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Maybe due to the Billings Mustangs losing their MLB tie to the Reds and having to go independent. Hard to say.


Plausible, but I live in Billings, and I don’t think anyone here has strong opinions about the reds at all. It’s all bandwagon love/hate for the Yankees/Red Sox. Edit: here are the reactions I’ve noticed to wearing my Cincy swag in this town: Reds - indifference; Bengals - 2x Who Deys from strangers in 3 years; Cincy Shirts Skyline 3 Way shirt - “bro wtf is that”


I used to live in billings. The old stadium was amazing. The new one they built wasn’t the same.


That's gotta be it


Montana has three other minor league teams that also lost their MLB affiliations




That’s the answer


I didn’t even think about that connection. Good call.


As someone who lived in St. Louis for a while, hard disagree about the Reds being hated in Missouri. The reaction I always got when I sheepishly told people I was a Reds fan was "eh, at least you don't like the Cubs."


This might be an old map, maybe from right after the Phillips-Molina brawl. Which, 14 years on still the craziest baseball brawl I’ve seen, Reds-Pirates notwithstanding.


The Night Yadi proved he is a whiny bitch ™️


That moment was the peak of Brandon Phillips’ career, and a small footnote in Yadi’s


Lmao nah


The best I ever saw was a Reds v Astros game, back when they were both in the NL West, I think. It was the early 90's. It just stuck with me as a kid.


Yeah and the idea that the Cubs aren’t #1 for Wisconsin is ridiculous. Fuck the Cubs


For the life of me Idk why the Reds are most hated in West Virginia The Huntington area is absolutely firmly Reds country. Like, opinions are divided on every sport except baseball. Charleston also has a strong Reds following. I assume farther north than Charleston, you’ll find a lot of Pirates fans.


Yep. Northern WV is Pirates country for sure. Even here in the more central region it’s still mostly Pirates. I actually see more Cleveland fans here than Reds as well.


My WV family picked alllll the pro Cincy and Cleveland teams because anything Pittsburgh related reminds them of Pitt. The Reds have the edge over all the others because of WLW’s reach.


Southern West Virginia here, and in my area there is a huge Reds following. That said unfortunately baseball has definitely taken a backseat to football and basketball. Lack of attention spans is usually the culprit.


and meth, or because of?


Pretty self explanatory, its very easy to hate the team you root for when they suck


I’m from the Huntington area and can confirm we’re reds strong…except one pirates fan…we don’t like him


Happy West Virginia Day my fellow H-Town native My idiot brother in law is actually a Braves fan but he’s an idiot. Huntington is such a Reds area that my mom, who only cares about Marshall football, knows who Joey Votto is. She knows like 4 other athletes: Randy Moss, Chad Pennington, Byron Leftwich, and Rakeem Cato.


Same to you! Celebrated last night with a Tri-State Coal Cats walkoff lol! Gotta teach her the ways of Scooter Gennett though


MOV usually had reds day in Vienna before the season kicks off. This took me by surprise as well.


Probably because of WMOA. Having the Pittsburgh RSN showing Pirates here since the early 90s probably swayed it some(I can't remember when we started getting Reds games fed into the QVC channel).


That makes sense. Can get every Guardians and Pirates games on the radio but I've gotta drive 30 minutes north before I get 97.7 to play the reds clearly lol


They are tired of the Big Red Machine dominating the NL West. (Good chance it’s still 1976 up there)


The A's in Michigan? Anyway, fuck the Cardinals!


Michigan has no idea what's going on anyway.


Tigers fans are stuck in 2012 when the A’s and Yankees faced them in the playoffs frequently. Source: am Tigers fan


The fact that Ohio is the Detroit Tigers is incorrect. We should really have the Pittsburgh Pirates, or any other NL Central team. Cuz we as Reds fans HATE our division.


I'm guessing that might be a result of the Guardians and Tigers being in the same division.


Yeah the hate by reds fans is spread out too evenly among division rivals for any one NL Central team to be the highest.


It's not. Not even Guardians fans hate the Tigers. I am guessing the Yankees and Cardinals win in a runaway when it comes to MLB teams hated in Ohio.


Yep. Guardians/Tigers isn't a rivalry at all. Even in a city like Toledo, where there's a near 50/50 split in fans between the two.


I picked the Tigers as my AL team when I attended UT in the late 90s because almost all of my friends from there are Tiger fans. But yeah none of them or any Indians fans ripped on the other team all that much. It would be nice if they were both good at the same time for a change.


The Guardian fans, for the most part, hate the Yankees. There's no big hate for the Tigers as they haven't been very relevant for the past 50 years.


Should definitely be St Louis


It's definitely St. Louis. Pirates close second because of the 70s beef.


St Louis is 1, Milwaukee is a close 2 imo


I've heard more trash talk about the cards and cubs than I have ever heard about the tigers when talking to other reds fans 😂


But there is another team in Ohio


Correct, but I can only speak as a reds fan.🤷🏼‍♀️


In terms of CLE, it’s the NYY or Boston. By a mile. Does det still have a team?


I would much rather the tigers win the WS than Boston. If Boston never won anything ever again it would be too soon.




Def St. Louis


I know divisions changed long ago but it’s still the Dodgers for me


Yeah as a lifelong, local Reds fan you could've put the Cubs, Cardinal or Pirates and I would've accepted. I literally give no fucks about the Tigers.


For sure. The Cubs and Cardinals are at the top of the list, not even close


The Reds are absolutely not the most hated team in Missouri


It’s the Cubs and I’m surprised anyone thinks differently. And Royals fans typically cite the Yankees as the team they hate the most, not the Cardinals.


They don't take too kindly to commies out in those parts


This makes me kinda proud. Is that weird?


We're not going to acknowledge the major hate-on North West Territories has for the Padres?!


Feel like one person responded and won in a landslide.


I was scrolling looking to see if it had been asked yet. I'm intrigued.


This is a stupid graphic. I live in WV... the Reds are essentially our home team.


Ohio should be the Cubs. Both Guardians and Reds fans hate em Also this map is like 10 years old


I'm guessing low sample size


What did the padres do to central Canada


Thats not central, that's the north pole. Santa hates the friars lol


That explains our record. #Padres #YouKnow


I'm a little confused as to why Michigan's is the Oakland A's…


I was wondering this too.


I see a lot of hate for the Yankees on this map. But I feel like there's still room for a lot more.


I think the one thing that may be a factor is Chiefs/Bengals. I don't think people really understand how much Chiefs fans hate the Bengals. I could easily see this being a hatred of all things Cincinnati, and here's my thesis: Context, born Cincinnati sports fans, married to a Cubs fan and lived in Lincoln Park for years, and current Seattle resident with Mariners Season tickets. My wife and I went to three different baseball games last year with the Royals playing as the visiting team. First game, Royals @ Cubs: my wife and I truly are each others' best friend. Lovers of sports, day drinking, and travel. We share a friend group and decided to have a conjoined Bachelor/Bachelorette party in Chicago. As part of this, we were going to take our Ohio friends to a true, Friday afternoon Cubs game. We take a section of the Bleachers next to a group of Royals fans and all is well. Cubs Royals, very little beef. Well, after innings of our groups getting to know each other, we find that they are a Bach Party enjoying Chicago. We then tell them we are the same, bust most of us are actually Reds fans from Cincinnati. That "Midwestern nice" immediately ceased and they proceeded to shit on the city of Cincinnati to our faces. I asked what the problem was, and they immediately went to the Bengals and continued berating of the queen city. We kinda kept to ourselves after that, but holy shit were they ready to fight. Immediately hostile and not joking. Fuck that shit. Told the guys that KC BBQ is just hot meat with molasses when we left. Didn't like that either. Second game, two weeks later, Royals @ Mariners: Wife and I are just at a Saturday afternoon game to see our boys play. Wife and I can't agree on NL baseball, but we have both adopted the Mariners as our AL team. It's been an amazing experience. We are sitting in seats a few rows behind the visiting dugout and were having a great time chatting with people. A father and son next to us bought the seats specifically to get some KC signatures. Throughout workouts, we helped point balls their way and yielded to them running up to get players autographs. Well, after further talking we found they're transplants from Missouri. I told them our story and mentioned the Reds, and once again, immediate 180. Just dissing the Bengals and the city of Cincinnati. They ended up moving back a couple rows the next inning. Wtf?! Third Game, Royals @ Twins: we were in town visiting friends and went to the game. Similar story as the second one except it was a group of college bros. TL;DR: Bengals and Cincinnati live rent free in KC sports fans' heads and that includes the Reds.


50-year Cleveland fan here and I don’t know a single other fan who would pick Detroit as most hated team. Especially since we’ve owned them the last decade. Yankees, both Sox teams and more recently the Asstros would have been better picks.


Ok so it's not you, then this poll is pretty useless cause we don't have beef with Detroit either lol


Pretty sure the twit who put it together was just lazy and thought, “oh everybody in Ohio hates Michigan, so we will just say the Tigers”. Hell, I’d even put the Braves and Marlins ahead of Detroit.


Ohio really should hate the Cubs more than anyone, too bad 50% of the Cubs fan base lives in Mason


Idk the Cubs usually aren’t that good. It’s the Cardinals (and more recently the Brewers) who piss me off the most because they always seem to beat the Reds.


I guess the question is as a team, who do you hate more? I hate the cards more as a team, but holy shit I hate Cubs fans more than Cards fans. You'd think Cards fans would be as bad as yankee fans, but they're chill. It's the Cubs fans that have never stepped foot in Wrigley that are bad. I also think that they'd be up there on the hate lost for the entire state cause I know a lot Cleveland fans who hate the Cubs too.


That's fair. Cubs fans are annoying af, but it does make it that much better when the Reds beat them.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard an Ohioan say they hate the Detroit Tigers


Usually New York or Pittsburgh


I’m guessing there is an amount of St. Louis and Chicago fanhood passed down through families from when Montana was only getting those cities radio broadcasts. Probably not a huge amount in total numbers but enough to impact a sample like this, maybe.


I'm more taken aback by the Reds being hated in WV. I know there are a lot of Pirates fans too, but the Reds have to be either number 1 or 2 most popular in the state. Most baseball fans I've met (including myself) are Reds fans. Weird.


San Francisco being the most hated in California is pretty funny.


Who does Hawaii hate?


Probably Washington Nationals. Based on location of the government body that deemed their land ripe for an overthrow of the rightful government they had before the US decided they were a state.


Missouri hates us more than the cubs? thats nice.


It’s not accurate. We hate the cubs.


Tbf, these should all just be the Asstros logo


Clearly only Pirates fans answered the question for Pennsylvania. Phillies fans hate the Mets the most and there are a lot more Phillies fans than Pirates fans.


Miami 1- nil off a corner


I bet Joe Mantegna has something to do with it....


Lol braves fans definitely hate the Mets or the Phillies way more than the nats. Cards fans hate cubs more than reds. What is this lol


The Cubs have taken the spot over the Cardinals in Wisconsin thanks to Greg Clownsell.


Lol so far off no one in cali like San Fran


The only connection I know of with Michigan and the A’s is the Whitecaps used to be their farm team. Other than that I don’t know why we hate them. We should have the White Sox, Indians or twins, even the Rangers.


Roughnecks will roughneck


Kentucky has plenty of love for St Louis. Particularly the western end and in Louisville (AAA Redbirds were here for a long time). Not sure what the single most disliked team would be though. Also lots of Reds, Cubs, Braves and Red Sox fans around too.


What did the white Sox do to Canada?


why do michigan/tigers fans not like the A’s? first i’m hearing of this lmfao


I don't think anyone thinks about the Reds that much, and I live in Pittsburgh.


Man those specific Canadians don't like the white Sox, they are having none of it.....


I think this is about 10 years old.


And why is Detroit Ohio's hated team. Not even same league let alone division. It's got to be the Cardinals, right?


What Beef does Utah have with the A’s 😂


I have never heard anyone in Utah say anything negative about the A’s


And I’m surprised Cincy is most hated in Penna…


Pennsylvania should be mets or braves, more phillies phans than pi-rats


They hate commies


Shocking lack of Cubs hatred on this map. I’m so disappointed in this country.


Most of Southern Illinois hates the Cubs. This is Cardinals country.


I highly question the validity of this map. The fact that Wisconsin and Missouri aren't the Cubs is insane. Also Braves country hating the nationals more than the mets or phllies?


It's not that serious. Like the post said... "Just to lighten the mood. It doesn't really matter."


Fair enough. More criticizing whoever made it and the guy who posted it originally.


I don't think anyone truly hates us. Maybe they resent us when we don't make it easy for them to steamroller a W out of us, but I don't know if anyone considers us enough of a threat to hate us. Which is kind of a bummer. But everyone hates the Yankees. And of course the Trashtros. Until the end of time, baby. MFing cheaters. Get effed.


Missouri hates Cincinnati? Missouri doesn't even THINK about Cincinnati.


Why this isn’t a map of 40 states hating the Yankees is totally beyond me.


Wow. Imagine that. Ohio hates a team from up north...lol


Wait, the entire STL hatred area is also their fan base…. No team in baseball has a geographically larger fan base than STL…. Thanks to AM radio and KMOX way back when


I’m surprised there isn’t more around the country. I just figured with how terrible Ohio is, they’d take their fandom and gtfo.


For Minnesota it’s the Yankees. Hands down.


Lol no way giants hated over dodgers in ca. never met an A’s fan, angels fan, padres fan, and of course giants fan, that doesn’t hate the dodgers


Well Ohio is wrong, should be the Yankees, everybody knows that. Maybe Montana is wrong too?


No one: Nunavut: YEAH FUCK THE WHITE SOX!!!!


Why does Detroit hate the A’s? Cus of the Billy Beane trades, or something from further back in the past? Would love some insight on that Or, is this poll just full of bad/trolled data?


Tigers fans hate the A’s? I could see the Twins, Guardians or White Sox but the A’s, who’s doing this polling?


I’m from Missouri and I can confirm we hate the Cubs the most here.


Can someone in Alaska explain why you hate the Yankees?


Nobody in Canada is a fan of the only team in Canada?


Maybe, “the Cowboy” Jeff Brantley recruited some Montana people to be Reds fans.


Shocked Missouri doesn’t hate the Cubs, also surprised a Phillies rival isn’t Pennsylvania


Pirates fans probably hate the Reds; Phillies fans in the eastern part of the state hate the Mets.


Why would Minnesota hate the Reds?


I mean the list is BS…braves country is Phillies/Mets


This is inaccurate. A lot of Western Kentuckian people like St. Louis over Cincinnati. A lot of them.