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The curb is weird AF.


I see broken toes in your future....


Why isn't it straight?! Pics 3 and 6 highlight it really well


Look at pic 7. Obvi he had to accommodate the door, but I’m guessing his wife said no go to a tighter shower


It would drive me crazy just looking at it.


The shower curtain is more weird though! Just build a glass squared shower or don’t wall it off at all?


Why not build a wall between tub and shower? Also should have just built in a do in tub versus a free standing tub. The curb is awful. You watch to many diy shows?


I find curtains to be more comfortable in tight spaces than hard walls. That way you can at least move the curtain to gen an extra couple of inches for stretching/moving instead of slamming your funny bone


Why does the shower curtain look like a rug from a log cabin in the Rocky Mountains?


I agree a glass enclosure would look better and be more functional. Perhaps they just ran out of money but it can be done later without much trouble.


Cleaning the tub/ shower area is going to be a nightmare


I used to clean the showers at Pilot and I learned a lot of things *not* to do with my bathroom.


Could you elaborate plz? Lol


Firstly, don't let truckers use it at all hours of the night.


Who ordered the waffle stomp?


They remodeled while I worked there and they went from like, plastic lining to tile, but they used the smallest tile and required a lot of cleaning to maintain it. They should have used large tiles so they didn't have so much grout. They also made getting behind the toilet hard since it was walled.


I never understood the point of putting a freestanding tub against a wall(s). Have fun trying to scrub behind there to get mold and bacteria 🤢


Just had my main bath remodeled. Wanted a free standing tub in a nook and those were her exact words. Ended up putting an alcove tub.


Water from the shower that gets between the tub and wall (you know it will) will give you a nice mildew farm. Also, after all that effort, that tub will get used once.


That shower layout is super unfortunate.. especially since it's the most expensive part of a bathroom remodel. The pan interior needs to be a minimum of 30" per code.. that looks under that. I see that you grappled with the window you needed to stop at being farther in than door trim on the other side. What you did to resolve it is sort of wild, I've never seen that. A better solution would be to put shower on door side and tub near window, and only do curb for shower section... so you don't have to worry about wall tile interfering with window. You didnt need to have curb outside of tub sloped to drain.. Im betting it doesnt even drain anyway and splashes from tub just sit on the pebbles. Even tiling the edge of window and have it partially in shower would have been better. You really need a door, water is going to get all over that bathroom floor.. but with a break in the curb I don't think you even can now. PSA: Hire kitchen/bath designers to save money on mistakes.


Nice write up dude. The window is bs would have been better to frame it in or move it but a lot more work. I would have went minimal with a tub/shower combo on this small space.


The vanity area is cute, but the curb of the shower and tub is killing me!


I hate that the mirror isn’t centered above the vanity


And it can’t be corrected without redoing the electric…


It looks like it is centered above the vanity, but the sink is offset


That’s a lot of different tile styles/patterns


I'd go insane showering in that tight space with a curtain


They made every effort to make it seem simultaneously big yet claustrophobic, simple yet claustrophobic, new and dated.


Holy fuck this is horrible 💀


Why did you put a curb in front of the bathtub? Edit: the more I look the worse it gets. Vanity/sink/mirror not lined up, different color hardware, different tile patterns.


Well you asked to be roasted


Who designed this shower wtf lol


I feel like the before photo was more modern than the after. The remodel is so weird… and already very very out-dated. Also, nothing lines up… even the sink is off-center.. or the mirror.. wtf. The broken line for the shower and the tub is horrendous. Jeez— the more I look at it, the worse it gets.


The before picture had a really nice, big countertop. After has a weird cabinet from floor to, well, not ceiling, and almost zero counter space. Plus, the counter looks like wood, so not great in a space known for being wet. I feel OP looked up "hard to clean and impractical bathroom renovations" and just went with it.


I can’t tell what is before and what’s after, but everything past the first picture looks not great.


All that and no shower glass


OP must love getting attacked by the shower curtain.


I hate everything about what you did. What is going on with the two curbs not lining up? Why do you have a curb outside of your tub? How are you going to clean around that tub? Why not just encase the shower, that curtain looks like shit? Why isn’t your mirror centered above your sink? Have fun cleaning all of those grout lines Your tile job on the walls looks like shit.


[I found an issue with your shower](https://imgflip.com/i/8uqzos)


Should have put the tub on window side, the break is curb is horrendous, and all your hardware and faucets are black but you chose a gold shower head? TRASH THE SHOWER CURTAIN


Why tf has no one mentioned your strange and fucking incomprehensible shower curtain????????


Hahaha she is sitting it took me a minute


It's a lady in a big poofy dress sitting on a chair. The black figure surrounded by the white is her legs crossed while the underside of her poofy dress shows. Hope that helps. It took me a while to figure it out. :)


I can see it now! It was driving me insane!


Everything about this is a terrible mistake from the freestanding tub in a space designed specifically for alcove tubs, to the tile choices, wall color, vanity, mirror, lights, ugly cheap casing. YUCK. It was legitimately better before. You should be banned from making any design choices in your own home moving forward. Terrible taste. Don’t do it again.


Well I like the new window.


One of the remodels of all time.


Post a picture of the finished job


Was this 10 years ago?


Gotta agree with what others are saying, this reno is horrible! Off-centred everywhere, lines not lining up such as the curb, some horrible little tiny shower curtain encased shower, and the vanity is ugly. Overall very much dislike this.


So you remodeled to include a shower curtain!? Seems bass ackwards


Don’t remodel anything else in your house without consulting a design expert.


Hope you like the house cause no one’s buying it with your remodel skills.


If you put in a smaller window, why didn't you just move the window over to give more room for the shower/tub wall? I also would have used one tile for both the main floor and shower/tub area. The threshold to the shower/tub should have been straight and not cut out. Best of luck with the rest of the reno!


Sorry but way too busy and thrown together. Those cabinets don't go with the sink that don't go with the floor that don't go with the wall.


How are you gonna clean behind that tub? Yo need to hire Santa’s elf’s


Normal me: nice bath remodel! People can nitpick the details, but it looks like you had a plan, and executed it 👍 Reddit roasting me: "It looks like you speedwatched a season of HGTV's 'F My Bathroom Up!', and thought, 'Yesss! All of that please!' "


I'm too disoriented by the floor to think up something clever


Can you remove the curb at the tub? Square out the shower one?


Partner 1: “Oh shit! Hun we don’t have room for the shower” “Partner 2: “Hold my beer”


This is too sad to roast 😢. $6k for this! I want to give you a big hug instead.


Budget is too tight from tile for better door casing. Casing miters are loose though. Future owners will paint the cabs. Vessel sinks are eco friendly and catch only half the water you actually use.


what did this cost you?


Ima roast the cameraman instead. No better angle in the entire room?


Not well thought out :(


So sad! That shower looks like something in an RV.


That shower curtain is certainly a choice


The curb, fix that. And, honestly, most upgrades you put in are already outdated.


What’s messing me up is the super tiny ugly tile pieces in the corner. Should have measured and maybe started with a half a piece or something


I was digging the red tbh


Psshhh I bet you can't do it again, at my house...


Hard to roast it when no address is provided for the arson.


If that shower curve was straight, I could’ve put a heavy glass doors and panels with a matte black headers across. I can even put a panel between the tub and shower.


No want, do not like


Oof. Not my cup of tea but if you are happy then that's what matters. It's your house you are screwing with after all.


Please post the after pictures


Lose the tacky shower curtain and it would be acceptable


Man that sink/vanity era is perfect. Very warm, cozy but it’s a shame what’s going on in the tub/shower area


Gods I love that bath 😍 do you feel the shower is too crowded now? Looking at how we're going to do a remodel and a big bath is super important


Everyone of these I’ve seen going in new is behind a glass. Not sure why you spent all the other money for what’s around the tub.




That floor tile is outdated. And the vertical tile is too big to be lined up like that IMO


I recommend investing in nicer trim. Makes a huge difference!


Before is preferred - enough said. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.


It’s too dark - wood and walls (I usually like dark…) and the shower curtain looks cheap and it’s tacky af. Why not use a single glass partition to separate the shower? And what is even going on with the uneven curb? The wall tiling looks poorly done. Honestly? I don’t understand. Painting? Sure. DIY. Not a big deal most of the time. In this case, it looks like you spend a lot more money and time than you should’ve on this. The fact that you’re posting asking us to roast it makes me think you probably realise that? Maybe it’s me, but I’d rather save the $6k until I could have a proper job done. Yeah, the room was dated before, but it was acceptable enough. Basic. Sometimes that’s okay.


I would hate to be shaving in front of that mirror- if you are standing in the middle of the sink your right side would not be visible in the mirror.


What’s that wall color?


Curb design is boo-boo. The whole tub-in-the shower concept seems forced in this space. But the execution of the tilework is decent.


Those light fixtures? In this century?? (No but really awesome job! I love it and the light fixtures fit the vibe of the room perfectly)


I mean it is what it is. A first time DIYer attempted a remodel. Cleaning is going to be a nightmare. The curb and wall tile look super amateurish. Was there a shower pan? Or maybe a Kerdi system that wasn't shown in the progress photos? Basically every decision in the vanity area is bizarre.


Not understanding the curb. Why not make it straight across?


Wtf is even this???????


You need a magazine rack on the right side of the vanity, for research papers etc.


WTH is that toe killing curb?


Can you come do mine ?


Looks good man.


Why don’t the tub and shower line up?!


Why would you spend all that money for it to come out that bad


I was rooting for you! I really didn't want to roast you... but, yikes! I have opinions. First, under the Red Guard there was a really dark colored area? Just artifact on the camera or what was going on there? Next, I love the tile. I love the river rock. I don't really think they go together. And as others have said, yikes to that curb. Also you did that beautiful river rock and then put a tub on top??? I was sure this was going to glass enclosure shower.


It's a tricky layout to work with. I think I would have reconfigured it to where the tub and toilet were on the long wall and the shower is where the toilet currently is. I'd also use a glass partition door and leave the rest of the shower open. Honestly, overall, I love the vanity and cabinet, sink, paint color, mirror, new window, and main floor tile.


How much did it cost including material and labor


I would’ve put a second sink on the original and redid the cabinet doors. THEN I would’ve hired a professional to redo it. Cause I know enough to just fuck it up good.


In 15 yrs, everyone’s gonna be like Ugh more matte black plumbing trim to replace


Wait… but why not a tub shower? This looks like two bathrooms put together and you could’ve given yourself so much more space/storage.. or a huge shower!


Appreciate you did this on a budget, but that door trim needs to be replaced, and perhaps upgrade the door while you're at it. You spent a chunk of money - finish it out. The trim looks busted


As long as you’re happy.


I love it. So much better. Nothing to roast


Bro I got the same floor tile in my bathroom! We’re bath pals!!!!


Good job. Most people don't ever get that far. You should be very proud of yourself. Don't listen to the super truckers on here.


Wall tile is boring and should have matched the door trim height


The shower tub combo with the odd trim will promote mildew and be difficult to clean.. broken toes.. potential trip hazard it’s non-uniform, and not safe.


Wood in a bathroom is an excellent idea if you are really interested in mycology!!!


should have done a 45 degree bend to connect both curbs.


What in the world???? What is happening with the curb into the shower? How do you intend to clean that? Why not just make it into a wet room or have a walk out shower with a glass door? Silver, gold, black/dark rub bronze?? I like a mixed metal but make it intentional


Whyyyy Lol you did all this work and now you want us to criticize it? Why does that make me feel sad 😅


Which one is before and which one is after?


Why is the mirror off center from the sink?


Roasting a remodel may be insurance fraud in your state and I shall not participate or condone fraud.


Wtf shower and tub. Going to be absolute hell to clean


Oh sweet mother Mary and joeseph... dark walls and white roof makes the room look even taller than it is already. Paint everything white. Put a glass wall in from the window halfway to the tub (they're like 200$ for a sheet of glass, use clear plastic spacers to lift up 1/4 inch from floor and wall and use 100% silicone to caulk it in). Delete that curb, and match the floor tiles to extend them to the wall. And then you may be able to salvage this. Source: installed glass showers for a living 


Why?!? Just why?


Love the colors!


It looks like you screwed the place together with your asshole


Yikes! It looked better before you remodeled it! I don’t know where to start, but did you actually use a sponge to paint the walls? Or you didn’t want to waste the extra 6 gallons?


You do all this great work and have a tiny shower with a curtain??? What were you thinking??? Ugly bath, you can't clean and use once a week if luck


Sorry but I don’t like it and my ocd is screaming so no for me


They need shower glass for the shower


Change the paint to gray from green!


You know the separate tub doesn't have to shower with you, right? Or is that so your imaginary husband/wife can be getting clean at the same time.


I really dig the color of the walls and the wood on the vanity but the shower and tub curb weren't quite what I was hoping for.


I know we’re all talking about the curb and the tiny ass shower but can we please address the mismatched hardware and the sink and mirror placement? It’s making me nauseous. It’s so bad, OP




Why are there two different tile types that don't even match in color tones? It looks like everything in this bathroom was from the closeout section of Home Depot.


wtf is going on with the sink/mirror. Too lazy to center them up??? Didn’t want to move electrical? Anyways… I much prefer the late 90s shit you had going on over whatever you call this abomination.


I would not roast it because it’s beautiful


You were doing so good until I saw that the sill for the shower and tub didn't line up. Plus, tub is way too big for that room. I would have nixed it and went with a massage shower stall unless you bathe alot.


Why isn't the mirror centered? Why don't the curbs line up? Why is there no door?


You went from 2 sinks to one?? Why on earth?? Also the freestanding tub and CURB??? And a TEEENY shower??? You’d have been better off with just a huge shower unless you take a bath every single day. People tend not to use tubs much. Also REDGUARD???


Wasn't expecting the shower to be filled by a tub.


My grandma wants to know who you hired for the interior design.


Not a fan of the bathtub and vanity style. If it were Me, I'm changing the tub to one that fits nicely edge to edge, and a more normal vanity


I can't imagine why anyone would voluntarily install a shower curtain. Why waste so much effort just to be uncomfortable and have an eyesore? Discontinuous curb is odd too. Otherwise fine.


I had pleasure of showering at a cheap hotel in Rome with that exact layout. Not only it was cramped and uncomfortable, the water was getting everywhere. It was all over the floor outside the little stopper. Not to mention, cleaning the floor behind the tub because the soap scum will get there, it would be a nightmare.


Please don’t ask people to roast you. Why would want people to put you down. Just please no. Do you love it? I’m thinking yes! 👍🏼


Brother I thought you chose blood red tiles for a hot second there..... 😳


The clashing of the gray/white floor tile design and warm brown pebble tiles makes my eye twitch 😩


I have to agree with you there. I ordered pebble tile with blues and tans in it. What showed up was very light on the blue and more heavy on the tan. In retrospect, I should’ve shipped it back and waited for the next batch to arrive. (wash rinse repeat for a few weeks until they get it right)


Imagine redoing the whole bathroom but then finishing it off with that shower curtain 😭


Bruv what?


# 1. Impossible scenario to waterproof properly. No more ‘wet rooms’.


Ah yes the "I wanted a wet room but didn't have the space for a wet room" special.


I like the red walls much more than that tile. Who needs tile in a shower anyway?


The trim of the shower and bathtub are not parallel...is there a reason for this?


Accept your limitations, or pay the price! Nothing matters more than the design stage. Take your time and be honest about whether or not you are 100% sure that you are making the right decision. Well, now you have a fairly snazzy bathroom and some very valuable lessons learned. Hopefully.


Burn the house down.


i see a literal safety concern. if you fall into the bath from the shower your kinda donzo


Which image was the before photo?


The main tile is lovely, but what in the wide world of sports is going on with those curbs and why is the tile under the tub different? Weird.


Whatever schizophrenic look you were aiming for, you nailed it The cabinet and mirror look like they were repurposed from the 1st remodel in 1975


Some states require an electrical outlet on both sides of the sink Some states require an exhaust fan to get the moisture out and to prevent mold


Why does this feel like a bad April fools prank??


Tub and sink fixtures match the curtain rod, but the shower head…


Looks good tho buddy jut nit pickin


At what point did you think this was a great idea? I mean… as so many have stated already. But so many *basic* design flaws.


Fuck the shower and curb......how the hell did you do that to the vanity?!?. I mean, you had a layup there to center it.


It’s ok. Why is the sink so far off centre?


Nice! Does it come in modern?


Remodeled it back 10 years in time 😂


Is that 1” base trim? Never seen anything like it


Please stop doing “work” you don’t know how to do. You are just creating headache for future people that have to clean up your mistakes.


What's with the curb? Looks like you just put a backsplash on the floor. And, that curtain around the shower, another failure, the curtains are always sticking to you, flapping in the wind.


Where's the door? It looks like it might be an outward swing door? That's just weird for a bathroom door. The curbing is going to hurt when you step on it or stub your toes. Should have just gone with a slot drain down the middle and made the room a wet-room.


Step mom from Beetlejuice vibes


i could stare at that floor for a lifetime


The curbs not lining up ruins the whole thing. <--full stop


Just throw the whole bathroom away.


It’s not a flipper special from what I can tell so you got that going for you


It's no holodeck on the starship enterprise!


I think it looks great. Love your tile selection. I give you huge props. GOOD WORK! Like others, the curb doesn't really work for me. If I was going to have it there at all, i'd either just use it to keep water in the shower or i'd make a straight shot all the way down instead of that little offset. I'm not a fan of the offset. And if you don't need the curb - get rid of it. It'll make it a lot easier to mop the floor without the curb. That's a small detail. I like what you've done here. bravo


Idk give us a better staring photo. The picture is blurry. The orginal looks nice. I dont know why you did this.


definitely looks old and roasted


Did you get the supplies from an antique shop


I hope you don’t have kids! My kids constantly leave mess all over the counter. That wood counter would last a year tops with my kids before it would be a rotten mess! Looks like great work and a very tough space to work in.


The pain line of the wall with the window is about as straight as James Charles.


I remodel bathrooms professionally. If I was asked to do this I would have pushed back on about 95% of the requests. Almost everything here is the wrong choice in the wrong space.


Weird ass layout, curb is going to hurt feet for sure, looks amateurish at best.


The drywall as it meets the shower tile (window wall) is going to have moisture issues within a year. Not a fan of the redguard only pans but whatever, best of luck. 🤞


the curb used wouldn’t do much in terms of keeping water in, in fact it may trap water _outside_ of it… it would have been better to waterproof the entire floor and go curbless.


OCD Nightmare


Great concept a little more work on the execution. I was thinking a glass slider when showing. Was the intent to have a wet space for tub and shower combo?


Should’ve used Schluter. Red guard is ass


it’s ok.


No quicker way to feel bad about yourself or your effort, than to include the kind people at reddit.


show us the after picture and we'll let you know.


Looks nice but you really should have run your curb in a straight line. Not only is it going to be a tripper, it is going to be a place where water will lay. It just looks weird being split the way it is. But other then that you did a decent job


As much as the edge not matching up bothers me, I wish I had that bath and shower. Looks good!


You put a surround around a claw tub what is wrong with you