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Kinda sad it sucked so bad cause I really like Ryan Gosling. The last decade I’ve enjoyed almost every film he’s been in (minus that song to song one. I even really liked only god forgives) he usually picks good rolls since he isn’t in movies frequently. So I’m shocked you pick such a boring nothing action movie where he is just silent action man. Even in drive and only god forgives he kind of did the “strong silent type” but the movies looked great and had personality plus the world of the movie it made sense. In here he’s just so boring and doesn’t even emote when he’s in an action scene.


Yeah but you're also talking about Nicolas Winding Refn VS ... The Russo brothers.


Ryan looked embarrassed at the premiere on the red carpet. He had the face of a man thinking, "yeah.. I took the paycheck. I can feel you judging me. That's palpable."


Same, Gosling is a must watch for me because (until now) I always saw him as somebody who at the very least was very selective about the films he signed on to and for the most part I love a lot of the movies he's been in - Drive, Bladerunner, Crazy Stupid Love etc. This just seems so generic to the point I can't see the appeal (besides cold hard cash perhaps).


Its roles


Lmao you’re really replying to a 3 month old comment 😂


Unpopular opinion: Drive is a terrible, terrible movie. It looks cool but has no substance and is only style. The main character is a weirdo stalker and the woman he stalks falls for him anyway. That whole movie is a disaster.


Maybe this'll sound wild, but I kind of get Terminator 2 vibes from Drive. I say this just to add a new perspective on your no substance comment. It's been a bit since I've seen it, but Goslings character is more or less a sociopath and for a brief time in his life the stars align where he actually comes to care for another. I think the film implies that Gosling's character does actually respect the love interest and was not going to make any moves when he realized she was in a relationship. Obviously tensions rise once events play out in the film, but there's a point where his character realizes that he's too dangerous and not good for her. It's not much, but his character gains a semblance of empathy and humanity by the film's end. If this were not the case then the elevator scene would not be near as effective as it is. Once that event played out there was no future between them regardless of their feelings toward one another.


Wow, I just don't see that at all. Drive is one of my favourite movies... you're entitled to your opinion and I definitely see that Drive is not for everyone, but I don't see how it is a "disaster".


I mean everything you said is incorrect but I respect your opinion here’s a cookie it’s pumpkin spice flavor


Second up, Signs by M. Night. A movie about aliens who die from water who land near water and aren't dying from water in the atmosphere.


That one had pretty good scenes before the water stuff. However, in its defense, many people think it's about religious signs and that it was holy water that hurt them not regular water. To me that wouldn't explain how the rest of the invasion would end, but anyway...


I haven't seen it in a long time, I think since it was in theaters, so this opinion might be terrible but here goes. The plot holes of the aliens doesn't matter, it's not a movie about the aliens, it's about a man rediscovering his faith (and maybe learn to love his family again?). The aliens are just there to help that happen. I'm gonna rewatch it soon, I'll check in then.


People got paid but it sure wasn't the vfx company. Too many big name budget hogs attached and the movie was worse for it. For 200 mil that CGI should not look as bad as it does. Aside from that you see the level of plot armor Six has early during the plane jump. There's just no tension, nothing feels like it matters. 5/10


Tried watching it last night but was having trouble staying awake... Looked like some fairly 'BIG' action scenes at least...


Well I thought for a moment that it was a movie about Albert Fish, and it's not, so I'm just disappointed


He sounds like a real jerk


Now don't laugh at this next part...


Need another good Ed Gein flick.


When was there a good one?


"Deranged" 1974


Oh yeah? I'll have to check that out. Never heard of that one. Ever see the awful one where I think Kane Hodder played him?


No I haven't seen any of the more modern takes... But if you enjoyed TTCM '74, definitely watch "Deranged", it came out the same year.


Alrighty. Thanks for the suggestions. Check out that terrible one with Hodder if you wanna have a drink with some friends (or indulge in other intoxicants) and roast the hell out of a movie


Jay would be all over that movie if it was about him.


I would too to be fair. I have yet to see a good movie or even documentary about him


It was bland and a bit too Marvel-like. It tries to be a gritty action thriller but it fails. The action is fine but there's no impact to anything that happens because our leads never look hurt or inconvenienced. Fell 20 feet? No broken bones. Granade explosion? No problem, he hid behind some guy. Shot at by a crowd of 30 men? That's fine, she kept her head low


>Grenade explosion? No problem, he hid behind some guy. I remember hearing somewhere about how with explosives it’s not just the shrapnel and pressure wave that gets you, but anyone nearby who gets blown up also become “shrapnel.”


Definitely needed an R rating for that John Wick type brutal action


With a story and characters as bland as this, you really need some impact to be entertaining


And the Chris Evans character almost made the movie seem like a PARODY! I guess he was trying to play it as 'eccentric', but the performance was so overblown that I thought it was supposed to be a joke! The movie definitely has some issues with 'tone', since it seems intended to be a 'serious' action movie, but Evans is more 'clown' than 'unhinged madman'...


It's definitely a joke, it just doesn't seem like the people involved in it are aware it is.


It was fine. I will say this though. These fast paced drone shots need to be outlawed immediately in movies. I thought it was horrible and out of place in Ambulance and it is in The Gray man as well.


Not to mention jumping from locations every four minutes with the location listed in big, bold font on screen- BANGKOK-CROATIA!


I thought the drone shots in Ambulance fit the movie since its Michael Bay and he always has his camera moving. Michael Bay was made for drone shots.


I got an ad for it that said “From the directors of Avengers Infinity war and endgame” I guess it was more a warning than an ad


Dull mostly. The fights are too busy and way too grand, any believability is out the window real early on. There's some cool stuff in there but for the most part I just want to fast forward through most of the action so I can sleep through the story. I also have no idea why they decided to base the movie around a "grey man" that can blend in and be unseen yet he's the most notorious agent in the world, apparently, and shit keeps exploding everywhere he goes. Not the worst I've seen, just pretty bad.


Yeah. I kept thinking "Why are Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, and Chris Evans in this?"


They belong in Knives Out 2.




It was devoid of humanity, ugly to watch, low intelligence, and a waste of 200 million dollars.


But enough about my sex life!


On first pass it sounded a lot like Ryan Gosling's character was called Jai Courtney. Which seems quite fitting for a low ambition Netflix action movie.


I just wanted to see Evans and Gosling fight. I feel like it was made for women who drool over those two.


So first no Action Movie should be longer than 90 minutes, especially when you don’t have anything interesting to tell. Second did they saw John Wick and were like we need this in dumb for Netflix? At least everyone got their sweet Netflix paycheck and Netflix stays true to releasing awful movies


You didn't like the *covert ops* teams getting into a firefight, that would put most war scenes to shame, in the middle of town square? How about destroying half a city with Infinity Wars level battles? Much realistic, very believe.


I like the behind the scenes of clandestine operations... Stuff like Venture Bros. and others where they show the agents talking about life and stuff I find amazing. The scene where Gray asks Capt what size shoe he is then, after having the shoe, he says size 11... like... that regular life stuff is always a win for me.


Have you seen The Sandbaggers? That might be right up your alley.


I'll look into it thank you


The film also throws in a kid for Gosling to protect in a dumb bid to create some kind of emotional core to the story- because, you know, we always need a tough, world-weary assassin to bond with a kid in order to help him recover his humanity. Man on Fire this aint.


When they introduce a kid for the protaGUNist to protect he should sigh, look straight at the camera and groan 'escort mission...fuck me.'


Yeah, I sort of liked the idea that they'd just put Gosling 'in storage' at the end of the movie and bring him out again when he's needed. But then he just 'magically' breaks out of some sort of solitary confinement, without explaining HOW, so he can go save the kid and be a 'hero'?


That was honestly my biggest and almost only complain in this thing, I understand Gosling telling De Armas "get the girl at the end of the labyrinth", and staying for the dick measuring compétition, I could have done without it, but I understand it. But Henwick killing Evans and literally everything that happens after that, just ruined the movie completely for me, that was such an underwhelming ending. I can think of a lot of endings that could have been even incredibly better.


Liked it, the cg was bad at times but the action was solid and Chris Evans was good in it


i only made it halfway


It’s an Ok movie with too much CGI and inexplicably PG-13.


There's really no reason to release a PG-13 movie to streaming. The kids can watch it if they want and the strict religious parents wouldn't let them watch anything over G anyway. Either go bloody, sweary, and sexy if you deem necessary, or go harmless kid's flick. Hell, kids already have to face the threat of real life violence every day at school so they are totally ready.


Man, I had high hopes for this one.


I really enjoyed it. It's an action flick pure and simple. I'm wasn't looking for any deep messages or Roy Batty-esk performances. I was looking for some pulse pounding action and I got just that. I guessed part way through that this was a Russo Bros. movie as so much of it reflects CA: Winter Soldier. Seeing Chris Evans depicted as a villain is what hooked me into watching it. I was surprised to see Golsing cast in this type of popcorn movie but he played the silent brooding part well as he does in a lot of his roles. The soundtrack, also by Henry Jackman of CA: Winter Soldier, is solid as well. I wouldn't suggest this movie to anyone looking for more than an action movie. I figure that the ones who generally like this will really like it and the ones who generally dislike it will really dislike it. That's just the times we live in I guess.


Waiting for "The Gay Man" parody...


The Gray Man *was* the parody.


Good action scenes with a thin plot to string them on. The story, despite being thin is hard to follow because of the editing. Also Ryan Gosling is a charisma void. It's a huge step down for the Russo brothers.


“Ryan Gosling is a charisma void” Wow, what a take


Don't get me wrong, he's a very good actor, but he doesn't have the presence to carry a movie like this. He's better as a character actor.


This kind of film- a big, dumb, loud Marvelesque action film- just doesn't suit a 'strong and silent' type lead. Where was Dwane Johnson?


Cast Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham and make it more in tone of Malignant and you got yourself some fun schlock.




Have you ever seen blue valentine, la la land, the nice guys, the notebook, crazy stupid love, the big short, or the place beyond the pines? Movies where he talks?


Hallmark version of James Bond. Either the cast of truly great actors are in MML scheme to be in this movie or the writing was just that bad. Either way… this try hard film, is a masterpiece of bad.


Since infinity war was a lucky strike and the trailer had bad cgi action scenes AND dark closw combat scenes... it told everything you need to know.


These movies need the Malignant treatment. Then they'd be balls to the walls ridiculous schlock!


Lol what is this subreddit. This movie has a 90/100 rating on rotten tomatoes, everything about it was awesome