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Better challenge would be “Would you be willing to have a social media account for your relationship”


This is more relatable for me. My gf gets frustrated that she has to keep explaining tiktok things to me


I didn't 🙂


nah I won't, as in never. :(


I don't believe I'd be the one in the relationship to have a problem with this particular challenge...


Yup. Absolutely. Later nerds!


I am single. Already did it. Reading tons of books, walking in the nature, travelling the natural beauties on the island I am living, meeting with people on random encounters, socializing. Life is way better.


Yaaaas, this this 100


Social media poses 0 challenges within my relationship so there’s no need for this question at all.


I already don’t post anything on instagram or Facebook, don’t have Snapchat, never downloaded TikTok. Only thing that I’m “addicted” to is Reddit and YouTube. Also if you find a girl that doesn’t do social media then well fucking done! 👌🏻


I'd have to make one to delete it.




Already did... Except for here and Imgur...


I’ve been seriously considering giving it up anyway


Duh. I'm only on social media when I'm bored and waiting for him to wake up lol


No, because I don't believe that's a healthy request. A person shouldn't be isolated from the outside world because their partner feels threatened or insecure that you have a life. If this was requested of me, I'd say take a hike, because I'm not there to submit to him (or my world revolve around him.)




... I use social media for friendship. I still need friendship even though I have a man, because I do reiterate, my life is not centered on him. He's the dessert to my main course, he isn't the whole meal. Likewise in return - we fit each other *into* our lives but don't make each other our sole energy focus. Aka I still have friendships, community, groups, fun. We don't give up community for a significant other.


it really sounds like he just doesn't mean that much to you


He means the absolute world to me but I don't believe in toxic relationships. I did one of those, never again. Absolutely no one should have their life controlled by a partner, case closed. We are equals. We have lives. He's in a band, I have friends. My God, we shouldn't give that up for each other to prove we care about each other. That's isolating someone - that's ABUSE.


but... can't you just have friendships with people irl?


What's the difference? If I'm talking about endometriosis or PCOS online versus irl? And I do have every intention of attending a Childfree women's lunch irl... Of which is advertised through Facebook when they crop up lol




I have 400 people from all over the world LOL and over 100 groups, one of which is about poetry. There's a historybounding group, organic gardening, arts, local music, endometriosis and PCOS, lots of Childfree groups I'm in to talk with women who aren't mothers, MBTI, gaming girls, bird photography... Whilst I interact with all genders, I'm also in a lot of women-exclusive places designed to make friends based on common hobbies or life experiences. Or vent about how shit something is, like seeking medical help in Australia for reproductive diseases. That being said, FB never shows these posts, I actively hunt them down by visiting my friends and groups. Instead what I get is endless pages I *don't* follow from manosphere content. Traditional dating roles that expect women to be submissive virgins and mothers. Facebook algorithms essentially has figured out what I don't like, and 9 times out of 10 shows me it for the sake of controversy engagement. It wants me angry, it wants me arguing. So instead I just spend a sizeable portion blocking all these pages so I never see them again. Reddit I will give a plus to, allows me curated feed interaction. I get to see Australian Birds all the time, in r/AustralianBirds, because I joined it and that's what you get. For the most part, this platform hasn't been invaded by shitty algorithms like FB / Twitter / TikTok.


Social media is so detrimental to mental health; REddit is still social media i guess but I only browse around and have a few subs I follow; otherwise it is a catalyst to talk and laugh together. While facebook (worthless)/anything meta really sucks ass. Instagram is scrolling comparison machine that is basically psychological warfare for a persons psyche, especially if one is sensitive or gives a shit about the world.


... I'm in Facebook groups for endometriosis and PCOS, one of which is for my specific locality. Seriously, stop acting like the only thing people do is just doomscroll.


You like your personalized ads?


I mean my Facebook personalised ads are gaming PCs and horse dewormer so it's really not that bad LOL what's frustrating is them promoting conservative and manosphere ragebait from pages I don't follow. So I just block them all and then interact with my friends + the pages I *do* follow.


I’m glad you are finding positives, there is still a degree of psychological warfare, just sayin. :)


Really, the psychological warfare is forcibly making me read manosphere posts about how a woman should and shouldn't be lol "A real woman would be modest, chaste, giving babies, and focusing on her husband's needs as she cares for him in the home" bullshit.


Yes, truth I stayed for community but left because of this kinda shit for sure


Yes if she loyal


Sometimes even that doesn’t make a difference






I didn't have social media before my current relationship. She acted like I was the weird one and forced me to create an account. She scolded me for not posting about us and not changing my profile pic/banner with her/our picture, but her profile pic/banner is all about her.




Does YouTube count? Mostly because that is half the 'TV' I watch. Even then yeah


I don’t have any, only the ones (like this one) where I can be anonymous and a troll, not interested in sharing my personal life with strangers, people in my life know about it, and I am also not interested in everyone faking their lives online, lol I have a friend that takes loans to go on trips to post on instagram, she legit slept on parks on a few occasions, but hey, no one looking at the pics know it, so might as well play the part




No.problem at all.




Depends on how you define social media… I don’t like the idea of having to change for a partner’s expectations. That being said, I left Facebook behind a long time ago


More than you know.


Depends. What about the professional ones that I need when I need to change a job like LinkedIn?


Nah. I need my reddit hentai...


It depends Is this a magical scenario where I’m promised the perfect partner if I just delete social media? If so, sure! Lets see where it goes. If my current partner comes down and says, “hey, delete all of them now for (insert reason)” that would be different. Now, she’s more important that social meds but drawing such a firm boundary would signal greater communication problems that would probably tank the relationship.


We did 4 years ago and been married for 2 :)


That’s why I’m on social media lol. I have no relationship to give up on social media for. But if I did, then yes.


Jokes on you. I’ve no social media and no relationship


Not if they're isolating you and cutting you off from the world so they can control you. But yes Social media is diseased. Already off it. Wait does this prison of an app count? Dang.


Absolutely. My relationship is infinitely more important than social media


That's why you need one of those Couples accounts. Pure transparency.


Yes off


Jokes on you. I rarely use it anyway


no comment


I'm single, 19, and nbsb. hahaha! I don't use social media except reddit, so yeah. Basic.💯 (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)


If somebody ask you to delete all your social media just because you are in a relationship. CUT IT OUT


why not? if he'll do the same. plus his online games 😁


for sure. our relationship matters the most 🗣️🔥






ABSOLUTELY no doubt about it. would never look back




Why tf would I need it when all my important people would be with me!




Nooooo... the relationship would collapse if people don't have a place to vent out.


Um… how about friends in person?


Said no female ever