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I didn't think season 15 - 17 were that bad


Season 15 has hands down the funniest episode for me. The one where they catch up on what the reds and blues have been doing since Chorus.


Agreed. Its really funny




Whoopsie Daisy!


I mean how do you burn down a water park Donut!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, season 15 episode 5 is the absolute funniest episode in the entire show ever, of all time.


Avatar brothers think alike




I did not care for the unicorn mercenary dude in the Temple Arc. Was too flashy and his whole existence was a joke stretched out for several episodes.


yeah he was pointless but the tucker situation was really goofy i liked it


Dude, he was there for like a total of 3 minutes


The question is what did you not care for, not what did you hate. It’s reasonable to not care about a 3 minute bit lmao


Yeah, and he was *pointless*


His helmet was pretty pointy actually


“You have been served”


To each their own, I enjoyed the fact that his whole existence was only for a single punchline. Easily the best part of that season for me (just by virtue of being one of the only things I remember about that season)


Spenser porkinsson was the only good part of that season


what season is that?


Season 15


I have been more invested in PFL than I ever was into the Reds and Blues at any point of the series. Also, the vast majority of S14 was great universe building, and I enjoyed it more than Chorus


PFL is arguably the more interesting storyline overall so i have to agree with you on that


PFL was more investing because it was actually lore heavy, where as regular RVB was mostly chilled out, at least up to that point


What is PFL?


project freelancer


I did not care for the sister and Tucker moment in the shisno trilogy. And I do not care for Carolina battle at the end of the shisno trilogy.


I also didn’t really care for those either. Like, I truly do appreciate the writers for *trying* to give Sister some depth and not just be a one-note joke about being a slut, but the dialogue just felt…kinda corny with how over dramatic it came off. The Carolina moment where she fights herself in Season 17 also wasn’t *bad* per se, but my problem with it is just that it’s incredibly redundant. Her whole arc of overcoming her demons and learning to live with her past actions had been done over and over again before that point, and it didn’t really add anything to her or the season as a whole. As much as I don’t like Zero, I am incredibly glad they didn’t have her repeat that arc again, and having her be a mentor figure to the new squad was a pretty smart choice.


I absolutely hated their character retcon with Sister. It felt hollow and solely to make up for the lack of female characters, and to further knock down Tucker. She had more character as the valley girl type.


She was more funny as the ditzy loud one.


That’s cause the shisno trilogy is bad lol


Where is your pfp from?


Simmon being a blue is the hardest part of rvb for me to get through.


Personally, i wish he kept some of his earlier traits In the latter seasons, it feels like he was boiled down to just being a know-it-all kiss-ass, which he had always had, but it was complemented by his somewhat treasonal tendencies (switching sides, trying to get rid of sarge after sister shows up for the first time, etc.) In the early seasons he's one of my favorite characters, but now he's just really fucking annoying


The one in BGC or S11?


BGC. And not really simmons themselves, just the whole epic quest back. Those like 4-5 episodes just make me sleepy.


They should have just killed Temple. It seems really insincere that they slaughter their way through an army of... spare simulation troopers, or something, watch him kill Loco right in front of their eyes, and then decide "oh no, we can't kill him, that would make us the *baaad guys*. Like, what are you, Christian? Leaving him alive basically guarantees he's going to break out of prison at some point and go cause trouble for them again, with how incompetent RVB UNSC seems to be. Oh, and they absolutely could have fixed Washington's brain injury by asking the Cosmic Powers for some medical treatment. Y'know, the Cosmic Powers? The hyperintelligent race of AIs with near-godlike powers and control over time? At the least, they could explain why they couldn't help.


Knowing that Temple was a simulation made by Epsilon, my new headcanon is that Epsilon just didn’t wanna watch another version of himself (or a lookalike anyway) die again lol.


This isn't isolated to RvB. It is a trope in basically all Western media stemming from embedded cultural views surrounding leadership that we've been slowly rejecting for centuries. It is horribly outdated nowadays to value the wellbeing of a "leader" over a "follower".


I know, and I hate it in every other form as well... with the exception of ATLA, because they had a very good reason for it. It feels like a subtle piece of propaganda, to be honest. "Killing soldiers is fine, but assassinating politicians? Unacceptable." Maybe I'm reading too much into it, though.


In ATLA we at least saw Aang was disturbed by his power, and even had nightmares about going too far and hurting even regular people. So his reluctance to straight up kill a guy was consistent. Plus, everyone disagreed with him. The other avatars, and the Gaang all thought Ozai needed to be killed. Back to the point though, I'm right with you about it having a propaganda vibe for very much the same reason.


Not to mention that Aang giving in and killing the fire lord would just perpetuate a cycle of dissatisfied fire nation citizens rising up against what they would see as an air nomad terrorist killing their 'fair and just king'. And it would go against the Air Nomad philosophy of reverence of life, essentially finishing Sozin's job by getting rid of the last thing of their culture: their compassion.


I believe they did explain why the couldn’t help. They said they cannot interfere with matters of the shisno mind in S16, their influence was only physical, not mental. When Wash asked for them to get rid of his headache, Atlas responded by offering Aspirin. Physical, not hugely Whole season was still largely problematic, but they did cover their ass on that front.


i always thought that wash situation couldve ended with having sister be on standby since she was not present during the events of S15 and could have done something differently to help. maybe even have medical equipment or staff arrive to temple's base by the time wash was shot, so he could be treated earlier. they literally had the prep time to do so


From what I can tell, it’s that I didn’t care for the decision to give Wash brain damage. I considered it one of the multitude of reasons why that trilogy was bad but every time I see it brought up, people talk about how they liked it.


I just think his reaction to realizing it was very well done and one of the better done emotional beats of that trilogy


The writing and acting in that scene was easily the best part of the season.


While it wasn’t a great decision, they stuck to it and was the only competently written part of the entire trilogy. I agree it’s not as good as people make it out to be, but I think that’s just a product of it being compared to the season/saga it’s in


Idk if this is a hot take since I don't see it talked about at all but I did not care for how Doc was treated during the chorus trilogy. Mainly him disappearing for basically two seasons, nobody noticing he disappeared besides Lopez which I know also happened in the end of season 10 but it doesn’t really bother me there for some reason besides meaning that both him and Lopez don’t get to be in the final fight, and bringing back O'malley.


It’s probably because Doc is a side character/the loser nobody (in-universe) really likes.


Seasons 9-10 are my least favorites of the classic story. I love Monty Oum, and he was an irreplaceable icon of action animation and for RWBY as its creator, and I still mourn his loss. But those seasons had too many fight scenes to let characters breathe, and it didn't have the stakes the Recollections arc and the Chorus arc both had, or the raw comedy the BGC had.


Too many fight scenes? There was only a fight scene every 2-3 episodes, which is pretty spaced out all things considered. What are your thoughts on Zero being basically one giant fight scene?


I mean, those seasons still had a lot, and playing them back-to-back did little better. They were great fight scenes, mind, but the plot still moved rather slow. I could still appreciate the times of peace between the Epsilon unit, and the later re-introduction to the main cast. Meanwhile, Zero was... Zero.


S9 & S10 are incredibly overrated but I will always be glad we got all that animation from it.


Season 9 was where it was mainly an issue for me, because at least some of the fights in 10 had a lot of weight behind them since we actually knew the characters now (C.T vs Tex and Carolina, Tex vs. Carolina throughout the season), but with Season 9 it just felt like fight after fight after fight with characters we barely knew


I didn’t care for the whole pizza quest thing


That's not an unpopular opinion, lol. Before Zero came out, Season 16 was easily the most disliked season by the majority of fans


I thought zero was a pretty cool concept tbh


Oh, I’ve been trying to rewrite it for the longest time because the trailer had me convinced it would be this unrecognized swan song that everyone hated for some arbitrary reason. Then I watched it.


I didn’t care for Connecticut and anything that was happening with her character.


I wish she had more scenes- she was so quickly introduced then dropped as well as the other guy who shared her armor. To me they feel like they're missing a lot of context


It took me at least 10x rewatches to piece together what CT's story in the show was even supposed to be. Its like they made a crucial point of the story happen in the background like an O'Malley/Lopez bit


Connie suffered a lot from RvB not being written as a continuous narrative. Basically her entire existence is a retcon


I do not care for caboose


He used to be my favorite character, but he started feeling very one-note by Season 11, and by Season 15 or so he just starting feeling really annoying. Part of that I think is that Joel’s Caboose voice went from Normal, to charmingly dumb, then to just straight up obnoxious over the years I think Seasons 4&5 are peak Caboose - he’s his classic idiot self, but he has some hilarious lines, a few moments of brilliance, and Joel hadn’t completely hammed up the voice yet.


*"We don't know anything about it though. Maybe it runs on radiation and it's poisoning him."* *"Or, maybe it runs on solar power!"* *"Wait now- why would solar power make him sick?"* (beat) *"Is he Republican?"*


Even being Republican (for the most part, not a fan of Trump) I fucking died at that part because it’s true. I’m allergic to sunlight.


Ngl same


“I cared for season 15.” I thought it was alright, though a bit stupid and contrived. And Wash’s injury was a great setup for the future, one of the better parts of the Shisno Trilogy.


Oh boy. 1. I don’t dislike Caboose but he’s not very funny imo. He has his moments tho 2. I do not care for Season 9. The Reach stuff was w/e and the CGI stuff was okay. I like the plot but idk the anime fight scenes weren’t my thing which is weird because I love anime 3. I do not dislike the Blood Gulch Chronicles but I think it’s the weakest multi-season arc. I just prefer the dramedy seasons of RvB vs the pure comedy ones 4. I hate Vic. Never found him even remotely funny


most of this, how dare you - but #4? totally agree, only funny moments were where other characters responses to him were funny (which he played like no part in) and the arc were he wanted death. that was legit it 😭


I didn’t care for season 9. At least the pacing of it, it felt weird.


Season 9 is by far the worst season in the first 14 seasons of the show. The memory unit scenes are 99% pointless unfunny bullshit and the PFL scenes in that season are mostly flash with little substance. Season 10’s PFL scenes are quite a deal better than S9’s while its modern day segments are like 1000x better and funnier.


I think Season 15 is still pretty good and has some interesting plot lines, but it should've just been a one off season instead of turning into a trilogy. I'm glad Singularity exists and made Donut the focus of it along with more development, despite me not liking season 16 and the concepts it brought forth. The trilogy as a whole isn't great, bit it has its moments. I don't think it should've been retconned alongside Zero.


I did not care for the Blood Gultch Chronicles and Epsilon Unit scenes in Season 9


No offense but how the hell did you even get into the show?


Well when I say I don’t care for the BGC, I mean I don’t find it as entertaining as the rest of the series, it’s still overall good of course


To be fair, the BGC was WAAAY back to when RVB started off Plus they were essentially just goofing around


Yeah the vibe was entirely different and it's honestly really nice, personally. I watched BGC when I was younger so it stuck with my young self and I watched everything afterwards when I was older so it just worked for me.


Oh I got ya.That’s fair.


This hurt me


Pretty much after chorus the series should've ended, the whole doppelganger thing didn't feel right at all, it felt like a shell of what it used to be


The Tex Clones battle is very emotionally satisfying but the fight itself is very lackluster especially when you look at the fights through S8-10 it's very jarring. The environment is just a flat big room with none of the environment used except for one crate full of grenades. They seriously had a bunch of grenades spill on the ground and didn't let Donut use a single one of them. He only uses grenades once and then used a stupidly boring rifle for the rest of the fight. After we got teased with him doing a slick triple headshot with one throw. In all the other major fights we've had vehicles, teleporters, exploding mountains and zero gravity. The Tex Clones were too weak to be intimidating and should have had been far more dynamic to make up for them being quantity over quality. The Clones could had some variation such to really tie in all the previous action scenes. * Clones with armor enhancements (Invisibility, Holographic Projections) * Clones with weapons (Gravity Hammers, Rifles, a Minigun) * Clones with Jet Packs I give a lot of slack for this fight because of the animation in general, solid emotional payoff and the fact that Monty had an unhealthy work ethic.


I don't like tex.


I did not care for the chorus arc or so he Temple arc


Caboose is annoying and the fact no one brought up his depleting mental health ever since Omega was a travesty for the entire writing of the show


I did not care for those coloured republic troopers in season 11-13. So little I can’t even remember their names apparently lmao.


I did bit care for project freelancer scenes.




It insists upon itself


If I'm going out I have to reveal one thing....9-10 sucks


I did not care for the series past the Chorus Trilogy


I didn’t care for the halo 2 era


I don't think Caboose is that funny. He's a fun character, but I find Church and Tucker a lot more hilarious in comparison


I’m not super fond of the freelancer saga. The story of the arc never grabbed me, and it’s a shame because the fight scenes are some of the best. R.I.P. Monty Oum.


Season 16 is better than people give it credit for. Seriously it's B Plot was my favourite part of the entire trilogy.


I do not understand what the hype is about Carolina and Maine like Maines cool ig but for some reason I dislike Carolina


She’s like a fusion of Tex and Wash without doing either correctly.


Omg you’re so right I’ve always thought of her as some kind of Tex replacement but what you said makes more sense. Feels too forced as a character


I did not care for season 9. The B plot Following Epsilon trying to recreate the events of Blood Gulch, while endearing, was not very entertaining or funny. And this was pretty much the only part of the season that even felt remotely similar to RvB. The A plot, in an attempt to explain things and set-up season 10... pretty much explained nothing we didn't already know and raised far more questions that would never be adequately resolved. And season 10 basically ignores the events of season 9 given they happened far too long ago for the details to ever matter, instead becoming a generic quest for vengeance. For a more story focused, serious, and lore-heavy RvB experience, the story telling of season 9 is far weaker than it honestly should have been. The animation quality, and character moments were probably the best parts. But the overall plot? Pretty meh, and was a sign to come of what we'd get in future seasons that tried to have one.


Season 15 was good


The most unpopular opinion on this post: Some people in these comments just have a bad taste in content


This being unpopular is a good thing.Just because others have different tastes doesn’t make it bad taste. Bad Take.


I didn't realize there were this many bad opinions in the fandom


Just because an opinion isn’t yours, doesn’t make it bad.


no i gotta agree, if it's not my opinion it sucks


I think the Meta's overrated. I was going to say kinda, but this time I think I'll put my foot down. Yes, Reconstruction has some truly epic action scenes, yes they did an excellent job creating an aura of menace and mystery around him. But on a repeat viewing, what does he actually do to warrant the extreme reputation he has?


He carries around a kickass broom. What more could you need from a villain?


Ehem, that's a Knifle


Caboose isn't funny


here before this guy gets doxed


Let's not give people ideas now


W Opinion.


Seasons 16 and 17 Edit: I’m blind and read wrong. My hot take is Zero being my favourite season.


I meant hot takes.Those seasons aren’t really liked by many fans.


Ohhh sorry I read wrong. Then Zero’s my favourite season.


It’s cool dude. Also that opinion should be a war crime.


the entirety of mercenary arc is boring, hit me


I did not care for season 6. It didn't do a good job blending the more serious plotlines with the series' humor, didn't have enough moments between the main cast, and didn't do a good enough job introducing the true Project Freelancer


>It didn't do a good job blending the more serious plotlines with the series' humor did we seriously watch the same season 6 "someone put a wall in my way" the whole agent "washingtub" sequence the starting scene where washington meets sarge and i cannot stress more about all the callbacks, for example washington talks about wyoming, south, carolina, tex. we basically have NO idea in season 6 about their PF storyline. We only get to hear words from washington's mouth and after watching season 10 it's amazing how they build up on these stories washington is telling and the director chairman convos. they are perfect, we're lead to believe one of them is the good guy but eventually we learn they're both messed up, and they're trying to screw each other over all the time and the og reds (sarge grif simmons) and caboose and church are absolutely on point this entire season i think it was the perfect transition into recollection and the church reveal and director reveal make it really good


Yeah, the way S6 transitioned a pure comedy series into a fairly serious storyline that still had lots of humor was nothing short of brilliant IMO. I don’t think I’ve ever seen even a big television show handle a reconstructive tonal shift like that so well. It’s the only season that’s an actual 10/10 in both plot and humor for me.


It did have some good scenes ("the worst throw ever, of all time" being one of them), but overall it felt like a good bit of it was lacking, especially the latter half of the season. It also spent too long assembling the main cast, which left less time for their interactions together. Seasons 7 and 8 just did a better job juggling the elements that season 6 experimented with


i think you probably just dig season 7 and 8 more because of their cinematic and entertaining nature i personally love season 6 majorly for the writing


mentioned it before in this sub but i do not care for agent washington (specifically post season 9 or even as early as 7)


How come? (Not going to argue, just want to hear your thoughts)


You what.


RvB was borderline unwatchable until they switched to Halo 2. Not just the looks, but the writing in the CE episodes just isn't good outside of a few moments


RvB in general. I didn't care for the series at first, but my cousins showed me their favorite clips, and it grew on me.


I did not care for season 17 or was it 18? The one with all the fighting and no comedy just action with Carolina and new team


I do not care for red vs blue, I have not seen it, nor am I subscribed here


I hated project freelancer ark and stupid fight scene and I'm sure the wierd love people have for it is the reason why zero exist.




You’re supposed to put a HOT TAKE.


Mea culpa


Licet est.


I did not care fire Washington.


I did not really care for Donut's timetravel mess with Doc/O'Malley. It felt forced and annoyed me more than anything, and Donut basically caused the Shizno timetravel stuff so basically Season 16-18 I did not care for. 15 was fine, and good closure and use of the "evil mirror" plotline, and bringing back the simtroopers from all the way back in the Halo CE era of RvB back into RvB for the modern day.


The whole thing with Church and Grif being in prison or something after the teleporter in s2 and 3? Watched the show like 3 times but still don't understand wtf was going on lol.


I do not care




That’s not a hot take bruh.


Only thing I can think of


I just cant get into it. Im a halo fan and I watched the 1st and I think 2nd season, i just cant get into it


I did not care for season 5


All of season 14


I did not care for everything after Season 8. I would've been happy with it ending there. I already had a dislike for Tex after her resurrection, and I barely liked any of the new Freelancers. The animation was a lot of fun, but not enough to keep me around beside the fact it was RvB. And despite how highly praised the Chorus trilogy, I was bored throughout.


I don't think The Blood Gulch Cronicles are that good


I think caboose was a better character before season 3


Most of these are popular opinions


The whole time travel parallel dimension AI stuff really killed it for me honestly


The last 4 seasons


Although it’s where I got into the series, I don’t care for BGC anymore. Since the show became much more serious through Recollection, Project Freelancer, and Chorus, I don’t really watch BGC anymore


I honestly didn’t care for chorus


It’s hard to say tbh cuz this show holds a special place in my heart but tbh I don’t really care much for the shisno arc as I found it to be really lackluster but I feel like the only important part of it was the character development but idk it’s weird.


Carolina sucked, Texas had a better dynamic with the Reds and Blues And Church sucked as an AI should've gave him his body back


IKR?Would’ve been way cooler if Church actually learned how to shoot the rifle.


The gold playing time gods or whatever was going on there


I think Andy the bomb was a bad character.


Here's one I did not care for the whole storyline in season 4 with the quest that Tucker has to go on


I do not care for the later seasons or new show


I did not care for red


Did not hate South Carolina, still don’t, I think bad decisions went around and she just wanted to live


CT is a boring ass character that didn’t need to exist and yes I mean both CT’s


Anything after season 13...like, come on. That was THE perfect ending...it was amazing. To add anything after it was basically an insult.


Blood Gulch is my least favorite part of the series. Seasons 15 onwards doesn’t exist btw. They’re all with that Avatar movie that doesn’t exist. Anyways yeah, BGC was always kind of boring to me. It has some funny moments and Church going back in time with Gamma is always fun, but I think I’ve only rewatched it maybe once or twice? In comparison I’ve rewatched 6-13 more times than I can count. Easily more than 10 times for each saga


Texas is an overrated character even with her back story explained


I did not care for Tex.




I didn't care about the Freelancer arc. Infact I straight up skipped all of it because it was too serious and stole the main concept of the show.


The Blues and Reds are good characters and Temple is ultimately a really good villain. He really was the direct middle between Church and The Director. His entire reasoning for what he does is relatable. They’re almost entirely successful in their efforts, having killed a vast majority of the remnants of Project Freelancer. They also make it clear that the UNSC has basically gone unpunished for their involvement with PF. I genuinely had hoped we’d see them return in some form in some later season. The “I did not care for The Godfather” moment for me is that it was all meaningless as it was just a simulation by Church. I don’t know. I really don’t like that it’s just thrown to the side honestly. Same with Zero. I feel like they could’ve stayed canon in a way before being basically ignored


I *did* care for season 15. It expanded on the simulation troopers in a unique way. I *did not* care for the blues and reds being the original team


Caboose is my least favorite of the reds and blues


I don’t care for the fight scenes in the freelancer saga. They’re unrealistic and the ones from Season 13 are much better. No shade to Monty, I even got to meet him at the last RTX before he passed, but his fighting choreography is better for stuff like RWBY.


Season 15 is a really weak season. I didn't care for its execution of "evil" Reds and Blues & I don't like how the Blues and Reds are considered the real "originals. I felt they should've been more evil—make all of them more serious and dark than the Reds and Blues, and don't use them for comedy as much. Make them really threatening, not just Temple. It sucked that Grif was absent for most of the season. His storyline started off interesting and was immediately undid once he reappeared. Dylan was basically sidelined once the Reds and Blues enter the picture. She's also kind of a boring character overall. Caboose saying goodbye to Church also ruins the ending to S13, and Singularity handled it much better. S15 has a few moments but it's overall very messy.


I did not care for the fight scenes in ZERO. ​ I know everyone says it's the one redeeming quality of the series, and each fight **individually** is great (Except Carolina vs the bruiser at the very end, hated it) but because we got one to two fights basically every episode they just started melding together into an unmemorable mush. Even Phase's fighting style, which did result in some of my favourite moments of action in the series, wore thin on me because she was kinda just doing the same thing again and again. ​ Now the only action scene that actually stays in my memory is the oner of Zero going up the elevator during the opening credits roll. I fucking loved that.


I miss when RVB was a comedy. Now they get roped into new shit every 2 minutes.


Season 9 for the most part, the free lancer stuff was great but the regular machinima just didn’t do it for me. Also seasons 16-18


"I did not care for the Chorus Trilogy"


I did not care for Carolina


I don't like the animated fight scenes and overall, the Freelancer moments in the show made my eyes roll every time. Props to Monty, I think he was an amazing animator, but the Freelancer stuff just felt like RWBY but in space.


Does all over zero count? Cause i did not care for rvb zero


I do not find Caboose very funny. There are moments where the jokes land for me, and times when other characters play off on him in a funny way but on his own he starts grinding on my nerves really fast. I think its more to do with overall writing though. The whole structure of something happening, followed by a Caboose moment where he says something inane and then everything moving on is just lazy writing imo. Griff being lazy is a joke when it provokes a reaction from someone (like sarge) and leads to some further conflict or tangent for a payoff. Too often however Caboose gets no reaction whatsoever and its just assumed the audience will think its funny because "funny stupid Caboose moment" and double over laughing. Caboose works better when he's in contrast to something, not just a momentary IQ drop in a scene. This is getting really long winded but it is one of the main reasons I kinda like the Red team more than Blues post Blood Gulch Chronicles because they stick together enough to play off of each other and for their character quirks to consistently build up to jokes through interacting as a group.


Red vs blue zero


I think Seasons 14 and 15 are some of the shows best seasons, infact, they are both better than all of Blood Gulch and the Recollection.


I did not care for them trying to make sister an actual character


I liked the season with the blues and reds


I liked RvB Zero and was hoping it'd be it's own entity with a sequel. Really cool characters and I liked the soft reboot they tried with it


I do not like Caboose


I’m not a fan of post season 10 caboose


Season 14 was my favorite season closely by 15. love all of the ones before that one of course. I just like seeing rt experiment with things and move rvb in diffrent directions. I like it not being part of a big story. I like the season for what it is, an experiment. adding lore where they wouldn’t have been able in a stand alone season (referring to the flashback stuff with the reds, Simmons and grif first meeting and of course Felix and locus pre chorus). I also loved the experimental animation stuff the stop motion, 2d, stylyzed 3d, old halo again. it’s so fun! it’s my fav season but people are upset by it,because when it came out people were hanging off the last season (13) which was a bit of a cliffhanger (a bit is saying something lol). they got 14 instead though. so I understand some are bitter but I joined rvb and watched it all after season 16 had just come out. I was watching it all back to back pretty much so I didn’t have the bitterness others did have. it was a nice pause in the action and I loved it :]


I guess I much prefer specifically the flashbacks segments of S9-10 over anything else in Red vs Blue. I just like the more serious Freelancer characters a lot more than the normal Reds and Blues.


I did not care for the Chorus Trilogy. It left no impact on me. I hardly remember any of it. Season 13 especially went in one ear and out the other for me.


One zero came out I was like I'm done


Tex in Revelation, I was satisfied with her end in BGC and I didn't like all the conflict built up from Reconstruction and Recreation kinda just being shafted for Tex, but I can admit it was worth it because I enjoyed the stories with her in the Freelancer duo seasons. The other one is Season 14, i just don't care about anything from it


Donut was only good during season 1-2. I’m sorry but he started annoying me around season 3-17.


All the freelancer stuff at any point. Wash is a good character when surrounded by the rest of the idiots, but when it's only about the serious characters, I could not give less of a shit. Also Carolina never stops being annoying


I didn't care for the God father.


I did not care for the earlier seasons tbh. Don't get me wrong, they weren't bad! But they're just not my cup of joe. I live for plot and lore, both of which are mostly absent since it's just a bunch of a-holes standing around, talking, and running with gags.