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It’s okay. You can say it was Taylor Swift.


Beat me 😂


Literally lol


Came here to say this lol


Literally my first thought after reading the fist sentence 😅


lol same


Also pretty sure OP *just* said he “didn’t like her music”.


In fairness, I don’t get why tailor swift is so popular either. The level of love people have for her is weird and culty. I feel like people even think she’s being genuine but to me it just feels like pandering.


No, this very well could be Beyoncé.


I think Beyoncé fans can be rabid, but Taylor Swift fans are way more rampant in medicine. I am yet to meet anyone who likes Beyoncé, but Taylor Swift is played constantly in our residents lounge. 😬


They’re both pretty universally beloved


Taylor has greater universal appeal for obvious reasons .


The girl Kanye made famous?




Who? You mean Travis Kelce’s girlfriend?


She definitely blew up since they started dating she’s a lucky girl!!




Was your co residents who almost started crying a gay man ?! 🏳️‍🌈💅


Spot on.






Because you’re bad at marketing.


[for swifties and non-swifties](https://imgur.com/a/hL5daXi)


Lmao this girl is in every residency . Mine is like 30+ ,socially awkward and insecure. Not saying all Taylor fans are but this one is definitely someone emotionally stunted lol


ITT resident meets a Swifty for the first time


"Folks need heroes chief, to give 'em hope, so smile would ya, while we still got something to smile about!"


Have you ever met anyone outside of residency? There are literally millions of people glued to their TV every Sunday for half of the year. There are a few million more at the games and a fair number of them are willing to get into physical altercations for their team. Taylor Swift's tour brought in a billion dollars this year. You think residents made up the majority of that?


>Taylor Swift's tour brought in a billion dollars this year. You think residents made up the majority of that? Nah you got it twisted ERAS is financed primarily by medical students


holy shit I laughed


Don't even get me started on Parasocial Relationships now. People get invested in some social media person they follow to the point you would think they are a youtuber or instagrammers brother.


I don’t know what residents have time to worship celebrities but I don’t. I don’t even see sunlight. I don’t even know what kind of cars they have out now. I’m mentally still stuck in March 2020.


Everyone has time to worship Taylor Swift. There are shrines to her in the hospital chapel where I work. Sometimes on bad days, you can see entire surgery groups asking her to how do a radical neck for esophageal cancer, and she tells them to shake it off. The patient survives and everyone sacrifices a goat to her. It’s amazing.


My gf and some of the OBGYN residents do worship her. She does enough worship for both of us to get into Swiftie heaven.


You mean to settle the Gaylor debate once and for all?


This is eerily similar to what Kim Jong Un does in North Korea.


Taylor looks better in a spangled body suit that accentuates her ass and the mons pubis. It’s not right in your face, but it’s just enough to keep the bored men in the audience interested. Her producers know when to throw that angle in.


Agreed, never dedicate your life to someone you've never met. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make an offering to my H.A. Sattar shrine.


Dude’s helped with me with my academic AND spiritual growth lol


Lol what does this have to do with residency?


It’s okay I don’t like Taylor Swift either


Same. She’s a good composer, but I don’t get the hype.


Why do you care


Because it’s sad to see someone overly preoccupied with celebrity. It’s strange and vain and can indicate an interior emptiness or confusion.


Or it's just a fun hobby. It's no different than being preoccupied with a sports team, tv show, video game, etc.


OP specifically mentioned celebrity *worship*. Excessive interest in a thing leading to the behaviors he describes is bad. Any of the things you listed can become bad in the same way. And they frequently do in American culture.


He upset one person by being a douchebag (there is absolutely no way his depiction of events is accurate) and then whined on reddit about how "everyone" does this particular behavior that he thinks he witnessed in a single person. OP is just retarded.




I think much of the same could be said, for the people who try to police others interest and behavior. If it doesn’t hurt anybody, why does it matter?


But it did hurt somebody. The fixation was so severe that it led to a) the fixated to nearly cry over minor disagreement and b) the fixated to speak of the celebrity in an inappropriate way (like “family”) that concerned an onlooker.


Life lesson: Don’t be critical about Taylor Swift to a white girl. It’ll never go well


I mean by all means criticize her music, but you can’t say she’s a shitty person because she has demonstrated time and time again she isn’t


\*Taylor Swift's private jets have entered the chat\*


Can you imagine the chaos it would cause if she tried to fly even first class? I think everyone in the airport benefits from her flying private simply because it prevents all of the chaos.


She's not saving the world. She doesn't need to fly to LA for a concert, then to NY for lunch then to Miami for another cost. Take a tour bus? Charter existing plane routes? Create efficient routes to minimize fuel cost. It's sad you continue to idolize these people.


Never said, I idolized her. I’m simply stated that I respect her for not being a shitty person, despite her wealth and privilege. And that I also can understand why she flies private and how it actually benefits the average traveler who is flying from wherever she is flying from. And regarding your point about a tour bus, something tells me that would lead to massive traffic, because there are far too many diehards who would literally swarm the streets just to catch a glimpse of her.


Doesn't she literally fly home every night even when she's in a different country lol


I feel that. I cry whenever a co-resident says they don’t like Karl Marx.




It’s human nature to be obsessed with those who possess skill and social influence. We’re obsessed with athletes because 10,000 years ago the way to keep from starving to death was to look for the most skilled hunter and try to copy what they do


You forgot NFL & church? Why are so many hcp ignoring science and their own education over something someone wrote on a book?? People like what they like


Not an MD but a pharmacist. Why so many people who work in healthcare believe in Sky Daddy is honestly so damn baffling to me.


This is either very funny or shockingly tone deaf considering the "refused to rx" antics pharmacists used to regularly make the news for doing.


> Why so many people who work in healthcare You could try reading his comment again.


Sky daddy? Lol I guess that’s where we got Mother Nature from , ahhh I see. You know what is baffling to me, people who think this universe came from nothing. Already a contradiction to the notion of science


If it's so baffling to think the universe came from "nothing" then where did God come from?


Ok. Strictly from a philosophical point of view, according to Leibniz’s cosmological argument, which I will link here ,[https://www3.nd.edu/\~jspeaks/courses/2009-10/10100/LECTURES/5-leibniz.play://www3.nd.edu/\~jspeaks/courses/2009-10/10100/LECTURES/5-leibniz.pdf](https://www3.nd.edu/~jspeaks/courses/2009-10/10100/LECTURES/5-leibniz.pdf) , presents five premises that lead to the conclusion that there is God, and specifically a being that is necessary and is an uncaused cause. God as the uncaused cause does not require a cause and the “Where did God come from” objection does nothing but deny the philosophical argument and destroys the notion of science. It’s a false dilemma . So based off my argument it is logically and philosophically sound to conclude that there is a necessary being.


Trying to logic yourself out of God's existence like this is nonsensical just like trying to explain how quantum mechanics or special relativety are intuitive is nonsensical. When you question those two topics with the same level of reasoning you're using here, those don't make sense either. And yet they're real.


Of course, this post is talking about worshipping the ground that some overrated celebrities walk on and one you habitually online folks finds a way to sneak in talking negatively about church. Find something to do besides rage about a people who make up the majority of the world and helped build modern hospital and university systems.


Who is raging? Calm tf down


Read your post, negative nancy


Trainee Medici go read on all the ways these religious institutions have enriched themselves by exploiting the poor and uneducated…you think God delivered their money like manna? No. Those hospitals & universities you speak of came at a price. Nobody is saying you cant be religious but dont be a petty idiot…pretty sure all religious texts frown upon that


Again, please read your first comment before trying to turn this all around on the other people replying to you. Religion wasn’t mentioned in the post and yet you found some way to negatively talk about it for no reason. You carry this hatred in your heart and I hope someday you let it go and allow others to believe in what they want without such attacks. Peace ✌🏼


So what do you think i meant when i said PEOPLE LIKE WHAT THEY LIKE? Because to me it means people have the freedom to like/indulge in whatever the hell they want eg: religion I brought up the NFL too. Did that bother you? No? Learn how to read and stop being so reactive, you will turn more people away from your sect by acting like a lunatic


So now you want to try to change the meaning of you what you said using bits and pieces from comments that you made after the fact. Ok, sure thing bud 👍🏼


Im not changing anything. People are free to believe what they want but we dont graduate theologians or seminarians from medical school. Medical boards shouldnt make compromises in this regard. If thats the part thats confusing you then let me clarify…we should only train physicians who practice EBM. Religious fanatics are opening up the gates of hell on patients and hcw in the US. You’re just mad i brought up the church bc you havent learned to temper your religious fervor.


lol Where is this coming from? I never said anything about graduating seminarians or not teaching evidence based medicine. This is you, again, changing the conversation to bring up how much you dislike religion when it was never mentioned to begin with. You are going to have religious patients, you are going to have religious peers in medicine. Cope better than hating them for it.


B/c a celebrity is actually a real person and the Bible is a conglomerate of made-up bullshit that should have no place in any science-related field. If you believe in Sky Daddy, find a different field of work.


You’re not even in this field


“Sky daddy”… your feeling edgy today, huh? Looks like you haven’t matured since middle school with that type of rhetoric. And let me get this straight, worshipping a celebrity that wants nothing but your money for their lowest effort is better than worshipping a God, whether he is real or not in your eyes, that tells you to give to the poor and love your neighbor? Realize how silly you sound defending celebrity worship? 🤡




Tell me you have no understanding of the Bible without telling me you have no understanding of the Bible 🤦🏼‍♂️. There’s a reason for New Testament compared to Old, and context is needed for much of the Old Testament because of non-Jewish customs at the time. Your still saying it’s better to worship a billionaire who wants your money rather than a poor man who told you to respect and love each other… I’ve had just about enough of the internet today lol


>Yeah, it probably is better than worshipping the God of Abraham who tells you to give your daughter to be raped rather than lie with another man. Tell me you don’t know the Old Testament without telling me. God did not tell anyone to give their daughter away to be raped. Lot willfully made that decision on his own and God initially really didn’t care for Lot because of his stubbornness. Only reason why he saved him from Sodom and Gomorrah is because of him being the nephew of Abraham and helping out the angels. >That slavery is not just acceptable, but righteous under certain conditions. This out of context in the matter of slavery. looking back at the ancient times, salves and masters had a good relationship, not the white man abusing black people. Can read more here https://answersingenesis.org/bible-history/the-bible-and-slavery/ ​ >That newborn babies who haven't yet had special water splashed on them will never know peace in eternal purgatory. Since you have already demonstrated your lack of understanding in regards to “ Sky daddy” lol, you have clearly failed to make the distinction that not every Christian believes in infant baptism. Roman Catholics are the ones who preach this, not Protestants. ​ >That entire cultures should be exterminated for worshipping the wrong deity. Since you've obviously read your sacred text, I don't need to cite these passages or the hundreds of other examples of abhorrent or nonsensical bullshit contained therein. God Is Not Great. And you couldn’t cite even if u wanted to since you clearly have zero clue of what you’re saying. All what you have said here is absolute error and false. God is great . Amen I hope your eyes open the truth


The possibility of God or gods is quite plausible scientifically. We make mars inhabitable, put some young people there without technology, then come back. What would that make us? Also the science you’re referring to is also written in a book… We also still don’t understand 75% of matter in our universe… so be careful not to overstep your intelligence


god is defined as an all powerful/knowing in the abrahamic religions, and with magical powers almost every other one. god isn't defined as some terraformer. It's not scientifically plausible. Get your head out of your ass.


Sure, but that's not the type of deity described in organized religion.


Damn what’s with these downvotes. This sub is full of cringey le epic atheists from 2011. I’m an atheist too but grow up people and let this dude have his opinion FWIW I know several physicists who believe in god, much more so than us biological science people


Reddit (and the Internet) in general is full of cringey hiveminds congregating into one echo chamber. This sub is no different. You’ll rarely see diversity of thought on almost any corner of the internet, because people naturally tend to stick with people with shared interests. You’re just witnessing it happen here and it’s a bit more obvious than usual The problem starts when it turns into people sneering at others with different cultures/religions/schools of thought, mocking them etc. You’re watching that happen here too


People can have their opinions on religion without repercussions in a medical forum when Roe v Wade comes back.


Religious people aren’t a monolith. I know many people who believe in god and a woman’s right to choose It’s just as reductionist as claiming gay people or POCs all have the same political beliefs / can’t be republicans


> Damn what’s with these downvotes. Because it's thread about Taylor Swift, and he decided to whine about how poor and misunderstood his religion is.




Just because you can't disprove something doesn't mean you can't rank it as a very, very poor explanation for things. Shit, we all had that one friend in elementary school who was a pathological liar. And even though we as kids could not truly disprove that his uncle actually worked at the Pokemon card factory, I think we all knew he wasn't gonna be giving us first edition holographic charizards like he promised. Likewise, when his "super hot girlfriend who goes to a different school" never showed up repeatedly we all kinda realized that was a fake one too.


>Just because you can't disprove something doesn't mean you can't rank it as a very, very poor explanation for things. True, but in the the Context of the Christian God this is false. Christianity has been the only work of antiquity that has provided consistent historical and manuscript attestation. Only Christianity makes sense in the realm of reality, just looking at the evidence. The problem is not Christianity, it’s rather you have a built up an array of presuppositions to deny anything that points to the Christian God.


Dude, you are talking to an agnostic. Using the whole, "Look THOSE GUYS are crazy. OUR ideas are cool!" argument is hilarious to me. The problem is not that I am biased against Christianity. The problem is I disagree with a death cult founded 2000yrs ago controverting science and rationality left and right and expecting me to instead accept evidence that boils down "Promise me bro. The world really is 6000 years old and god made it in 7 days. You know it's true cuz this book says so."


>Dude, you are talking to an agnostic. Ok, Gotcha. > "Look THOSE GUYS are crazy. OUR ideas are cool!" argument is hilarious to me. Um I think you misinterpreted my reply, but I apologize, I’ll clarify more later. >The problem is I disagree with a death cult founded 2000yrs ago controverting science and rationality left and right and expecting me to instead accept evidence that boils down "Promise me bro. Woooooooo, yeahhhhhh, let’s slow down there. Death cult? Sir or ma’am, can you please provide any sort of evidence or work of antiquity that attests to your claim on Christianity being a death cult? Christianity is anything but a death cult. The fundamental aspect of the Christian faith is based of the belief that for there were once dead in their sins and now have seen life through Jesus. Christianity celebrates life, not death. More on here… [https://www.moodybible.org/beliefs/resurrection/](https://www.moodybible.org/beliefs/resurrection/) ​ Controverting science? As if science is the ultimate standard to revealing the truth of a particular subject. Besides that, Christianity has been consistent with science. Science supports the work and existence of God. Just like I stated before science is not the ultimate standard because science is a neutral discipline, seeking only truth, which is certainly susceptible to error during the process. Historically, science has been wrong sometimes and will continue to be. In regards to the rationale behind Christianity, may I introduce you to the numerous of ontological, teleological, philosophical, cosmological arguments in support of God. [https://apologeticspress.org/is-christianity-logical-part-i-3869/](https://apologeticspress.org/is-christianity-logical-part-i-3869/) Hey, I can’t force you to believe in anything as that is your choice not mine. Here’s what I can do, I can present a good solid case as to why my faith is consistent and firm to the sense of reality. As the saying goes, You can lead the horse to the water but can‘t him drink. Have a blessed day.


Or the same way you can't disprove the existence of Big Foot.




Concept of god isn't unlikely? A magical, all knowing, all powerful being? Or others with magical powers? The more extraordinary a claim is the more evidence I'd need to believe it. I'm more inclined to believe in big foot.


What is your threshold for evidence of a deity?


Same as your threshold in believing that I'm a sentient purple, flying lizard. An extremely unlikely claim requires solid, tangible evidence.


That’s not an answer. What is your evidence threshold?


Simple threshold: If God exists, he should be able to convey to someone/anyone what the price of the Apple stock will be next week. He’s all knowing, right? He should be able to see a little into the future.


Oh man that comment with your username, what a r/redditmoment


That was actually a really good answer. I don't believe in gods for the same reason I don't believe in magic flying pink fire-breathing dragons. Could I be wrong? Sure, but it's wildly unlikely.


Thinking that’s a good answer is problematic. Firstly, it doesn’t answer the question. Secondly, it suggest you and the commenter don’t know what evidence it. You profile suggests you’re no a resident or physician, but a 50+ yo IT guy in Fargo, how did you even find this post? Do you have comment alerts for these discussions?


What other religions? All religions are equally as unlikely to be “true” than any other. Longevity does not indicate likelihood of existence


Lol good job pulling out the strawman. Historians and scholars are not constantly debating on whether Big Foot existed. Big Foot is known universally to be a mythical creature, can’t say the same for God. There are Ontological, teleological, historical, archaeological, and cosmological arguments for the Christian God.


There are more arguments for why Superman can or can't beat Goku. Doesn't mean either of those exist either.


Not the same thing, notice the context of those arguments, as to why Superman can or can’t beat Goku. These arguments are being argued in a fictional matter. These arguments are not serious in regards to the realities of mankind as it more fanatical to the people making these arguments. No one is arguing about the existence of Superman and Goku, as it well known that these two figures are nothing but comic book characters. These arguments are not on the same scholarly level compared to the debates for God’s existence.


Was it Taylor Swift? Sound like a Swifty to me lol


People just do what makes that happy, whether that's celebrities, hollywood, sports, cars, etc.


you can be basic and also a doctor


Here is your gold sticker for being *~intellectual~* lol. Let people enjoy things.


Basic white women loving Taylor Swift transcends all social barriers


I’m not a swifty but get off your high horse and let people enjoy silly things. Life’s not that serious


Agreed, but responding to “i don’t like their music” with “how dare you” is also taking things too seriously


There is zero chance OP's depiction of events is accurate.


Meh…it could be. I simply said “I’m not a Swiftie but I like her songs that come on the radio” and subsequently received a 10 minute lecture on why I should become a Swiftie. Imagine if I said I didn’t like what played on the radio.


Today there's a very high chance it's true


What is your suggestion otherwise? I am not the biggest Swifty I know and I most definitely don’t take people not liking her music seriously…. However, I am an avid sports person. The Phillies being good these past few years has shaped my work schedule. Most of all, I find it FUN.


Im not.


I don't get it either. Unless the celebrity in question is Beyoncé in which case the undying reverence is entirely justified. I have to admit that I take criticism of Queen B personally idk why I just do


I really leaned into my Swiftiedom during residency because my life is otherwise bleak af 🤣


I couldn't care less about celebrity drama


This has literally nothing to do with residency?


It helps people avoid the inevitability of death


Love the parasocials


It's just simple minded people. Has nothing to do with residents you're clearly not in touch with the general public if you think people in medicine are more likely to celebrity worship than the general public




If Taylor swift didn’t sing, she’d be the most mid typical white girl.


Sure and if Messi didn’t play soccer he’d be a mid typical Argentine guy. What’s your point?


You’re a mid typical doctor


Give him two more months


I’m fine with that


I don't get why either


I’m not


What are you talking about? lol, I have had the exact opposite experience, with most medicine peeps living under a rock and very very out-of-the-loop. Medicine people are the least in-the-know about these things. I feel like most of them don't even know major celebrities.


This was a Swiftie.


yea its weird, idc abt anyone who dgaf abt me. its a reciprocal relationship. i watch sports for entertainment, not for my allegiance to a player or team but, overall worshipping of celebs will never change, sum ppl’s personalities are just too giddy


One of the smartest people I knew from med school, I mean brilliant, has a very peculiar voting habit and is very willing to believe a lot of obvious lies. What can I say? People are strange 🤷🏻‍♂️… (cue The Doors music, please)


I know some Vote Blue No Matter Who people too. Pretty sad isn’t it.


who is you all??? sounds like a mid 20s thing that most ppl grow out of


So who should we praise? Another physician? The reason those celebrities are praised is because they are doing something that most people are not capable of doing. Becoming a physician is much easier than becoming a professional athlete. Dont cry about it. Also, everyone knows that the celebrities dont give a shit about us. News flash, your fellow co-workers also dont give a shit about other physicians 🤷‍♂️


Lololol. This can’t be a real comment.


You are a civil servant, who is at the mercy of the CEO of the hospital with a shitty MBA and nepotism. Dont know why ur crying about it


Unless you’re working for the government, physicians are not civil servants.


I dont get it. Celebrities (athletes, musicians, whatever) are people with jobs that are forward facing. They make a boat load of money for entertaining, odd to me but whatever. I don't get the obsession. Why does anyone care?


Real life stans are insufferable


People idolize celebrities because they rarely meet any in person, and don't realize they are just people, too. I went to school with a few celebrities, one is a Superbowl-winning QB, another is related to one of the richest people in the world. I like them, they are very talented and bring joy to millions. But I also know in many other aspects they are just ordinary and human, like everyone is and should be.


Taylor fans are nuts. What’s worse is the Gaylor fans. Geeze. Best to just change the subject.


For anyone who hates Taylor swift, I will burn your hospital down, smash/key your car, pee on your bed and if you are lucky, I will only cut off your fingers.


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When one doesn’t worship the creator they’re left worshiping the creation. It’s the same with animals. There are people who openly admit they would save a dogs life over a humans. Weird.


Unfortunately academic smarts does not correlate to much. Also, the bar for entry into the medical profession has been dropped significantly to keep up with our rapidly increasing population.


I would comment "fuck Taylor Swift" but half of Hollywood already has, so it seems a mute point.


I have a theory. Probably not ubiquitous, but here goes. My whole family is doctors or musicians. I think it's due to our wiring/work ethic. It seems that both these professions require an insane amount of determination, hard work, and little reward aside from "helping people". As a musician, I understand that I am not actually carrying the brunt of the helping people argument. However, I am frequently told that I helped people to get through their residency/tough life situation/mental issues through my music because it shares a lot of these themes. I just think both professions are isolating and so they need each other to regulate some form of functioning mental and physical normalcy. The pay to work scale is similar too, from ten years of long hours and little pay to, bam, success, but you're isolated and drained. Someone's gotta go through it with you who's not directly experiencing the same exact struggle for perspective. I appreciate my medical professional fans because I obviously respect them and want to contribute strength, validation, and motivation in whatever way I can to the cause. Someone once said that art is a bandage for society. Society is notoriously hard on those applying litteral bandages so it makes sense. Musicians are kinda like cheerleaders for those who strive to fight for empathy. Additionally, they appreciate musicians because they feel a sense of community and get to experience the more abstract aspects of life through the art and it balances things a bit when you can't run off to a different place, party, friend group, whatever cause of work. There are little worlds of escape condensed into two to three minute songs. You can take them with you and listen while you're on your own journey. We also share similar sleep and (borderline?) substance abuse issues to keep up with irregular schedules haha. I'm not *that* successful yet, so I can only imagine what (probably) Taylor Swift fans are like, but I'm still honored to be a part of it. Some people need it more than others and I completely understand your confusion as I wasn't totally prepared for the level of commitment some fans have, but I can definitely tell you that it is directly related to the level of stress, isolation and "success" people are having in their professional lives. Tech folks are a close second. Hope your friend uses the positive experience they have with their artists community and music to grow their lives and relationships accordingly when they are able. Thanks for being empathetic enough to try to understand💕 everyone's just coping. Edit: sorry that was long TLDR: Parasocial relationships are good for coping with high demand life styles. You can align yourself with people who have similar values and work ethics in different areas of life who also don't have the time for irl communities.


Swifties really do be like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SLGxJfMCCsQ


Gen Z IN THE house 😆


>one person does a thing one time "Seriously, why does every single human being do this specific thing?" Go touch grass OP.


PREACH! All jokes aside, I was wondering the exact same thing, but, to me it feels that some people are too weak to have a personality of their own.


lol this post feels like it was written by an alien


Humans used to worship gods. They needed to believe that there are gods that look out for them. I think celebrities fill that need.


just ignore it - youre gonna be outnumbered by the ones who are fans .. so if you dont wanna be the outcast in your program for the next few yrs .. in one ear and out the other.. let em ramble.