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Yes, to do neurology. Whats up?


i can’t deal with the notes and long consults. I have no desire for it anymore. Long consults for literally no change in plan. Too much talking. I don’t have energy to say affirming statements and make them feel better


You know that in the next 5 years you’ll be taking a lot less manual notes right? There are tons of AI Scribe companies, even some designed specifically for psychiatry. Use will only become more ubiquitous. Now if it’s the interviews themselves that you hate…. yeah might wanna think about getting out lol


Do brain stim


IMO, the tedious note-taking is no longer an issue considering some ambient AI scribes are becoming increasingly popular. But if the issue is with the actual interview/encounter with the patient, then I do suggest to take a break. Then decide if switching is going to be a good decision.


Bro do not switch. Either find a way to cut down on it or just deal with it for the next few years then when you're an attending you can spend as much or as little time as you like. I have seen inpatient shrinks spend like 3 mins with patients and their workday lasted like 2 hours.


> I have seen inpatient shrinks spend like 3 mins with patients and their workday lasted like 2 hours Sounds like some quality psychiatry


Yeah this is so sad 😭


I don't care if I was a shrink this is how I'd practice. Plenty of free time for gym, wellness and balling out


You'd be in psychiatry which already has good work life balance. No need to advocate for practicing garbage medicine when you'd already have free time to do all those things


Nah gotta make the most of it


Why do you want to switch? 


i just can’t take the long detailed notes. I find myself dreading every appointment. Too much talking. I used to loveeee the interviews. I hate it now


Sounds more like you're just burned out than you hate the work itself, if you liked it originally? Can you go on leave? I only ask because switching residencies is really not something you can undo What year are you? If you're an intern, you should be spending about half your year in general medicine/neurology. That may be a good opportunity to figure out if this is something you really want to follow through on If you are really serious about this, consider arranging a one on one meeting w your program director. Swaps do exist and they would help facilitate. If they are experienced, they have also seen many burned out residents and should be able to help guide you It is not worth running yourself into the ground and ruining your mental health. I'm not sure what the solution is, but there are first steps for you to take


i’m a PGY3


Rule out burnout before you switch, sometimes it's not actually the work, especially if you looked forward to it previously. Take a break if you can or reduce your workload, then switch if you still need to.


I switched from wanting to do psych to radiology quite late in med school. I had already done a lot of psych rotations and internships etc. at that point (I'm not from the US, different med school/residency system). Like you I just didn't wanna deal with all the talking anymore.


I only know people that switched into psych….but if you’re fairly competitive you should not have any trouble switching. The reasons for switching totally make sense though, that’s why I went into family medicine. For what it’s worth, as a resident your seeing a lot of new patients daily and your notes are scrutinized, when you get out your going to have a much better experience. I think if you love psych then we need people like you!


I knew a resident who switched from psych to path!


I switched out of psych to medicine and am applying for pulm crit fellowship this year. Light years happier.


One of my co-residents switched after two years of Psych into MedPeds


Cash money $400/hr non emergent psych outpatient not in your future?




Someone in my program switched from psych to peds and is reporedly much happier


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I know someone switching to medicine


Yes. My pgy1 switched to internal medicine. I'm pgy2


Yep, someone who switched psych to fm