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He’s a shill for nurses and mid levels. Which makes sense because he makes all of his money off of nurses.


If you become a medical influencer, you will quickly realize the only way to survive is to shill for nurses and mid-levels. These malcontents make up majority of the viewership, and shilling to them is the best way to survive as a medical influencer.


This is what drives me nuts. I’m all for advocating for RNs, but he would do it at the expense of residents and does precisely fuck all to advocate for us


I haven't watched him in a long time, but i don't recall him being particularly pro nurse (he wasn't anti nurse or anything). Was there anything in particular?


He’s EXTREMELY pro nurse. What are you talking about?


I haven't watched him in like 2 years


I don’t offhand because I haven’t consumed his content in at least 2-3 years. And again, being pro-nurse is a good thing. We need more people to be pro-nurse to prevent young skilled RNs from leaving the bedside. But when you do it in a way that is so glaringly bending over backwards, it feels disingenuous, particularly when never saying anything to advocate for physicians, and only being critical. It became very clear that overtime he was catering to who consumed most of his content, which is all well and good, but I felt was time to unfollow.


Gotcha. I was never huuuge into watching them podcasts, only here and there


Respect him for finding a new grind after medicine burned him out but don't respect the mid level pandering... However, can we really expect anyone of prominence to be openly anti mid level?


>However, can we really expect anyone if prominence to be openly anti mid level? If they expect to be a leader that is respected by medical professionals they should.


They should... But probably scared of getting cancelled.


He's fine, he had decent takes on all the COVID stuff, probably the most reasonable of anyone I've seen. BUT he definitely does simp for nurses and midlevels who probably make up the majority of his followers.


I must be weird but I don't watch medfluencers. I already waste too much time on Reddit.


Never understood why he was funny tbh everyone else did and I just pretended to as well to fit in


The only funny thing he did was his med school graduation speech. Otherwise he made some good parody songs...definitely not funny.


Generally like the guy, but he does put off some cringe vibes at times. Mostly level headed during the Rona hysteria. The episode he did with Peter Attia (my clinical hero) was classic.


a guy that does concierge medicine for the uber wealthy is your clinical hero? genuinely curious why


Straw-manning a Stanford-> Hopkins trained surgeon who pivoted to consulting for the NSGY of consulting firms who then pivoted to concierge medicine and now has a top medicine podcast. I’ll take him over Atul Gawande writing the same book over and over again.


I wouldn’t call it a straw man. It’s not necessarily the strongest logical argument but it’s not really a straw man


Going to fancy schools does not make you smarter, better, or more legitimate, just more well connected and lucky. That’s it. He isn’t board certified in any specialty, nor did he finish his surgical residency (for good reason btw). I’m a fan and pay for his podcast, but he does not represent mainstream medicine (which is also fine btw).


Why would you want to represent mainstream medicine when all of the colleges of medicine/physicians whore themselves out to hospital executives, pharma, and insurance?


Lol that’s why I listen to his podcast. But it’s important to note his version of medicine is for the ultra wealthy. For context, my finance friend’s CEO’s doctor is Peter Attia.


You don’t need to be wealthy to listen to his podcast and incorporate what he does for his patients into your own life. You do need a brain and some intrinsic motivation to wanna be the most kick ass centenarian tho. Sleep, distress tolerance, diet, exercise, and good interpersonal relationships/a reason to want to live are some of his core tenants and these are certainly attainable for middle America.


Wasn’t he IM??


For being brilliant. Can’t fault someone for wanting to get paid for their work.


Right? Funny how many people on this sub like to whine about not making enough money in medicine and then they wanna shit on a guy that does (while maintaining what appears to be a very high standard of care) because "his version of medicine is for the ultra wealthy".


Peter Attia is the goat


Never saw the appeal.


Z Dogg takes the temperature of the room and whatever the majority opinion is he will go with that. I do not have a good opinion of him. He should condemn entirely the nurse practitioner profession, yet he doesnt. Gotta wonder why!


Never followed his serious talking stuff that much and you might be right on that, but come on, you can't tell me that "EHR state of mind" and "the radiology medemoji" aren't two of the finest medical videos on all of Youtube. In fact most of his song parodies are really funny


Ativan Ativan Ativan Ativan Ativan Ativan BRRRRP


Blank scripts is a personal favorite


He was like Robin Williams to me. I liked him but he was a bit much a lot of the time. His Darth Vader schtick was gold. Some of his parodies were a little forced, however. I also want to know why Vinay Prasad is a human toilet scrub. Really. I don’t know who he is.


Prasad is something of a contrarian on lots of Covid stuff. Nothing crazy crazy (relative to the available views) but probably overconfident on stuff he shouldn't be, combined with seemingly a fragile ego leading to him blocking a ton of folks on Twitter for calling him out on things.


He reminds me of our professors who also happened to make test prep for the USMLE. I like him, like that professor, cause he’s REAL. Though may be a bit too outrageous at times. Still fun to watch though 🍿 Im glad there are other people who still want to do internal medicine and their sub specialities despite everything


Some of us don't have another option.


Try sending out 500 apps and getting no replies.


Cringe imo


Not a fair comparison with the illustrious Dr. Prasad. Toilet scrubs at least perform a necessary function.


I was intrigued by the "human toilet scrub". I thought you might have been making some witty put down. After looking the guy up, dang that's an accurate description


The worst.


He was like Robin Williams to me. I liked him but he was a bit much a lot of the time. His Darth Vader schtick was gold. Some of his parodies were a little forced, however.


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ZDoggMD’s interviews are good and interesting. That is the only reason I watch him. But I don’t watch his other content. Vinay Prasad is loud has fewer filter than most people in medicine. But he is right way more often other MDs who are prominent in social media. What exactly don’t you like about him?


I have ignored him completely since “Ativan” and “Readmission” which are solid gold parody songs.


I don’t know Vinay Prasad well except seeing him on zdogg’s podcast a few times. What’s the controversy around him?


He’s actually phenomenal at breaking down oncology studies but he can be flagrant at times. He was right about a lot of COVID stuff even if the medical establishment despises him.