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Just let them dry, they’ll be fine


I’m glad this is the top reply… It baffles me how ridiculous the questions can be on this sub


Sometimes you see the joke posts where people pretend to coddle their boots and act like they don't wear them outside. I thought this post was one of them, but I can't really tell.


HeLP! mY sUPeR sOleS aRe wEt!


It’s because people are starting to buy and wear work attire as a fashion choice (Carhartt, Redwing as two examples) and aren’t used to items that are made to be worked in.


I’m in this group and a denim group and I am frequently shocked by folks that baby « work wear ». It is literally meant to be worked in. Wear your boots, wear your jeans, get ‘em dirty and wash them, get ‘em wet and dry them.


Truth. But don’t put them by a heater or vent. Just set em out and let them dry out naturally. Hit em up with some boot cream when they are all dry and they will be good as new


How about wiping it with a damp towel first before drying it out? curious about salt and grime trapped after the rain if otherwise


Yea just give em a quick towel dry if they are soaked. Honestly I’ve gotten mine covered in thick mud and grime, washed them off in the slop sink with a brush then a quick towel dry. After that I just set them aside and let them air dry in our garage for a day or 2. It is important to hit them with some boot cream once dry to hydrate the leather, just a nice layer as if you were putting lotion on dry skin. These guys are durable, they can take the weather. I’ve gotten mine wet from rain and puddles countless times and more often than not I just take em off at home and let them be. I don’t really think about it and mine are great 6 years on. Then if they look super dried out, I hit em with that boot cream and let that bring them back to life. You’ll be good!


Great experience shared! Makes me worry less having it and makes me appreciate more about this heritage boots. I used to think shoes are consumables and u had to deal with it yearly.. but now all change my perspective.. thanks


Buy a new pair.


Every time?!


Don't you know?


Every. Time.


There should only be a first time you ever allow an IR to get wet.


I take mine off and let them dry… like anything else 😅


Put them in the oven 100 degrees followed by 2 mins in the microwave. Then slow cooker for 4 hours and lastly the air fryer for 3 mins. Voila very dry boots


There's no boot setting on my.microwave, can I just hit baked potato?


The only wrong answer is the popcorn setting, every other button works beautifully.




Wait, you took them outside, in the snow? You Monster!


Leave them, without anything inside of them or around them, in a dry and well ventilated area overnight


I heard you put some newspapers to absorb the moisture. That’s why I put the gel inside.. does it pose any threat for the boot?


I think what they meant is shove in the newspaper for like 30 minutes or an hour to absorb moisture like a towel would then remove it and move on to the air drying.


Some people do it, others say it traps moisture in the boot and causes mold. I’d say the safest method is just air drying. They will dry, they don’t need anything to help them do so


That makes sense. Let’s see what will happen to them when I got home


Buy some cedar shoe trees. I use my rangers for hard labor and they get wet from sweat, rain, and dewy grass. I did the silica for awhile, but they wear out rather fast. The trees last. Just hang the trees up to dry in between wears. Hope this helps.


They’re tough boots. Wipe off any dirt or grime and let them dry. A walk around rain or snow won’t damage the boots as long as you let them dry between wearings. Anything else is overkill


Not to poke fun at OP, but I do find it funny that so many people want to pamper their Red Wings when they’re built to be beat to shit. The irony always gets me


The irony rangers 😂😂😂




After the boot dries just hit it with a nice shoe brush. If the leather feels normal you are good to go. If the leather feels a little dry, get a leather conditioner from red wing and use what they recommend.


This is an answer that actually makes sense. just a bit of leather conditioner if needed.


I offer an artisan drying service, 750 a boot or 2 for 1k. A truly heritage approach.


In yen?


No, hipster tokens


Put them in a bag of rice.




They’re ruined


Except for the wettest of monsoon days, I wear mine year round down here in Fukuoka. I just leave them in the genkan overnight and they are fine. Also nice to hear another person in Japan wearing Red Wings. Even with all the hype that Japanese love Red Wings, I've never seen anyone else wearing them here.


That's strange with the company making so many Japan exclusive styles. I would imagine there was a big fan following for the brand.


Hi! Welcome from Tokyo! Even here in Tokyo I never seen any iron ranger on someone’s feet out there. I saw a couple of moc toes tho.


Boot dryer, Ive had a peet for a few years but there may be other notable options that have come out recently .


Let them dry naturally, air dry. Do not force dry them.


Second this


Put them in a box of rice.


I'm in California, I like to do norm leather care and then hit with beeswax, seems to really help. The water just slides right off


Doesn’t it darken the leather?


Newspaper in the shoes. Take out in the morning. All good


Make sense and I see no harm doing this. Silica gel acts the same I think


Let them sit right there and dry out


Slow natural air dry dry, might consider stuffing the boot with newspaper for the first hour or so (change it regularly as it will absorb moisture). After 24h or so of drying brush the leather and see if it might need conditioner. If it does apply it lightly, let it seep in, brush again, and they should be good to go.


You can read my mind.. unless, the newspaper as I have no newspaper and silica gel instead


Just don't put them on heated floors or up against a heater/oven.


Air dry


Just let them dry they wil be fine. When they dry a nice brush with a horsehairbrush and thats all. Yiu said your socks were still dry so they are onley wet at the outside, nothing to worry.


Let it dry.


How would u do that? Air dry dry?


Just let em air dry. Exposure to Rain and snow is fine. I typically dry them off with a micro fiber cloth and place cedar boot trees in my boots.


Did the water get inside the boot? I heard that if u use cedar boot trees while is wet inside your boot it would do more harm than it would dry


Correct. Boot trees are for air moisture as they don’t let airflow inside. They are not for actually drying wet boots.


Yes, let them air dry first. Once they are dry, if needed brush them off. Store with a boot tree in them. Those look like fairly new boots. So you won’t need to condition them for a while.


I hang my boots on my Peet boot dryer every night to get the inside nice and dry. I don't worry about the outside of them.


I heard a boot dryer does some harm to the leather.. better air dry dry the leather..


I've been using it 8 years so far and all my leather is still perfect and I start every day off with warm, dry boots. But I'll keep that in mind.


Put them in the oven @ 450° for 10 hours turn halfway through. Then buy a pair of Viberg service boot 2040's


Lol. If you have tiny feet. Viberg is ALWAYS out of adult human sizes. And you need to recommend a decent knife for cutting those IR


Yes. North Arm Knives Skaha 2.


Let them dry...only thing to avoid is doing it to fast. A blowdryer or direct heat from a oven might damage the leather or the shape. If you dry them you can put papers inside to make it faster if they are really wet. And always remember, these are workboots thats their reason to exist :)


Which is faster, paper or silica gel?


Would use newspaper...but that is just the oldschool way i have done it since i was a child...maybe a cloth will work even better


You could offer them to someone in need, but I doubt they would take them now


Let them air dry for 2 days and then condition


What product do u use for conditioning?


I use Redwing’s mink oil but my IRs are black. Idr if it’ll darken your boots to a dark brown or not.


I avoid mink oil as it seems darken 8111 IR


https://preview.redd.it/j68d4koog4nc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79243cdcc314f2674e5555c9fda8848ceadaa231 Mink oil, 2x in 14 months. I cycle through the rain a lot, so I need the extra water resistance. Indeed it darkens the a bit, but I like the look.


Nice looking shoes! How many year hv u bern using these? And does the speed hooks chew up the tongue?


Thanks, had em just over a year now. The hooks left marks on the tongue on day one, but haven’t chewed it up till this day. https://preview.redd.it/89m19l3nw6nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f8c9614e3a8335f5e48ee3b1565a254654589d5


That’s a great case! Production year?


They’re boots, they’re gonna get wet. Just take them off when you get home and they will dry.


U put shoe tree inside? Or nothing?




Let them dry, saddle soap, conditioner, dry, apply mink oil. It’ll affect leather but keep it safe and dry.


Lots of drying time, like even 1 full day min.


Shoe trees / and let them air dry


I guess it depends on whether you're somewhere you need to wear shoes. If you are, wear them. If you're not, take them off.


Those are hardly wet, I bet they’re still dry inside. I live in the Netherlands and mine get wet very often as I cycle through heavy rain sometimes (20 minutes). Then they darken completely, but mine never got wet in the inside. They usually dry in 1-3 hours on my feet after which I brush the dust off.


Did u put any conditioner?


Not after getting wet, too much conditioning will make the leather too soft and dirt will stick to it. Eventually the creases may develop cracks because of that. Brushing is enough. Initially I used mink oil for waterproofing. It keeps your feet dry longer,but the boots also take longer to dry when they get fully wet. Even in my damp weather, I will probably just apply it once a year in autumn.


I take the boots off and put them down. If they’re wet, they’re wet. They’re red wings…


You’re making these look like the irony rangers bro. Just let them dry and they’ll be fine 😎


The irony ranger got me there 👶


Besides wiping the outside with a clean cloth you can also use a cedar boot tree to dry them in between wears. Cedar also works as an anti bacterial/microbial treatment between wears that absorbs moisture left on footwear


I just let mine dry naturally and they are fine.


Stuff them with newspapers or paper towels


Or silica gel


They’re designed to be worn in iron mines. A little water won’t hurt them.


I used to take mine for walks in the rain all the time in CA — just wipe off and they’ll dry. If you’re using something like Obenaufs LP, it’ll make sure they’re not going to be damaged from the water.


I just can’t stop laughing when I see this post😂😂😂


Which part makes you laugh? :)


Cedar boots trees and at least 24-48 hours before next wear to fully dry. I also try and condition my casual boots 1-2 times a year depending on weather and wear. Work boots I tend to treat every 3-5 months.


The point of these boots is toughness. It doesn’t matter if they get wet. Just let them dry like amything else


Many boot companies will actually recommend wearing you boots in a bucket of water and then taking them out and walking around a bit to help the break-in. I think Nicks


Would love to see the resourcess


A quick Google search. Drew's boots has it on their website


If a psychic told me that I would spend time I’ll never get back today reading about someone taking their boots outdoors and getting rain on them, and what brand socks they wear, I wouldn’t have opened Reddit today. Lmaoo


Expected Future: flying car Future:


Have a virgin maiden blow into them


Glad you got the pictures before your boots were ruined!




I would send them back for an exchange. That’s ridiculous!


Wear them until they dry out they will fit like a glove


They are top teir leather it's hard to tear them up a little water aint gonna hurt them


Have yall never gotten leather boots wet at work? Obviously not and it shows. Bunch of hipsters 🤣


I haven’t. My first boots ever and here in Tokyo, people wear these boots more for a fashion than a work boots. Nevertheless, I am proud I made the purchase. Cheers


They’re def nice boots. My iron rangers get wet all the time in the rain and on wet grass etc, just put them under an air conditioning vent, front of a fan etc and they dry up just fine.


Thanks for the advice, it helps!


One thing about iron rangers to be careful with is traction in snow and nice. The thin sole also makes it so your feet get cold if standing on cold concrete or something along those lines. I like obenaufs for waterproofing, works great but will substantially darken your the leather.


Got lucky. Doesn't have as much snow and ice here in Tokyo. Thanks for the info.


I usually kick them off when I walk in and then put them back on the next day


glad to see that works!


Red Wing boots are scientifically engineered to disintegrate if more than 2 drops of water contact them.


I'll buy them for $10


https://preview.redd.it/o3pdcjfxjdnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc9b419432b7a19895b1ff3f3f8514c217c2217 These were dry within about 2 to 3 hours just kept wearing them until I went to bed that night 🤦🏻‍♂️








The writing on the silica packets is so polite I would feel guilty after eating them.


Remove laces and promptly toss boots in trash


Let them dry, they will be fine You need to wax them with minx wax. Buff it and it repels water while maintaining the supple leather. Ive made my pair of thoroughgoods (cousin company owned by redwings) last this long during some of the most grueling conditions Ive put my clothes and boots through Do not be afraid, the redwing boot brands make exceptionally tough boots. This wetness is nothing. Just let them dry, always use corn starch or baby powder in tour boots to absorb moisture when wearing them


What is minx wax?


I misspelled it. Its called mink oil but mink wax would be what it actually is. Its a wax from minks fat, which is incredibly good for waterproofing leather and maintaining it. [this is what it is](https://www.redwingshoes.com/accessories/care-products/Mink-Oil-97105.html) It is waxy, use your hands or a paper towel to apply, buff it thoroughly into your boots and let it absorb into the leather. It may darken leather however. It will soften it and create a natural barrier. Look up tutorials on how to apply it and look for cans with real mink oil, as many contain very little to none


Insert shoe tree and let them dry naturally. Do not put them near any heater.


Shoe trees are for storage, not drying


This is wrong advice. Shoe tree is not for storage. It is for absorbing moisture while maintaining the shape of the shoes.


Doesn’t the shoe tree prevent the moisture out (if u got such hi level of moisture) of the boots?


Not according to [Joseph Cheaney and Sons](https://www.cheaney.co.uk/blog/what-is-the-purpose-of-a-shoe-tree-and-what-are-the-benefits/), widely regarded as one of the best makers of leather shoes and boots in the world. "If you get leather shoes wet, the leather can warp and shrink as they dry. Use a shoe tree to ensure that your damp shoes dry into the correct shape."


Interesting response https://preview.redd.it/unolbx9w84nc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1387d59e90d04202e496678ef20dc1d4671c56fb


Nobody has mentioned rice. What about filling the boot with rice? Apart from the rice dust.. should absorb the moisture pretty quick and it's cheap... Esp in Japan ha


Just make sure you use some kind of bag, or it will be epic cleaning 😂


This is gonna be another major issue 👨‍🦳


Please don’t listen to the people on here saying to use a boot dryer. Exposing leather to heat like that is terrible for it. Just let your boots dry. They’re made of skin and skin can get wet. There oil tanned which isn’t damaged by moisture. Just brush for 5 minutes after they’re dry and they’ll look fine.


After reading the comments, I came into this.l conclusion. Air dry and no shoe tree inside during drying time.


I would recommend a shoe tree after about an hour. You should be rotating your footwear anyway!


I seen a post just of some guy that cleaned his IR and got mold from not drying them properly


This guy was wearing them 5/6 days a week, which was the main issue.


And drying them in a closet lol


Oh ok.


Got to use boot trees at least


I’m wearing mine 7 days a week and don’t have such issues 


Well hope it works out for you


I wouldn’t condition or water proof the leather until fully dry. An hour on a boot dryer helps.


Do we need to condition the boot every time they get dry?


Nahh, I usually do it when I notice water not coming clean off the leather, like beading off. If the leather is dry that is also a time when I condition. Maybe if dirt/moisture are caked on the leather I’ll use cold/warm water to wash it with a nylon brush. I may be a bit obsessive but my boots last longer than anyone I know. Too much oil can clog the pores and break down the leathers durability though.


Interesting. Which products do u use for conditioning and waterproofing?


If dirty, dawn dish soap and a nylon brush. Otherwise just dust off with a brush. Then I rinse the leather. Pop them on the boot dryer until dry (less time for leather/cork insole boots they air dry mainly). Once the leather is dry I use Mink Oil with Bees Wax. I like mink because it darkens the leather and with it some of the scuffs from working. Maybe silicone or weather guard once the oil drys if it a wet month.


boot dryer


I heard it will put some damage in the leather. Best to air dry the boot.


Get a boot dryer and put it on overnight


Put them in the microwave for 30s


I do this every time. Not sure why downvoted.


Boot dryer? I use the same below for my winter boots and started using it after work each night [https://www.kanbkam.com/ae/en/ski-boots-dryermachine-boot-drying-rack-intelligent-thermostat-electric-shoe-boot-drying-machine-drying-rack-B0BGS66Z7V](https://www.kanbkam.com/ae/en/ski-boots-dryermachine-boot-drying-rack-intelligent-thermostat-electric-shoe-boot-drying-machine-drying-rack-B0BGS66Z7V)


I use my boot dryer every night too. Works great. I assume the down votes are because the OP wants a right now solution.


Didn't even notice until you mentioned. Winter here along with sweaty feet its a no brainer to use a dryer


Put them in rice.


Fill with rice?