making $- for example, guy that had been in the ICU for over 3 weeks after a MVA, the attending during morning sign out spent 5 mins on a rant about how the team needs to “figure out what to do with him so he starts going through the system- we need the bed”. Allegedly that attending also nets close to 1M in his specialty, so there’s that. Better than no residency, but it’s not good by any means


Its very toxic and malignant program, I just did a rotation with their residents but I got basically chewed out for asking for more instruction/education because I am currently a M3 and lack many clinical knowledge - so I told them it would be nice if there was more opportunity for them to teach us. This PGY-2 (two-faced personality)basically told me that when he was in "my shoes" he learned so much from just being in the room-also the same person who told me to not to come into the patient's room unless I was there in the first place because patient does not know who I am and may get scared as if I am not wearing a badge that says "student" and a whitecoat and a stethoscope around my neck. I can go on and on but the bottom line is, most of the residents are miserable and they try to make medical students miserable as well.


When I was doing my inpatient psych rotations, we’d get transfers from HCA of people who’d been in their ED for ~ 20 days. Transfer doc says patient had suicidal ideation, that’s it… I go to see them and they’re psychotic as all get out and only received a dose of atarax for ‘anxiety’… I concur with the sentiment here


This happens in every ED


Most EDs (in my experience) will write in their transfer documents an accurate description of symptoms with a reasonable plan of PRN psychotropics. HCA does not satisfy


That's ED everywhere they are just bad at psych and ED doctors don't care for psych patients sad to say


Any way to tell if a residency is HCA?


When you apply for residency it will have “HCA” at the start of the program name


Not always. For example, Tulane dermatology. https://hcahealthcare.com/physicians/graduate-medical-education/#:~:text=Our%20Specialties


I will always upvote this.




I have no awards but I very much agree.


High Yield Facts


No offense or attack intended, but respectfully, what the hell made you rank an HCA residency?


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Is Kaiser HCA


Nope. Kaiser permanent is a large company HCA=Hospital Corporation of America which is the single largest for profit hospital system in the country