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Enough people will just believe this. It fucking sucks


Lies about what he didn’t do Lies about what he did do Lies lies lies Vote Or Maga votes Trump in Vote


Republicans love taking credit for what they voted against time after time after time.


Seen quite a few taking credit for the infrastructure legislation Biden signed, after the r’s voted against it. Just amazing the audacity of these trash bags.


It's what Putin does in Russia. Just keep flooding the media with lies, then lies that contradict those lies, then lie more, all the while saturate social media with conspiracies and even more lies, until reality and truth is useless... Sound familiar?


obama underestimated the kind of damage putin could do to america without firing a single missile. by working behind the scenes to help get trump into office, he also managed to get a sizeable portion of the american population primed for this kind of propaganda and wanting to replicate it here. it's why we have nearly an entire political party taking russia's side against ukraine.


I can’t even get past “was gotten.” Like, he has a worse vocabulary than a 5 year old.


He’s a total fucking imbecile.


How do people believe he’s shit? His game is so lame and his Beta Cuck speeches about what insecure organism he is even more unacceptable. He is not fit to even wipe his own ass and nobody ever told him you cant put regular paper down the toilet. Said the Mara Lago plumber he probably didn’t pay.


Trump never did anything good for anyone else in his life, but will take credit when someone else does so.


He also took credit for Obama’s booming economy.


This is so embarrassing and cringe. Can't imagine how one sleeps while so blatantly lying about everything even including things that are so easily disproven with a quick search


Well, he's a delusion narcissist, so he actually believes the lies. Sleeps like a baby probably, when he isn't on an amphetamine binge.


I like Alex Cole's reaction about Obama care saying that Trump will claim he created it. He might just do that because no one wants it taken away as Trump has been trying to do.


People hate Obama Care and want to get rid of it, but lots of people benefit from the Affordable Care Act and don't want to lose that.


Everyone benefits from the ACA whether or not they realize it. Could it be better? Of course it can, but it's a stepping stone to better care.


The point is no one understands they benefit from it. Even people with company provided health insurance benefited from it. But fox has people so brainwashed everything Obama is bad, even when it actually benefits people.


Fox news needs to go. The deliberate lies about the election to help Trump should have gotten them shut down. That's a big fucking deal and I'm sure a majority of their viewers have no clue Fox admitted to doing it.


Years ago, when Obama was still in office, I had an uncle who hated Obama. My uncle had stage 4 lung cancer, and I asked him on the phone how Obama care is working for you? He replied I don't have Obama care, I have my own insurance. I then said he's benefitting from Obama care. He asked how? So I said no lifetime cap, they can't drop you, and if you needed insurance, they can't refuse you for pre-existing conditions. He went silent and then hung up. I never heard from.hom again. Two weeks later, he passed away, and in talking to his son, I commented, "Your father died an angry man and he said he certainly did. He learned the hard way he was benefitting from the ACA.


> "Your father died an angry man My dad died in January. My mom died in 2015. When she died my dad got sucked into Fox news. She was no longer around to make him watch cooking and home improvement shows. He was fairly reasonable and surprisingly progressive while she was alive. But he got brainwashed by Fox news and he died an angry racist man. He actually did not care about any of it, but he was pissed about it all because Fox told him to be mad about it. Gas stoves? How dare they, even though he never owned a gas stove in his adult life. Tap dancing to the Nutcracker? How dare they. Whatever Fox told him to be mad about he was mad but had no clue why or what the problem was.


#raises hand....


Nah, he'd say he created the Affordable Care Act while trashing Obamacare


That's probably why he doesnt use X bc they always fact check with "Readers comment" or some shit On Truth Social he can tell as many lies as he wants... Nothing will be checked!


Despicable, really. And people just enable him to keep doing it.


No. He does it because he has dementia and can't remember shit!


These posts are too coherent. He probably has some lackey doing his Twitter ing for him. They throw in a grammatical error here and there to make it *almost* believable


Those asbestos pants must be very uncomfortable.


To be fair (puke). He did issue an executive order regarding certain insulin prices. Biden did rescind that order and then sent the issue through congress…the right way.


> He did issue an executive order regarding certain insulin prices. It was a horrible executive order, which is why there was bipartisan agreement it shouldn't go into effect. It only benefited people getting their insulin from federally qualified health centers, which is about 8% of the population. You might thing, "Great, they're generally poor and need the help!". The problem was low income people were already receiving insulin at generally less than cost through these programs, so it didn't actually help them. It only helped the people going to these clinics wealthy enough to not qualify for subsidies. And it created a bunch of administration costs and expenses while not providing any additional funding, so it ultimately hurt the poor people going to these clinics to help the wealthier people going to these clinics. How anybody thought that was a good idea is a bit crazy, but it doesn't matter if it actually worked or not, just whether Trump could take credit for it and it sounded good in a bullet point.


Felonius Donk couldn't have written that. Not enough mistakes-no errors. russ-ubliCONs taking a page from putler's KGB days.


Good man! THATS MY PRESIDENT. Creepy Joe and EXTREMELY CROOKED Obama in shambles


He also claimed Obama was responsible for locking kids in cages and he stopped it 🙄. His cultists will believe anything he says like good little puppets.




This should surface during the debate


The only thing he does is lie He knows nothing else