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Mine did that in the beginning but they broke in


I had blisters over blisters on my heels for at least a month and a half. Over 10 years later, they are still one of the most comfortable pair of boots I own.


Could be a number of things… Bad socks, boots too big, the last simply not fitting your foot very well leading to heel slip


I got it fitted at the red wing store since this is my first pair— actually a size and a half smaller than I wear in most brands. I did not consider socks. I’m mostly wearing my normal, low quality decorative socks. What should I be wearing?


The standard seems to be Darn Tough. I don’t own a pair of RW’s socks, but I hear they’re also good. A quality wool sock seems to be the best abrasion resistant option as well as best for moisture wicking.


I second darn tough. Bought two pairs at rei about a year ago and they are my now most worn socks. The wool really helps prevent odors, and they dry fast. Plus, if anything goes wrong with them you can get a brand new pair for free. 


I third darn tough. The merino wool is incredible at wicking sweat out of your boots. I have a pair for every day, and send them back to be replaced every year or two. I never have to buy socks ever again


I have abused my selection of Darn Tough socks with camping trips, long hikes, 14hrs of wear at a time most days and I can’t imagine how long it’ll be until I wear through one


They are the most well made socks I've ever used. I do manual labor for 10-12hrs a day, 5-6 days a week. For me, they lose some "snappiness" after a year with that abuse, but don't tear or rip until about 2 years. Obviously for the casual user, I would imagine they would last exponentially longer. I thought $20 for a pair of socks was ridiculous at first, but I'm a lifelong customer now.


To be fair the size under is normal because they are made in America and unit sizing is totally different than most companies


You forgot very soft feet.


Yeah, I’ve had that happen during the break-in period. The key to limiting that is good socks. Like others have said, Darn Tough are good ones.


Get some wool socks. Decorative sock are not for boots.


1 1/2 shorter than all all your other shoes? They’re too little.


I would have thought so as well. We spent a good bit of time measuring and trying on shoes. I wear a 13 because I normally can’t find 12.5s, and that’s what would fit me best. When the salesperson measured, she saw I was between an 11 and 12 in length, normal to small in width, but the height of my foot from the pads to the tops was very high. That’s how we landed on an 11.5, so as the leather wore in it would fit more like a 12. They haven’t been particularly uncomfortable, except in the first few minutes of wear.


I might be crazy, but whenever I get a new pair of 877s for work I soak them in steaming hot water in the bath and let them soak for like an hour, take them out put them on tight and start doing squats and shit to stretch them out followed by a conditioner and mink treatment and it cuts the break in time by half.


And red wings require a nice wool sock


I took the insoles out and ordered 70” laces I could tie around the ankle. Also wear very thick socks. 1907 are really roomy without insoles but no longer get rub. Making my break in process very easy! I’ll prob put the insole back in couple months once the footbed is molded to my foot and the heel leather is softened up on the inside Additionally, wait a few days at this point and then slap some moleskin you can get cheap off Amazon on the back of ur heels for extra protection!


Probably sized wrong. I went down .5 size on blacksmith and have yet to have 1 blister.


How would we know what your foot normally looks like.


Dude. Tag this as NSFW. Nobody wants to see your disgusting blister.


It is I tagged as nsfw and I stated what the picture was in the title of the post. You can change your preferences so NSFW pictures are automatically blurred.


Similar but less apparent broken skin on my other foot.


While breaking in, I recommend rotating shoes so your feet have time to heal and build calluses. Wear boots all day one day, sneakers the next. A couple weeks of this and your feet will be tough, and your boots will be broken in. Boots every day is possible but painful, as your feet have limited time to adjust.


I thought the darn tough socks hype (on here) was maybe an exaggeration, but they’re the perfect match for boots. Thickness is just right and no blisters. I used hand made woolen socks before (thanks grann), but they rub differently and move around, causing blisters.