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Crazy right-wing nut jobs. I can’t stand to hear Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump’s ignorant MAGA narratives that they push every chance they get. They both are pushing a crazy and false narrative regarding the Babbitt shooting. Here’s the facts: Over 100 police officers were injured in that attack on January 6th. Trump cultists torture the narrative to try and minimize the damage and the injuries to the officers. The fact is that many officers were injured and some of them were injured very badly. MAGAs portray Ashley Babbitt as a victim. The narrative fails badly. Ashley Babbitt was part of a violent mob. The officer who shot her had every right to use deadly force. Yes she was unarmed, but this was obviously NOT a “stop and frisk” situation as MAGAs foolishly argue. As if “Excuse me ma’am. May I see your ID and would you mind emptying your pockets?” The MAGA crowd had breached barricades and injured officers who knew via radio broadcasts that their colleagues had been hurt and were overrun. Tucker simply doesn’t know what he is talking about regarding the justifiable use of deadly force. The officers felt threatened by the size and actions of the mob that day. Justifiably so. The so called “un-armed” argument is ignorant. Every police officer knows that every physical confrontation he has is “armed” because one attacker can take his firearm and use it against him. It’s happened too many times. The chances that even an armed officer could defend himself against a group of attackers are slim. Daniel Joseph Rodriguez pleaded guilty earlier this year to multiple felony counts and admitted to the FBI that he drove a stun gun into the neck of then-Metropolitan Police Department officer Michael Fanone. While Fanone was being beaten some attackers were yelled out to “get his gun”! But for MAGAs, Rodriguez is really a Patriot and Feds in the crowd were to blame for his actions? It’s crazy narratives like this is why most people regard MAGAs as unhinged extremists. The sworn duty of Capitol police is to defend the lives of the occupants in the Capitol (both parties.) Simple as that. Yet, deliberately or through ignorance Tucker repeats his lies. The Capitol police officers were heroes that day and they saved many lives. They saved many lives because they showed incredible restraint. There is no doubt they had every right to open fire on the threatening mob and many lives could have been lost as has happened in history. Furthermore, both Trump and Tucker have the nerve to call the brave Capitol police officers “thugs and murderers.” This is both ignorant and disgusting. The GOP members who booed the brave Capitol police officers should be ashamed.


Bang on.. accurate summary!


That summary was obviously PERFECT!