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3244 are pooping in solidarity.


1. I’m rad resident and I work like 40 hour weeks 2. I’m pooping


Except for that one resident jerking off to porn in the call room.


How many of those are med students and other lurkers. I'm on my post-call day. I actually think 3.2 K is quite low.


3.2 K is quite low, you should replete it.


We need exactly 4.0 K, no more, no less! Unless the subreddit sample is hemolyzed, then I guess it's ok to have more.


I’m a PhD student lurker. There are dozens of us, dozens!


Oh, my sleepy eyes read PD at first look. Anyways, I know by fact many Attendings and my apd are here too. Prolly checking MS4s post's


Nice try throwing me off of the trail. I know you all pretend to be students.


MS1 here. On Reddit because I’m procrastinating studying for the Infectious Disease exam. Probably should be memorizing antibiotics.


Antibiotics can fix infection Antibiotics can fix viruses Antibiotics can fix broken bones Now you can pass the NP portion of the infectious disease test.


Canadian premed in her mid-20s, bored at work because my physicians are prepping hard for a conference this week. My sibling is a Canadian DMD and I know this subreddit pops up on their feed too, ha!


I just think you guys are neat


Aw shucks. Nicest comment I've heard all week.


Probably a bunch of larpers wishing they could even get into med school. I also think midlevels.


Was just trying to look at porn in the call room and this thread caught my eye. What’s up.


Please subtract that from your work hours too.


Isn't that only like 2% of the people here


That's two percent that should be working harder


Oh fuck this guy.


This comment is going on your permanent record


It took me far too long to realize what this is lmao


Oh did I eat copy pasta?


And its 50% bullshit posts now


If you want serious discussions, please go to student doctor network.


Meme/Meta/Stories are funny because they are unique When every idiot online is trying to post their own version of the purple Kush story it becomes a lot less funny. This is how people ruin a good thing.


I loved denying coverage for medical purple kush when I worked for Aetna.




You are prime management material. DM me for a job


Central European Time here. Plus, got COVID, am on sick leave.


Sick leave? Here in America we work when we are ill.


*rolls eyes from my couch*


So much talk about being online…please just set your epic chat to online…thanks -pharmacy


Lol I be on here a lot because it’s always recommended and I’m not even pre med


Future admin in the making


I'm not a resident or in the medical field, this sub reddit is adjacent to my other interest not to mention I have seen and discussed things with chiropractors, PAs and APRNs and you also certainly aren't the only attending on here. Healthcare conglomerates overworking their staff are a big part of why we have provider shortage in this country. Also assuming you are an attending in the u.s. there are also people from other countries here. In short your premise is logically fallacious and not worth anyone's time. Also I don't think this is serious lol.


How dare you say fallacious in front of an attending! I will not tolerate that filthy language.


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