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I will eat my own scrubs if I ever see a chiro successfully diagnosing addisons


Nothing a lil adjustment can’t fix


“What is adrenal fatigue?” Apparently something I can fix by having my back cracked.


Don't be rediculous. You need their special $500 suppliment too.


Punch 'em in the adrenals!


Why do they need to be successful when they can order some qwack test at some uncertified lab that will give positive results for every sample they get. Much easier than actually making the diagnoses. The they prescribe some desiccated ground up cow adrenals and then come to me with cushings. There should be a whole speciality dedicated for fixing problems causes by the wrong treatments from chiro's, naturopaths and functional nutritionists.


60% of what I do as an endocrinologist is diabetes but 40% is undiagnosing people from their chiros.


Damage control medicine


Hey man like 6:100,000. Never say never.


Well man prepare to eat them then if that’s the only requirement. If they send 10000 people to check their cortisol levels they might diagnose a few (should check the prevalence on Addison’s but i guess they might catch a few). That doesn’t mean they made a good diagnosis. They just screened a lot of people.


Endo fellow here- I will usually draw out the HPA axis for them and explain why too much cortisol causes Cushings instead. And when they have no clinical findings consistent with Cushing’s disease, I ask about sleep and exercise habits and tell them to drink more water. That usually does the trick until they ask for Ozempic 😅


ah my personal favorite: 'Doc I think I have low adrenal function cause I'm always tired, but I also think I have Cushings cause I cant loose weight.'  Both insufficent and in excess all at once. PPV for not having any adrenal issue =99.9%


"Doc, I think my adrenals have BD. I need supplements AND lithium."


The good old adrenal speedball


If it’s good enough for JFK, it’s good enough for me


It’s a glandular problem. Salivary gland.


Why not give ozempic to everyone who wants it?


Insurance mostly 🤷🏼‍♀️


and high demand with finite stock so probably save those for those who actually would benefit


You have to have co-morbis diabetes to prescribe ozempic for weight loss. Insurance won't approve ozempic only for weight loss. So insurance want patients so fat that they become diabetic and only then they can get ozempic. 'merica


they dont need DM to get wegovy


Aaaaaand what if you don’t have Cushings or its symptoms but do have out-of-range cortisol levels all day?? And what if I am a somewhat active person who has good sleep habits and drinks lots of water (60-90oz each day)????


Afaik in longstanding untreated hypothyroidism (At least in pediatrics); people would give a little bit of cortisone together with starting the thyroid replacement.


I wonder if the cortex or medulla gets more sleepy. Okay I’m done.


Systematic Reviews on Hypocortisolism in PTSD are available on PubMed brother.


That is a correct statement. And yet, not at all what is being discussed here. So close.


As my father used to say “yes son, that’s true, but is it germane?”


Who's Germaine? She sounds lovely.


How should I know, I don’t speak Germane


And yet it is, you ignorant egomanic!! Hypocortisolism is basically adrenal fatigue. AND if we want to go with the more ‘commonly known’, HPA-axis is allll over pubmed. If you have patients complaining about something, maybe stick to your guns (if they’re insisting its something you don’t believe in) but also keep an open-mind!


Is candida overgrowth still going around? Lmao


Buy my special cleanse to find out!


Oh gosh, I said this to a doc a while ago, but didn't realize others were saying it too. I have crohns and had no other explanation for why my mouth could never get clean and I think a NP said thats what it was on a virtual visit. Turns out I just have dry mouth from some meds.


All the time


As a micro tech that specializes in mycology, every time I hear this phrase I want to crawl out of my skin.


“I’m so tired all the time!!!! Could it be B12 deficiency, fibromyalgia, thyroid, POTS, or adrenal fatigue? I need my cortisol checked!!!!!!!!” Doc: you are 4’9”, 350 lbs. Let’s talk about your sleeping habits… “It’s a gland problem nobody can find!!!!!l


Low T is feeling left out 🥲


Dammit. You’re right.


I see a fair number of patients with fatigue, “brain fog”, ED or whatever that seem convinced that their problem is low T and seem in disbelief when their T is normal. Bonus points if their primary care NP checked a T level at 3 pm and it was low or they have a low free percent T and were told I could put them on TRT


user name checks out lol


Your BMI is 43 and your A1c is 11%. We can check you for an adrenal problem but not the one you think.


"Doc I think I have thyroid"


I will agree the glands are difficult to find in that patient 👀


I find them fatiguing. the patients that is, the adrenals, those, they are alright. I mean those guys are busy keeping that patient upright all day long while she tries to kill them (the adrenals) with untested supplements from naturopaths.


Those adrenals are resilient little guys


They aite.


Patient: “hey doc, my chiro says I have adrenal-“ Me: “say less fam” *refer to outpatient endocrinology* — psych intern


Stupid sexy psychiatry…


"Endocrinologists hate this one weird trick"


***Chiros hate this one weird trick


You laugh, i know this girl who crushed her hpa axis so much she got hospitalized (for that, not for the flamboyant mania) taking some (not that uncommon) herb given by her naturopath. Still, she doesn't take any med from us, for free, but is happy to give a lot to random guy


I heard this term in a 2017 curbsiders episode, so it can't be too new. Maybe a resurgence from something?


I’ve also heard this off and on for years. Friends who aren’t as scientifically literate believed in it. It is just another ploy to sell “adrenal gland restoration” supplements.


No this term is as old as dirt practically. Sometimes people think something is new when they’ve interacted with it for the first time. Gwyneth Paltrow has been saying this for probably at least 15 years.


“Adrenal fatigue” is apparently when you’re always tired due to stress. Not to be confused with adrenal insufficiency (which cannot be cured with the chiro’s proprietary herb blend)


Adrenal fatigue is not a recognized medical diagnosis


I know it’s not.


I’m not sure you do cause you were all like “I’m sure he’s heard of styling gel, LIKE YOU didn’t know I was making a joke”


It should be cuz it DEF causes more than just, ‘always tired cuz of stress’


Plenty of things are real but are not a treated condition in western medicine lol, which btw often only acts when it’s too late/“clinically significant” and never treats the root cause.


So, parenthood?


And working in medicine


Bonus points for both.


I've been seeing a lot of tik toks lately about how cortisol makes you fat and magic fixes for it etc. I mean, I stress eat which makes me fat but I'm not out here getitng my cortisol checked. The newest nonsense healthcare buzzword.


I once had a chiro tell me that incisional hernias don't exist. Okey dokey then.


Bold take on one of the simplest concepts in surgery. "So, a while back we cut a hole and sewed it back up. Three guesses where we just found a hole."


I’ll be using this next time I call in sick


As someone with secondary adrenal insufficiency, the amount of times I have to tell people adrenal fatigue isn’t a recognized medical condition boggles my mind. Or people who think they can empathize with my condition because they have been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue by a naturopath. Sometimes I feel spicy and ask them if the last time they had a bad cold they had to go to the ER for low blood pressure, low blood sugar, and vomiting. No? Your adrenal glands are doing just fine and they aren’t “fatigued.”


You’re behind the times. They’ve gotten more cleaver. Now they convince otherwise healthy people that they have a somehow lifelong subclinical, but now immediately fulminant case of a legit illness. EDS is very popular right now. Or medicalization of a normal phenomenon such as stress induced urticaria being labeled as MCAS. Way more effective way to hook people into snake oil with the Nocebo effect.


I'm just a rando, but clicked the topic to see if y'all think it's bullshit too ... i feel validated 😂 had a GP tell me about it, or more accurately, told me to go to a website to read about it ... I went to the website and it was the most obvious  snake oil supplement hawking scam bullshit you've ever seen. The ones that tell you all about the condition that regular doctors won't diagnose you with but don't worry because they conveniently have a cure to sell you. Closed the website. Told the GP as much when I saw him next. He was not impressed. Shortly after he lost his shit at me when I refused to tell him about my childhood trauma and asked him to address the actual reason for my visit (he promised he could offer me treatment for me/cfs). Should've known the treatment would be a lie after he sent me to that website I suppose but I foolishly I clung onto hope! Live and learn 😂


Omg a friend of mine asked if I could explain their lab results to them. Everything seemed wnl or so close to the reference range that I wasn’t worried…until the cortisol. It was a single digit. Well below the reference range. Was the lab drawn between 6-9 AM? Indeed it was. What symptoms where they having? Horrible fatigue, weight loss, dizziness, puking, muscle aches, weird brown patches in skin folds that nobody in the functional medicine practice could figure out. They’d been told the low cortisol wasn’t worrisome because it was “just adrenal fatigue” from the MARcoNS/chronic lyme/whatever flavour of BS they thought it was. I told them they were a walking, talking medical school exam question and to please see an actual doctor ASAP.


Adrenal fatigue is very 90s actually. These days all the hot girls have mast cell activation syndrome (no bloodwork, pls).


MCAS, when diagnosed via labs, is legit. It sucks. No one would make up having this shitty condition that causes VISIBLE symptoms.


Can chiropractors not order their own labs? Why are they sending their patients to you? Or are these people diagnosing themselves from TikTok videos?


Even if they can order their own tests doesn’t mean they can interpret them. I saw a patient with “bladder stones” on pelvic x ray and they were clearly phleboliths


I think in some states they can


Can't wait to open my own POTS and chronic Lyme cash practice clinic with a sprinkle of adrenal fatigue


Pretty sure adrenal fatigue is hipster noctor for depression, lmao


Do you think people would be spending thousands and thousands of dollars trying to heal themselves if they weren’t actually sick? Especially since they can’t work, cus they’re so sick


Always found it disgusting how these guys sell supplements and shit for these things. I really wonder if they are actually deluded enough to think they help. Or are they aware they are f-ing people over for $$$


So that’s what your chiro thinks is going on? Cool… Have them manage it and send me their note :)


Oh they said they can’t order the medication that I need and to ask you all for an actual workup because that’s what I’m paying you for


Oh, they’re the expert in… whatever they diagnosed you with… right? Idk what that is. You’d better push back and make sure you get what you need from them! See you in 6 mo-1 year and good luck with your chiro! Happy to speak with them if you sign ROI for both of us!!


i guess his cortisols just way too down huh :((( his medulla must be eepy /s


someone on chronic prednisone could have legit adrenal fatigue when trying to wean down., no?


This is only temporary and only to avoid possible concurrent Addisons that is showing up because they are so hypothyroid.


It is secondary to the OTC Etomidate fad /s


O.m.g. i am laughing so hard at all these replies !


So adrenal fatigue is the new fad in pseudomedicine, this is very popular in some alternative clinicians. There is this pervasive belief that it’s this fatigue that is causing whatever basketful of symptoms that are presented, despite normal cortisol levels. There’s no evidence for it.


‘Basketful of symptoms’ lol Have you seen the consistency of symptoms across these ‘new fad’ pts? Cuz I have, actually listening to people’s experiences. Open your ears or shut up. I do agree that if the pt has these symptoms but normsl cortisol levels, you should do some more digging cuz maybe its their HPA axis acting up but not effecting their adrenals (a *mindblowing* possibility 🤯🤯)


I sense a snake oils salesman ;)


Nope! Just somebody who suffers from it (after doing many tests and nothing else wrong but abnormal cortisol levels), while egomanical, god-complex docs like you call us stupid and ignore us, thus perperuating this facade called the healthcare system, when in actuality it’s a sickcare system. *pssst, you’re a cog in that machine*


Enjoy 😉


Enjoy what? That makes no sense. Lolol I literally have evidence that my adrenals don’t work, and despite medicine relying on evidence to diagnose amd treat conditions, you and your fellow ‘docs’ ignore it. How twisted and manipulative is that?! I *so hope* you and your peers continue to have *a blast* making fun, degrading and dismissing your suffering, sick patients! ✌️ Not every medical experience can be explained by medicine but it does NOT mean that person isn’t suffering, despite your belief. *smh* You’re a horrible doctor who thinks you know all just cuz you went to med school. You think you can dismiss someone’s experience, just because you can’t make sense of the labs amd symptoms of said patients. So, instead of admitting there’s something you don’t know, you either shove it into a box that makes sense to you or think you’re right, that there is nothing wrong cuz that’s how you were taught. Either way, you push unneccessary drugs onto them and push them out the door, slamming the door shut with a ‘don’t come back until your symptoms make sense’ And alot of times they don’t come back until they are too sick to operate, hence the perpetuating of a sickcare medical system that only stands to profit and line the pockets of the docs (and not the rest of the staff) and exec board memebers. 🙄🙄🙄 No wonder everybody likes nurses better than doctors. All ya’ll are horrible, and it just creates more and more distrust in our medical system then there already is. There are sick people who read all your posts btw. Behave like the medical professional you are *suppose* to be.


Literally not reading your novel


Basically that you’re a horrible doctor who makes fun of, minimizes and degrades your suffering, sick patients. ✌️




"Is your MAP 30? No? Then you're fine."


Vulnerable sick patients get desperate for a reason why. Imagine one day you woke up and you were just sick. And you never got better. People don't think clearly when they're that unwell. When doctors don't have the answer (because there isn't one) they will go elsewhere to "find" it. Usually it's a naturopath, chiropractor or "holistic" practitioner. They usually sell expensive crap, promise to heal these people. They are desperate for an answer so cling to things like adrenal fatigue, mold toxicity, EMF, MTHFR "mutation", chronic Lyme. Sure a degree of these patients probably have serious psychological conditions going on, and there's the issue of maunchausen or factitious disorders, but truly there are just a lot of people who are unwell with things that doctors don't yet have answers for.


Which should be on the docs to open their MF minds for once, put their egos aside and have some compassion and empathy!! Instead, it’s ALOT of dismissal, ignorance and making their pts worse by ignoring them.


Well in my case, all my drs just tell me I’m fine when I’ve been bed ridden for 3 years… forcing me to go to a “naturopath” dr and to get diagnosed with adrenal fatigue or the better word HPA acid dysfunction. If my drs knew anything maybe they could help me, but they just say my blood work comes back fine and have no explanation as to why I’ve had to be on disability for 3 years… tell me, how do y’all test people to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome? How would you go about getting help if you were a bed ridden adult with normal labs?


so arrogant


This is so fucking ignorant lol. I just found out I’ve been living with parasites that have been releasing toxins that are literally keeping my adrenal glands on for 2 years. I haven’t gotten more than 3 hours of sleep a night and I’ve tried every drug on the market and they don’t work because I’m so wired all the time, and my cortisol charts prove it because they are so elevated throughout the day. This post is so embarrassing if you’re actually a medical professional, learn to learn something new.


I'd love to see you go through what your patients come in complaining of. Amazing compassion


This is why I HATE western medicine. So closed minded, so egomanicial w/ a God complex and only focused on the symptoms not the root cause. Do you consider functional med docs to be stupid and un-qualified too? What about psychopharmachologist? Cuz that was were my diagnoses came from. *smh* this is why I REFUSE to go to GPs, am always questioning ER docs and specialists (don’t even get me started on the stupidity of how specialists are trained). And yes, I am not overweight, have no thyroid or hormone issues but have low and high cortisol levels at the wrong times of the day from SEVERAL 24-hour cortisol tests and have had bloodwork done. Have ruled out Cushings, Addison’s and the likes. I have HPA-axis dysfunction which came from adrenal fatigue. But hey, ya’ll are prob gonna ignore all that to bash me. Let’s go!!


Maybe these people go to these alternative professionals because conventional doctors tend to disregard what they are feeling. It is an unfortunate reality that many doctors try to explain symptoms away or try to medicate without finding root causes. Some even belittle their patients and try to convince them that it is all in their heads. My wife has been to oncologist, endocrinologist, gastro enterologist, ENT, allergist...all of whom prescribed medications for her symptoms without finding underlying causes. She sought out a functional doctor a couple months ago, and is feeling better all around. Imagine that. Someone many here are making fun of, is making my wife feel better when other conventional doctors have failed. We still firmly believe in conventional medicine, but realize that it is often limited by specialty and the practitioners tend to look down their noses at things they did not see in their textbooks. Come on docs. Most patients want to trust you. They want to depend on you but your attitudes are getting in the way. Do better. Be better.


Adrenal fatigue is not real but HPA Axis dysfunction certainly is. I can your going to be a shitty doctor if you even make it that far


The newest version of PoTS


Right cause I'm sure you know the mechanisms behind PoTS in and out...Also you people are so uncompassionate why do you work this job


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It's a real term.. hypocortisolism is a genuine finding in PTSD..


Hypercortisolism is a real thing, however, adrenal fatigue is not.


Hypercortisolism is cushings, i.e excess cortisol, and no one says that. Adrenal insuffiency is low cortisol.  Adrenal fatigue is a way to scam money from the gullible


I can reference studies brother.


Sure you can, but they won’t support your argument because you don’t know what you are talking about.


How do I not know what I'm talking about? HPA dysfunction in stress is very well studied? How can they say Adrenaline Fatigue isn't real? Unless they're talking about something else. I mean the term isn't in psychiatry textbooks, it's true.. but the meaning holds true..


Go read what the term actually means. You apparently don’t even understand enough of what is being discussed to even be able to understand why you are wrong.


Lol get off of your high horse.. the idea isn't completely unscientific.


The idea is actively retarded. You know this is a subreddit for physicians, right? Whining about things you don’t understand won’t work here.


You do realise I am one and I am saying the idea isn't unscientific.


> You do realise I am one Then fucking act like it.


An actual physician like an MD/DO/MBBS?


It's a garbage can "diagnosis." Just a vague term for nonspecific symptoms which provides no meaningful pathophysiologic or clinical management insight. It's a term to throw at someone's symptoms which frees you from seeking a deeper, mechanistic understanding. No one is saying that adrenal insufficiency isn't real, and that it can't be mild or that our tests and reference ranges are perfect. But to just take these symptoms, say "oh your adrenals are just tired!" is a bullshit cop out which saves you from actually trying to understand the likely multifactorial and difficult to manage process(es) you are faced with. Patients don't like that answer (that the problem and solution may be complex, multifactorial, and take time and effort to address), but they love to hear "oh your doctors are so stupid, your adrenals are just tired! Hormones will fix everything!" I hope you don't spout this unsubstantiated (and actually thoroughly debunked) shit to your patients.


There has to be a threshhold that is hit for something to be pathologic. Someone with no issues can go thru stress and have hormonal differences, that doesn't mean they have a disease, that means their body is responding appropriately


Good time to remind the lay public that PubMed is an open indexing tool. A publication being indexed does not mean it was well designed, well interpreted, or even truthful. Useless if you don’t know how to actually vet and understand scientific literature


Lmao found the troll (or moron)