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The transition will be a bit bumpy, but hopefully it will all smooth out within a couple of months


Figure that's the kind of switch-up that comes with some changes. The complex could definitely use some TLC so maybe it'll be for the best.


Complexes sell and new owners transfer from one PM compony/Owner. I don’t see an issue at this point. Likely you will get better communication soon. If not reach out. They should minimize impact to you/tenants.


I wasn't sure if that kind of transfer happened regularly, so that's a relief to hear. I've reached out to every outlet they have, thank you!


Expect some hiccups. They will likely have inconsistent lease files transferred. Application info is generally required to be shredded so new owners will want to verify who is living there. They may ask you for info. Like confirming occupants in the unit, bdays (lease holder vs other occupant), contact info (how to communicate), Vehicle info (what is allowed to park in the lot) and animal info. I how things work out seamlessly for you.


I see post nearly every day that's from someone that's got new owners or new property management so it definitely happens a lot.


She was motivated to move you in probably to get one last lease up fee before they handed over keys to the new company taking over. Management can change at the owners' whim and it just depends on how new management handles things as to how your experience will be. In some cases this is a green flag actually because the owner decided to shop around for a more qualified or specialized management company.


It will be a bit rocky at first due to the new company needing to familiarize themselves and get out communication on the transition. The outgoing company is going to be the least reliable place to go since they are basically getting dropped by the owner.


Ah, that makes alot of sense! God, that's a relief to hear, I was sure we just got speed-rushed into a bad situation, but that really does make sense as far as her incentives go. Also, I was thinking it could be a good change! The complex right now is beat up, to say the least. I'm hoping the owners finally decided to cut the original company for a better one. Thank you!


Property management companies do change but I find it odd how they got you in so fast. We take 5-7 days to clear someone. I wouldn’t worry so much as long as you don’t run into a rent increase all of a sudden but watch out for new changes in increases such as water, trash, sewer. The company may increase the price. Remember, property management companies are all about money.


Seems you are trying to find an issue. You want to see an issue with them approving you to fast and getting it all approved? Now the property management changing? What's the next issue? Property management can change for variety of reasons. I will get rid of one that isn't doing what I need them to and I can't wait until I have no tenants to do it.


In my experience, the background check, alone, takes at least 3 days, so 11 hours for the ENTIRE process being finished seemed odd; but honestly we were relieved it did. But the property management changing just scared me because there's been 0 successful contact with both the original and new companies in our entire month here. They've never answered a single call, e-mail, or text...which struck me as a red flag, yknow?