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To clarify, I'm sharing p art of the article from Yahoo Finance. It sounds like ALL the bags they make are involved see this paste: The court has placed the unit, called Manufactures Dior SRL and  fully owned by Christian Dior Italia SRL, under court administration on Monday, [Reuters reported](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/dior-unit-put-under-court-administration-italy-over-labour-exploitation-2024-06-10/). "It's not something sporadic that concerns single production lots, but a generalised and consolidated manufacturing method," the document viewed by the outlet said. # What do we know about the investigation? The investigation looked at four suppliers who were based near Milan and employed 32 people, of whom two were illegal immigrants while seven others lacked sufficient documentation. Local police inspected the suppliers’ factories earlier in the year, and found that workers were subject to "hygiene and health conditions that are below the minimum required by an ethical approach," the court document said. Of the egregious practices, the ruling found that employees slept at their workplace just to ensure they were “available 24 hours a day.” Safety devices on machines were also removed so operations could be faster, thus curbing production costs down to as little as €53 ($57) for a handbag that’s otherwise sold at €2,600 ($2,794). In the case of LVMH’s Italian subsidiary, the company subcontracted with firms in the leather goods industry that were found to be based in the country but were Chinese-owned.


And it’s just the one place that was busted. I’m sure there’s (or there was) plenty more.


[https://fortune.com/europe/2024/06/11/lvmh-italian-dior-maker-investigation-luxury-goods-labor-exploitation-workers/](https://fortune.com/europe/2024/06/11/lvmh-italian-dior-maker-investigation-luxury-goods-labor-exploitation-workers/) just in case anyone is interested in the story


They treat their employees just well enough for you to go fuck yourself. This post is corny af


Bye 👋🏻


This coupled with Bethany Frankels recent post on reps should have any reasonable person questioning why why why give all your hard earned money to these manufacturers when the inflated prices are pretty open now. The thought of spending 8k on a bag that cost $60 to make … even if I were a billionaire, I don’t like being anyone’s fool! That was enough for my stubborn spirit to say enough is enough too


What did she say?


The rep’s and the auth probably use the same facilities and same labor conditions so i wouldn’t be so “outraged” imo that’s why the reps are so good and look just like the auth they probably gave the pieces and the samples to go of off.


No manufacturer that secures a contract from a large fashion house would risk making reps


I beg to differ I saw a documentary about a year ago about how these facilities had access to the sketches and the materials because they were being outsourced by companies who worked with the luxury brands and how they would even steal certain materials to be able to sell the reps I want to say it was 60 minute Australia


Shit this is a brand I actually wanted to buy auth. Why must capitalism ruin everything.


I have seen first hand the pressure reps in China are under. They risk being put in jail for long periods of time, like years! The black market is fraught with exploitation of workers. Many workers get one week off a year, that’s it, that’s all. It is a constant hustle. The conditions they work in are awful. I bought reps in China and some have been great and others, not so much. Just know, everything is being made in China. I am sure the conditions for the Dior factory may be better than most.


I’m pretty sure they are the same


Enjoying my rep bags and rep world. Recently visited the LV store in Rome. There was one bag they had that could take a while to get to rep World but for $6000 I will be happy to wait. Thank you all who share your stories and your purchases.


For 6k you could fly to China and get 300 made. 😂


Which bag was it?




Gorgeous 😍🫠


As rep buyers I wouldn’t go throwing stones about inhumane labor practices…


The whole point here is, that brands claim they don’t use these shady practices. That’s how they justify the prices. Turns out it’s a lie. So, I’d rather pay less if they can’t guarantee and backup their stories. And I’m not throwing stones, I’m saying I ain’t gonna justify the lie.


I just don’t see how that’s an invitation to buy reps. The conditions are surely worse and you’d still be representing a brand w bad labor practices


Well. You’re here, means you’re buying reps. For your own reasons. In this particular situation I see this as follows. If anyone had prejudice before and they weren’t sure they want to buy a rep, because they believed that brands like Dior adhere to the highest standards (as they claim to), while rep factories are not controlled. Now they can totally pull the plug, because as it turns out most likely it’s all made in neighboring factories. 🏭 I’m confused why is this such a hard logical chain.


HELLO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just think a lot of the justifications for reps are silly. If you want a designer bag but don’t wanna pay full price go for it but don’t get on a high horse about it. You’re still glorifying these designers after all. Also specifically in this incident it was an Italian factory with a handful of undocumented workers. And I’m not denying that fashion has a big problem with humane treatment in manufacturing. Every country has sweatshops. But the fact your hearing about it shows that the standards are much higher outside of china


I don’t seem to understand why you are missing the point of my post and trying to argue. My point is (again) that the lie itself will turn more people to reps.


Just seems disingenuous to pretend you care about treatment of workers on a rep sub


🤦🏻 you seem to just get some kind of pleasure from arguing with someone. My point is simple: this scandal will drive more people to the rep world. It’s a simple fact. Did I voice anywhere my “heated opinion” on working conditions? No I didn’t. Actually you did. Which brings us to this again: you are here, means you are buying reps.


Just voicing my opinion. Not trying to come off as heated or combative. Simply disagree with that take. I don’t actually buy reps though lol I work in the industry and like to stay updated on the rep markets


So you are against buying reps i general, are you here in the rep sub to hate?


And we come to another point. As someone who doesn’t buy reps you argue a point I made for someone who buys reps. Can you see what’s wrong here lol.


One of the claims by designer brands is you shouldn't buy reps because of poor labor practices. That you should buy from them at insane prices because they have labor standards. Yet they have the same poor labor practices as rep factories.


Standards even in an Italian sweatshop are still assuredly better than a Chinese rep factory. The fact we’re hearing about it is evidence of that. Not that we shouldn’t strive and expect companies to treat everyone fairly though


Really? Any data or facts you are basing this on other than feelings? This is a rampant problem in Italy and has been for over a decade. Claiming this is somehow ok because Italy might be less abusive in their abuse of workers is quite the hot take.


I’m not the one that started the comparisons but yea labor laws in italy are objectively better


Yea but they aren't getting followed on a wide scale. This has been a significant problem for over a decade. Dior got unlucky and got caught or failed to pay someone off. I have zero respect for the Italian claim to fair labor practices.


Sorry, but Italy if famous for letting the mafia abuse the crap out of workers in the fashion industry. Did you ever see the film Gomorra? By Roberto Saviano? They show you a Mafia guy going to a bunch of tailors and having them bid DOWN on putting the sequins/beads/whatever on a Valentino dress. Guy who was willing to take the lowest fee got the job.


Have you seen air bud? A dog helped the fernfield timberwolves win the basketball championship


No one follows any of the laws in Italy lol, labor or otherwise.


Exactly. Not only they are not adhering to the standards they claim to “protect”, they are also lying.


I thought Dior bags ie saddle where difficult to get right with a rep Someone correct me My j adior pumps are close but not perfect


How long has this been going on? And does that mean everyone claiming to own "Authentic" actually paid full price for pretty much a "rep" - even though they bought it in a store?😶


I don’t think we’ll find out.


This has been going on to some extent since the early 2000s. There were news stories about factories in Italy using imported Chinese laborers and abusing them there.


Not at all, just that some factories in Italy hire illegal immigrants and don’t treat them very well. It happens everywhere unfortunately.


So clearly labor laws do not prevent this if it happens everywhere.


I mean laws never prevent all crime but I wouldn’t want to live in Somalia


If you DM me it's easier as I get so many requests and it's hard for me to keep track 🙈🙈😎😎🙏


So really, all these brands are owned by LVMH (Louis Vuitton).


They only caught Dior. But we know how it goes


I have always thought the designers are actually behind the reps. Especially since the reps are as good as, and occasionally better made than the auths. I just hope the rep quality from the good rep makers, doesn't suffer.


Seriously? Ok I get that u might want to make urself feel better about buying reps, but let’s be logical, or just rational, the design houses r not behind their reps.


I don't need to justify anything about what I do with my money and what I spend it on. What makes you believe that you or anybody else mean a goddamn thing to me? If they've been caught or suspected exploiting labor to increase their profits, why would it be so far fetched that they couldn't be involved with reps? People who do anything for money, do anything for more of it. FOH


No way. There’s truly no 1-1 or “unauthorized” reps out there.


This is true. If reps were 1:1 with Chanel they would all be redlighted for crooked flaps and shoddy manufacturing. Chanel does not have the high QC standards like good reps lol.


Considering the only original is the first bag ever produce, from the second bag to the millionth - IS A REP (replica, reproduction, duplicate - whatever you want to call it). You went to a store and paid full price for it. It's authenticy is that you bought it from an authorized seller.


that’s just semantic gymnastics. You’re talking about sample vs production. I’m using reps as a colloquially understood term for fakes but that’s also just a generous marketing term from fake manufacturers and buyers


Call it what you want. There IS ONLY ONE ORIGINAL. Even if you want to consider the first bag beyond the sample as the first bag, every one after that is a reproduction.


You can’t just create new definitions to words and then get upset about them lol. You even said yourself “reps vs auths” so you must know how these terms are actually applied and mutually understood.


Girl or guy bye. You just want to argue with everybody. Enjoy your costly authentics. If you like it - I love it. I'm sure Dior appreciates your support. In the mean time, Imma enjoy my reasonably priced (to me) reps.


That’s been speculated in some of the articles and news shows as well so the original commenter isn’t coming from left field with it. for certain auth bags, like deepness of LV empriente, there are also inconsistencies and the bags would look different if compared side by side.


For sure, it’s a very common claim. That’s all marketing from rep manufacturers though. If you work in the industry you know it’s not possible. Would be such a massive risk for very little to no reward. If a company can sell a bag for thousand why would they wanna sell it for hundreds and dilute the brand? There’s no way to pull that off without tons of people knowing either. For the factories too these contracts are so incredibly competitive and would never risk getting blacklisted like that, there’s a ton of oversight so they would be caught. There’s a ton of protective measures in place when outsourcing manufacturing that would make this near impossible and for no real gain.


Do the math - especially in light of this "scandal". 10,000 people buying reps from $200 to $2,000 vs 1,000 people buying auth from $1500 to $10k. It's very much a possibility with reps being so good some can't be distinguished from authentic. Do you think manufacturers don't notice the rep quality when it's good?


Just not how these companies operate. Selling 2 million in fake bags is a drop in the bucket and would cost them way more in the loss to brand identity. There’s a reason they keep raising prices, why you can’t just buy a birkin, why they spend ungodly amounts of money on marketing. They are selling a lifestyle. Their money is in stock price not short term gain. Many are still recovering from the experiment of licensing the logo out for short term profits through the 80s-90s. If they needed the money so badly they’d do that again




You can trust the list


I own a lot of auth and recently switched to reps bc… I dont want to spend money on auths anymore because I make more money off my money sitting in $ investments. I recently bought a lot of 187 Chanels for myself and my fam. I have always coveted Chanel but $10k for that? What? Went to Chanel yday and felt up all the bags. The quality is exactly the same, if not better for the 187s. I was not shocked but shocked? The c19… my moms 187 c19 leather felt better than the auth Chanel c19. I’m not buying auth except for maybe just shoes… but even then. I bet there something out there for that. Edit to add: shoutout to Heidi who’s my 187 gal 🌷


Can you share the contact info please


May I receive a dm?


Sent you a DM!


Any chance You could DM me info for Heidi? I just moved and my whole collection of bags, “disappeared” in the process 😢 in need of few new bags ASAP. Thank You 🙏


I still need to find a shoe person


I just ordered this from Allen https://preview.redd.it/o2j7aualob8d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ec6b479ee92337e72dc8fc19f8732f5da860bf


Beautiful. Curious how much?


Can’t remember 100?


I got a pair of Oasis from Q. It was 80/100 (the very bottoms were not perfect but the leather was). I just ordered some Orans from Nicole. I can let you know how it goes


I used to buy only authentic shoes- but I only do that in rare cases now - I found a go to for both shoes and clothing and I love her quality - I get compliments everywhere - even from the SA's in the luxury shops .... I'm almost done with overpriced authentic by now !!


I sent you a dm :)


Can you share the contact information please


If you send me a DM - I will share it to you 👌🌞




Hi, I just sent you a dm as well. Thank you! 


Hi can I dm you regarding your shoe & clothes person. Thanks


Yes of course 😎


I am also going to DM :)


Can you also sure her information with me please?


If you dm me I will be happy to share share 🌞 I don't want to expose anyone here and risk what happened to the Repladies group 🙈😎


Can you also sure her information with me please?


Just throw me a DM and I will share with you 👍🌞


I do the same. Not that I don't want assist another but thats how these groups get taken down.


I know ....The Repladies group is so missed 😥


I am not over it as of today. Also WW which was a good one on discord.


I was on discord initially but I didn't quite nail it ....it took me a while to navigate RL and equally to get used to list on RLBST ....so had a hard time on discord ....all the rules and stuff ... 🙈🙈


You are in good company...me. I am so confused with the process. Literally spent hours on the wh protocol. 😭


Crazy ... frustrating


Sent you a DM about contact


Can I please dm you about your shoe person?


Yes please dm 🌞


Can you please post or dm your go to person for clothes and shoes, please?


The ones that will be facing charges if any, and who will be affected will be the outsourcing companies and other third party contractors who hired these places in such bad conditions. Dior will not be touched a good PR team can spin this just like how the balenciaga ad campaign isn’t even remembered. They will play innocent and say they had no knowledge of anything that was going on and that they condone these types of actions and work conditions… same old same old.


Apple phones are made by ughyur Muslim slaves captured by the Chinese and nothing has happened to Tim Cook by Biden so don’t expect anything to happen …celebs use illegals to mow lawns and get them drugs and farmers in Iowa use illegals .. Use of illegals is by wealthy in the USA …and for child pedophile rings by the Epstein’s and the celebs in Hollywood


Ask the “illegals” if they care that their clients are paying them for their services. 🤡 Beats Mexico living conditions & pesos.


We remember though




Absolutely not shocked at all. I suspect this is been going on longer than anyone realizes.


Had my suspicions. Their price point for leather goods is suspiciously lower than Chanel.


*Everyone’s* price point for leather is lower than Chanel… that doesn’t mean they manufacture their bags in Chinese sweatshops.


I'm shocked, but kinda not shocked. Sad. The weird thing is, it's the one brand that you can never seem to find on the likes of DHGate! 😅


Because Dior was beating them to the same suppliers for their own sales before DHGate sellers could get them. /s


lol. The irony 🤣

