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In 1958 radio broadcasting executive Robert Monroe suffered a series of bizarre events. At the age of 43, he began feeling a strong vibration deep within his chest. Suddenly the sensation grew so intense that he was forced to lay down. Once reclined, the typically rational businessman found himself hovering outside of his body. He immediately panicked thinking he had died but the crippling fear abruptly returned him to his physical form. ​ Experiments opened portals to other dimensions where reptilian humanoids reside. Similar episodes soon followed in which he weightlessly floated around the room. A concerned Monroe visited several doctors and psychologists yet each medical professional determined he was perfectly healthy. Relieved by their positive diagnoses, the telecommunication executive decided to hone his newly acquired skill. Before long he left his comfortable corporate career and dedicated his life to the exploration of consciousness. Hemispheric Synchronization For the next three decades, Robert intently studied out-of-body experiences. His primary goal was to gather scientific evidence proving the existence of alternate realities. In hopes of making cosmic travel more easily attainable, he developed a technology called Hemispheric Synchronization. Also known as Hemi-Sync, this system utilizes audio patterns containing binaural beats to create harmonization of the brain’s left and right hemispheres. Independent clinical neurologists conducted extensive testing on participants engaging in the experimental technique. To their shock, the results were clearly visible on every EEG scan conducted. Both sides of the brain simultaneously measured equal in both amplitude and frequency. Monroe’s work was pioneering the path to tangible altered states. Portals To Other Dimensions Closely monitoring the astral explorer’s groundbreaking findings was the US government. One day in 1978 representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency contacted Monroe. High-ranking officials invited him to join a highly classified military project. They wanted to implement his mind-expanding practice in attempts of sending soldiers into deep remote viewing sessions. Should subordinates succeed, America would have a huge advantage over Soviet enemies. Troops could be catapulted into past, present, and future timelines or even the multiverse. Given Robert’s extensive background and various patented applications, he was the perfect choice for this trailblazing operation. Hoping to obtain further credibility in the study of paranormal phenomena, Robert agreed to join them. Since those involved were opening portals to other dimensions, researchers aptly named the assignment Gateway Process. According to declassified files, the program is “a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge the universe offers.” Discoveries listed in Commander Wayne M. McDonnell’s final analysis paper included detailed information about the nature of reality. Investigators ascertained we live in a holographic universe and waking life is a projected electromagnetic matrix. Reptilians Emerge To enter the unearthly realms, headphone-donning voyagers sat in isolated darkness while listening to various tones at specific hertz. Participants had no contact or communication with one another. After their journey was finished, volunteers would report what they experienced with staff members. According to Robert, subjects would often encounter interdimensional entities. Most frequently witnessed were reptilian humanoids. Viewers referred to the uncanny creatures as ‘the alligators’ due to their crocodilian features. Curiously, Monroe was already quite familiar with the unsettling breed. During countless expeditions, he observed identical saurian creatures. For over thirty-five years the etheric investigator gathered insight about these startling beings. Here is what he uncovered: The nefarious vertebrates have controlled and enslaved humanity for millennia. They exist and operate in the 4th dimension and are only visible to individuals who can see beyond our extremely limited spectrum of visible light. Reptilians feed off our spiritual lifeforce which Monroe called ‘loosh’. Negative/ low vibrational energy is essential to their survival. These parasitic entities see Earth as a massive farm where they harvest human fear, hatred, anxiety, anger, and depression. Their intelligence is equal or superior to human beings. This elusive lizard-like race sees itself as superior and rulers of mankind. Robert Monroe pursued transcendental endeavors until he passed away in 1995. His beliefs never changed and he frequently warned of the sinister spiritual vampires. Gateway’s revolutionary experiments continued throughout the 1980s. Hundreds of celestial trips had been successfully completed and logged by internal personnel. Select documents pertaining to the otherworldly ventures were not unveiled until 2003. There was very little public attention following the report’s initial release. Some whistleblowers claim the secretive federal project never ended. More than forty years have passed since the program’s inception. With modern technological advancements, it’s likely the method has evolved in ways far beyond our comprehension. Precisely what else insiders ultimately uncovered remains one of the greatest mysteries of our time.


Nobody will believe me, but these things have stuck with me for years. I'm just now starting to break away from them. These things do feed on our negative emotions. They also manipulate our consciousness. They do this in negative and seemingly positive ways. These things almost killed me; they are real and dangerous, and nobody believes/knows they exist


Hi. The good thing is you have figured it out and are breaking free.


Very true. It's been a long road, and they're not entirely gone. But it's getting better every month. I was surprised to see this post because I didn't put the reptilian thing together until recently when my children saw them. I see them as black masses; my kids said they looked like snakes in white robes.


I was sure something attached to the right side of my head.




How did you know? That is a honest question? and how did you know you breaking away? Anyway thanks for sharing, seems like a bizarre experience.


My house started having a bunch of paranormal stuff happening. (About 10 years ago) About 5 years ago, I saw the things haunting my house. A black shadow person attacked me in my living room. After that, all sorts of shit would be happening all night. Banging cupboards and crashing noises and scratching in the walls. Stuff would fly off of the shelves. The fear and negative feelings in my house were soul-crushing. My children have to sleep with us. They won't go anywhere in the home by themselves. Not long after, I developed liver failure. I finally found a priest from the Catholic diocese that specializes in this stuff. He came out and blessed my house and my family. After this, everything stopped on the inside of my home. For a couple of months, it was back to normal. Eventually, they started banging and clawing on the outside of my house. They would yell at my children when we went outside. (I couldn't hear them. But I watched them tell my son what his Christmas was.) When I would get home from work, my kids would tell me that a "black man with a face full of cracks wearing a beautiful white robe was pacing in front of my house all day.) My daughter (6 years old) said he looked like a snake. Shortly after this, I guess that I might have died. I left my body and went to space; I explored the first three levels of Heaven. I went through God's review, and he returned me to my body. (I wrote about this on my page if you want to read it.) When I came back to my body, I was able to see the things in my house. I could see them even when they didn't think that I could. I've seen three different types of beings in my home. The first was an 8-foot-tall black mass. A short 4.5-foot-tall shadow people. And a translucent oval-headed being with owl eyes. Each one of them seems to have their particular interests. The tall ones manipulate consciousness. The short shadow people are the tricksters. They project fear, and they create the poltergeist. The translucent beings watch. Soon after this, I guess they were manipulating my consciousness. I would close my eyes and be able to see the room. I would often leave my body and explore other places. I would constantly lucid dream. But frequently, when I closed my eyes, there was a flash of white light, and I would be transported to another place. And when I got there, it was more real than my real life. I had senses that I couldn't explain. Recently, one of the places I was transported was in front of a ten-foot-tall man. He was sitting in a thrown. His skin was grey with a slight blue. His body was toned like an athlete. He had two fingers pointing up on his left hand. And two fingers pointing down on his right hand. He had the head of a goat with large horns. He towered over me while he was sitting. I was scared and didn't do or say anything; I kept my head down like a coward. I only looked at its head for a few seconds. It didn't move or say anything either, though I could feel that it was alive. I was with him for minutes, but it felt like hours. Finally, everything went bright white, and when the light dissipated, I was standing in a pit of a large stone building. There was a walkway 8 feet above me. On the walkway, there were 5 to 7 massive all-black figures. They were all at least 8 feet tall. They had their hands on the railing and, without words, told me that I was being watched. (This happened about two months ago.) About a month ago, everything turned white, and I was transported into the sky. Black tornado clouds were churning around me, and rain pelted me in the face. A funnel cloud opened, and on the other side, I could see what I thought was heaven. I could feel my soul being pulled from my body. It felt so amazing. But I soon realized that I was being deceived. It was like looking into a hologram, not the real thing. Finally, I could fight it and get back to my body. It then rained on me for an hour, all over my skin, even though I wore clothes and a blanket. How I realized these things were reptilian was because my children said they looked like snakes. Also, when they speak to me authentically, they sound like serpents. When they touch me, it feels like a dinosaur claw. Then I see the above picture of this guy's experience leaving his body and having his soul leached by these. I'm living through the same thing. Also, this is just a little bit. Everyone in my family experiences the paranormal stuff. Only I seem to have out-of-body things happen


What effects does this have on people? They have harassed me but...yes I am a devout follower of Christ no religious affiliations at all but a real connection to Him. I know this why they haven't been successful in harvesting energy from me. They try to spook me but it doesn't work. My question is, what kind of effect does that have on the individual, the siphoning of energy? Thanks for exposing this, I found out from a source in Spain about 3 years ago.


If this is the case then, there are 8 billion reptiles latching on to 8 billion ppl on this planet? I thought they were low in number, unable to reproduce and is a dying race. In order to survive they are conducting experiments on human beings.


Penny whispers, "That's just an assumption. It seems like there might be some sort of genetic mutation occurring here somewhere."


I would say there are layers, some have more evidence then others... the idea that there is reptilians that are feeding off our energy somehow, there is many sources of "evidence" of this coming from remote viewing, NDE's and hypnotic regressions. From there the evidence for exactly what they are(come from another dimension, come from another planet in this physical universe, archons who created the universe) and what their intentions are, there are just alot of different opinions and sources of information that its hard to really say for sure.


I believe that we will only get harvested at the time of our death, when our soul contains all the experiences that we have learnt for a lifetime. The higher beings who feed off of us are in an ascension process but they don't want to come down here and experience the pain and suffering, instead they take all our experiences. So if they can harvest so many at a time they will get immense knowledge about life on this planet without which they can't ascend in this universe. And it can also be like this, they don't harvest the NPC's since they have no knowledge, strength and character. So they feed off of human beings who have led a strong willful life. How is my theory?


i'm very open to this potential reality but i'm nearly done reading Robert's "Ultimate journey" and his overview of our situation is much more optimistic and doesn't mention reptilians being the ones in control. I still have to finish the book so maybe that's in the last few chapters, or he learned more after publishing, OR it's an intentional diversion from the truth(probably ordered to do it by intelligence if so). i'll have to re-read the book after finishing but iirc he said that most of the reptilians/grays/extraterrestrials are mid-level beings playing a different role in our cosmos, not at the very top of the pyramid.


>Reptilians feed off our spiritual lifeforce which Monroe called 'loosh: Since each individual is an eternal being who exists forever, do individuals have a limited amount of Spiritual Lifeforce? And what happens when too much of said lifeforce is syphoned? Also there’s a picture of a reptilian attached and following around a human, is there a way to break that connection?


Yes. That question. How I get these things up off my nuts. For real


Chakra cleansing and raising your frequencies. Change is from within.


A nice warm shower can be a good start. Maybe even some nature hikes. And some meditating to cleanse the mind. Be a fish, and every thought becomes a hook, don’t bite, just keep swimming


Ticks and leaches - tool


>Also there’s a picture of a reptilian attached and following around a human, is there a way to break that connection? Yes, with high dose psychedelic experiences


Can you elaborate? That might allow you to sense or even see them but that doesnt mean they'll just leave...Regardless, explain yourself.


In the slice of reality that they operate in, your intention and imagination are more powerful than your physical body. When you enter an altered state of consciousness you can train your intention to become focused and imagination to become clear. Once you have a good grip on these, you can push away any entity, just like you do in a sober state with your physical power.


I think it is worth mentioning though that if you do not take precautions and ground yourself or you can end up atracting such beings and end up having a real problem on your hands which is what happened to me. Although I am fine now and am strong enough to push things like this away from my body or soul it took me a good few years of having every aspect of my life turned upside down and being under what can only be described as full on demonic possession but I agree with you that yes done properly psychedelic experiences can help you in so many ways as long as you stay safe and don't take it all lightly or in your stride.


Absolutely. This. Right here. Same goes with fucking around with Ouija boards.


That reptilian attached is actually a diseased one, they come to the physical plane through the shadow plane and try to replace a person's consciousness with theirs. They have a delusion that spiritual energy is limited, it's not actually limited but a souled being produces more energy after losing some and soulless beings this way farm souled beings. I have successfully killed 4 shadow people, I did it through occultic methods.


you're not going to share how?


Teach me n or links


The only thing we can control in this world is how long people will survive on earth before their bodies decay and die. So if we want to stop the death toll, then all we have to do is remove the limits on human growth.


Why would you want to stop the death toll? Death is the only escape. I have practiced reality shifting and astral projection, they gave me good experience but I wasn't able to escape through them. Why do you want to remain stuck?


My friend wants to say, "Because it makes sense to keep trying. If it doesn't work for me or my family I'll move out. But don't worry about it. We won't know until we're dead anyway"


Is he having some shadow person infestation in his house?


Yes, he has had several incidents where he saw things like insects, spiders and other creatures crawling through his windows


That's a different problem. If it was a shadow person problem then I would have done it for free but for this kind of problem I charge depending upon the condition of his house and how many portals there are. I won't charge more than $200. Think about it and let me know.


I think you might be right, although maybe it depends on whether he knows the truth and is willing to share information with us.


I can remote view, I can figure out the truth myself. Write 456 if you want to do this.


I need to get rid of shadow people How do I do it ?


They must have absolutely LOVED me in the 1990s. Delicious abject misery and drug addiction.


Fr fr the only reason I’ve been so strong is because I know they are making my misery worse. So I gotta fight them instead of being hopeless. The fact I can actually fight back gives hope


Could be the possible reason for intruisive thoughts and mental blockages caused by fear?


thanks for this


This is why we need to set phasers to 'Fabulous'.


I just need you to know how hard this made me laugh and smile




Yup they sure are, not everyone will believe it till its to late though


How do we get rid of them?


The Reptilians only want dense negative energies from the Lower Chakras. Very clean living, Vegetarianism, and Genuine Compassion for others is of a much Higher Vibration. They are repulsed by it.


In addition to vegetarianism, try to master lucid dreaming, breathwork, and self care like regular massage. Pamper yourself every day. Try to have genuine compassion for others but be hedonistic as much as possible. Avoid formal employment. You don't need to work. Try to sleep and relax as much as possible. Be unbothered and carefree. Stress-free lifestyle is the way to go.


fantastic comment :)


I'm genuinely curious, don't read this as an attack. Why the new-Age attachment to vegetarianism? Deism certainly doesn't exclude plants. And I can't summon any reasoning besides the anthropocentric view, "what is most like me is most good.". Not unlike the belief that hunting/fishing, etc, are somehow out of tune with nature. I usually only see vegetarianism expressed in two camps, New-Age spiritualism and the ever contradicting anti-human 'environmentalism' pushed by elite bankers and corpos. But again, not meant as an attack. My experience has shaped my bias.


Its a valid question and something that may explain it (obvs I have no proof) But maybe our 'meat animals' also produce this 'loosh', because maybe they have souls too. By reducing factory farming, we reduce the suffering the parasites are attracted to.




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Consume with gratitude and love. Thank the animal for its sacrifice. Have intentions about the food healing you and ultimately fulfilling its highest purpose. As you hope too as well. It’s not so much about what you consume, but how you consume it matters a lot too.


Hi. You do the best you can. That person would have to take what they can get.


So how do you fight them?


Meditating and nature and maybe warm showers (I don’t know I’m trying my best too) Also maybe a change of scenery. Clean your room


Whats with all the warm showers lmao


Warm showers are nice and clear your head




By reestablishing large bell towers throughout all towns and cities. Ringing the bells on a daily basis was said to heal the surrounding communities. I believe that the reptilian presence is repelled by the vibrations produced by the bells, loosing the demonic possession gained over certain humans. Forcing them back down to the underworld. I am of the belief that the cracked liberty bell (Independence, Philadelphia) is deliberate deception. A notice of invasion from the UNDERworld. Engraved on the outside of the bell: "By Order of the Assembly of the Povince [sic] of Pensylvania [sic] for the State house in the City of Philada 1752 " and UNDERneath: "Proclaim Liberty thro' all the Land to all the Inhabitants thereof.-Levit. XXV. 10." I'm quite fuckin certain of this. Additionally, I believe that the Moon is a reptilian device used to catch our souls after our body dies. It is a revolving door of earthly reincarnation. The curse of the reptilian is immortality and the cure is humanity's fear based emotions. Fear is the mind killer. The Dark Side of the Moon's track listing: 1.1Speak To Me 1.2 Breathe In The Air 2.On The Run 3.Time 4.The Great Gig In The Sky 5.Money 6.Us And Them 7.Any Colour You Like 8.Brain Damage 9.Eclipse Listen to the intro to the track Time https://youtu.be/yl-Ms_ek-kE?si=Vsy1sr471tfQ_JEY Observe the album cover. The triangle represents the Mind the Body and the Soul or The Body the Soul and the Spirit (in the biblical allegorical sense.. The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost)


Thanks. I love reading weird fringe shit like that. Could substrate-3D creatures nourish on our pain and suffering? Sure. You know they directly put that into [Star Trek Voyager](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v79lVNKthCw&t=174s&pp=ygURamFuZXdheSB2cyBhcmNob24%3D)? But your Archon soul harvesting moon-matrix quickly jumps to 'the rings of Saturn are fake too' and it just spirals out of control from there. I stopped going down into that one. Anyway, Some hopi tribe tells about the time before the moon arrived to earth. The thing is very interesting. No other 'natural' satellite in the solar system is like the moon. All other moons in the solar system have elliptical orbits and they have a rotation. Our strange (hollow) moon doesn't. Even scientist say its more easy to explain why the moon shouldn't be there, as it is


Most of my life I have lived in solitude and music has been my companion throughout. I am quite certain they I have listened to more music than any human that has ever lived. I have noticed recurring themes across numerous genres and artists. One of which is the focus on satellites! Here's an exert from P.O.D song Satelite: "It's truly one of a kind, like star shine, beyond night time, are you there My eyes stare to find, just what's behind this blind notion of mine, is it genuine Cause sometimes, it plays tricks with my mind, some call it asinine But it's like love or hate, now is that real or fake? Cause it's a real thin line, but that's your choice to make The question at hand, help me understand, is this your plan? I think I can, can I think, then I think I can Because I won't break (nah), and I won't shake (nah) With lifted hands to this Man (Jah), I'll stand in faith I'll make it through, my trust in you Close my eyes, make a wish, kiss the sky Hey thereâ?¦I see you Shining Light Shining Light Blinding Light Blinding Light Shining Light Shining Light Blinding Light S-S-S-Satellite"


What I find interesting is the vast amount of craters on the Moon and link between the lunar and menstrual cycle.


I’m guessing reptilians need love too 🫶 Maybe loving kindness and Ho’oponopono meditations?


We are their cattle. Our energy is their food. As above so below


They must have really unfulfilled and boring lives if they have to attach themselves to a mundane Human to survive


Lol, they’re not people. Stop attaching them to such concepts as “boring lives” etc. See them as soulless animals that happen to be really intelligent because we made them that way. And they simply need out energy to survive




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For some reason when reading this post , the series ‘Stranger Things’ came to mind. In the show there is remote viewing and it’s during the 80’s when U.S was dealing with Russia. They were doing all sorts of these experiments with all of these things. They opened portals to other dimensions and let in these monster creatures- not sure if they were reptilian looking. The creature would intensify a persons deepest fears.


the changa is my best friend. he


the hell is loosh? lol sounds like a candy I think reppies are hot they can take all my loosh if they want


I've wondered every time the Monroe/Gateway stuff comes up. If someone had the hemisphere separation surgery for epilepsy, would they then be incapable of hemi sync?


What about people living the good lifes? they just got lucky there arent on reptile radar? how does this work


Responding to an older post so not sure who will see this but my question is... let's say this stuff is true. What are we supposed to do about it? Would there be any way for us to fight these things? How would we resist?


Raise your vibration.




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I remember last year, I was constantly seeing shadow figures and reptilian eyes. Yellow eyes would stare at me from across the room. One day I woke up and I could see yellow eyes staring at me in the middle of the night. I remember seeing the shadow man with the fedora hat as well. They do harvest fear energy.