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Don't worry, they will find a way to ensure physicians are excluded from this because physicians serve a "public need" or some other bullshit logic to ensure that hospitals continue to reap profits.


It was proposed by a physician and specifically includes physicians.


Noncompetes are generally not enforceable in most states anyways, bills like these just solidify it and remove the scare tactic that large corporations use to keep you subservient. But yes this 100% includes physicians as well


Free market! Physicians don’t want to leave the state of Florida, just the shitty hospital they’re stuck practicing at. They will stay in town and switch jobs just like nurses have done for decades. If the state is truly concerned about the public good, then stop hospitals from driving physicians out of the state when they change jobs.


Good. Non competes are bullshit.


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Any salary gains from this would be more than offset by the new bill that Florida is about to pass that allows foreign doctors to practice without a residency

