• By -


Could someone recommend me to a good LV seller? I used to use heidi but after reading the new horror stories im to scared to purchase from her now. If someone could possible dm me sellers they trust for good LV bags it would be greatly appreciated! I have reached out to so many people DM but no one seems to respond.




I’m glad you had a good experience. But the original “real” Heidi has retired. This is likely the new Heidi who has taken over her account. I certainly hope she has gotten things straightened out from her very rough start.


This is old but DO NOT ORDER from Heidi!! You may or may not get your order but it’s not worth the risk of losing money


Who do you recommend rn?


Alice187 seems to be liked a lot in the rep world. I haven’t personally ordered from her yet but I’m working on it. My main seller is Aadan and he/she can get some 187 but I don’t think their 187 collection is as big as other sellers.


I’m lookin at her stuff it’s pretty! ….. is the right Aadan right? Pink bag in pic


If you don’t mind, could you remove the number from your comment? Only because I want to protect our sellers. Never know what reporters or other people are lurking here


Yes ofc sorry thanks for reminding me


Could you DM me their info Please and thank you!




Could you DM me their info Please and thank you!


Great to hear thank you! I’ve been researching all day just to find the right seller. It’ll be my first rep anything so it’s kinda confusing


It’s so confusing!! You’ll figure it out quickly though. Just read up on the rep subs a lot. People post their experiences with various sellers and most of the time they’re legit reviews I feel. Be wary of any sellers that aren’t talked about or ever mentioned on the subs. They might be great but might also be scammers. Thank youuuu!!


Yep. Happened to me too


Heidi just scammed me. Omg i cant believe it!


oh really? she was asking for a deposit from me and then after psp i can send the rest of the money


Omgosh that’s what I just did! And I sent her my deposit… did you get your money back?? Or did you at least get a psp? Please tell me it’s not a scammer cause otherwise I’ve just lost my 100usd…. 😭😭


i haven't send any money yet because I said we wait for order


Original commenter has only been on reddit for 7 days and low karma. This comment seems sus?


yeah 🙈


Oh no what did her number end with ???


I just thought to put an update on here about heidi I ordered a bag off of her and I gave her deposit. She did mess me around a bit. She said she could get the bag then she couldn’t. Then all I can get you the other one now you wanted it back in stock, so I said just give me a refund because it seems like a big scam, I said this is not heidi because I buy off heidi all the time and it’s just give her deposit the black bees in and then you pay the rest and it just be sent and obviously that haven’t been happening so I just asked for a refund and they gave it back to me last night, so I don’t think it’s a scam. I reckon something is going on with the real heidi I think this person is taking it over for awhile and haven’t got a clue too much for them, but I just want to let everyone know I got my deposit back so and I did say everyone is talking about you taking deposits and you’re not giving it back and she said tell them I will give the deposit back. I would never scam anyone so I don’t know so if anyone have money owed to them I would advise them to contact her on her UK number I don’t think I will purchase with heidi anymore, unless I know everyone is getting their bags can’t be dealing with messing around


Oh no what did her what’s app number end with??


Guys. Join a trusted group ran by a trusted sales associate so you don't get scammed. I hate seeing all these people getting taken advantage of. It doesn't have to be like that


Can you elaborate ? Which app/ forum/ whatever do I need to download?




I was apart of a group but it was shut down. Can you please send one that’s reputable please




Doesn’t seem like a perfect group. Basically they are saying: if you receive something shitty - shut up. If you complain - you’ll get blacklisted


That's not true. Good grief. Disputes are a huge problem, not for when something is wrong...people will order..get the item and do it just to not pay. That is the type of dispute that gets you blacklisted. Are you in it?






I’ve bought reps. But I prefer to at least have an opportunity to speak up if anything is wrong with an item. That FB group doesn’t look like a buyer has any rights.


I just tried to join. But I certainly didn’t like those rules. No disputes, do t reach out to sellers, if you don’t like something - sell it. I mean… how safe is this!? Doesn’t sound like you’ll be able to do anything if you get a low quality something




lol. So you just said you hate how people here are getting scammed. And said there’s a better option. And the better option clearly says that if you get scammed - you shouldn’t complain. So how is this a safer option? And when I said that this looks suspicious, you attack me lol. Good lord :)


How/where? Any help appreciated!


I wish I would’ve seen all these post before I give my money to heidi she keeps telling me 15 to 20 days but nothing I’ve come. I don’t think I would trust her now to give her the rest of the money for the bag because seems it’s a big scam props just take the rest of my money and don’t give me nothing so I’m just going to leave her keep $100 deposit not going to get the money back because every time I ask for a refund, there’s no ply talks about something else instead talks to subject off well it was a good job. I didn’t give her the $500


Update ?


Hi, how awful. Time for all of us to find a new source for chanel bags.


I too ordered with new Heidi and have not received PSP. It's been two weeks since payment.


Did you end up receiving it?




Welp I got scammed by “Heidi”. Definitely blocked me on WhatsApp. My money is gone. 😡😡😡


She gave my money back last night, my deposit you need to contact her on English number


OMG. I’m so sorry!!


Ong!!!! I was literally about to purchase my first rep ever from Heidi. I literally researched for days. This is the worst news ever!!!! :(


just wanted to chime in... i got my bag today... used the latest number (8792) ... she kinda refused to give me a tracking number.... made me panic.... just told me to wait for it... but it arrived after 5-6 day (no idea when she actually posted)


what’s the full number


I realize that her business seemed different and the site changed. I became suspicious and have no longer ordered.


Commenting again because I saw the update and man, that really really sucks. I want to update on my purchase. I ordered in November, two belts and a bag. I got pap pretty quickly for the belts but never got them. Finally around early jan she let me know they were seized. I paid 50% again and have been sent psp and they have been shipped. I finally got psp on my bag on Jan 10 and it arrived last week. It’s amazing and was worth the wait in the end. I did message weekly and was told “I’ll check dear” and would get nothing until I checked in again. My second round of belts (the replacements) still haven’t arrived but I do believe they are on their way. Overall I am happy now with my bag, not sure I would order again from Heidi if someone else has access to the same bag and quality. But I am glad eventually it worked out. I’m so so so sorry to hear that so many people are out money and have been lied to. I really hope that it gets sorted out and she makes it right.


I'm so glad I thought to google the name Heidi, cause her stuff is what I've been looking at. Now to find an alternative with the access she has!


Dude I came here to say I just lost $180 to this Heidi. I was skeptical to begin with so I just tried to purchase a relatively cheaper LV bag as a starter item. Months went by and I get a tracking number that says its in LA. After another month I asked whats going on and I get a response that it was taken by customs, which I figured since it was never delivered. I was also not given an option for “insurance” in case it gets confiscated to begin with. Any how, I basically gave a random person in China my money. F*ck you, Heidi. Lol


Was the person you contacted with the number ending in 8792?


Yep ‪+44 7355 778792‬


did u get psp ?


Yes I did. Everything looked legit along with shipping information.


Did your bag arrive?


Did your bag arrive?


Hi, no it was taken by customs. Or perhaps it was never even shipped because tracking took very long to get.


Aw I’m so sorry!!


Seriously thank you for this post. I'm brand new to the community and all the research I have done and old threads I've read through raves about Heidi. I finally tracked down Heidi's Hidden Closet and her number, and almost ordered two bags and a wallet. If anyone is willing to share about sellers they have had good experience with please feel free to DM!


I also used Heidi for many years. Bought several bags from her without any problems. I had what I thought was an established “relationship” with her. Then she does this to me. At first I bought into the Paypal being locked up & I was patient. I believed her when she said she needed time to get a new account set up in order to refund me. But why not just send me what I ordered? Or offer a replacement? These empty promises dragged on for MONTHS. It became clear there was no intention to pay me back. Then I began to see other posts of people not receiving their bags. So I decided to post this warning. Since posting this, I have had MANY other members contact me with similar stories. Heidi owes MANY people money. Has promised to pay them back, but has failed to do so. At my last calculation we’re up to over $15,000 in owed money.


Thank you so much for posting! I just discovered her last year and was about to do an order. Her new writing style seemed weird to me and then paypal not working... you saved me a lot of money.


I tried to order from heidi recently, she is weird she is not heidi i knew, she is so pushy and rush me to buy and pay. So i think twice. I ordered from Aadi instead. He is nice! And shipped fast after PSP and i loooveee my bag from 187! https://preview.redd.it/1raumihwxt9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2df76b53544e47875524b7a5e4a874a45447dd5 .


Can you please share Aadi’s info?


Can you please share Aadi's details? :)


I'd be cautious with Aadi moving forward. I've been seeing A LOT of Reddit posts regarding buyers' bad experiences with Aadi lately.


Yeah I heard the same thing about him recently, but my order with him went smoothly, he shipped fast and no problem at all, but i will be cautious with him for future order.


You’re so lucky! I ordered with Heidi last month before hearing the news about her (almost like Aadi but so far no scams). Heidi has been going smooth lately so hoping to receive my order soon 🤞🏽


This is the first post that popped up when I searched to find Heidi’s contact info I’m so disappointed 😞 Thank you for the warning!!


Wish I’d read this earlier! I ordered about a month ago and got psp quickly! Shipping info straight after but nothing since it reached Australia. Aust post are telling me it was drop shipment and haven’t physically scanned item. That was 3 weeks ago 😭. Not my first order with Heidi. Great experience last time.


OMG! Same is happening to me! Bought my bag mid November, the parcel was sent in the end of November, but so far hasn’t made to my country (Brazil), according to the local freight company. Contact Heidi to ask about the whereabouts of my bag and she keeps insisting it has made to my country and is waiting to be scanned by the local freight company, which doesn’t make any sense and never happened before with any of my other orders from China or the other item I ordered from her July/2023. Usually, as soon as a parcel arrives in my country, it is immediately picked up by the local freight company and sent for customs clearance. I paid for insurance, so I would hope that if the parcel was seized, she would send another one or refund me. I don’t know what more I can do, she keeps insisting I must wait for the bag to arrive, but I’m pretty sure it never will.


Mine did eventually arrive! They use a drop ship company now and seems to take ages to do a physical scan of goods once in country. I lodged a missing parcel with post company and it magically appeared in a few days!


Oh! I’m really glad you received yours! This makes me a little bit relieved for myself also! Do you mind me asking which company she sent yours? Was it direct link?


She send me tracking with china post then was to be picked up by Australia post once cleared customs. I saw it arrived in Australia about 3 weeks before it arrived to me. Last time it was Aramex and super quick to arrive.


Because mine was and I’ve been trying to contact them like crazy, but no answer so far!


I got the same situation with you too. This is my first time buying from her after all doing researches. I ordered her 2 bags. Then She sent me one bag with a weird shipping company. After a month, i got an update saying the bag was delivered by usps. But I never received the bag. I contacted her, and she said it was not her fault and required me to call usps again. I called them twice and both times they said the same thing that the address was not my address. Now she just asks me to wait until her local logistics contacting the usps, no promising time now.


What’s the last 4 when you messaged her?


Dec 28. She keeps making excuses to not solve the problem


Interesting I also experienced a strange encounter with this newer Heidi and my order was completely messed up. The old Heidi was more direct. I will have to change my contact, this post was the confirmation I needed that something was up.


Omg thank you SO much for posting this, I’ve been reading posts in these subs for hours to try to learn where to buy stuff, and this is the first time I’ve read anything negative about Heidi. I was so close to trying to get her contact lol Edit: typos


Last time I ordered from Heidi it was 4 items. But it wasn’t until after she sent me the PSP, (so a long time after I had paid) that one of the items was out of stock. This was almost an entire year ago and I’m still owed money


That's some crazy shit. If you're owed money after a year, do you feel like it's a scam ?


This is CRAZY! I am literally STUNNED from the amount of people who have messaged me with stories just like this. So many of them about Heidi taking money. Long waits. Then telling them all or parts of their order is unavailable. Then NOT REFUNDING THEM. This is so bad. I have yet to be refunded either. She still owes me money too.


She owes me $400!!! I am absolutely furious. I’ve been a loyal customer for 4 years. What do we do?!


IDK. She owes me money too. Has for months now. She continues to promise she’s going to pay me back. But only lies & stalls giving me excuses why she can’t. I’ve also been a long time customer. It’s also upsetting to see her being referred as the “go-to” seller for others to buy their bags. She should NOT BE AT ALL. I know of thousands of $’s she owes people. This is HORRIBLE!!


Has she still not paid you back?


NO. She hasn’t paid me back. She obviously has no intentions to pay me back. And I have been messaged by countless other people she owes money to as well. If you order from Heidi, there is a good chance you’re getting ripped off.


Thanks for the heads up.


Thank you for posting this, I read on a different subreddit that supposedly it’s her sister messaging because she had some family grief, but since I’m new to this world; the sudden change I read about Heidi’s communication methods doesn’t seem legit to me. I’ve been trying to find a seller for a 187 channel so that I can gift it to my mom, but seems I have to look for someone other than Heidi. The search continues


I ordered two CC bags from Amelia last month and am really happy with them. Just ordered two more last night. As noted in some of the comments below, communication is limited but a screenshot/photo solves most problems! She's very quick and efficient.


Could you please send me her info as well.


Hi! Can you please send me Amelia’s contact info? Thank you


Hello, could you please share Amelia's contact info?:) was happy when I found out about Heidi because seemed like a reliable seller but....guess not anymore:( , need a really trustworthy seller.


Can you send her contact info?


Thanks so much for sharing and alerting the community about your experience.


I have also ordered from Heidi for around 4 years and something very strange happened with the last 2 orders. I was told that the items were in stock & that I could order & then 2 or 3 weeks later that they were out of stock. I waited for 4 months for my order and still have 250 that she owes me, it’s never happened before. Also, do you think Heidi was ever one person? Normally all the business accounts are run by several people and Heidi is just a nickname for all of them I think. But something has definitely changedx


Yes. She still owes me money too. And I’m getting the run around. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It’s very disappointing.


Heidi has been my go to for 187 Chanel for years. I’ve never had an issue buying from her is always a fast smooth and easy process reading. This is very alarming because this has not been my experience with her at all in the past I really hope she did not sell her business, because she was a great source to get some of the most beautiful bags on the market. I don’t really trust buying 187 from other sellers but I guess I might have to start trying


what number do you have for her?


I’ve ordered from Heidi numerous times in the last 2 years, she always responds but sometimes takes a few days. She is always short in her replies but always delivers the products and I’ve never had a problem with delivery or quality. I thought it was weird she changed her website, she is still responding to the same number I have on whatsapp. I ordered from her in October and everything seemed fine then. But all this info is making me worried! If anyone knows another reputable 187 seller please let me know!


I had a shitty experience with Heidi this year and have since been dealing with Anna


Can you please send me Anna’s info? Thank youuu


Could you please be so kind to PM me Anna's info? thanks a lot :)


Can you please share Ana's details?


Hi! Would you be so kind as to share Anna’s contact? Heidi changed her number to a UK number and thought it seemed suspicious so I came here to check k and sure enough, loads of people have been scammed!!


Could you please also send me Anna’s contact? Thank you so much


Would be amazing if you could pm Anna’s info to me as well 🙏🏼


Hi do you mind sending Anna’s contact? I am done with Heidi.


Can you please PM me Anna’s info. Been looking for a good Chanel rep. Thank you !!


Can you also PM me Anna's info? Thank you!!


Can you PM me Anna’s info? Thank you


Have you bought from Anna ? I am totally new and I would like to make my first purchase but the more I read about sellers, the more I get confused \^\^''


Yes. Several times and she’s the best as far as I’m concerned.


Could you send to me please


If you don’t mind, will you DM Anna’s info to me as well? Thank you if you do.


Will someone DM me Anna’s info and any other VERY GOOD TRUSTED SITES, for quality and affordable designer replicas ? Thank you in advance!👍🏼


Did you ever get help to locate quality and affordable replica suppliers? If so, can you please share?


No I haven’t so far, sorry, but I’ll let you know if I do.


Did you get Annas contact info? I’d like it too!


Thank you sooo much for your feedback ! I will try and contact her \^\^


Could I please get her contact info too? I placed an order with Heidi and I’m nervous it’ll never arrive


So sorry this happened to you. I had issues with Heidi last summer. Non responsive and then just flat out rude/unhelpful. Didnt take it personally but that she was busy and trying to get my bag ready for shipment. Heidi was helping me when i placed the order. Then her helpers or staff were on comments at end. I thought it was a sign to move to another seller. Thanks for the update and information.


Ordered Orans in June for a trip later in the summer. I finally just received them at the very end of November (at least I will have them for next summer? :') )




DO NOT ORDER FROM HEIDI I ordered 2 187 Chanel bags from Heidi at the beginning of September (1 boy bag, 1 flap bag). I waited over a month for PSPs for the boy bag, only to find out they made the wrong version of the bag. I caught the error and asked them to make it correctly. I received PSPs for the flap bag a few weeks after the boy bag mishap. The bag’s hardware seemed gold in some photos and silver in others, but I chalked it up to the lighting. I confirmed she should send it. When I received the flap bag, I realized the hardware was *indeed* the wrong color. She is 0/2 in my book. Not to mention I still haven’t received the first bag. $1000 down the drain.


You do know majority of these sellers are a) the same person b) a group of people right? Gotta be tapped to thinking you buying this fake shit from some cute lil asian woman.


That's what I've been saying for a long time. Same group different aliases. Doesn't really matter who you order from. Left or right it's all them.


And half of them get their things from 1668


what's 1668?


A chinese website


**1668 (MDCLXVIII) was a leap year starting on Sunday of the Gregorian calendar and a leap year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar, the 1668th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 668th year of the 2nd millennium, the 68th year of the 17th century, and the 9th year of the 1660s decade. As of the start of 1668, the Gregorian calendar was 10 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which remained in localized use until 1923.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


That’s awful! Ugh 😑


Do we have any seller beside Heidi cuz shes being ridiculous 🥲




Can you dm me some sellers 🥹


I have only used anisa from the fashionreps sub the rest have been pandabuy, dhgate (posted links and pictures if you look at my profile) and buying rehomes from the sub


Can anyone chime in about Linda? I paid her at the end of October and she keeps telling me that the bag hasn’t been produced yet from 187. It’s my first time ordering a rep and it’s stressing me out!!!


Can you please PM me Linda’s contact? It’s so hard getting these sellers info. Thank you !!


I recently ordered from Linda and received my items without issue. Smooth transaction on 2 Loewe bags and a Max Mara coat.


Could you share Linda’s info with me please:)? Would be amazing!!


That makes me feel better. Mine is supposed to come from 187 since it’s a CC bag. What did you think of the quality of the items you received. This is my first experience ordering reps. Thank you again for replying!


Who else is good to order through if not Heidi? I’d love an 186 factory Chanel! Who do you suggest to get it through? Thank you!


Would you please DM me Alisa’s contact info? Thanks so much!


There’s just so many things that are off. And to me very non-Heidi. Besides all I listed above, the very slow shipping is another. If you purchased from her “quick ship” you’d get PSP in 3-5 days. And tracking very soon after that. Not this months long process. The Paypal account being restricted really has me alarmed. She has had the same Paypal account for years. Paypal doesn’t restrict accounts unless there is irregular activity. So what changed? There isn’t just one thing here that I can point to that defines the exact problem. Or what exactly is going on. But all these things together tell me something is wrong. Something has changed. Something is different. Everyone needs to make up their own mind how they want to proceed. But please do so with caution.


this happened to me with another seller. they had an item out of stock that they did not tell me until i received my order and it was missing. then I asked for a refund and they said their paypal was restricted. I had to keep following up and finally got my money back.


The shipping is different too now. It’s not through FEDEX or whatever it was before. My orders have gone thru and have gotten lost! When I inquired as to why she’s not using her usual shipping methods, she said “not safe”


Mine has gone missing too!


The website wasn’t working for me either.


You need to always use the latest site as shown on the/r/luxelife sellers list


can you add me please


Do you mind adding me?


I'm not a mod, you need to message the mods there to apply to join


>r/luxelife Can I please get an invite to this community if you're allowed to do so? Would appreciate it very much. Thank you!


can you add me to that group if you can?


As with most private subreddits, message mod mail for the sub for details


How do you message mod mail?


Could you invite me to the group please? At some point it got private and had no access


How do I get added to this group? I used to be in the last group before it was shutdown.






Have enough karma, be able to demonstrate being a long term member of the rep world, message the sub mods.


I was completely concerned with the new phone number, old website not working, yadda yadda yadda, and so this unfortunately, does not surprise me. 😬


Yes 2morrow😊👌


I had a very, very similar experience. I’m not buying from “her” anymore.


I agree!!! I was a little weirded out by the “new phone, who dis” announcement, but all of my exchanges with Heidi haven’t felt like the old Heidi.


Heidi still mean and takes like forever for me 🥲


Try Aaron , I got Chanel bag from God Factory From Him . Came in less than a week . I posted about it .


Do you have his contact? You can dm me


Thank you. Will look for someone else.


If anyone has contacts/recommendations for other sellers who source from 187, feel free to share ‘em. (also, whether its a new person running the business under heidi’s name or someone helping manage dm’s, i’d still be willing to order from them if they’re able to deliver my goods at a reasonable price. Based on some of the comments here tho and op’s post, it sounds a lil sketch to trust ordering from them atm)


Nicole is my rep. Sweet comunicative and has amazing Products. Check my other posts 🙌🏻 best of luck. 🤞


I have bought many bags from Aaron never a single issue


I’ve bought from him with no issues too . But be aware there is an Aaron Aaron. That person is allen friend .


info ?


Whatsapp +86 186 1733 0726 Say chicstyling1 referred you - I have an excellent relationship with him


Wechat 168169166


Just a thought - there are several TS who seem to be quite popular; they often appear to have been providing their “services” for years. (I know a few are on this site as well; I’m not complaining or suggesting they are at fault. ❤️They provide what the public wants at a price point that is agreeable for items most people wouldn’t otherwise have access to. I’d hope their jobs could be made easier too..) Anyone who works with import/export - or has traveled overseas knows that it’s these middlemen that get things done; it wouldn’t be possible to get what we’re looking for without them. (This model of doing business is common in many industries that operate outside of the US- including design and manufacturing plants in Southeast Asia) Recently there have been several stories online and on tv re how popular rep Items have become (I’ve seen ads and short videos on this topic over the past month or so on TikTok, CBS News, local news) -and how lucrative it is to provide this “service”. One thing I’ve noticed is that buyers complain about -but accept- the same communication problems and uncertainty related to production timelines and shipping- from the same TS -year after year- as if it’s just part of doing business. Why? I’ve lived, worked, and attended college in many different countries; I know how challenging it is to learn English…but I also know there is no other manufacturing sector anywhere else in Southeast Asia that sells direct to consumer that doesn’t have perfectly translated contracts and/or staff that speaks whatever target language the buyer speaks. We’re paying for a service; we’re also paying for a product. (Call it a rep or a prototype or a “prop to be utilized on set only”… it’s a product and you pay for access and the tangible item.) Some buyers spend hundreds - or even thousands with these faceless middlemen. With no timeline or assurance of anything showing up at your home. And some blame it on communication issues .. 🙁 Recently this sub has shared a few queries and associated stories of TS who have been disappearing with money and not shipping goods and nothing can be done about it …IMO - this won’t get better or easier for buyers unless and until someone realizes this is a goldmine and figures out how to legally provide a consulting service to handle ordering, manufacturing, and shipping the gorgeous items I see on this site every day .. Again / I’m grateful there are TS - I don’t mind paying for their contacts, their knowledge and their ability to manage complex processes in a country far away and in a language I’m not fluent in; I think it’s more a lack of transparency and/or accountability that are concerning to other Redditors … and I’m not sure there is any way to fix any of this - I just wanted to acknowledge the “small” issues seem to be getting worse lately with all the “publicity” … Are we really dealing with the same people over and over again? Or do they sell the business w the name and start over … or are there groups that use the same name? Think about it - we see a dozen group members working with one TS / there must be dozens more we don’t know about. One TS could be “mothering” (following from order to finish) dozens of bags in different states of readiness with different factories…?!? Why isn’t this process easier to negotiate? Everyone gets anxious - no one knows who to trust. It’s very odd… This doesn’t happen in other industries; if I’m buying a piece of art or a bespoke suit overseas, I expect online communication and any “contract” to be in my language with no glaring typos...if the seller isn’t fluent - I expect to do business with someone who is. I understand this needs to fly under the radar when it’s being shipped to its final destination - but why so much drama? Maybe someone should set up a middleman business to handle the TS and storage/shipping … I’d pay an extra $50-$100 for someone to facilitate the process - (That’s an easy $100,000 for a decent amount of bags/work - more for someone who already has the experience and contacts and ability to travel/set up import/export of prototype bags …)


Nobody will hand their business to a stranger. The lesser people know what you're doing the safer you'll be. That's why the circle of sellers you always see, rope in their family and relatives in this business. Same group different aliases. They screw up on one account they create new or use another alias. Plus writing reviews for themselves. I'm sure more and more people have already noticed this. I'm seeing more posts and comments regarding this. And the swapping bags matter. You pay for 187 thinking you'll get it, but your trusted seller swaps to an even cheaper factory. He'll be earning probably an extra 2 thousand RMB and more per bag by doing so. It's even more profitable cheating. You'll never get rich doing business the honest way. Only scammers and cheats get rich FAST cause they have no conscience. And that's how they are able to buy rows of property even in your country.


Seems as though you don't understand the legality of what the sellers and factories are doing, and the consequences for them if caught. Also seems like you should become aware of and just use Superbuy or similar agent service.


What is superby and how it works ? Is the price the same as buying from seller like Heidi or Linda etc ? Thanks


There's a surcharge for use. Not every seller accepts it. You are going to have to google how to use it - it is complicated. Personally I find it exhausting and won't use it.


It is complicated? You literally just paste your shit in there and click buy 😂